View Full Version : AO AR--Where Are You?

05-09-2005, 06:28 AM
I'm close to Jacksonville/Searcy/Conway areas.

What about you?

05-22-2005, 12:01 AM
im in cabot

05-23-2005, 02:12 AM
I go to school in Arkadelphia. I'm originally from Springdale but my family moved to San Antonio. During the school year I'm in the Arkadelphia/Hot Springs area if anyone wants to get together.

05-24-2005, 01:50 AM
im in cabot
Ever play at T-Square in Jax?

05-24-2005, 01:51 AM
I go to school in Arkadelphia. I'm originally from Springdale but my family moved to San Antonio. During the school year I'm in the Arkadelphia/Hot Springs area if anyone wants to get together.
We'll have to. I don't get down that way much though. We'll have to work something out sometime.

05-24-2005, 09:56 AM
It's cool. There isn't much in Arkadelphia but we actually had our own field for a little while until someone bought the property. It used to be an old paintball field that some guy owned but he did a poor job of running it so he closed his business down but left the field there. We ended up getting to know the guy and he let us use his field and do whatever changes we wanted to with it. I'll let ya know when we plan on getting a game together and we'll work something out.

05-24-2005, 02:10 PM
Im from the Benton area. I've played at Paintball Arkansas, T-square, Gator Golf, Memphis (paintball park), plus our team ran an indoor field for awhile in Benton called Paintball Dreams where we played teams like Desmodus, Friendly Fire, and Buckey's ol AR Rage team. We've played the nursing home towards Hot Spring Village and numerous woods and backyard fields. We used to scrimmage on an X ball field in Salem with teams like Torque, AR Rage, Renegade Knights, and other teams when we were with NTS. Right now Im in Iraq but when I get home we plan to do more than what we have been. We have a strong base of guys this year we put together from some teams. Some of us played for a team called NTS but we walked away from those guys due to disagreements on cheating. We dont stand for it. Now between former MuzVel, Landshark, and NTS players were out to play. We have a team of gunwhores but are settling in on our certain faves. We also like all types like rec, woods, speed, and hyperball. Its all paintball and thats what were here to play...well in about 6 months ;)

I even have a viking I bought before I returned that I have yet to even see in person lol. Anyways, hello and see ya on the field. Good luck and happy playing.


05-24-2005, 02:30 PM
yea ive played at tsqaure, most weekends im out there if anyone ever wants to meet up..

06-14-2005, 11:16 PM
Im from the Benton area. I've played at Paintball Arkansas, T-square, Gator Golf, Memphis (paintball park), plus our team ran an indoor field for awhile in Benton called Paintball Dreams where we played teams like Desmodus, Friendly Fire, and Buckey's ol AR Rage team. We've played the nursing home towards Hot Spring Village and numerous woods and backyard fields. We used to scrimmage on an X ball field in Salem with teams like Torque, AR Rage, Renegade Knights, and other teams when we were with NTS. Right now Im in Iraq but when I get home we plan to do more than what we have been. We have a strong base of guys this year we put together from some teams. Some of us played for a team called NTS but we walked away from those guys due to disagreements on cheating. We dont stand for it. Now between former MuzVel, Landshark, and NTS players were out to play. We have a team of gunwhores but are settling in on our certain faves. We also like all types like rec, woods, speed, and hyperball. Its all paintball and thats what were here to play...well in about 6 months ;)

I even have a viking I bought before I returned that I have yet to even see in person lol. Anyways, hello and see ya on the field. Good luck and happy playing.


When did you run the field in Benton? I've played at a field that was in Benton that was RIGHT off I-30 on the right if you were going towards Little Rock. I can't remember the name of it but it was a decent field. Owner was pretty friendly towards us once my crew got to meet him and told him who we were.

06-21-2005, 01:50 PM
there were 2 fields right down the road from each other. Ours was the indoor field right off the interstate called Paintball Dreams, and Motion Sports had a field right down the road that was an outdoor. Its been about 2 years since we closed the doors I believe

06-28-2005, 07:56 PM
We are going to have to have an Arkansas AO day. I think that if we do PB Arkansas or T-Square, we'll have a better chance for turn-out. I know a few guys in Jacksonville that will play pretty much anytime. The only problem with T-Square is that they are field paint only--and they are a bit pricey--$75 for a case of Kick'n. I don't know about Paintball Arkansas though.

07-23-2005, 12:48 PM
If your an Arkansas player and looking for a group to play with in woodsball, hit me up. So far we have over 20 people looking to form a scenario team in central Arkansas. It'll be a squad based team and looking to make it alot of fun. If anything else, leave me a PM and when we get this organized, you can come out and share in the knowledge. The intent is to get to know more people. When a scenario comes around, you can go as a group thats played together and have more friends in doing so. Ever been to a scenario and hoped you knew more people? This way, maybe it'll happen. plus its a great way to get more scenario ballers together rather than the usual central Arkansas hubbub of "theres noone around to play". Hopefully we can get a big group and make an Arkansas Paintball Militia. If you would like to shoot something higher end, come on out. We have some guns you can try out as well. Need a gun fixed? Bring it on! We have guys who know their stuff about most guns and can fix most moderate problems. Spyders, Mags, and Tippmanns can be fixed easily, plus tuned. We're a speedball/scenario team called Team MuzVel and would like to see bigger games played rather than smaller games like 4 on 4. Through another forum is how we have gotten this many. Now we are looking to get a major push going for a scenario team for actual scenarios or we can bring air, a chrono, and co2 and play our own. Plus practice will be nice since we'll base it off specialized squads. Want to contribute with your knowledge? Not a problem, its all for fun and could help some players looking for help in certain areas. Post here or PM me and we'll add your name for when we try and get everyone together. It will be a few months before it happens so give it a thought and if you want to try it, hit me up. I have some guns you can try out also if you are looking to upgrade and would like to try something else and see what you think. They are an angel ir3, viking, bushy, e-orracle, and will have a few more upon my return to the world

Im from Benton (20 miles south of Little Rock)

08-09-2005, 03:30 PM

08-09-2005, 04:22 PM
Northwest Arkansas thats where all the ballers are at!!!

02-14-2006, 02:21 PM
just moved to the area (i'm .mil) - live in north little rock but work at the base
i think i'm going off roading this weekend, but is anyone up to play in the next month or so?

can anyone recommend a good tech to look at my markers? I've got a minimag that shoots air straight through once i connect a bottle to it - i bought it used and replaced the o-rings and still does it. i don't know much about markers so need help...

also have a spypder that could use a good go over

thanks guys


03-29-2006, 07:26 PM
Funny how I never noticed this section of the forums. Anyway. I'm down in the southwest corner- Hope- about thirty minutes from Texarkana and the Texas border.
Anomoly40 is an Arky as well. Not totally sure where he's from, but he's working at Paintball Arkansas now.

02-15-2007, 01:50 AM
Would anyone want to practice with the teams at PbArkansas? I can call Kevin of Point Blank to see when their next practices are. Usually Little Rock Knights and Point Blank have an open practice. Good deals on paint too. Just leave a comment if anyone's intreasted.

04-03-2007, 06:46 PM
I'm located in White Hall (Pine Bluff, whatever), just moved here from South Louisiana. I'll probably be headed to PB Arkansas this weekend if I get a chance. Looking for some fellow scenario/woods players to play around with.

With any luck I'll have my E-Mag by this weekend. :headbang:

04-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Would anyone want to practice with the teams at PbArkansas? I can call Kevin of Point Blank to see when their next practices are. Usually Little Rock Knights and Point Blank have an open practice. Good deals on paint too. Just leave a comment if anyone's intreasted.

Point Blank isn't in business anymore man. If you want some practice, I can put you in touch with JL. They were PB's home team until they closed. They now practice at a new field in Bentonville.

12-15-2007, 02:05 AM
Wierd cause I practice with Curtis the 2nd sunday of each month.