View Full Version : Nothing But Problems

05-03-2005, 08:02 PM
Everything worked flawlessly on Sun.

Alright. I ordered a Logic VM Ripper Frame and a Blue Alpha Rail. Simple enough? I think not.

After I mounted everything, I hooked up the air. Nothing. Nada. It farts. Okay. Take it apart. One of the o-rings for the on/off valve come out. Alright. Reseat it in the valve. Hook it all up. Now it farts sporadically. Alright

Switch Sears(I have three) nothing. Farts down the barrel again. Alright.

Change the on/off pin to another one(I have three of these aswell.) Nothing. Farts

Change the Valve entirely. Used my RT/Pro Valve where it was determinded in another thread that the length of the on/off pin was too long. Figured this might fix problem. Still Farts

So I switch rails just to see if that works. Nothing. It farts some more.

Switch trigger frames to my z-grip. Nothing. More Farts

Crank up the veliocity...nothing more farts.

Turn down the veliocity...more farts.

Change back to the lvl 7 Valve that worked on Sun. Nothing

Change back to the setup that worked on Sun with the old classic grip frame...nothing...and take a guess. It farts!!!!

Now I am irriatated with this gun...or guns. I have two...nothing works. I have my Autococker that works flawlessly, so I do have a gun if we decide to play. I am out of ideas, and out of patience.

Anybody have any ideas before I write Tunaman or BlackVCG a pm/e-mail and beg and plead and spend money getting them to make it work properly?

05-04-2005, 09:45 AM
Well, first take the valve apart and clean it and any o-rings. Lubricate. That will make sure everything in the valve is fine and not sticking.

Check the assembly of the rail and body. Make sure the body is tight on the rail and the sear swings freely. Make sure the rail bushing is in place.

Make sure there is enough air in your tank. Turn the velocity up.

05-04-2005, 10:48 AM
Rail bushing?...more research.

Everything is tight. Everything is oiled. Fresh o-rings where applicable. Farted all night long.

05-04-2005, 01:08 PM
Everything is tight.

You could be over tightening one or both of the screws. Also as said before hit that beotch up with some oil. And make sure you have at least 2k psi of air.

05-04-2005, 02:38 PM
ahem um whats your input pressure set at? Just wondering.

05-04-2005, 04:30 PM
Input pressure from the tank is 850 psi

05-04-2005, 04:39 PM
It seems unlikely that the rail bushing (or lack thereof) may be causing your problems since you said you tried two rails... but you should make sure you have one because not having one can cause some really strange and annoying problems. Its a ring that goes through the rail. The field strip screw goes through it. It fits inside the grip frame when you're assembelling the gun.

05-04-2005, 05:06 PM
Give it a laxitive and wait a few days until it stops farting... :ninja:
Ask Tunaman.

05-04-2005, 09:17 PM
Its going out to Tunaman tomorrow.