View Full Version : Ok Rob, next time I go to PEV's...

11-25-2001, 03:34 PM
Situation: I went to PEVs a few weeks ago and spent two hours(TWO!) just trying to figure out hose connections. I brought my new ReTroed Mag home yesterday with the same setup I figured out...a single braided hose from the valve wrapping around the back side of the gun to the other side and connecting straigh to the bottom line. Well, the connection from the 90 degree elbow into the valve was leaking, so I tried to give it one full turn, but it would only go around 1/2 of the way. I didn't want to mess somethin' up, so I will not be tightening it any further. Now it points 30 degrees upwards instead of downwards...and I had to use some spare braided line I had...now this thing looks crazy...hose is everywhere. When you see it you might even laugh.

Problem: The 90 degree elbow is pointing the wrong way for me to use the same setup I had. The currect setup is too whacky.

Mission: Go to PEVs and get this thing resolved once and for all. Also, this give me a good excuse to find a longer drop foward, cause I wanted a longer one, but I didn't want to mess with my setup...now I'll have to. Whatever it takes, 2 min or 2 hours, I am going to get this thing rigged up.

Also ROb, ya know those S-curved drops you got in the case-There were 3 of them, one green, blue, and chrome, they were nice and smooth and slender, and had a little chrome attachment on the bottom for the apocalypse rail I think. They were about 4-5 inches long. I want to look into one of those in black. Would that thing fit my KAPP on/off bottom line? Anyway, if you can't get it in black, I'll look at the green, since I am doing the green accent thing, but would prefer black.

Looking forward to trying out every single peice of braided hose you have in the store-again.:)


Major Ho
11-25-2001, 04:55 PM
how bout one of them 90* swivel elbows by...Kapp I believe, maybe a another company makes em too...
But umm...I was just curious. Was this to get robs attention and get his two cents on the matter, or...just thinking out loud?
When you gonna go to pevs next, maybe ill run into you for once...

11-25-2001, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Dave
Situation: I went to PEVs a few weeks ago and spent two hours(TWO!) just trying to figure out hose connections.

Thats OK.

It's not like Rob is doing anything anyway:D :D J/K

11-25-2001, 06:45 PM
A little of both I guess....I want him to be prepared when I raid the store of braided hoses:)
