View Full Version : New to Automag, need info

04-29-2005, 02:51 AM
I am a new owner of a 68automag :clap: and don't know much about it :eek: . It has a sidewinder reg with macro line at the asa and micro line at the top. I'am conserned this this set up may starve the marker of air ????. I have a warp feed and am wondering if I should install it ?? I need info, where can I learn about this marker.

04-29-2005, 05:52 AM
The sidewinder should come off and a gas through grip should go in its place if you are planning to run your mag on air. I prefer macroline to microline. I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling concerning flow with the small id of the microline.

A warp feed is a personal preference. Some like them. Others don't. They are great if you like low cover and the ability to come out over the top of your bunker.

Right here on AO is the best place to learn about your marker. Also check http://www.airgun.com for tech information.

04-29-2005, 06:06 AM
I'll give you a link to a good animation on this site...Pretty well explains how the mag works.

Welcome to Automags.org ;)

04-30-2005, 01:03 PM
If I'am going to run CO2 on this marker should I leave the sidewinder on??? I heard that CO2 isn't good for automags, is this true??

04-30-2005, 02:00 PM
Automags run pretty decent on co2. They were designed before nitrogen tanks were so people had to use co2 back then. I recommend getting an anti syphon tube installed in your tank.

Lose the sidewinder. If you want something that will help with co2, trade the sidewinder for a palmer stabilizer. It'll help with co2. :)

05-03-2005, 05:41 PM
Automags run pretty decent on co2. They were designed before nitrogen tanks were so people had to use co2 back then. I recommend getting an anti syphon tube installed in your tank.

Lose the sidewinder. If you want something that will help with co2, trade the sidewinder for a palmer stabilizer. It'll help with co2. :)

Don't even try to run an automag on CO2, they don't run on CO2. Save up the money and buy a hpa system, way more consistent than CO2 and it actually works for an automag, plus since automags are gas hogs you get more shots. btw when you do get a hpa system i highly recommend a 68 ci 4500 psi tank with a centerflag hyperflow reg, that's what i run my rt on.

good luck,


05-03-2005, 06:06 PM
Loneshark, first off congrats on the new mag! :dance:

I use co2 with my mag and I run it with a remote line (which acts as an expansion chamber) and I replaced the gas thru grip with a 6 stage expansion chamber. Last Sunday it was 35 degrees where we played and I had ZERO problems with the co2. :)

At the chronograph I was getting 275 +/- 3

05-03-2005, 08:30 PM
Don't even try to run an automag on CO2, they don't run on CO2. Save up the money and buy a hpa system, way more consistent than CO2 and it actually works for an automag, plus since automags are gas hogs you get more shots. btw when you do get a hpa system i highly recommend a 68 ci 4500 psi tank with a centerflag hyperflow reg, that's what i run my rt on.

good luck,


Line up, goforbroke is passing out purple Koolaid. :tard: He has to be a member of the HPA-only cult who follow the industry pundits like lemings off the 'burg. The whole way down, they chant: CO2 is bad, CO2 is bad, CO2 is bad...

Classic Mags will run decently on CO2 with a little preparation. Anti-siphon and expansion chamber is what I use and it works fine.

05-03-2005, 11:31 PM
Lose the Sidewinder :( Is the A.I.R. valve that good that an additional reg isn't needed. What pressure is best at the A.I.R valve, 800?? Could I use the Sidewinder to take the pressure down to say 500???

05-04-2005, 03:09 PM
The air valve takes the pressure down to ~400 psi. The sidewinder is worthless on a mag.
Trade it for a stabilizer or something..

05-04-2005, 03:45 PM
lose the reg i say, i've seen mags run on Co2 without A/S or an Exp. chamber..i would atleast recomend the exp. chamber but a palmer stab would be your best bet, good luck with the new mag.

05-04-2005, 03:53 PM
Lose the Sidewinder :( Is the A.I.R. valve that good that an additional reg isn't needed. What pressure is best at the A.I.R valve, 800?? Could I use the Sidewinder to take the pressure down to say 500???

I am new to mags as well but I believe if you regulate the incoming air down to 500 with a secodary regulator you will be doing exactly what you were afraid of...starving the marker of air. The back half of the A.I.R valve is a regulator that take the incoming air down to around 400 already.

Someone correct me if I am wrong!

05-05-2005, 01:34 AM
Thanks for the info. You can look for a Sidewinder Reg. on e-bay soon. I think I will replace it with a gas thru grip. :shooting: See you on the field.

05-17-2005, 01:18 AM
Just got a 6 stage expansion chamber and I will be using a 20 oz. CO2 with anti-syphon. Hope this Mag rips.

06-06-2005, 01:26 AM
Just got a 6 stage expansion chamber and I will be using a 20 oz. CO2 with anti-syphon. Hope this Mag rips.
/well I've had this marker out to the field 2 days now. 1 during a scenario event and the other just some good all around paintball. It's worked great, not one problem. RAF isn't as high as these newer markers but that hasn't hurt my game. Marker feels real solid.I'am glad I picked this marker up. Thanks for your help!

06-06-2005, 02:59 AM
Don't even try to run an automag on CO2, they don't run on CO2
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry ... but I've been running a .68Automag for 10 years on CO2. It works just fine. You just have to use some common sense. I used an expansion chamber and a tank with an anti-syphon for years, and now I run it with a remote. If you're too cheap, just screw in the tank to the vertical ASA, and use a looooooooong hose coiled up to connect to the valve.

06-06-2005, 05:44 PM
i have used co2 on my 68 classic automag for many years as well. as many a.o user have mentioned, "as long as you use one or a combination of either: an expansion chamber, anti-siphon tank, remote-line. i also have buddies who have owned micromags and never had a problem by just using a remote line set up. just some more proof of c02 working just fine on automags.

06-06-2005, 05:51 PM
dont run co2 into an xvalve, emag valve, etc.. only in a classic valve.

06-07-2005, 01:16 AM
Don't even try to run an automag on CO2, they don't run on CO2. Save up the money and buy a hpa system, way more consistent than CO2 and it actually works for an automag, plus since automags are gas hogs you get more shots. btw when you do get a hpa system i highly recommend a 68 ci 4500 psi tank with a centerflag hyperflow reg, that's what i run my rt on.

Hogwash and flummery. The RT is apparently CO2-unfriendly, but the Classic was designed for CO2. Mine certainly doesn't "freeze up" or any of that crap. The second regulator's unnecessary, but definitely use a big expansion chamber. It'll keep liquid out of the regulator valve (not that I've had this happen either) and make it more consistent (which I <i>have</i> noticed).

I'm switching over to HPA, but it's not because the gun doesn't work without it; it's because I want more consistent velocity. I'm having a custom 22ci bottle made so I don't have to carry a watermelon around with me.

06-07-2005, 09:19 AM
ive been playin for almost 10 years now and i have ran every gun ive ever owned on co2 with very few problems. This includes RTs, angels, an sto, even an old shocker. The shocker was the only gun that ran significantly worse on co2. Everything else worked just fine with no problems.

06-07-2005, 09:50 AM
ive been playin for almost 10 years now and i have ran every gun ive ever owned on co2 with very few problems. This includes RTs, angels, an sto, even an old shocker. The shocker was the only gun that ran significantly worse on co2. Everything else worked just fine with no problems.

By RT you must mean a RT tippmann or something.

a ReTro mag did NOT, i assure you, run on CO2

captian pinky
06-07-2005, 01:09 PM
acctually the rt mag was run on co2 but had to be released later because the valve would not recharge fast enough with it but it did run on c02 i have nitro and c02 i perfer nitro to c02 becuz of more shots but for a classic for a guy that maynot play alot or does just doesnt have th pocket stick with the c02 just resently purchased a A.I.R. valved mag and have had a blast with it it doent give you high rof but gets em out there

P.S.git er dun

Eric Cartman
06-07-2005, 02:30 PM
Not only is the secondary reg unnecesasary, it is detrimental. It will starve the marker for air. As someone above said, a Palmer's Stabilizer is fine, or use a good expansion chamber. Also lose the micro line. It will starve the marker under rapid fire.
While HPA is certainly nice and I prefer it to CO2, your mag will run just fine on CO2 with a proper setup.