View Full Version : ipod mini or creative zen mini?

dave p
05-01-2005, 01:17 PM

05-01-2005, 02:06 PM
I think you should post a fact sheet about each one, and why you can't choose between the two.

05-01-2005, 03:53 PM
Rio Carbon 6 gig.

05-01-2005, 08:35 PM
Rio Carbon 6 gig.

agreed. i was just in best buy and that was my favorite.

05-01-2005, 09:11 PM
get the creative.... ipods suck

05-01-2005, 09:53 PM
Rio Carbon 6 gig.

IDK bout RIOs, i used to have a Karma and it wasnt bad but my girlfriend has a smaller sized flsh mem based rio and has had alot of probs wiht it. I have an Ipod now and am very happy wiht it.

05-02-2005, 05:58 AM
I have had.....

a Rio PMP300
Creative Muvo NX
Rio S30
iPod mini

I like my iPod the best because of its quality and features and the Muvo NX becasue you can plug it into any computer. Take a look at those new iRivers, they look real nice.

05-16-2005, 12:29 AM
i had 2 ipods and hey both got fried...

05-16-2005, 10:50 AM
Ive heard bad things about the reliability of Creatives. I have a mini, and the thing has been repeatedly dropped on cement. Every time i thought it would be the last... but every time, it just escaped with a couple of small scratches and dents. The thing works flawlessly, has great sound quality, and is very quick about charging batteries. Also, theres tons of aftermarket stuff for iPods. Theres this one thing where you can download a cookbook onto it... lol. I put a couple parody essays in there myself just for the heck of it.

Edit: Oops, didnt see that you already ordered it... heh. :ninja:

05-16-2005, 02:24 PM
I had a regular non-mini Zen until it got stolen, and I loved it. Cost about $150 less than the iPod too.

05-16-2005, 03:21 PM
zen mini!

05-16-2005, 03:46 PM
I currently run an Ipod, but for the same price I would go for the New 20gb Irivers... Color screen, FM radio, FM recorder... And iriver is AMAZING QUALITY I had one b4 I purchased my pod

05-17-2005, 05:13 PM
I have owned 5 Rio Karma's and well, those things are bad news. Thankfully I had purchased the service plan for the first one at Best Buy, or I would have had 1 Rio Karma paperweight. The hard drive on the things just kept failing, one after another. After the 5th one went, I finally made the switch to a 15 GB Ipod.

I would highly recommend the Ipod over any others. I know half the world has them now, and they are very over hyped, but it's for a reason. The quality of the Ipod is much higher than any of the Rio products, which are all made out of cheap plastic, as opposed to the high quality plastic/ aluminum casing on an Ipod.

The only disapointment I have had so far has to do with the difference in sound quality. The Rios and Irivers just sound 100x better than the Ipod... this is because the Ipod lacks a truely adjustable equalizer. You are stuck using the presets which apple provides you with. I just cannot get the same deep, full, sound that I got with my Rio. Buying some high quality headphones cures that problem though (DONT BUY BOSE TRIPORTS!!! EVER!).

Im in the market for another high capacity mp3 player now, since my 15 gb Ipod is full... the new 30 GB photo is looking pretty nice for $350..

05-17-2005, 05:18 PM
I wish my iPod would die, I could use the BB warentee to get a 60g iPod photo for $50 more. All my iPod owning friends are very happy with their stuff.

I Can't say anything negative about other players, no experance with them.

05-17-2005, 05:27 PM
j.t., thats funny. I've had my karma for over a month now and its doing great and I LOVE it. I'm so glad I didnt get an ipod or anything else for that matter. But I had read about some people having problems so I bought a 3 year extended warrenty just in case. I would reccommend a karma to anyone in the market for a hd based mp3 player looking for a great price. But I think the second karma is going to come out next fall or something so that might be worth waiting for.

The carbons look really nice and get great battery life but the micro zen just appeals more to me. Go to best buy and look at em up close :)