View Full Version : RadiatION... NOT ANOTHER DANG ION thread ...

05-08-2005, 04:13 AM
Still a work in progress, but making some good headway...


This is not as easy as a $10 can of Bondo and a $4 can of spray paint, albeit both methods require some time, patience and a little skill. This is some complex stuff. Mixing in catalyst in exacting ratios, certain pot lifes for certain materials(get your mind out of the gutter for a moment child... Pot life in casting has to do with how long your stuff can sit in the the mixing bowl before it becomes unusable) Of course you have to mix up Bondo too, but this way, you are mixing up about $60 worth of silicone rubber mold material that you hope is going to go right, and you don't get a second chance... Not with that $60 anyway... I have probably over the price of a new ION in mold making materials, books, dvds, different types of mold making rubber, casting resin, mold release, liquid plastics, catalysts, mold release agents, dremel tool attachments, sand paper, etc. etc. I have invested 75+ hours over the last 3 weeks paying my dues and learning the trade. All that for 9 sets of grips, 1 useable foregrip, and 2 bodies. Oh, I almost forgot: 2 reusable body molds, a reusable foregrip mold and a reusable grip mold :) I am about to the point of something fairly presentable in addition to being unlike anything most people have seen.

This last mold/body is much easier to deal with than my first one. I made a new center core and it was much easier to get on the gun. I still have 3 hours sanding, but may be able to reduce that with an even better mold core. BTW, most of the examples on the internet show you a nice 2 piece mold. Because we need a hollow tube, I am doing a 3 piece mold. It works, but trial and error led me to it, and being a "newbie" there is probably a better way to do it that I haven't discovered yet.

But the body does go on the gun. I have another hour or so in cleanup to get fitting correct. Also note the amber translucent "stock ION" body! I am using a black rubber/plastic tool dip product to do the rubber webbing. On the body on the gun, the webbing is the same height as stock gun, but the other parts are exploded (hence the name radiatION).

The resin once cured is easily cut, carved, sanded, etc. Maybe as easy as wood. If this body had too many curves, you could cut/sand it all down one level and shape it like the Bondos if you wanted to... I wanted something a little more. No offense, but most of those look like the pinewood derby car I made back in the 1960's in Scouts. When I get time, I will try some bondo on the resin to see if it sticks. You could potentially take one of these and Bondo it up, rather than cutting up and bondoing your original body.

But here is the kicker, ask the Bondo Guys if they can do this????


BTW, the glow is from a candle behind the body/gun ... And yes, I have considered adding lights, but not doing the mod... Wouldn't you have to send me your gun? I might install the LED with long enough wires for leads to where it needs to connect though!

I still love my two Emags, and the Minimag... But this is a fun gun to play with... Literally... LOL... I am thinking about taking one of my ION bodies and trying to put it onto a mag next, just for kicks.

If you are interested, here is my running history thread over on IONowners.com:

<<< Paintchucker's Resin ION Body Experiments LINK >>> (http://www.ionowners.com/showthread.php?t=444)

05-08-2005, 08:06 AM
Cool, Glad to see someone else doing this.
I had seen these resin kits at the local TAP plastics and thought about it ...for about 1 min. Then I realised its $$$$ and you NEED to know what you are doing...otherwise...Your out another $$$ .

Looks good though, keep it up.

I would love to see what this is like once you get it all squared away

05-08-2005, 08:27 AM
very nice

05-08-2005, 09:28 AM
i like it alot! i think it would be cool if u put some LEDs in b4 the mold to light them up...if that could work to like illumonate them or w/e. just my 2cents

05-08-2005, 09:43 AM
where does everyone get these new triggers?

05-08-2005, 10:33 AM
where does everyone get these new triggers?
new designz, custom products, bettertone all make aftermarket triggers


I have the new designz(aluminum) and love it

05-08-2005, 10:39 AM
I'm not quite sure what to think. Not my style, perhaps.

05-08-2005, 12:16 PM
not that i could do it myself.. but the plastic stock body is much more attractive than a body that looks like a piece of jello...

05-08-2005, 12:35 PM
not that i could do it myself.. but the plastic stock body is much more attractive than a body that looks like a piece of jello...
Hey now... I like jello.

05-08-2005, 12:40 PM
watch it giggle....hmmm jello.....hehe
nice work!

Target Practice
05-08-2005, 12:42 PM
Looks like it has cancer.


05-08-2005, 12:43 PM
Cool....would it be possible/have you considered making grip molds for other guns?

05-08-2005, 08:36 PM
off topic, but hows the efficiency on the ion? Facefull says its INefficient, but in comparison to a mag, is it really? LMK.

05-08-2005, 09:15 PM
off topic, but hows the efficiency on the ion? Facefull says its INefficient, but in comparison to a mag, is it really? LMK.

~1200 of a 68/45

05-08-2005, 09:33 PM
looks kinda like its an ion body with gummi bears or fruit snakes all stuck on to it. However, doenst look very tasty.

05-09-2005, 06:42 AM
stock it is about 1200 or so on a 68/4500. W/ a QEV, you will get about 200 or so more. Somewhere around 1400-1500.

05-09-2005, 12:56 PM
The first pic looks like a grilled hotdog with a barrel sticking out of it. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm.......Hotdogs................

05-09-2005, 02:03 PM
sorry to those of you who like jell-o, i dint mean to hurt your feelings lol

the body is a piece of work, but i dont think he should have modelled it after the original ion bodies.. and see-through? ::squish::

05-09-2005, 02:34 PM
sorry to those of you who like jell-o, i dint mean to hurt your feelings lol

the body is a piece of work, but i dont think he should have modelled it after the original ion bodies.. and see-through? ::squish::

LOL, well if you want a solid red/yellow/blue/black one, you can buy those from SP, but they are solid not translucent... Just kidding, and you probably can't get them from SP until they reduce the BackOrder situation...

I modeled the original body because I am a newbie at all this stuff. I figured it was easier to learn molding, and resin casting based on an existing model until I understood the process. Now that I am getting a feel for it, then I can add "making my own model designs" to the project list.

Actually what I am thinking of doing is making a smooth one for a Make Ur Own Body Kit that could be cut and carved to make whatever you wanted... If you might want one, PM me... Probably charge $35-45 shipped... Keep in mind that this is a stand alone body. It doesn't require destroying your original SP body like the Bondo Method.

05-27-2005, 12:44 AM
It has been a long 20 days... about 90+ hours pulling my hair out, making NOOBIE mistakes, but making a little progress!


This is a body that was taken from the same FrankensteinBody mold as the red body above.

not quite so Frankensteinish anymore, IMHO...

Of course, I didn't realize how lumpy it was until I sprayed it a solid color either...

But made it to a ready to paint prep'd stage at about 300 minutes total (5 hours). I have put 3 coats of filler primer on it(5 minutes each), and will sand on it some tomorrow plus maybe a little bondo or resin to fill some gaps. So total work time since pulling out of the mold is about 315 minutes...


I still think I am hours ahead of the cut the rubber, sand, bondo, sand, bondo, sand methodology(not to mention this is a completely new body, not the stock one), so this might turn into something useful yet...

I know how touchie some of you newMag guys are about the ION, so I haven't been posting much about it here, but if you are interested, here is my running history thread over on IONowners.com:

<<< Paintchucker's Resin ION Body Experiments LINK >>> (http://www.ionowners.com/showthread.php?t=444)

If you feel the need, please FLAME ME HERE, or over on PbN (you'll be in good company there... ROFLMAO), and leave the thread at IONowners.com clean...


And yes, I still remain loyal to my mini and two emags... 150+ hours total project time on the ION, and still haven't shot a single paintball thru it. LOL ...

06-29-2005, 06:30 PM
Haven't made much progress... well, I have but I keep breaking it and mucking it up... LOL

But playing with the ION is almost as fun as real paintball !!!



MMMMM.... Illuminite Paint... Not quite as cool as the Crystal Paint, but only $12/can
