View Full Version : How to get smoke smell out of mask?

05-06-2005, 06:40 PM
I recently bought a mask and the previous owner was a smoker... I'm not allergic to it or anything, but I don't know if I could stand playing in that thing all day. My question is how I should remove this oder? Should I take off the fan, and lenses, and just take it outside and spray lycol(sp?) in it?



05-06-2005, 06:43 PM
uh... as far as i know, you really cant get the smell out of stuff that smell like smoke. try the lysol thing, but i dont think it will work. my mom got a car from a smoker, sprayed about two full cans of air freshener in it, and every hot day, the thing would still reek of smoke. i got a question though... how does he get smoke smell in a mask? he cant smoke while wearing the mask now can he?

05-06-2005, 06:45 PM
Spray it with ferbreeze , use alot
Then lipe it clean

05-06-2005, 06:46 PM
uh... as far as i know, you really cant get the smell out of stuff that smell like smoke. try the lysol thing, but i dont think it will work. my mom got a car from a smoker, sprayed about two full cans of air freshener in it, and every hot day, the thing would still reek of smoke. i got a question though... how does he get smoke smell in a mask? he cant smoke while wearing the mask now can he?

Maybe he didn't take the mask completly off? Or maybe it was just from being in his house? I don't know. But, I had the same problem with a bass guitar case I bought off ebay, I did the lysol thing a few times, and the smell eventually went away. Now it smells like lysol :cry: :p

05-06-2005, 07:09 PM
lol, i got a mask a smoker had had before!

yeah, i really dont get how they could smoke while wearing the mask... i dunno, maybe drug addictions just make people extra creative.

but yeah, good luck getting the smell out :rolleyes: luckily for me it was a crappy mask i got with a spyder and never used.

05-06-2005, 07:48 PM
Spray it with ferbreeze , use alot
Then lipe it clean
That will work.

05-06-2005, 07:54 PM
Take the lense out, make up a solution of 2 gallons water and 1/2 cup household bleach (unsented). Soak the mask (WITHOUT THE LENSE) in the solution overnight and rinse well the next day. The smoke smell should be gone.

05-06-2005, 08:19 PM
Thanks thetramp...I'll try that.

05-06-2005, 10:40 PM
when i bought my mag, it came with one of those cheap scott masks, and it smelled like smoke, my gun smelled like smoke, the co2 tank it came with smelled like smoke, and the gearbag smelled like smoke.

i went to the store and bought some stuff you just spray on and let dry, and i sprayed plenty on the gearbag and co2 tank. the smell went away, but smells faintly of the spray.
i cleaned the gun thouroughly and the smell went away.
and i spent forever taking the mask apart and useing soap and water to clean it for a long time and it still smelled.
since i have kinda high cheek bones, the mask was uncomfortable, and so i shot at it.
just to test the strength of the lense, i shot at it as fast as i could with my brothers tippy with response trigger from under 10 feet away, and it held up. i put a hopper into it.
it was GAP paint and it smelled like blueberrys, and so now the mask smells like blueberrys and smoke.

05-06-2005, 10:42 PM

05-07-2005, 12:46 AM
when i bought my mag, it came with one of those cheap scott masks, and it smelled like smoke, my gun smelled like smoke, the co2 tank it came with smelled like smoke, and the gearbag smelled like smoke.

i went to the store and bought some stuff you just spray on and let dry, and i sprayed plenty on the gearbag and co2 tank. the smell went away, but smells faintly of the spray.
i cleaned the gun thouroughly and the smell went away.
and i spent forever taking the mask apart and useing soap and water to clean it for a long time and it still smelled.
since i have kinda high cheek bones, the mask was uncomfortable, and so i shot at it.
just to test the strength of the lense, i shot at it as fast as i could with my brothers tippy with response trigger from under 10 feet away, and it held up. i put a hopper into it.
it was GAP paint and it smelled like blueberrys, and so now the mask smells like blueberrys and smoke.

best story i have ever heard... almost...

05-07-2005, 12:47 AM
Spray it with ferbreeze , use alot
Then lipe it clean

Step one. Dont listen to Monstermag
Step Two. -------
Step Three. Profit

05-07-2005, 01:01 AM
Also after the treatment leave it outside for a couple of days the wind should help out.

05-07-2005, 10:02 AM
. i got a question though... how does he get smoke smell in a mask? he cant smoke while wearing the mask now can he?
Plenty of people at my field smoke with their masks on, they just angle the cig down. Every now and then I laugh at them cause they burn there cheeks, but hey, smoking messes you up!

I got a tank cover and tank from a smoker, I just loaded it up with tons of febreeze and that did the trick.