View Full Version : halo b question

05-09-2005, 01:45 PM
on my halo B board (its stock i think), there is a potentiometer near the top of the board... whats this for?

also, how do i tell if i have a v35 board or a regular board? cos my friend is supposed to have a V35 board.. but it looks identical to mine...

05-09-2005, 02:11 PM
Don't know what the first thing is....but the v35 board and the stock halo board look almost if not exactly the same...I think the only way to tell is if you install it and turn it on you have to program it to the setting you want....3 blinks = mode one (slowest) all the way to 6 blinks which is the fastest....You should go to their webiste for more info...OR just post it here...glad to help

OH...if you have a mechanical mag like the tac one or rt pro its really not worth it b/c despite what people might have us all think, mech markers can only reach 13-17 bps at most, and most of the time not even that, which is well below the halo's capability. Unless you're palnning on getting an electro in the future...stay with the stock board... :shooting: