View Full Version : Chimera vs Y-grip

05-05-2005, 12:45 PM
K, so i have gone back and forth thinking im gonna get one or the other... which one should i get!?
thats the chimera for those of you who didnt know.

05-05-2005, 12:47 PM
well..w/e one you want

the y-grip requires your hand to be angle back, which isnt good for all shooting positions.

the vert allows for pretty much any position, but is also uncomfortable for some.

ive had/have both and i liked them both...

might want to stick with an intelli if you havent tried either of these..

05-05-2005, 12:51 PM
i have owned intelliframe's y grips a benchmark and the other vert frame ..

i narrowed it down to 2 chimera frame's

and i have all sorts of rogue gear you cant go wrong with any of it ..

the chimera frame is so damn comfy i had to buy a second one .. that will soon be on a dallara all i need is a body ..

here is a pic of my rogue mag ..

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/22000/rpg.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/22000/rpg.jpg" width="355" height="236"> </img></a>

05-05-2005, 01:09 PM
i like those chimera's alot. and i dont think its really that uncomfortable to have a normal direction grip, i havealways used one.

05-05-2005, 01:46 PM
k, so i have been looking at soem intelli frames, and they are pretty sweet too. on some mags i think they actually look better... so im taking that into consideration also

WaStEd TaLeNt
05-05-2005, 01:54 PM
k, so i have been looking at soem intelli frames, and they are pretty sweet too. on some mags i think they actually look better... so im taking that into consideration also

I have an itelli on my mag, a friend has y grip on his. Both of us have the hookup to the hopper on our guns. If you were to get the chimera you could still have the hookup to the hopper which is really nice and easy to do. So I would say get any of them because you can hook it up to the hopper. If this hookup is not for you there is a cheaper 90 degree handle if you were to go to www.logicpaintball.com that does not have the intelli ability.

05-06-2005, 10:37 AM
does the chimera have intelli-hookups...i didnt think it did :dance:

05-06-2005, 04:17 PM
does the chimera have intelli-hookups...i didnt think it did :dance:


05-07-2005, 03:17 AM
K, so i have gone back and forth thinking im gonna get one or the other... which one should i get!?
thats the chimera for those of you who didnt know.

Thank god you linked us to the chimera frame.
I'm confident not many of us knew what you were talking about.

05-07-2005, 09:11 AM
I have an itelli on my mag, a friend has y grip on his. Both of us have the hookup to the hopper on our guns. If you were to get the chimera you could still have the hookup to the hopper which is really nice and easy to do. So I would say get any of them because you can hook it up to the hopper. If this hookup is not for you there is a cheaper 90 degree handle if you were to go to www.logicpaintball.com that does not have the intelli ability.

Not correct. The logic frame has intelli ability as well

05-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Thank god you linked us to the chimera frame.
I'm confident not many of us knew what you were talking about.

Smarta$$... ;)

Oh, and I absolutely love my Chimera frame.

05-07-2005, 06:16 PM
It's purely preferance. Try both and decide. As far as looks go, I would prefer the chimera.

b&r automag
05-08-2005, 03:52 AM
I would choose the Y-Grip. Either way when your firing your gun, especially if you have a ULT and your walking your trigger, your hand is never fully griped onto the frame. The biggest advantage is the Y-grip makes your gun a little more compact in size. The Chimera frame is lighter and also the Chimera has a lot more choices if you would like to change the rubber grips.
Overall I would prefer the Y-Grip because it is original only to the automags. In other words... it get's a lot more attention! I have both grips set up on two seperate markers. I always end up playing with my Y-grip set up. You can check it out at www.jayloo.com. Look for MrBLUEballz. :cool:

05-08-2005, 10:30 AM
Well, I've tried both, and as I stated earlier, I prefer the Chimera. The Chimera is not lighter, though. It is a physically larger gripframe (being longer than the Y).

05-08-2005, 11:09 AM
i personally went with the y-grip. it just has more mag-tastic style to it. I personally am going for the most unique set-up possible haha. I find it hard to secure a z-grip, and it doesnt fit me as well. The y-grip is unique to mags and its pretty comfortable, which is why i chose it.

05-08-2005, 12:23 PM
Overall I would prefer the Y-Grip because it is original only to the automags.

Of course besides the BKO or whatever the Z guy makes them for. But I get your general idea.