View Full Version : What does the soft rubber on Flex 7's do?

11-25-2001, 03:37 PM
I just got mine, seems like a mouth shot would hurt more, but its a damn sweet mask, color:fire, mirrored lense. yee haw

11-25-2001, 03:44 PM
the paint bounces off more. thats all it does.

11-25-2001, 04:13 PM
I like that you can get your gun up close without worring about bumping your gogles. If you do the flexible part will just move outta the way.

Also, I have taken a shot directly on the mouth with it, straight on, the ball never touched me, the mask stoped it completly. It still broke, but I wouldn't worry about taking a mouth shot and getting hurt with the flex7.

11-25-2001, 05:05 PM
Its mainly so that if you have a big head, or like you told your gun close the mask won't get in teh way. The occasional bounce never hurt anyone either :)