View Full Version : getting bolt stick

05-02-2005, 10:34 PM
I am gettin some bolt stick on my tac-one. Sometimes it doesnt happen but when it does I have to stick my squigie in there. I have tried the two screws, and oiled it. If I put in another shim on the ult The firing is unreliable. Do I have to mess with the lvl x so cure this. It gets really anoying when I am showing my friends my nice mag that they should buy and the thing sticks, and I have to take it apart to fix it. It doesnt help the mag cause any. I have read the threads on this and havent found it readable too many posts.


05-03-2005, 01:03 AM
Try posting this in the Tech Forum--you're more likely to get help. :D

05-03-2005, 08:35 AM
Try a shorter bolt spring...

05-03-2005, 09:15 AM
Make sure that the grip frame screw and field strip screw are both tightened with a hex key, with approximately equal torque

05-03-2005, 04:36 PM
try adding more shims to the level 10. If it leaks take one out. ;)

05-03-2005, 04:48 PM
What kind of body do you have? Because in my old twist lock body I had a bolt stick problem form the front grip frame screw coming into the body and catching my bolt. It did this because it would raise my barrel enough and just give it to much tension to allow the bolt free movement. I have seen this happen in ULE bodies to, so you might want to see if that is your problem. If it is, then it is an easy fix where you can just file down the screw to where it wont be such a problem.

Hope I was of some help.

05-03-2005, 06:03 PM
PUT A BIGGER CARRIER IN UR LX AND PROBLEM FIXED.... ur gun broke in and now u gotta get a bigger carrier.... same thing happened to my emag the other weekend

05-03-2005, 07:29 PM
ya that happened to me i just took out a shim and it was fine

05-03-2005, 08:28 PM
I will try what has been said. Tuna this is a tac I bought from you so I will try your suggestion first.

trains are bad
05-03-2005, 09:06 PM
One thing you can try, is next time your bolt sticks, take your allen wrench and loosen the FS screw. If the bold doesn't click back into place try tightening it. Remember that tension. My mag will get crazy bolt stick if I tighten it any more than finger tight, so I don't.

05-04-2005, 08:58 AM
Try a larger carrier first. Test the carrier configuration without level 10 shims in place to determine if the carrier o-ring is leaking.

Once you get the carrier o-ring sized properly, then play with your ULT setup. Too many ULT shims can cause the bolt to be pushed forward before the sear can catch it.

05-04-2005, 09:43 PM
Thanks guys. So far I have jumped up two carrier sizes. When it used to not reset the trigger, it will stay a sec, and then reset. I can go up in sizes until i get a leak down the barrel right. After I get the bolt stick solved. I can add more shims to make it easier on paint right. I am pretty sure I have the middle spring in and there are two shims in the bolt.

Thanks. I have my ult stacked. if i add one more shim I cant get the on/off to get past the body. Thanks guys.