View Full Version : I am the proud new owner of.....

11-24-2001, 01:44 PM
I'm a proud new owner of a BE talon ghost pump gun....it came with a hopper and a box of 12 grams, i was at wal mart and i had this card worth 35 bucks forever for that store so i bought the talon for 30 bucks(first pump gun) and im gonna try and play a game with it next time i go play....its gonna be very interesting(and no im not trying to say BE products rule but first time pump is cool) so wish me luck

11-24-2001, 05:02 PM

Hey, it got me into the sport... i still have it... or whats left of it. Lets say i found out that a soldering iron melts plastic fairly easily, and then found out the talon has about 2 pounds of worthless plastic that can be taken off... you know the rest.

Were you in the market for a pump gun or did u just wanna spend the 35$? if you were actually looking to buy a pump.. the BE wasnt the best choice. If yo were looking to have some fun with a 35$ peice of plastic, well... go thow the thing in some traffic or something. lol.

11-24-2001, 05:42 PM
no offense but why didnt u get a vulcan?those things are so cool...specially when u leave em in the car on a hot day...hehehe

seriously,y didnt u go for a spyder?they cost more(90)but they are semi auto and they are very dependable...i know i have 1

11-24-2001, 05:55 PM
the whole purpose is to play pump. it sharpens and refines your skills so that when you play with a semi, you will rule.

11-24-2001, 06:34 PM
I too bust out the old school Bushmaster DLX pump from Line SI on occation. Two reasons: 1. It does make one think about the next shot and your body position more than with a semi. 2. I like the "what the hell is that"'s and the "Where did you get that"'s at the field!:D (I'm the original owner, circa 1988):p

11-24-2001, 07:29 PM
A. I have a spyder.... B. i was just screwing around with some money and got it, what else am i gonna buy at wal mart? some mroe RP swirl, stuff is crap....and why not? its a working gun, see how it does, it breaks o well, 35 bucks, i can always make another 35

11-24-2001, 10:40 PM
To shorten your pump pull and increase velocity a bit, get some regular scotch tape. Put it around the PT tube looking think twards the back where there is a larger part of the plastic tube but right in front of that. Go around with tape about 10 times and it will make it so you don't have to pump as far it will put a little more tension on the main spring. When you pump it the tape will get squished back onto that large part of the tube, don't worry thats supose to happen. Another thing is, don't cut off the barrel to see if you can Retro fit another one on, it won't work unless you have a dremel and alot of pacients.:D