View Full Version : Rare Breed at Apr30 Tournament

05-02-2005, 05:53 PM
Shartley Customs Factory Team, Rare Breed, fielded two three man teams for the April 30th Tournament at Progressive Paintball in Bend, OR. Both teams finished 5th in their respective divisions (9 teams in each). And this was only their second tournament playing together. Great job guys!

To find out more about this please feel free to visit:

05-02-2005, 05:57 PM
"hooray" :clap: Good for them

05-02-2005, 06:08 PM
so which one is you?

05-02-2005, 06:11 PM

None are me. They are just part of the Shartley Customs Factory Team. The whole team is over 40 players, most of who make up the Scenario team. This is part of the Tournament segment.

05-02-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey, at least they look like a team.

05-02-2005, 06:25 PM
TPA was gonna go play there with pumps, but then we decided it was too long of a drive.

05-02-2005, 11:57 PM

05-03-2005, 02:39 AM
Not to be an ***, but have your players practice with some better teams they have some ugly style. Also I would not call 5th in a local tourney "news" on Pbnation!

05-03-2005, 04:34 AM
I will not even reply to those posts on PBN. That thread over there is the reason PBN got the reputation it does,

For those who understand, thanks. And for those who wanted to attack the team, and myself get a life. I would have thought some of you would have grown up by now. But I guess I was wrong.

Not to be an ***, but have your players practice with some better teams they have some ugly style. Also I would not call 5th in a local tourney "news" on Pbnation!
Not to be one? LOL That is exactly why you posted this. Anyone can read what you wrote on PBN, so don’t come here and try to play “reserved” and like you are trying to be constructive. This is also part of the reason I don’t normally associate with “tournament” crowds. Although they do have some nice folks, they tend to draw retards and jerks like horse manure draws flies.

Have a nice day and thanks for taking a dump on things just for the sake of taking a dump… you are sure cool. You and your pals on PBN.

Oh my..... Again, for the rest of you.. thanks.

05-03-2005, 04:44 AM
I just deleted the PBN post. If you children can’t control yourselves then I will leave you to play in your sandbox by yourselves. I did NOTHING wrong, and neither did my team.

Some of you folks are just sad. And I post this here because some of the posts on PBN came from AO members.

Funny though how every other place I posted that information got positive feedback, except on PBN.

05-03-2005, 09:42 AM
is that an older pic ? I see none of your apparel on them

05-03-2005, 09:55 AM
is that an older pic ? I see none of your apparel on them
No, that is actually from this past weekend. And they are in fact wearing Shartley Customs Ban-dus.

Rare Breed is a very large team with over 40 members. Some of those members play the tournaments while the rest are primarily a Big Game and Scenario Team. They were just made the official Shartley Customs Factory Team this past month and not even the Scenario team has my Jerseys yet. They are getting them this week (should be there today actually).

All the players however have used my Ban-Dus for well over a year. And you can see that the picture above (as well as those on the info page) have them wearing them.

The scenario team will be wearing my classic jersey, ban-dus, and other products. The tournament team will be wearing a custom jersey not like my classic jersey though. But when that will be is still to be determined. Our main focus is not in tournament play, but in Scenario. And like I stated, they just moved up in status with us this last month.

They are a great group of players, and we expect great things to come.

05-03-2005, 11:46 AM
Call me what you will I don’t care about you or your products! When you post a thread talking about a team or news and it is bunk or not worthy of praise expect to be flamed! You have been around a long time and understand that.

Also, I believe you are using your power as a long standing member to promote something that should not be promoted. 9 teams in a local tourney is not a big turn out, nor should a thread be made to praise mediocrity (5th).

Just because this is AO does not mean that something that is not worthy of praise should be praised. This is a fallacy that has come along with AGD. Nothing new, just the same old thing reworked over and over and over again and water heads applaud it.

I have met a lot of good people on here, and a lot of good players, but if you look at the current crowd AO is losing its luster. This is still no excuse to allow mediocrity to become the standard and be accepted.

05-03-2005, 11:52 AM
Call me what you will I don’t care about you or your products! When you post a thread talking about a team or news and it is bunk or not worthy of praise expect to be flamed! You have been around a long time and understand that.

Also, I believe you are using your power as a long standing member to promote something that should not be promoted. 9 teams in a local tourney is not a big turn out, nor should a thread be made to praise mediocrity (5th).

Just because this is AO does not mean that something that is not worthy of praise should be praised. This is a fallacy that has come along with AGD. Nothing new, just the same old thing reworked over and over and over again and water heads applaud it.

I have met a lot of good people on here, and a lot of good players, but if you look at the current crowd AO is losing its luster. This is still no excuse to allow mediocrity to become the standard and be accepted.
My thread was not “cause” to flame. Those who flame do so out of a lack of personal willpower and because they just want to. You could have very well just not posted, ignored the thread. So don’t now try to blame ME for your actions.

I see posts all the time about teams having fun. I see posts all the time about products. I see posts all the time about events. I see posts all the time about someone who just picked up a new marker. And the list goes on and on. I have the same right to post something that I think others may want to read, or that I am proud of (whether YOU think it is worthy or not). I also have the same right not to be flamed for it simply because you don’t like ME, or my products. Heck, you probably don’t even know much about my products.

But at least you got your say, right? Now please obey the rules and stop flaming me and my team.

05-03-2005, 12:20 PM
Call me what you will I don’t care about you or your products! When you post a thread talking about a team or news and it is bunk or not worthy of praise expect to be flamed! You have been around a long time and understand that.

Also, I believe you are using your power as a long standing member to promote something that should not be promoted. 9 teams in a local tourney is not a big turn out, nor should a thread be made to praise mediocrity (5th).

Just because this is AO does not mean that something that is not worthy of praise should be praised. This is a fallacy that has come along with AGD. Nothing new, just the same old thing reworked over and over and over again and water heads applaud it.

I have met a lot of good people on here, and a lot of good players, but if you look at the current crowd AO is losing its luster. This is still no excuse to allow mediocrity to become the standard and be accepted.

Why? I consider myself a medicre player and am more interested in what players of my caliber think. Frankly I could care less what Dynasty thinks about how I play, or who I play against. Many of us are extremely dissapointed with the "stars" of paintball, both the leagues and the players in the way they play, promote, and enforce rules. As such smaller, more sporting teams, players, and events are what we look towards. Just because it is not "worthy" in your eyes doesn't mean it is not worthy to some of us on AO. Are we loosing our luster? If it is the same "luster" that surrounds much of professional paintball with its justification of cheating, political BS, etc. then I am not said to see it go. Don't like this thread, do not think it worthy of your time, don't read it. Unless you pay for the bandwidth it really isn't your problem what is posted on it.

05-03-2005, 12:28 PM
I dont know either of you that well, but from the looks of it Shartley is just giving a "whats up" on his team. he wasnt asking for critique or anything of that matter and if you wanted to do so it could have been sent in a PM saying "your team members should work on X because of Y, thx." This is merely an attempt at making yourself think you are better or higher on the tourny or forum ladder for some reason, why should you be allowed to judge what is worthy on PBN or AO? I know this forum tries to keep the relation of a family more so then a bureaucracy where even small events can be given a spotlight for at least a moment. That is why we come to forums in a way, to share our little piece of information with the rest of those on the internet to make what we have here. All in all, positive feedback or at least saying something in a polite manner is better then "have your players practice with some better teams they have some ugly style." I honestly don't think there is a reason to be negative when he is just promoting the team or even just letting the paintball community know how proud of the team he is, which is something everyone may not understand.

05-03-2005, 12:59 PM
Hi All,
I am the Captain Of Team Rare Breed, ILL ,Ind ,

I feel everyone has a right to they input, however I think Sam was just excited about his team and wanted to share this with other Pballers and friends alike, if getting glory and a pat on the back is what he wanted I’m sure he gets that else where, what he was looking for as I do is to talk about the sport we love so much, and to share his and our moment with others that I’m sure talk and share info all the time. It should not be a matter of its not worth the post.. It should be a forum where we can talk and share info and ask questions and maybe get the answer we seek. as well as meet and greet new folks who are or would like to be active in our sport.

Please lets stop and think about it if you have a new item car, ect or a new baby we tell the world but we may not see the excitement we have in others as we tell them but they where nice enough to let us express ourselves.

Lets not be hard on each other but caring and yes sometimes we need to over look what we don’t understand..

I hope we can all get along and sometimes agree to just disagree and go on. But there is never any need to be harsh.

With that said we are Proud that Sam took the time to let his friends no about us. and We are proud to be know as part of a sport that friends come first. Lets not feed the fire paintball gets enough of that already..


Team Captain

05-03-2005, 01:10 PM
Thank you Dave (Krash) and others. Just to introduce you better though, Dave is the Captain of the Scenario and Big Game segment of the Rare Breed Team. The Idaho Chapter is the Tournament segment of the Team.

With that said, yes, for us paintball is about more than where you place or how you compare to other teams. It is about personal growth as well as growth as a team. Are you better than you WERE? Are you a better person as well as a better team? And did you have fun?

The moment my team stops having fun is the day I stop having them as my team and representing Shartley Customs. Where they place when “competing” is secondary and almost unimportant to me.

Again, for those with positive comments, thank you. You are the future of the sport. Negative things don’t tend to last long…. Play strong, play fair, and have fun!

05-03-2005, 01:10 PM
Hey guys, as captain of the Idaho part of Rare Breed, thanks for those who are being supportive. To those attacking us, hey, you're entitled to your opinion. We are a new team. Several of my players only begin playing tourney ball this year. We know we have a lot of areas to improve on and we're working on it. It's not going to happen overnight. Apparently, for some people it does, so congratulations. For us, it's all about having fun and getting better. There were 18 teams at the tourney, not 9 and for Central Oregon, that's a pretty good turnout! Yes, we finished 5th in our respective divisions. If that's mediocre, then oh well. I guess we're mediocre. We were pretty happy considering it's only our second event and the first with those squads. We had fun and learned a lot and that's what it's about for us. And as far as 5th goes, for one squad, only 25 points seperated them from the 3rd place team who went to the finals. One more first pull would have gotten us in. One squad beat the teams that took first and third overall in the prelims. For a beginner team, we're pretty happy with that. We'd like to thank Sam for his support and his promoting us. Any of you that like bashing newbie teams cuz we don't have pro "style", hey, go for it. Have fun. That's what paintball is all about right? For the rest of you, thanks for your considerate replies and support.

05-03-2005, 01:36 PM
Very cool shart!

05-03-2005, 02:13 PM
When you post a thread talking about a team or news and it is bunk or not worthy of praise expect to be flamed!


• Do not threaten or "flame" members of the board

Considering that the rules specificly state that there is to be no flaming I don't see why someone posting about their excitment in their new team would expect to be flamed....oh that's right, this is the "real world" where people don't follow the rules and have to dump on others to make themselves feel better. Super. :rolleyes:

Have fun on your "super team" that wins all the time. The rest of us haveing fun playing PB wont post agin till we reach your level. :rolleyes:

05-03-2005, 02:20 PM
Hey shart, what do you make, productwise? I'm not being an asshat, I really don't know! Got a site I can look at?

05-03-2005, 02:36 PM
Hey shart, what do you make, productwise? I'm not being an asshat, I really don't know! Got a site I can look at?
LOL No problem. Yes, I have a site. http://www.shartleycustoms.com (and that is also just under my member name too... ;) ) Take your time and look around.

05-03-2005, 02:45 PM
Just because this is AO does not mean that something that is not worthy of praise should be praised. This is a fallacy that has come along with AGD. Nothing new, just the same old thing reworked over and over and over again and water heads applaud it.

Can't say I know you, but you're coming across as a real phallus. :rolleyes:

Shartley deserves praise for being a product manufacturer that is actively supporting paintball at the local level.

His teams deserve praise for stepping up and committing to the game.

Do their results deserve praise? Perhaps not. But instead of being an insufferable jerk, how about some friendly help and advice?

Granted, I didn't see the PBN thread, but the posts here seem adequate to make judgement.

Every member has the right to paot whatever they want (within the rules). It's not up to you or anyone else besides the moderators to determine if it meets some kind of importance standard.

Well done Shartley. :cheers:

05-03-2005, 02:47 PM
Shartley, you are completely in the right here.

wallace: diaf

/There, I said it
//Runs off screaming in terror

05-03-2005, 02:53 PM

Congratulations, if not on the fifth place finish then on the maturity level and good attitude displayed.

Out of curiousity where in Idaho? I am always looking for new and interesting places to play.

05-03-2005, 03:15 PM
I am not going to get in a shouting match over the internet! Like I said you do not have to like me, and personally I do not care if you do! I had an opinion and I stated it, simple as that, call it "flaming", criticism whatever you want. If this forum starts to censor peoples opinions that do not contain cursing or foul language, then so be it, I like most people that used to come on here and talk will move on to bigger and better things. Agd is dead and you people will fall down the black hole with them.

Also I understand trash talking on the internet is useless, so... If someone feels they need retribution either come to cali to play us or stop by an XPSL or NPPL event and I will be happy to hand your butt to you on the field.

I am glad you are proud of your team; on AO I don’t mind seeing a thread about a team or a gun or anything. It is all fun and games on here, but over in PBN land "Paintball News" this is not! Also if you want some advice I am really not a jackass or a bad guy I will give you some, ask around on here I have been here a while and a lot of people know me. Just when something ruffles my feathers I get perturbed and speak out.

Also, my comment before sounds bad “Ugly style", but please show the other pics of your players running and gunning and snapping. It is very ugly and they need a lot of work. This is constructive criticism. My comments seem out of context until you see the other pictures then I am sure most will agree. Everyone starts somewhere I understand this, but, people need to told what is right and wrong and what they can do to improve it. I am more than willing to discuss that over pm's and not on here.


Indecent- XPSL Overall 1st DIV3

05-03-2005, 03:30 PM
Just so it does not seem so out of line these are the pictures I am talking about. If you do not understand why I feel this is not good play or style, then you sir are in your own category of play.

Also just because I play tournaments does not mean categorize me into a classification as being a jerk or #sshole, I am upfront and honest. The truth is not always what you want to hear, but sometimes it needs to be said. AGD and this forum are firm believers in censorship and conformity. People do not like PBN because it does not follow the rules of what you feel to be correct, but to bad, life is not always how you want it.

I do not feel scenario players are jerks or buttheads, but I am sure there are some that are. But classifying everyone into a statistic and a stereotype is how most problems have arose in the history of humans, just because there are some players that play tourney ball that are jerks does not mean all of them are. If you went to a "real" event you would see most players are really nice, and it feels like a party more than a "war." If that is the attitude you choose to have then keep to it. With your products they are not suited for the tournement player anyway, so I guess I would not care about them either, just be honest that since there is not money in it for you in that sector you do not care and do not make it a personal conviction instead.

05-03-2005, 03:41 PM
What on Earth does "Ugly" mean?

Probably the most useless critique I've heard. So the pictures aren't cute and posed looking.

How exactly do you change the game play to make good pictures? What exactly in those pictures constitutes bad play?

And I hope you're well aware of the double standard your using when complaining about censorship of your views while advocating it yourself against others.

05-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Thanks folks.

And wallace9111…… If you think PBN is a step above. LOL And people don’t like PBN because it has no standards which are enforced. They allow their “children” to flame away so their site sponsors can get their “page views” for the advertisements. It isn’t an issue of simply not liking “the truth”.

Sorry, your attitude both on PBN and here on AO speaks for itself. But that is quite alright, the world can see it for what it is. And your attack on AO and AGD because of issues that have nothing to do with them is also very telling.

No one said a single thing about “retribution” and your comments concerning it are ALSO very telling.

Now as for the pictures…. Guess what fellah, ANY team can look bad depending on when the picture was taken. You can’t tell about their entire performance by a few snapshots, and if you think you can, you have another thing to learn. In fact, you can’t tell much of anything by the pictures shown. You don’t see the entire game, nor anything more than a few milliseconds when each was taken. And these pictures are up for the world to see in the link I posted, I was not hiding anything.

And guess what? Do you think the “nice’ pictures we see in magazines are the only ones taken? Heck they take LOTS of pictures and go through them for the very best. I can say without a doubt that if you were to go through the entire selection taken you can find many “ugly” shots.

Your posts here and on PBN were far from being “helpful” or offering advice. So to try now to act otherwise is laughable, You were the one who showed his rear and I believe his true colors, now deal with it. In fact it would probably be best for you to just let it drop before you make yourself look even worse. No one said you were a jerk because you are a “tournament player” they said so because of what you posted.

And why my team and my little post mattered SO much to you is also very telling. What it is telling folks can be determined by each member themselves.

I DO have pride in my team. They are great people. They have fun. They encourage other teams and players. They don’t brag about how “great” they are or puff up their chests on internet forums. I am very proud to have Team Rare Breed represent Shartley Customs as my Factory Team.

05-03-2005, 03:46 PM
Also just because I play tournaments does not mean categorize me into a classification as being a jerk or #sshole,

No the way you post show it.

You give crappy advice, in a crappy way, and then put down the local tournaments and call yours "real", you lambaste a manufacturer and their products not based on performance quality or anyother solid criteria.

You tell those that disagree with you to show up at your field so they can be handed their butt. :rolleyes:

Gee, where ever would we get a negative opinion of you? :rofl:

05-03-2005, 03:47 PM
Wallace.. your statements only prove the point many of us have.

Also I understand trash talking on the internet is useless, so... If someone feels they need retribution either come to cali to play us or stop by an XPSL or NPPL event and I will be happy to hand your butt to you on the field.

Ohh.. you can beat me at a game (we assume). That would really show me. I mean, gods, I couldn't live if I lost. Let me bow down and worship at your feet, cause your a tournament player...

Oh wait.... I don't care :D

Agd is dead and you people will fall down the black hole with them.

I doubt it. This is the thing, I finance my own play - I don't have to win to play, I don't have to impress anyone. I play because I want to, I don't have to impress sponsors, I don't have to impress other players.

And, as a general rule I am not highlighting any more of the tournament player attitude than what is highlighted over all. When I have someone is PSP make a comment to me that C4 gear is legal "because Dye is a platinum sponsor we like everything Dye makes" It becomes BS... and its political. I have seen enough to know its not what I would like to see.

As for any comments on this thread directed to you - its all you, not because you are a tournament player. I am to... doesn't mean I have to drag my knuckles and insult anyone not on my level.

05-03-2005, 06:16 PM
LOL No problem. Yes, I have a site. http://www.shartleycustoms.com (and that is also just under my member name too... ;) ) Take your time and look around.Very cool. I never look at user titles, maybe I should start! :eek:

05-03-2005, 06:38 PM
My feild has the same gery cans. BTW good job on the 5th, some of you may have no idea what its like to go from playing out in the woods to the sup air. I got my *poof* wooped the frist time I played on a sup air. 17th place, but we played 3 times, 2 of them were pro, the last game I got 2 of the 3 players out, the last guy had a lucky shot :rofl: .

05-04-2005, 09:51 AM
For the one who asked where in Idaho, we are in the Boise area.

Wc Keep
05-04-2005, 09:56 AM
wow its been quite a while since ive visited this forum but shartley is still getting flamed.

it seems that shartley isnt your typical sponsor, since most sponsors like to see numbers, him not wanting to see numbers lets a big load off his team cause they dont hvae to worry about winning to keep a sponsor.

on the other hand i think the team could do a better job at representing a company that is bragging about them. shartley is very prideful yet they arent even wearing his jerseys. maybe a picture with a banner and shartley customs on it would have been a better pic to post. one of our squads placed 1st at a tourney and you saw our sponsor logos all over the place in the 1st place pic.

were wallace has good critical intentions with his post in that maybe your one player should have just run instead of trying the one handed shooting while running or standing behind the bunker, his approach was nothing more than him being a dick.

05-04-2005, 10:23 AM
I should address some things:

wow its been quite a while since ive visited this forum but shartley is still getting flamed.
I don’t actually post here much any more. But overall I am not still getting flamed. This is actually rare now.

it seems that shartley isnt your typical sponsor, since most sponsors like to see numbers, him not wanting to see numbers lets a big load off his team cause they dont hvae to worry about winning to keep a sponsor.
I think you misunderstand what I said. Nowhere have I said that I don’t WANT to see numbers. I said that how my team places is not the most important thing to me. There is a difference.

But with that said, you are correct. How they place will not lose me as their sponsor. How they ACT, and the image they project for both myself and paintball is what keeps them or makes me drop them. But I didn’t pick this team out of a hat. I have had a close relationship with them for some time now.

on the other hand i think the team could do a better job at representing a company that is bragging about them. shartley is very prideful yet they arent even wearing his jerseys. maybe a picture with a banner and shartley customs on it would have been a better pic to post. one of our squads placed 1st at a tourney and you saw our sponsor logos all over the place in the 1st place pic.
As I posted before, and you may have missed it…. Rare Breed has just become the Shartley Customs Factory Team in the past few weeks. And the tournament segment of the team is the smallest portion and has different needs than the Scenario segment. My focus is mostly on the scenario side, but do take pride in our tournament team as well.

The scenario portion (30+ players) will be wearing MANY of my products, from head to foot actually. They have in the past worn my Ban-Dus, and we are going from there, to include my jerseys, neck guards, and pants as well…. and whatever other products I may come out with in the future. So it will be very evident who they are sponsored by.

The tournament portion will at some point be getting a different style jersey, but it will contain my information on it as well. And BOTH teams will have banners proclaiming who they are and who sponsors them. But as I said, being they JUST became the official Shartley Customs team, some of that is not ready yet.

So please don’t think harshly of them for not showing who they are in a more visible manner. They just found out right before this event. Trust me, in the future they will have sponsor information more clearly seen. And the Scenario team will have it seen this coming weekend at Sherwood Forest Paintball. They will be attending the G. I. Joe Scenario Game there.

With THAT said, let me say that at no time have I bragged about my team. Saying I am proud of them, and letting the world know this is far from bragging about the team. I have not hyped them, nor done anything but introduce them to the world and say how proud of them I am.

were wallace has good critical intentions with his post in that maybe your one player should have just run instead of trying the one handed shooting while running or standing behind the bunker, his approach was nothing more than him being a dick.
Also like I said, you can not really tell much from any of those pictures. You can take ANY team and snap off a few shots and show them in positions that may not be the best, or are part of a transition, only kept for a split second. That is why photographers take so many pictures when taking them for magazine use, so they can take the best shots.

The team knows it has weak points, and they are working on that. They also have never hyped their skills or anything about themselves. We don’t need to, nor want to. For us the GAME is first, and how we “place” in that game is secondary. My teams work to constantly progress in skill and ability, but not at the detriment of having fun or enjoying the game. This however does not mean we don’t care about placement at all, or that we don’t aim to grab the “brass ring”. It is about priorities, where we place the importance of each thing.

Again I would like to say how proud I am of the team and expect to see great things out of them… both the tournament side as well as the scenario. And it is clear that many people have been posting well intended things, but simply didn’t understand what was really going on, or how “new” this team really is as my official team. They are right on track, and I don’t have the funds to do some of the things Dye or any other huge company would be able to do with the snap of a finger. Also keep in mind that this team is 40+ players…. Not even the “big boys” usually make teams THAT size their factory team. Small teams are much easier in terms of cost, logistics, etc.

05-04-2005, 02:28 PM
:) Now lets just stand back in awe...

05-04-2005, 02:35 PM
wallace9111 Thanks man!!!! Everone should be thanking him over this.... Personally I had never heard of Rare Breed. But now I have & will be watching so see how they do in the future. All I will say about your negitive media that you have spun in regards to this team have increased their stock while driving your teams down.

Indecent- XPSL Overall 1st DIV3

Means nothing if you dont represent your team to the public with compassion ,honesty & integrity. I played tourney ball about a decade ago & you know what I remember ? The guys who played & carried themselves with class on & off the field. I question your teams class because of your statments. Who's your sponsers? What if people contact them showing this thread etc do you think it will reflect well on your team?? I dont.

05-04-2005, 02:50 PM
can i get a little...
P-W-N-E-D! :p

sponsoring is usually a case-by-case situation, the ones that arent turn into a mess bigger then what my great dane leaves in the backyard (*cough* Cousins paintball *cough*)

every sponsor is gonna want something different, and just handing out jerseys and saying "go get them" is obviously not gonna be best in the long term for anyone.

im sure everyone knows from experiance which example will entice newbies to get involved more:
1. Poorly-Attiduded that have nothing to loose by shoving off new players, talking **** all the time


2. Players who have good attitudes, and will positively promote paintball, and then, inturn, positively promote their sponsor

hell, if when i was new to the sport and asked a question, and got the response "invest more in your mother" i would be turned off by the sport.

05-04-2005, 09:46 PM
Man.. just found this post and got to throw in two cents...

Wallace is obviously someone who invests his whole persona and gains his self worth from being able to "play" the "game" of paintball. I guess that is ok but rather sad in the grand scheme of things. He will simply be just another "has been" in a couple of years and contributed very little to nothing to the sport. He hides behind the "the truth hurts" line to justify his actions and somehow tries to turn his disrespectful nature into something that seems honorable like being "straightforward or honest". Rather pathetic really. Just let him wrap himself in his ego and feel superior in the notion that he can "roxurs" your butt, while in life and the real world I am sure he is anything but that world class tourney master paintball with made style that he claims to be.

Just got to let people like him fade away into nothingness like you know they will and continuing supporting your teams, local sponsors and good paintball people where you can find them.

Congrats on your teams finish!


05-04-2005, 09:58 PM
Wow, it's been too long since a SHartley bash-fest. I miss these intellectually stimulating and mature banter sessions.

For the record:

Sam, you are ugly. Your mom must have dressed you badly. You have no [insert some stupid word here ending in "z"]. Your products suck. Did I mention that you are ugly?

Wow, that felt good. My cool rating just went up dramatically (and my post count went up by 1).

Seriously, Sam, glad to see you are contributing to the paintball scene and I'm certain that your players are happy to be aboard. As for your products, they must be good because I had another of your barrel covers stolen from my kit this past weekend. Those kids may be dishonest, but they recognize quality. :)


05-04-2005, 10:33 PM
AO is losing its luster. This is still no excuse to allow mediocrity to become the standard and be accepted.

Then you'd better get the hell out, because you're making it worse, pal.

05-05-2005, 01:16 AM
Shartley, you are completely in the right here.

wallace: diaf

/There, I said it
//Runs off screaming in terror

Never thought I'd see the day.... :( :D ;)


05-05-2005, 07:40 PM
interesting thread.

Nice job shartley and rare breed. Congrats on the finish and the sportsmanship(wich in my opinoin is more important to the majority of ballers). You show great class by controling yourselves with idiots like wallace spewing from the mouth.

Good luck in the future, keep us posted.

05-06-2005, 04:35 AM
Again, Thanks folks. It is appreciated.

And Ben_JD… Thank you. I am sorry to hear that. It is a shame folks can’t leave other people’s gear alone.

05-06-2005, 12:46 PM
Just wanted to post my props to the guys. I used to play with Sam when we were with Infinity in Illinois. All I can say is that Sam is a class guy and someone who can regularly win the sportsmanship award, and Shartly, thanks for your support while Infinity was around. I've been invited to Rare Breed myself, I just have to find the time now.....

Congrats Guys !!

05-06-2005, 01:04 PM
Just wanted to post my props to the guys. I used to play with Sam when we were with Infinity in Illinois. All I can say is that Sam is a class guy and someone who can regularly win the sportsmanship award, and Shartly, thanks for your support while Infinity was around. I've been invited to Rare Breed myself, I just have to find the time now.....

Congrats Guys !!
You are welcome, and thank you as well. I was happy to help sponsor Infinity and am proud to have Sam on the Factory Team.

Just to clarify for those who don’t know…. The Captain of the Rare Breed Tournament team is named Sam as well.

05-06-2005, 04:56 PM
people seem to forget that this sport was founded on the basis of having fun

I dont see what wallace believes hes achieved in any of this

05-06-2005, 05:57 PM
Grats Rare Breed. Keep it up.

Wallace. Go back to PBN and stay there. Thanks.