View Full Version : Speedball Thread

05-06-2005, 08:31 PM
i would like this to be the unofficial speedball talk thread! yay!
but first i got a question! why doesnt anyone use remotes in speedball?!?!? what are the disadvantages/advantages??!?!!?

05-06-2005, 08:33 PM
i would like this to be the unofficial speedball talk thread! yay!
but first i got a question! why doesnt anyone use remotes in speedball?!?!? what are the disadvantages/advantages??!?!!?

We don't need one, but to answer your question. It's completly personal choice on whether you want to use a remote or not. I personally like the feel of a gun with the tank to put against my shoulder as a stock.

05-06-2005, 08:38 PM
here are some sweet pics yay!

05-06-2005, 08:41 PM
There are a lot of reasons why people dont use remotes in speedball.
1. most people who play speedball these days have HPA so no need for the remote coil to prevent liquid CO2.
2. A remote means its harder to switch hands when using both sides of the bunker.
3. A lot of people like to hold their tank against their shoulder as a brace so they shoot more accurately.
4. Remotes are funny :dance:

5. I guess the only advantage would be the fact that your gun wouldn't way that much but that's the only that I can think of.

05-06-2005, 09:06 PM
...no one uses remotes
not useful/will get you laughed off the field

....so will this move-

05-06-2005, 09:13 PM

05-06-2005, 09:17 PM
no one uses remotes b/c then u have nothing to rest/steady your gun with.

and a pic i took at last years Chi open http://img147.echo.cx/img147/4706/dsc010439aa.th.jpg (http://img147.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc010439aa.jpg)

the guy laying down unloaded on the guy comming around the corner. he got hit about 10-15 times. it was awsome

05-06-2005, 09:26 PM
68MagOwner- I can guarantee that guy screwed up 'cause of that Nerve ;) .

05-07-2005, 01:01 AM
heres my impression of a run and gun. key word is impression. oh yeah..notice that im shooting a suck-pulse, no thanks to my unfinnished devilmag.

05-07-2005, 01:05 AM
Remotes are great they make the gun lighter, but since they are not "cool" people wont be caught dead wearing them. Plus all the diving in speedball; that might get cumbersome.

05-07-2005, 01:09 AM
oh herees and old setup i had to go with a remot but i eventually went to a max flow hp system so now i play bottle on gun, and i can say i like bottle on gun better for the reasons stated earlier. movement from hand to hand and as well as ballance.

05-07-2005, 02:09 AM
I really like that set up. But that tank on the back is a pain,.

05-07-2005, 08:55 AM
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/5000/My Pictures113226.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/5000/My Pictures113226.jpg" width="512" height="341"> </img></a>

this dudes hopper fell off after he ran into the snake

05-07-2005, 03:18 PM
AGDlover if that was at the Chi open last year i think i was standing down on the far end of the snake when that happened.

05-07-2005, 03:19 PM
yup it was chi and i took the pic ehhe

05-07-2005, 03:24 PM
ya cause after that team played i forgot who they played AGD pride which I stood behind there pit and right behind them when they played that bastard team would allways send 1 snake 1 up behind 1back and 2 up the doriteos

05-07-2005, 03:47 PM
No remotes in speedball you say?



:dance: :bounce:

05-07-2005, 03:52 PM
Haha!!! At first glance I thought that tank was attached to the front handle somehow, and then you had a remote line going from your tank in your pack into your fill niple in the mounted tank!


05-07-2005, 04:03 PM
68MagOwner- I can guarantee that guy screwed up 'cause of that Nerve ;) .

...im shure thats it....concidering he is holding a timmy (note the boltpin/ slotted top)
good call :rolleyes:

05-07-2005, 04:06 PM
No remotes in speedball you say?



:dance: :bounce:

....in the last 10 years?

05-07-2005, 05:05 PM
wat a good web site to watch paintball games?

05-07-2005, 07:06 PM

05-07-2005, 10:44 PM

05-07-2005, 11:04 PM
rofl laughing

05-07-2005, 11:21 PM
Try switching hands quickly with a remote, it's not going to happen.

05-08-2005, 12:02 AM
:bounce: :rofl:

05-08-2005, 01:20 AM
dunno how a "speedball" thread got turned into an "owned" thread, but, hey, what the heck

05-08-2005, 06:29 AM
^ninja gato :ninja:

05-08-2005, 06:44 AM
Remotes…. It is quite the conversation starter. But most of what is said about remotes is out of ignorance. I thing most of the people who are anti-remote have never even used one. They “think” they know what the deal is, and they have heard folks say things about remotes for so long that they just parrot it out as if it is fact.

I use a remote. It is on my PPS Stroker in pistol mode. And I can literally toss the marker from hand to hand when playing.. I don’t know how much FASTER you can swap hands than that. The MYTH that a remote will slow you down when changing hands is just that… a MYTH. I am no faster, nor no slower changing hands with my remote than I am without it. And I can shoot equally well with either hand using a remote. That is why most of them have coils…. so they can extend.

Now one thing said that was true is that when sliding the remote may become a problem. But I don’t do Superman dives, or most of the “fancy” stuff speedball players like to do. Those things can get you seriously hurt on a woodsball field or in scenario play…. And that is my style of play.

But I am sure if in a “tournament” folks may look at people running a remote funny… but if their GAME is good, those looks will soon go away. And in “rec” play, even if speedball, it should not matter. Use what you like. Use what you want. Just get out and play the game.

It seems to me that too many paintball players are looking for “approval” for their choice in equipment or playing style, when they should just be out having a good time. If someone looks down on you because of what you use, they are simply not worth worrying about. As long as you are not forcing THEM to use something they don’t want to use, they should not have a problem with it.

05-08-2005, 10:13 AM

My uber run and gun.

05-08-2005, 11:10 AM
Remotes…. It is quite the conversation starter. But most of what is said about remotes is out of ignorance. I thing most of the people who are anti-remote have never even used one. They “think” they know what the deal is, and they have heard folks say things about remotes for so long that they just parrot it out as if it is fact.

I use a remote. It is on my PPS Stroker in pistol mode. And I can literally toss the marker from hand to hand when playing.. I don’t know how much FASTER you can swap hands than that. The MYTH that a remote will slow you down when changing hands is just that… a MYTH. I am no faster, nor no slower changing hands with my remote than I am without it. And I can shoot equally well with either hand using a remote. That is why most of them have coils…. so they can extend.

Now one thing said that was true is that when sliding the remote may become a problem. But I don’t do Superman dives, or most of the “fancy” stuff speedball players like to do. Those things can get you seriously hurt on a woodsball field or in scenario play…. And that is my style of play.

But I am sure if in a “tournament” folks may look at people running a remote funny… but if their GAME is good, those looks will soon go away. And in “rec” play, even if speedball, it should not matter. Use what you like. Use what you want. Just get out and play the game.

It seems to me that too many paintball players are looking for “approval” for their choice in equipment or playing style, when they should just be out having a good time. If someone looks down on you because of what you use, they are simply not worth worrying about. As long as you are not forcing THEM to use something they don’t want to use, they should not have a problem with it.

k that is somehting that truly helped beyond belief! thnx! i think im gonna start using a remote just to prove people wrong :cheers:

05-08-2005, 01:16 PM
If someone looks down on you because of what you use, they are simply not worth worrying about. As long as you are not forcing THEM to use something they don’t want to use, they should not have a problem with it.

perfectly stated. my sentiments exactly. I like to do home mods on my gun, and sometimes i get ridiculed cause i use odds and ends to make some mods. i say if it works, it doesnt matter what it looks like. I feel too much importance is put on aestectics buy many advanced players. true, you dont want to spend thousands of dollars on gear you dont find appealing, but some only like their own style, and insist any other style sucks. I players like that, matching everything, at my fields all the time. Seems like a fasion show. ,kids prancing around with more outfit accessories than a high school prom queen. lots of primping and looking in the mirror. I even heard this guy say he wouldnt go into the snake cause tyhere was a little mud in it thatday and he didnt want to mess up his jersy. as for the remot, i played with one for about the first 7 months i paintballed. I loved it but i like to diev, slide and flop alot, so It became a little dangerous and inhibiting for my style of play. I still use it when i play with my old classic valve, but not that often, so i did make my decision to go to bottle on gun with knowledge of both setups.

05-08-2005, 01:52 PM
...people who use something "just to prove them wrong" are gust as bad as the people that they are trying to prove wrong, anyway, yes, you can run a remote, and you can say "my skills will back it so that they wont talk crap" well, the honest to god truth, is that the kids out there with the remotes, or spyder setups (i know those spyder guys like to go on about how equipment dosent matter) are much worse than the "stuck up" guy out there with all his "expensive equipment" having such equipment is usually a sighn of dedication to what they do, yes, some kids just have their parents buy them stuff, but on average, the kid with all the "fancy equipment" and "$1000+ marker" is better than the kid with jeans and a mech. I know there are some super under cover ballers out there, but, i cant remember the last time some guy showed up at the field and showed everyone up with a pump or mech, thats just the way it is. People will go on and on about how equipment dosent make a player, which, is 100% true, but, on the same token, someone with the right equipment, on average, has skill to warrent owning that equipment.

Its easy for someone with "bad" equipment to walk off the field claiming that a team beat them because of there $1000+ markers, and its funny that those are the same kids that go around preaching that equipment dosent matter. :rolleyes:


couldnt find a good one of me right now, so, here is one of my ninja teammates earlier this season :ninja:

05-08-2005, 09:15 PM
...people who use something "just to prove them wrong" are gust as bad as the people that they are trying to prove wrong, anyway, yes, you can run a remote, and you can say "my skills will back it so that they wont talk crap" well, the honest to god truth, is that the kids out there with the remotes, or spyder setups (i know those spyder guys like to go on about how equipment dosent matter) are much worse than the "stuck up" guy out there with all his "expensive equipment" having such equipment is usually a sighn of dedication to what they do, yes, some kids just have their parents buy them stuff, but on average, the kid with all the "fancy equipment" and "$1000+ marker" is better than the kid with jeans and a mech. I know there are some super under cover ballers out there, but, i cant remember the last time some guy showed up at the field and showed everyone up with a pump or mech, thats just the way it is. People will go on and on about how equipment dosent make a player, which, is 100% true, but, on the same token, someone with the right equipment, on average, has skill to warrent owning that equipment.

Its easy for someone with "bad" equipment to walk off the field claiming that a team beat them because of there $1000+ markers, and its funny that those are the same kids that go around preaching that equipment dosent matter. :rolleyes:


couldnt find a good one of me right now, so, here is one of my ninja teammates earlier this season :ninja:
ic you do have a strong point..sigh im always getting proven wrong:( and whoever is in that pic looks way to sweet! :hail: