View Full Version : Will ION affect PneuMag?

05-05-2005, 11:58 AM
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are. If the price of the PneuMag is 200+ why not just get an ION. I wonder if that will give PTP second thoughts about releasing it.

Please don't turn this into a ION bash thread either.

05-05-2005, 12:04 PM
Ill be the first and the last to dead this thread..

Because as with ANY AGD gun , it has a large following of people. Those that have an already seriously tricked out mag will rather spend the money and make it that much better.

And having owned an Ion for all of 1 day , it feels to much like a cheap nerf gun that shoots paint.. not like a persision machined marker..

05-05-2005, 12:07 PM
The Ion is still an electronic marker, where as the PneuMag isn't. That's one of the big selling points. They're completely different markers. And, simply by posting yet another Ion thread, you're asking to get it bashed, especially comparing it to a mag.

Lupis Fidelis
05-05-2005, 12:09 PM
Pnuemag=all-weather ripper. You'll never have to worry about gettin' down and dirty or wet and wild with a pnuemag :argh: .

05-05-2005, 12:11 PM
Ion's are electronic yes.. but turn the rebound off and its a very lame one of that..

ITs not a very fast gun with the rebound off , it feels VERY sloppy. Ive seen well tune mech cockers , and espyders shoot faster than an Ion with rebound turned of.. and with todays faster is better mentality and the illegality of " Rebound " modes that makes a HUGE difference

05-05-2005, 12:18 PM
I'm sorry my intention wasn't so much to compare the two rather then ask if it will affect the release of the PneuMag.

I'm very well aware that AutoMags have a very loyal following. But is it big enough to turn a profit?

05-05-2005, 12:19 PM
Yeah, but lil Johnny Numb Nutts down the street has an Ion and I want one too!

Make way for the band wagon ;)

Ion's are electronic yes.. but turn the rebound off and its a very lame one of that..

ITs not a very fast gun with the rebound off , it feels VERY sloppy. Ive seen well tune mech cockers , and espyders shoot faster than an Ion with rebound turned of.. and with todays faster is better mentality and the illegality of " Rebound " modes that makes a HUGE difference

05-05-2005, 12:33 PM
Let we all forget here he is also comparing and upgrade to an entire gun...

Yes there similar in price range.. but when and UPGRADE costs 200 Bucks its going to be well made and have atleast all metal parts... No lets look at the $300 Ion... hmm.. not very well made Ive seen alot not working at all out of the box brand new , and lets we forget cutting corners on fit and finish to make money... " Hey kids buy this awsome gun its half plastic and powder coat! "

The irony of this gun is the same people that are snapping up this gun like ice tea on a hot day are the same people 2 years ago were Whineing that the M-98's were powder coated and thusly made it look like a cheap junk pile
ION = Hype Junk

05-05-2005, 12:37 PM
SP: It's the MTV of paintball - More hype than substance!

Remember when MTV actually played music videos? Remember when SP used to make really good paintball equipment?

Let we all forget here he is also comparing and upgrade to an entire gun...

Yes there similar in price range.. but when and UPGRADE costs 200 Bucks its going to be well made and have atleast all metal parts... No lets look at the $300 Ion... hmm.. not very well made Ive seen alot not working at all out of the box brand new , and lets we forget cutting corners on fit and finish to make money... " Hey kids buy this awsome gun its half plastic and powder coat! "

The irony of this gun is the same people that are snapping up this gun like ice tea on a hot day are the same people 2 years ago were Whineing that the M-98's were powder coated and thusly made it look like a cheap junk pile
ION = Hype Junk

05-05-2005, 12:41 PM
Not for nothing... I still think smartparts stuff has always been second rate, And were talking since they came about in 92-93. There first product spiral ported barrels... alot of other people were doing it at the time they were just the first to slap a patent on it.

05-05-2005, 01:27 PM

I'm going to go on record (and hope like heck I'm wrong...) that it'll never happen. Do I have any inside knowledge? Nope. But I just don't see it happening - so someone PROVE me wrong and release the dang thing; otherwise it is a wet dream I'll put a steak on ain't gonna ever make it to production.

Talking about it at this point is even stupid - it's the worst vaporware ever. Sorry to sound so negitive and only time will tell whether I'm right or not - regardless of what people are saying. If it were a rever going to happen then there would be a release date at this point.


05-05-2005, 01:36 PM
The ion is a good gun. It will cost about the same as a pneumag frame alone.

Ions are not bad guns. The trigger feels a little cheap, but a little mods and it will feel just right. And I frame blades are not sloppy trigger? please.

05-05-2005, 01:36 PM
i'd say that the pneumag is just gonnabe like the isis comeing out form powerlyte. alot of holding breath with some updaqtes every now and then but people are rapidly giving up hope.

Anyways i think personally i would take a pneumag over a ion any day they are the crappiest craps that ever crapped a crap load of crap (excuse my french)

does anyone have a website for the pneumag i've only been able to keep up with current events form word of mouth.


05-05-2005, 01:39 PM
To answer your question very little to no impact on the pnuemag. The target groups of the two are completely different

05-05-2005, 01:44 PM
Dammit! That's exactly what I was going to say.

The people who were/are (hopefuly) going to spend the money on the Pneuframe aren't going to change their mind because of an inexpensive E-gun.

05-05-2005, 01:46 PM
To answer your question very little to no impact on the pnuemag. The target groups of the two are completely different

agreed. another note. Why is everyone calling the Ion crap? Is there a reason for it? Can someone please give reasons for calling something crap, other than just saying its crap cause its made by SP.

Its getting ridiculous. I like both the mag and the Ion for what they are, but I dont bash one or the other for thier weaknesses.

05-05-2005, 01:46 PM
id much rather have an ion, it is a better marker in my mind.

First off, it is an electro, you cant deny that fact, it will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger, and it will be easier to shoot fast, without rebound.

it has eyes, no chance of chopping. level 10 does break paint still, it just dramatically reduces the chances.

It is a spool valve based marker. no kick, nada. lightning fast with no kick, what more could any one really want?

its even easier to maintain than a mag

it is cheeper

more cost effective

more efficient


and probably smaller as well.

ive shot the hair, and while it was impressive, id still much rather have an electro

edit: who ever said the mags had a huge following... you make me laugh

05-05-2005, 01:48 PM
id much rather have an ion, it is a better marker in my mind.

First off, it is an electro, you cant deny that fact, it will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger, and it will be easier to shoot fast, without rebound.

it has eyes, no chance of chopping. level 10 does break paint still, it just dramatically reduces the chances.

It is a spool valve based marker. no kick, nada. lightning fast with no kick, what more could any one really want?

its even easier to maintain than a mag

it is cheeper

more cost effective

more efficient


and probably smaller as well.

ive shot the hair, and while it was impressive, id still much rather have an electro

edit: who ever said the mags had a huge following... you make me laugh

finally someone puts some reason behind thier opinion. I agree. I used to shoot mags exclusively, but I think the Ion is better than any of the mags Ive owned. Thats my 2 cents.

its also quieter, low pressure, more efficient. That is important to me.

05-05-2005, 01:49 PM
as did i, ive owned every incarnation of the mag

from classic to the sfl e-mag i owned em all

but honestly, they dont cut it any more, not for me atleast

05-05-2005, 02:26 PM
as did i, ive owned every incarnation of the mag

from classic to the sfl e-mag i owned em all

but honestly, they dont cut it any more, not for me atleast

same here. I personally feel it is has been surpassed in the paintball world. I like them though. I just like them for what they are. It really all depends on your style of play. I just dont see many mags in the tourney scene anymore. Since thats what I play, thats what matters to ME.

But I dont call a gun crap because everyone else does. Its ironic how someone says jumping on the bandwagon, but that is what they are doing by saying the Ion is crap cause others say it.

Opinions Count!
05-05-2005, 02:41 PM
Mag=Ugly JunkEdited for truth. Mags are ugly hunks of metal. Even the XmagXtreme body was ugly beyond belief. They(AGD) should learn to integrate the valve into the gun body instead of the valve they currently have.

05-05-2005, 02:49 PM
Sorry that you're such a tool :( . On the other hand, perhaps you could use yourself to fix your attitude.

Back to the topic....other than Mag vs. Ion posts which have already been done to death, does anyone else have somehting to contribute to the original question?

05-05-2005, 02:56 PM
Edited for truth. Mags are ugly hunks of metal. Even the XmagXtreme body was ugly beyond belief.

It's nice that you have your opinion but using that logic shocker and ions are ugly hunks of metal too. After all they have the same BASIC design (single tube w/ grip frame). If you mean the lack of milling search out the Deadly Wind Bodies

And I'm going to ask for clarification on this statement

They(AGD) should learn to integrate the valve into the gun body instead of the valve they currently have.

Do you mean completely enclose the valve inside of a piece of metal? Because the way it is designed now the valve is "integrated into the gun body". Also this design is a product of form following function if I'm not mistaken. In order to enclose the valve in the body it would require a complete redesign which would for all intens and purposes end it being a mag. But whatever think and say what you want.

05-05-2005, 03:13 PM
The Ion affects every gun on the market.

05-05-2005, 03:16 PM
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are. If the price of the PneuMag is 200+ why not just get an ION. I wonder if that will give PTP second thoughts about releasing it.

Please don't turn this into a ION bash thread either.

why would you want to buy a ion when the pune is jest like it without cheating modes and batterys???

05-05-2005, 03:23 PM
why would you want to buy a ion when the pune is jest like it without cheating modes and batterys???

what cheat modes?? Please tell me, I havent found it yet hidden away deep w/ in the board.


05-05-2005, 04:05 PM
Wont hurt my purchasing ..... Patiently waiting the release.

05-05-2005, 04:17 PM
The Ion affects every gun on the market.Argh! :mad: I get tired of hearing that. I don't know how many times I've posted in threads that Palmer, CCI, Sterling, etc. aren't affected by the ION. I also doubt DMC's, Angels, [insert other high end $1500 marker here] are affected very much at all either. Now, I have nothing against the ION, and think it has definately placed itself well in the market due to price, performance, and brand recognition, but it is probably hurting sales of lower end guns or guns close to its price range a lot more than high end or specialty markers. I don't have ANY numbers to back this up, but I just don't see someone that is going to purchase a Blazer or Phantom or DMC going "Oh, well, since the ION has been released, why would I want one of those."

05-05-2005, 04:29 PM
To answer your question very little to no impact on the pnuemag. The target groups of the two are completely different

That's not true because this is exactly why I asked. I would personally rather have the Pneu, but if it's going to be 2 years away, I can get an ION for now while I save up for a top-end marker. BUT I already have a mag just sitting here waiting for the upgrade. If I didn't have a gun at all I'd be really torn about whether or not I should just get an ION instead of spending $350 for a ULE Mag and then another $200+ for the trigger mod.

Someone else brought up this very point which I was kind of driving towards. A fast complete gun for $300 or a PneuMag frame upgrade for either the same or slightly lower price?

This wasn't meant to be a vs. thread at all (yes I knew it would probably escalate to that). I just wonder if it had an impact on the pneumag. So in a nutshell, aside from the brass eagle version, is PTP going forward with this thing for the mag or not?

05-05-2005, 04:36 PM
Im sure the pneumag frame will sell. It wont do as good as it wouldve done if they released it a year ago when everyone was wanting it. Now that the bullcrap has played out with it as far as DW not making it and the rights going to PTP to make it, its taken a long time. I remember hearing this phrase a lot....."only about 6-7 months...Then ...."maybe by christmas".....Then " aw crap DW isnt making it now".....Then..."PTP is making it now".....Then " Brass eagle is involved now".....they just wasted too much freakin time and didnt market the damn frame fast enough. That will hurt their sales.

It probably wont effect the sales of pneumag frames much because the target consumer is not the same as the target consumer for the Ion. The ion IMO was geared more toward entry level tournament or even more experienced tourney players that cant afford to buy the 1500 DMC. It just so happens that many rec players are buying them too.

I think the Pneumag frame and mags in general are more geared toward rec players rather than tourney players. Does that mean that tourney players cant buy them? no. There may be some, but I dont think there will be this HUGE surge of pneumags on the tourney fields when the frame gets released.

Thats my take on it.

05-06-2005, 08:05 AM

But I just don't see it happening - so someone PROVE me wrong and release the dang thing; otherwise it is a wet dream I'll put a steak on ain't gonna ever make it to production.


Carefull there, If I have to start selling off my Prototypes to prove you wrong, the bill from "Sizzler" aint going to be pretty. ;)

I've done more in past for free food. :D

05-06-2005, 08:15 AM
congrats fireblade, you just earned yourself the right to recieve a bunch of PMs/emails of ppl wanting a prototype.

05-06-2005, 08:21 AM
congrats fireblade, you just earned yourself the right to recieve a bunch of PMs/emails of ppl wanting a prototype.

Hows that going to be any different? :D (Don't forget phone calls too ;))

05-06-2005, 08:34 AM
Hows that going to be any different? :D (Don't forget phone calls too ;))

lol. it must suck to be you. :p In that way. Dont take it the wrong way. ;)

05-06-2005, 04:26 PM
I know a lot of us are waiting patiently for the Pnue-mag to come out. It's been a couple of years already, so what's another few months. I'm already setting $$$ aside to purchase the upgrade.

The Ion will not affect my purchase for the Pnue-mag Frame.


05-06-2005, 08:10 PM
Each marker, the ION and the Pneu, will have their own market and appeal to different type of pballer. Personally, I'm going to wait and see if the Pneu hits the market and if/when it does, I've already set aside the money needed to buy it. That being said, I could buy 2 IONs, but that's not the type of marker I'm interested in purchasing.

I'm older than a lot of people on here and have used all types of electros, mechanical, and started in 1988 with a custom pump. Now, I'm a bit older/fatter/slower and would rather use the skills and knowledge I've acquired over the past 16 or so years to out play the opponent, not overspray them by sending paint all over the place. My first pump marker weighed a ton, but it was solid and if it was dropped, it still shot. I'm not a fan of ramping and spraying paint all over the place.

Both markers have a following and debating which is better is moronic. You shoot what you like and can afford. I'll shoot what I like and can afford :D :D

I'll see ya at the 50 :cool:

05-06-2005, 08:49 PM
AGD>SP that simple...... and yes thats an ?algebraic? expression....hence the > sign (greater than)

05-07-2005, 01:28 AM
Ditch the pnuemag; get an adjustable and rapid fire! :shooting:

05-07-2005, 05:55 AM
To the original question: While the Ion might have a small effect on the sales on the Pneu-Mag upgrade, I doubt that it will really bite into the market. Once the product is released, that places it on equal footing with the Ion in terms of availability. The Pneu-Mag appeals to a very niche market, and I doubt that many in that market will be swayed by the Ion, or any other comparable gun, really. Just think - we've already got the Ion, Omen, Bushmaster and a few more within the "inexpensive electro" category.

Those people on AO (a decent chunk, unfortunately) who feel it's their life's calling to bash the Ion/Smart Parts/Who-ever shouldn't be taken seriously. I've yet to see a single well thought out argument against the Ion...or any marker, really. There's a lot of hate on these boards for things that aren't mags, palmers, or other niche markers. Just tune them out and pay attention to other stuff.

05-07-2005, 08:13 AM
Carefull there, If I have to start selling off my Prototypes to prove you wrong, the bill from "Sizzler" aint going to be pretty. ;)

I've done more in past for free food. :D

Sizzler?!? When I see the pnue-mag in *production* I'll buy you dinner at Outback ;)
