View Full Version : Small Brazil Town Declares Orgasm Day

05-09-2005, 06:12 PM
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Sex rarely makes the news in Brazil's conservative Northeast - until a small town declared an official Orgasm Day on Monday.

Espertantina Mayor Felipe Santolia endorsed the May 9 holiday, which he said was intended to improve relationships between married couples.

"We're celebrating orgasm in all its senses. There's even a panel discussion on premature ejaculation. But from what I've seen, women have more trouble achieving orgasm than men, especially in marriage," Santolia said by telephone from Esperantina, 1,300 miles (2,100 kilometers) north of Rio de Janeiro.

Santolia said the remote town of 38,000 people has been unofficially celebrating orgasm day for years, but that the town's former mayor had vetoed a bill making it an official municipal holiday.

The city council passed a law Saturday creating the holiday. Santolia, who took office earlier this year, said he would sign the bill later Monday.

"I'm 32, single and I have an open mind. Beside the theme is very much of the moment," he said.

Orgasm Day celebrations include a series of panel discussions by sexologists from across Brazil and a presentation of Eve Ensler's play "The Vagina Monologues."

Santolia said the idea of celebrating Orgasm Day at first created a scandal in this poor region, known for its religious fervor. But he said residents gradually residents warmed to the idea.

"I've seen scientific studies that show when a woman is unloved, when her husband can bring her to orgasm, it affects all aspects of her life, her relationships with her children, at home, with the city and at work," Santolia said.

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05-09-2005, 08:20 PM
lol sorta funny.

**EDIT** ignore whats below this. i guess it was on AO that i saw that link lol. You've all probably already seen it, so just stop reading now.

the mention about the Viagina Monologues though ... did you hear about those college people who started Penis Day to try and counter Vagina Day ?

They basically did the same stuff, except they got in big trouble for it because it was innapropriate when Vagina Day wasnt. Let me try and find the link ... good stuff ... in fact, i migth ahve even been on this site that i read it, in which case, please ignore me.

05-09-2005, 11:54 PM
lol sorta funny.

**EDIT** ignore whats below this. i guess it was on AO that i saw that link lol. You've all probably already seen it, so just stop reading now.

the mention about the Viagina Monologues though ... did you hear about those college people who started Penis Day to try and counter Vagina Day ?

They basically did the same stuff, except they got in big trouble for it because it was innapropriate when Vagina Day wasnt. Let me try and find the link ... good stuff ... in fact, i migth ahve even been on this site that i read it, in which case, please ignore me.

My thread, and what a damn good thread it was.

Down with Feminazis!

Edit: This is TP, so if you are billybob_81067, please make sure that we are two different people and not one person with two screen names. That is all.

05-10-2005, 12:12 AM
Sweet i am going there.

05-10-2005, 12:26 AM
im there!

who else is coming! haaa haaaa!