View Full Version : Wadjapay for your centerfeed barrel?

11-25-2001, 01:08 AM
How much did you pay to have your mag barrel converted to fit a centerfeed mag? Do you know how much some places charge to do this? I have a centerfeed emag and I converted all of my barrels to fit it. I am a Machinist and I did it all myself. I have had many AO'ers ask me if I can do this for them and I am willing to but I have no idea how much to charge. So what is the cheapest price you have paid to have your done?

11-25-2001, 12:29 PM
Come on guys where are you??? There has to be some other guys with centerfeed mags out there. I doubt that you are all using stock barrels :)

11-25-2001, 12:58 PM
hey man, were all either using stock barrels, or freak systems. There are olny like 4 companys that woll do centerfeed barrels. Plus i havnt ever herd of converting your barrels, i never even knew companys did that. Ok and by the way the companys that wil do centerfeed barrels, are: Lapco, Smart Parts, J&J, and Boa. That is it! so we either shoot those barrels( usualy a freak system) or the stock. The stock is marvelous by the way.

11-26-2001, 01:06 AM
I have emailed all kinds of places trying to find out who does this and how much they charge and nobody has replied. It seems to me that this option has been overlooked by many of the barrel manufactures in the industry. I checked with Smart Parts about getting a centerfeed SS back and they told me they only did aluminum in centerfeed. So I ordered my own SS from 888 Paintball and milled the hole myself. I can mill the centerfeed hole for any barrel on the market. I have done my entire collection of mag barrels. If anybody out there is interested in getting a barrel milled so it can be used in your centerfeed mag just drop me a line.

11-26-2001, 06:42 AM
I am interested in getting my 12" All American converted...also a 8" Taso Eliminator

11-27-2001, 12:39 PM
Anybody else interested in haveing their barrels modified for centerfeed? I am going to post some pic of some barrels that I have done soon.

11-27-2001, 01:19 PM
I would like 3 barrels converted

11-27-2001, 06:53 PM
As soon as I get an Emag I know who to call to get barrels milled. Monetary donations excepted to the 845 needs an E-Mag fund. :rolleyes: :D

I know absolutely nothing about mags but does this have to do with where the hole is in the barrel?

11-27-2001, 09:07 PM
I have center feed and use a J&J ceramic, but I would like a Center Feed boomstick, do they make it?

11-28-2001, 02:00 AM
ChrisRT-I do not know if DYE will make you a custom boomstick milled for a centerfeed. I do not even want to know how much they would charge you for it :eek: You could just buy a boomstick and I can convert it to use in your centerfeed for you.

845-You are correct. What I do is locate where the hole needs to be in the barrel slot for the twist lock pin to hold the barrel in the correct position so it can be used on a centerfeed mag.

Squeezer-I can do your barrels for you whenever you want to send them to me. I just finished the ones that I have here so I can do them as soon as you send them.

11-28-2001, 02:34 AM
Here is how much I am charging to mill the centerfeed hole.
1 barrel-$25.00
2 barrels-$40.00
3 barrels-$55.00
4 barrels-$70.00
5 barrels-$85.00
It is more expensive if you only send me one barrel to mill. It is much easier for me to set up the machine and do a few barrels at a time and that is why it is cheaper if you send me more than one at a time. Return shipping is included in the prices. I will post some pics of barrels that I have already done so you can see what I am doing. The hole that I mill ends up being just inside the slot for the right hand feed mag body. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THE BARREL ON A RIGHT HAND FEED MAG IF YOU GET THIS CONVERSION!!! I mill the hole so that the barrel stops in the correct location for a centerfeed body and does not go any further. You can still use the barrel on a left hand feed mag. I do not modify the left hand feed slot on the barrel. Turn around time is about one week from the day that I receive your barrels. I can also polish your stainless steel barrels to look like brand new and clean up any bad spots you want fixed while I have them. I will send out confirmation e-mails when I receive and send out your barrels. I accept Paypal, money orders and certified checks. PM me for payment and shipping details if you want to have this done. Thanks!!!

11-28-2001, 05:23 AM
"Right hand feed" is hopper right or what?

11-28-2001, 07:43 AM
Yes. Right hand feed is hopper right. You will not be able to use the barrel on a hopper right mag because I mill the hole in that slot to fit a centerfeed body.

11-28-2001, 11:38 AM
....CP also makes centerfed barrels. fyi

11-28-2001, 09:35 PM
I think you are modifying the wrong aspect of the barrel, I have a modified barrel that will fit right hand & center feed. Mill the groove for the barrel lock to extend to a center feed position. Yes, it will move if you play hard, but a slight turn will line it back up. Also look at it as another safety feature for not allowing balls to feed into the barrel. Just a thought, I like mine!:)

11-28-2001, 09:52 PM
If you like the boomstick, you'll love the new powerlyte barrel. Check it out: http://www.powerlyte.com

11-28-2001, 10:50 PM
doesn't whitewolf do the exact same thing for $15 a barrel? It may not be whitewolf but I remember someone on PBC who ofered it.

11-29-2001, 01:22 AM
Tjussery-I do not know what you have had done to your barrel but I guarantee that the barrels I mill do not "move if you play hard " to use your own words. I do not know any mag owners that want their barrels moving around on them while they are playing. My barrels stay put until you take it out of the twist lock. You have not seen a pic of what I do or used one of my modified barrels and you have the knowledge to say that I am modifying the wrong aspect of the barrel? I think that you should at least see what I am doing before you start to criticize it.

X-plosive-I do not know of anybody on PBC that does this. There may be, I just do not know. I do not post on PBC anymore because there is not enough traffic there anymore. Perhaps you did not notice but I am only charging $15.00/barrel also. The first one being $25.00 is for set up purposes and all barrels thereafter are $15.00 each. To do all barrels for $15.00 shipped would not be worth it to me. I thought that I made this very clear in my previous post.

11-29-2001, 02:26 AM
Here is a pic of one of my modified barrels. Notice the hole just to the left of the barrel slot. This is exactly where the hole needs to be located for the ball hole to line up with a centerfeed body. I mill it so that you cannot twist the barrel past the hole. It removes just like any other barrel and it holds in place just fine.

11-29-2001, 08:02 AM
Damageinc54- Sorry If I came across as criticizing but when you described the "hole" for center feed, I thought you were referring to the hole the ball goes through. Now that you have you pic on, I can see that you have pretty much the same as I do. And, no I did not do the work to my barrel, I came across it. The barrel lock slot looks like a "T" so I can use it for a right hand or center feed. I sure that yours is a quality job!:D

11-29-2001, 08:26 AM
a t-groove is for left and right feeds. you cannot use it on a center feed. it may seem to be working now, but as time goes one. it will loosen up and slide. this is not recommended at all, and to be honest i dont see how you could get off more than 2 shots without having the barrel turn.

hate to take this tone, but there are indivduals claiming that they have centerfed barrels, just becasue of the tgroove, not so. these work only on right and left feeds.

11-29-2001, 08:38 AM
I aggree with jimmyjobob. The barrels with a T groove rather than the two indivdual grooves is presenting me a challenge. I like a challenge :) I am still in the testing process with T groove barrels. Barrels with the two individual grooves however are working just fine. The pic I posted is a DYE Stainless. I have not had any problems with the barrels I have modified. I have been using them in my cenerfeed Emag. Is anybody ready to get theirs done? I currently have none to do so I can do yours as soon as I receive them.

11-30-2001, 01:23 AM
up :)

12-01-2001, 01:27 AM

12-01-2001, 10:14 PM
I bought a center feed freak, I had to custom order it from Smarts Parts tho =p

12-02-2001, 01:38 AM
Starfire-How much did SP charge you to special order the centerfeed freak? Did you get aluminum or SS.

12-02-2001, 12:03 PM
I paid 250 for the entire kit, I got Aluminum. With black back and silver front.

12-02-2001, 11:03 PM
Man does Smart Parts charge a lot of money for the kit directly from them! :eek: ! I bought my kit with a SS back and red tip for 235.00 online! Here is your example guys. Do not pay too much for a manufacturer to custom make a centerfeed for you when I can do it for the cheap prices that I posted above. I would be really interested to know the price difference between a centerfeed and standard feed barrel from Smart Parts. I would be willing to bet that they are charging way to much to change one dimension in their CNC program.

12-04-2001, 01:50 AM
Up :)

12-04-2001, 05:08 PM
It looks professional. Nice job. Maybe you should try it in the classifieds forum. The title is kind of misleading, you also changed topics in the middle of the thread.

12-05-2001, 12:35 AM
Thank you for the compliments of my work! I actually had this thread in the main forum and one of the mods moved it here. I tried to change the title to garner some more interest but so far it has not worked. I probably should start a new thread.

12-08-2001, 03:01 AM
up :D

12-10-2001, 12:40 PM
UP :)

12-11-2001, 09:01 AM
Using non-centerfeed barrels on centerfeed bodies is possible, but annoying. Before I sold my powerfeed Boomie and other barrels, I tried then on my CF E-Mag, and it worked. Kind of.

It was very hard to insert the barrel, and slight misalignments caused by shifting caused ball hangs and consequent breaks. It was too annoying, so I sold all of those barrels.

If these conversions are good quality, then they should be worth it, considering the price and lack of availability of CF barrels. In addition, you can keep barrels you already have if upgrading guns.

12-12-2001, 01:31 AM
I have had my RT for 4 years and I have about 11 different barrels including a freak system(I like barrels :)) When I bought my centerfeed Emag there was no way I was going to ditch all of my barrels. Hell I am a Machinist and I knew I could make them work. That is what I have done here. With the hole that I mill in the barrel slot the twist lock works just like it would in a regular left or right feed. The twist lock locks into the milled hole and holds it there just like any other barrel. My modification does work. All I need is some guys to have some faith and let me modify their barrels :)

12-17-2001, 12:13 AM
up :confused:

12-18-2001, 01:58 AM

12-18-2001, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by ChrisRT
I have center feed and use a J&J ceramic, but I would like a Center Feed boomstick, do they make it?

DYE Does custom mill all of their line of barels for centerfeed. a boomie is a little more, not much...

I have seen centerfeed freaks for the same $199 as the rest, but they are not as common. I prefer my freak, but I have taken the time to modify a few of my PF barrels and they work fine. just a couple minutes of time and viola ::poof:: centerfeed JJ, AA, and DYE boomie


12-19-2001, 01:23 AM
It is not difficult to locate and mill the hole if you have the equipment and know what you are doing. It is VERY easy however to destroy the barrel if you are careless and do not know what you are doing. I am glad that DYE offers their barrels in centerfeed. I emailed them to get prices but they never did reply to me. Smart Parts replied to me but they told me that they only did the aluminum Freak backs in centerfeed. That made no cense to me. I do not like aluminum mag barrels because the twist lock slots ware out over time. I prefer stainless steel mag barrels. The biggest advantage of my service is that you do not need to sell your current barrels and buy new ones. You rarely get the true value of your barrel when you sell it. My way will save guys a lot of money.

12-21-2001, 03:08 AM
up :D