View Full Version : AO's Army, where is he?

Recon by Fire
05-01-2005, 11:31 AM
Where has he been? I was wanting to know if he headed back to Iraq or is still in the US. I am heading over to Iraq next week and also wanted to know if anyone else in the Ao community is there and where they are. I should be at Camp Victory.

05-01-2005, 11:43 AM
Army's been around quite a bit latley.

I knwo there's a few other AO'ers over there, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

05-01-2005, 12:23 PM
you sure you going to victory? victory is in kuwait.....

i was over there twice, once in alquim, and once in taqadum. spent some time at alasad as well.

i was also in a small fob in afghanistan a couple of years ago. go to alasad if you get the chance. aside from the rocket and mortar attacks, its a paradise compared to the other bases.

05-01-2005, 01:57 PM
Im a couple of weeks away (personal reasons) from signing an option 40 w/ 70 myself... Ill probably see some time in Iraq within the next year i suppose if the 75th sends me over (which i hope they will)...

Target Practice
05-01-2005, 02:03 PM
Yeah, he's back. He's been back for a while, since around mid-March. He's pretty active on the forums, you just need to poke around a bit.

Recon by Fire
05-02-2005, 11:56 PM
Camp Victory is not far from Baghdad. There is however another "Victory" in Kuwait but i'm not sure where it is or if it still "is".

Anyway, the State Dept. and contractor all have me a "GO" for departing on May 5. A short stay at CRC at Ft. Bliss and then onto Iraq.

05-04-2005, 04:13 PM
Victory is in Baghdads Green Zone, one of the more safe areas of Iraq. You will hear and see IED's and VBIED's going off, but few ever make it inside the GZ.

Take a CD player...or MP3 player (plenty of computers to download from there), and a decent digital camera with extra memory chips. Do not take any civilian clothes, as they will not fit when you come home...and you can't wear then in country anyway. DO take as many pairs of socks as will fit into your duffles, and start buying Under Armor brown T's (around $20-ish) as they are 100X better than issue brown T's in the heat. Anything else will be available at the PX (TV, X-box, DVD player etc.).

Good luck buddy, watch your six :headbang: