View Full Version : Boo Yaah electro trigger frame problem!!!

11-25-2001, 12:37 PM
Hey guys,
I have had the Boo Yaah E-LCD trigger frame for a while now and i can't get the trigger frame to mount. The little round thing inside the gun that holds the barrel in sticks out too far through the grip and i can't figure out how to get the trigger guard on. Can someone please help me???

11-25-2001, 04:12 PM
The trigger gaurd should be drilled out large enough to fit over the top of the barrel pin. It might sound funny but check if they forgot to drill it out almost through to the screw head. The whole alignment seems to be hit and miss with the grips. I have heard of people needing to grind some places and others fit perfectly. Mine fit but I did need to adjust the soleniod in the grip and play with the power tube spacer length to get it to work. Once it worked it has been great. I only break paint when I out shoot my hopper. The trigger gaurd does press in on the rubber grip though when it goes together so the rubber grip needs to be there when it goes together. I have also heard that the frame will hit some vertical adapters like the lapco. In the end nothing fits like AGD parts but it does work well when the smoke clears. Good luck and I hope this helps.

11-25-2001, 05:16 PM
Thanks a bunch man... That is exactly the thing i need to do to get it to work. Thanks again!