View Full Version : Automag TKO package...

11-24-2001, 07:08 PM
for all of those who have seen or bought one of the "TKO" powerfeed automag packages from paintballgear.com, does it include everything in the picture(foregrip, hoses, asa, barrel, GRIPS?)


Is there anything especially wrong with this or anything? ARE THOSE GRIPS INCLUDED?!?! Thanks guys

11-24-2001, 08:09 PM
ya everything on there is a cheap setup I would of rather had them put quality parts on it insted of cheap crap. Don't buy one.

11-24-2001, 08:35 PM
JUNK...like I said before. It is better to buy a used one with better stuff for around the same money.

11-25-2001, 12:19 AM
if u dont want to buy used. i would not call it junk... its just a stock mag guys. nothing wrong with it especially for the nice price. i would get a different barrel tho. but i would get it if u dont want to go through searching for a used mag

11-25-2001, 12:20 AM
that was my first mag. i liked it decently but i say get a used one with better upgrades and barrels and what not for the same price.

11-25-2001, 12:23 AM
A buddy of mine just got one, and its nice! AGD grips, macroline, a nice gas-thru foregrip, bottomline, and a Dye Aluminum barrel(they upgraded it for him I guess). Pretty cool!


11-25-2001, 12:50 PM
its a good deal just screw on a nitro tank and play, ITS A MAG!!!

11-25-2001, 04:05 PM
Guys, don't crap on TKO. They make quality stuff, you just don't pay for the name brand.

For a powerfed mag with those accessories and a nice price, you are ready to play. The progressive barrel is a good starter barrel also, I used to have one but I got sucked in to the boomstick crowd. Pick up a cheap PMI nitro and your set to play!

11-25-2001, 05:58 PM
i think i may go with the tko, i'm still not sure. I will probably eventualy replace the barrel. All i would need is a nice df and then i can slap on my new (new for me) 48/3000 nitro and my 12v revvy and i'm set to go. I just want to buy a new mag so that i don't have to worry about anything, I know a used mag is fine, but i would love to have a brand new shiny mag. I'll see wich one im getting in a week or so. Thanks for your advise everyone!