View Full Version : So, I pretty much need a new bicycle now. . . .

04-28-2005, 05:31 PM
Mine is kaput. Its rusty, the gears get stuck and then start shifting when I get out of the seat. Its just time for a new one.

Problem is, I don't know much about em, and I don't feel like going to bike store and asking :D Always feels like a used car dealership . . . .

I want something mountain bikeish. Not completely hardcore cus I'm not going up a mountain. The most I might do is a going through the Shenendoah. A lot of rough trails. But I also like to do some smoother paths. They've actually taken some old railroads, paved them, and turned them ito bike trails.

I'm not paying over $500 for a bike, so don't bother mentioning a Gary Fischer. My ideal price would be around $350. Any suggestions?

04-28-2005, 05:34 PM
There are a lot of good mountain bikes in your price range. Trek has bikes such as the 4600 (which I own) around $450. (The 4600 was from last year). Gary Fischer also has a few nice bikes around $500, too.

Your best bet is to go to a local bike shop (a good one, not K-Mart or those annoying little stores alongside every highway) and get properly fitted. Go from there.

04-28-2005, 05:54 PM
Trek bikes are great. My friend and I own 4900s, which we've been fine with. I think they set us back a little over 500 a piece. It's worth it IMO :)

04-28-2005, 08:00 PM
haha, I was just about to post that I like trek bikes...Get one :)

04-28-2005, 09:14 PM
All right cool. What size? I'm 6' 1" and 215 lbs (but I don't plan on staying at the weight)

04-28-2005, 09:18 PM
I could probably fix it :D Learning about bikes is easy, just take it apart, thats how I learned. Would also be cheaper fixing it than buying a brand new bike, and you would learn how it works. Its a win win situation ;)

04-28-2005, 09:25 PM
You should really go in to try the size of bike. I think I have an 18 inch frame. The bar should come up to about your crotch when you are standing over the bicycle IIRC.

The bike guys can help you, they know alot more than I do. In most of the bike shops i've been in, they actually try to help you, not pressure you into buying the highest priced model they have.

04-30-2005, 05:33 PM
Ok went to the bike shop. 19 or 20 inch is what they said. I think I prefered the 20 inch but it really didn't matter it seemed. Not much of a difference at least when I road it around there.

Only found one 4900 on ebay so I think I'm gonna wait a couple weeks or so. Unless someone has a similar suggestion . . . . .