View Full Version : no mags to be found

11-24-2001, 10:49 PM
i just started reffing at my local field a few weeks ago. i've been going there for about a year now. through all my trips and adventures and such, i have come to discover that there are very few mag owners. i know one ref that owns a mag. i reffed today and saw two mags on the field, and they sucked. people don't like mags around me. i feel so alone. am i the only mag user around here. what's going on?

11-24-2001, 10:54 PM
I know what you mean. I play paintball on the weekends as often as I can, I see very few mag owners out there. I have seen a couple play at ATS in Fort Eustis, but they are few and far between, besides the fact that they use the mag as a back-up gun. I use my E-mag as my primary gun, people are surprised by the performance that the gun is putting out, but despite that people still go for the more expensive guns like the Angel. It is hard to convert those who do not want to be converted...

11-24-2001, 11:09 PM
same with me. my local field is a cocker angel field if you know what i mean. i'm one of about three people who go there who has a mag and most of the people there ask if they can try it and love it but don't want to admit it. I just laugh at all of them and pitty them. :D

11-24-2001, 11:58 PM
Lol, its the totall opposite around me.... at CCPaintball there are dominant Mags/Angels for the better guns. The place frowns at Cockers but still there are quite a bit. Mags are more popular there... im happy! mags are hte ONLY way to go....

11-25-2001, 10:22 AM
it depends where i play, but usually there are a couple of mags, and a ton of cockers. That really annoys me cuz the cocker people look down on the mag users. What gives?

11-25-2001, 04:14 PM
Up here in Maine we see mags a lot. Not crappy mags either. Tricked retro mini's and hyper-powdercoated mags and pretty chrome/black mags. Its all good up here.

Thing is, most people are dumb when it comes to repairing them.

My most common answer: Reg Seat

11-25-2001, 05:07 PM
Untill I got mine, I had never even seen a 'Mag shot. NO ONE around here owns one (other than tooslow). Our local fields are all cocker/low end electro/Open-bolt blowback, since the big shop around here don't like 'Mags.

11-25-2001, 07:42 PM
I must be missing something. I happen to play with quite a few Mag owners. Most of the newbies have Tippmans and Spyders, but the experienced players have moved on to the Mag... thankg god.


PS I have noticed at the last few events I have attended that the Mag has been the gun of choice for seasoned players. At the 48 hr Wayne Dollack game I am willing to bet that at least 15 percent of the guns there were Mags.

11-25-2001, 07:52 PM
my field is owned by mags lol
sorry to hear that though

11-25-2001, 09:59 PM
the field i play at is run pretty much by bushmasters. they had absolutely no mags. the closest thing to a mag for a while was my desert fox. now he has an e-mag on display, which i will be buying very shortly. they have a few angels, and a few new guys with cockers. the 2 guys that run the field were trying to talk me into a bushy, but i prefer the e-mag. it's a small field, but great service. they just need more mags.;)

11-26-2001, 11:48 AM
The field that I used to play at (AG in NH) almost never saw mags, there were a few RT's and stock mags now and then. Then, last May, Tom K came to town and the local store owner, who normally has less-than-great prices cut them almost to cost, threw in a free warpfeed for every mag purchase, and invited all ne owners out to dinner, besides giving away 2 emags. Now mags outnumber cockers and all electros put together. Now Tom knows what he has to do if he wants to rule the world.

11-26-2001, 01:48 PM
the only gun used at my feild is a mag.
almost every person has either a mag,minimag,imtimadator,micromagrt,one zap gun and the rest are crappy spyders.

11-26-2001, 04:22 PM
most of the mag owners moved away or don't come out anymore my feild is by Parris Island and a Marine Air Station so I suspect most of the people are a little busy

SiLeNt X
11-26-2001, 06:40 PM
angles rule one of the feilds i got to but there is another about a half a mile away that is runed by semis of all types form stingrays(yes i know sad)to mags and cockers
It sucks for me because i have stuck with my m98 for a while and people think im a newbie before they play with me........but after they do they know better.:D its gay how people with the most expensive guns look down on semi's and other low/med end guns:confused: :confused: :confused:

11-26-2001, 07:31 PM
Man, my local shop has tons of used Mags for sale. They've all been there for a long time. Most people around here use electro's. Shockers, Impy's, Angels. Man I love my Mag, never goes down.........well you know.:D

11-26-2001, 07:52 PM
yall don't relize that back in the day, mags were the top top guns, they were like the king of it all. but people are looking into the more flashy markers. around my feild the last person i saw shoot a mag was about 2 months ago when some1 used it as there back up, but at the cup i saw a few e-mags & RTmags & retromags.
If agd keeps pushing the SFL e-mags, and milled Xtreme mags i think pepole'll start to notice them more...
i got to use a booyah elecd RT mag and it was pretty nice, xcept it was w/ a standard feed mag and they say powerfeed has less blowback caused choping. but it was nice.