View Full Version : help me with some kids at school...

05-10-2005, 06:23 PM
note: some of this may sound racist, but i am not a racist.

i am an average 8th grade student, kind of. average meaning i am not a geek or prep or punk etc... just normal, gets good grades, not fat, not thin, not weak, not immensley strong, just an average joe..

anyway i am sick of most kids at school. (granted i have a fair share of being a smartass and scarcasm). The specific kids at school i will not name, but they always instigate with everyone, and if they were in a fight they wouyld call their friend over to take care of them (more like scare them), so they can't back themselves up. the 2 kids are preps (at my school it means they are rich, snotty, and wear ambercrombie and other clothes that are overpriced) and make fun of people for no reason. a specific thing they say to me is "go play your video games" and they say that when i am sticking up for someone, and then i don't really have a comeback... i don't even play videogames annymore. another thing they say as a comeback, to everything is "your mom", from that movie napolean dynamite, for some reason everyone likes it, i hate it, stupidest thing i ever saw (besides the guy killing the cow in front of the schoolbus). it is just a lot of little things like that with them.

and then there is this other kid, i must tell you his name, it is charmin. what kind of parent names him that? and yes he is african american. so after athletics i was going to get a drink of water, i had been doing lunges and sprinting almost the whole day and was really tired. i am at the water fountain and he steps in front of me and i walk into him on accident. he turns around (he is about 6 inches taller than me too, i am 5'7) annyway he pushes me and says something like "what are youdoing fool!" i go back about 2 feet, he pushes me again "i am from the hood" pushes me again "who the hell do you think you are?" they were not playful pushes either, he looked serious... i was too tired to do annything. one of his friends told him to back off and then the sub.teacher took us off to the sides and took names, i didn't even get a drink of water...

things like that have been happening and i am sick and tired of it...

anny recomendations on what to do? i know there is only about 15 days until i am out of school (i live in texas... we go back in august) and i can live with it... just today i came home about to break down my walls... and i mighthave been better off...

and please don't flame... just... don't...

05-10-2005, 06:33 PM
carry a gun.

no but honestly, i dont like you as a poster, but you know, i endured this same crap as a middle schooler, highschool is just around the bend, and you have to realize that crap is gunna change. stick up for your self, dont let your typical bullies do crap like that. be like look Toilet paper boy, im drinking here, sorry for walking into you. if he says that hood crap, be like, since when was suberbia the hood?

then if he fronts some more, be like, oh im sorry, can i get you a tissue or some toiilet paper? because it appears that you are going to cry.

if he hits you, even better, thats his rear suspended, and if you want you can even call the race card :)

remember, black people can be racist too.

05-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Just do whatever to stand up for youself, but don't be stupid. Let him make the first strike so if anything goes down....he's got that first hit going against him.

The other two? When they start, just fight fire with fire. Be as sarcastic and caustic as possible. Don't be scared to emotionally scar them.

05-10-2005, 06:43 PM
Tell him that you are from the trunk. That's way more hardcore than the hood. He'll leave you alone after that.

05-10-2005, 06:44 PM
also, telling any one you had sex with their mom, usually gets to them

05-10-2005, 06:48 PM
The key is to show them just how low you are willing to hit them......usually somewhere just below the belt does it. No one will mess with someone who will readily hit below the belt.

05-10-2005, 06:50 PM
Tell him that you are from the trunk. That's way more hardcore than the hood. He'll leave you alone after that.

that is great... i will have to steal that..

05-10-2005, 06:51 PM
when will people learn, no where are there rules that say you cant fight dirty, use sand, except dont kick in the balls unless the kid really deserves it. if you threw sand in someones eyes and then tackled them and beat them senseless they probably wont mess with you again, and if they do, its not like sand or dirt isnt readily available.

05-10-2005, 07:00 PM
My best advice to you is in general stay out of peoples way. Sounds like you just had a bad day. Also dont act like a nerd (not saying you do). I dont act like a nerd, even though deep down I really am. I have plenty of friends at school. The stupidest thing you could ever do is something like bring your gameboy to school and play it during lunch. Or play magic, or something like that. That just puts you low on the social food chain.

Those preps that make fun of everyone? They'll always be there. It sucks, but it's true. The only solution is to ignore it. They're at my school, and I used to be friends with them until I realised how retarded they are.

As for the black guy, some people are just too cocky. They think they're the stuff. They wont change either.

Some people you just have to ignore, which you will find out more in high school. They cant do anything to you anyway. If they decide to beat the crap out of you, they'll get suspended or expelled.

And hitting below the belt is just dirty, man. :(

Stay out of people's way and they'll stay out of yours.

05-10-2005, 07:02 PM
the same thing was happening to me im a junior in highschool. well one day this kid that was like 4 inches taller then me throws an orange and hits me in the head. i turned around and yelled who the fcuk threw that and he said that i said some things about his squair head and he was like what u gunna do about it. and i was like this and i headbutted him in the chops. his eyes started watering and he told me he would fight me after school cuz he doesnt want to get kicked out of sports. so we go to viva (mexican resturant) for a throw down but he dident show. him and his friends havent messed with me since. i messed up my head but i busted his lip pritty bad i think he needed stitches. one think about head butting if u do it wrong ur gunna look like a fool and knock ur self out but if u do it right its hard to see and it stuns the crap out of them cuz they dont know what happened. dont get hurt.

05-10-2005, 07:28 PM
Bring in dounuts and don't give them any.

05-10-2005, 07:35 PM
Don't start any fights. From the sound of it, you won't win them.

This is how middle schoolers are. God, I hated middle school. It's not right, but what are you gonna do? Keep standing up for the people who need it. Don't let anything they say go to your head and make you angry. Don't swear at them, don't yell and scream. If they insult you, look at them like they're dirt on the bottom of your shoe and laugh, and tell them to get lost.

School's almost over. Hopefully high school will be better. :rolleyes:

05-10-2005, 08:03 PM
Bring in dounuts and don't give them any.

glad to see you around again, your posts are the best.

as for the whole sleeping with their mom comment.... after that, tell them that their sister was better.

or just ignore them because they suck at life.

05-10-2005, 08:11 PM
Kids in junior high/middle school are the biggest jerks in the Universe. They think they are hot stuff.

Just ignore them and don't let it bother you. They have low self-esteems so they feel the need to belittle others to make themselves feel better. Do well in school and get a good job. You will live well while these jerks will be working for you or asking if you want french fries with your order.

BTW, video games are awesome.

05-10-2005, 08:29 PM
BTW, video games are awesome.

He speaks the truth. I'm in college and can tell you that video games only get cooler as you grow up.

and no, I am not kidding. I've turned down sex for video games before.

05-10-2005, 08:37 PM
dude you can allways just go to a dean or teacher and you know tell em about whats going on and just tell the teacher to make sure they dont include your name like you rated em out. After a while of them doing it to you it can really build up trust me i bout took down a kid for messin with me everyday and at my school you do that you get expelled and arrested

05-10-2005, 09:14 PM
I like pyros answer.

dont do the mom thing, thats annoying. I completely hate it. Dont be as low as them. Some peoples mothers have some problems and stuff that you shouldnt make fun of. Just remember who you are and how low your willing to go.

Preps make me laugh SOOO hard, in fact, i made a "hollister" shirt. Crayons and markers and my dads old work shirt. Its got all kinds of sayings like "with a name like hollister it better be popular" and "too cool for you" I mock them for thier stupidity with my own. In fact, its so fun. They get mad. But hey, if ya make fun of me, your minds going in circles. I once made a girl mad from switching seets in math class.

05-10-2005, 09:33 PM
trut me, you will regret not hitting them more than if you do it.

05-10-2005, 09:42 PM
I say hit him, your only in 8th grade, to me they're all little biotches so for some reason it dosen't feel to me that it'd hurt that bad to get hit by them, I got hit once by a pretty big guy in 8th grade, it wasn't that bad, fighting is more fun when ur in middle school, don't wait till ur in high school, everyone actually has bones in their knuckles by then. :rofl:

05-10-2005, 10:10 PM
I say hit him, your only in 8th grade, to me they're all little biotches so for some reason it dosen't feel to me that it'd hurt that bad to get hit by them, I got hit once by a pretty big guy in 8th grade, it wasn't that bad, fighting is more fun when ur in middle school, don't wait till ur in high school, everyone actually has bones in their knuckles by then. :rofl:

uea what about when the idiots bring knives to school?

fighting with fists is one thing, its the idiots that dont have regard for human life that will ruin others

05-10-2005, 10:16 PM
I've turned down sex for video games before.

Sometimes if your lucky you get both at the same time :cool: makes it hard to get kills on Halo 2

05-10-2005, 10:24 PM
Don't be as stupid as he is. Just sock him in the bathroom when he's peeing and you're not. No one said you have to be a fair fighter. If you have to fight, do as much physical damage to him as possible before his buddies jump in to save him. Make sure that he isn't the only one to take a beating.

If you get jumped make sure that your back is facing a corner of two walls so no one can get you from behind...I got stabbed like that a long long time ago.

While this isn't the best advice, it's saved my behind a time or two. The best advice is to leave the situation alone and move on.

05-10-2005, 10:49 PM
Preps make me laugh SOOO hard, in fact, i made a "hollister" shirt. Crayons and markers and my dads old work shirt. Its got all kinds of sayings like "with a name like hollister it better be popular" and "too cool for you" I mock them for thier stupidity with my own. In fact, its so fun. They get mad. But hey, if ya make fun of me, your minds going in circles. I once made a girl mad from switching seets in math class.

Keep making fun of kids by making yourself look like a retard, trust me, you aren't the one getting laughed at.

When will kids realize, I have never been picked on or anything like that. It isn't hard to not get picked on. If you really care about stuff its pretty simple, don't look like a moron, I.E. look at the post I quoted, don't be jerks to anyone else, it will just come back to you, and be nice to people. I honestly never make fun of anyone unless I am good friends with them and aren't bothered by it. Just be a nice, funny guy and don't look like a mad fool and you won't get picked on its simple.

05-10-2005, 11:06 PM
I dont reccomend attacking somebody while they are going to the bathroom. Its very messy the majority of the time.

Somebody tried to jump me like that once (wow, i guess i really have been jumped everywhere, wasnt i the popular one), i just turned around and pissed all over him.

The more of a prick you are in middle school the cooler you are. Be a prick, and in highschool be REALLLY friendly with the girls (get a good head start), thats the ticket.

If you dont wanna be a prick in middle school, then ur gunna haveto be the funny or really really rich but nice kid. if you are none of those, then ur life sucks, period.

Definitely fight as much as you can tho.


Oh, and dont use any cheesy lines.

05-10-2005, 11:21 PM
My best advice to you is in general stay out of peoples way. Sounds like you just had a bad day. Also dont act like a nerd (not saying you do). I dont act like a nerd, even though deep down I really am. I have plenty of friends at school. The stupidest thing you could ever do is something like bring your gameboy to school and play it during lunch. Or play magic, or something like that. That just puts you low on the social food chain.

(quoting personman but talking to master_alexander)
Somewhere through the course of your life, you either stop worrying about the "social food chain", you become miserable, or you become one of those preps that only other preps like.
Seriously, it will probably happen somewhere in your sophomore or junior year - you'll realize that trying to make other people think you're cool is stupid and unimportant, and start doing what you want to do, or feel you should do. As long as you're doing that anybody who doesn't like you isn't worth your time anyway. In high school there are so many people that there is no accepted group of "the cool kids". The only ones who will be important to you will be your friends. Bullies don't generally make it in high school.. there's always someone who can kick THEIR butts too, and in such a big group there's no way to know who's connected with whom.

Anyway, short version, just stick it out, don't do anything (i.e. fighting) that might screw up your life just so you can be "cool" for the last two weeks of junior high. It'll be forgotten and meaningless by the time you get to high school.

05-11-2005, 12:02 AM
you win some you lose some but u live to fight another day. ahahha sorry i had to

05-11-2005, 12:07 AM
you win some you lose some but u live to fight another day. ahahha sorry i had to

Odd enough, thats really good advice.

05-11-2005, 12:48 AM
Man you can either go through life taking crap from people or stand up for yourself. Nobody here can tell you anything if your just one of those guys who is going to take being pushed around his whole life. You need to stand up for yourself. yell back, get in his face, fight, hell whatever it takes. You can either stand up for yourself or go through life getting pushed around. NOBODY CAN MAKE YOU LESS OF A WUSS OVER THE INTERNET. You dont have to know martial arts or be a big guy to know how to fight. If it comes down to it just go crazy. Ive seen some average sized, quiet guys, just freak out and snap on people and more often than not they beat up the guy with the big mouth.

You have to remember the guys who talk arent the guys who know how to fight, ever. If a guy runs his mouth its because he needs to try and scare people. Guys who really know how to fight arent usually the talkers, they are the ones who just open up swinging without saying a word.

It just depends on how you want to live man, being picked on and walked over, or not.

05-11-2005, 02:38 AM
Get through it dude, just ignore it. Those are going to be the kids most picked on in high school. To quote harold and kumar go to white castle, "the world just has a way of evening things out."

05-11-2005, 07:18 AM
(quoting personman but talking to master_alexander)
Somewhere through the course of your life, you either stop worrying about the "social food chain", you become miserable, or you become one of those preps that only other preps like.
Seriously, it will probably happen somewhere in your sophomore or junior year - you'll realize that trying to make other people think you're cool is stupid and unimportant, and start doing what you want to do, or feel you should do. As long as you're doing that anybody who doesn't like you isn't worth your time anyway. In high school there are so many people that there is no accepted group of "the cool kids". The only ones who will be important to you will be your friends. Bullies don't generally make it in high school.. there's always someone who can kick THEIR butts too, and in such a big group there's no way to know who's connected with whom.

Anyway, short version, just stick it out, don't do anything (i.e. fighting) that might screw up your life just so you can be "cool" for the last two weeks of junior high. It'll be forgotten and meaningless by the time you get to high school.
Well, I kind of worded my statement wrong. I completely agree with you. Its just that it's always better to be higher on the social food chain. No matter what.

Me, I honestly couldnt care less about how cool I am. That's why I have over 7000 posts on a paintball fourm :rolleyes:

05-11-2005, 07:43 AM
ok your in 8th grade and its may get by for the rest of the year and then your in a diferent school. when you get to high find some where you fit a sport a club or some other thing there to make your next 4 years good. If the same thing goes on there still don't worry about it after you finsih high scholl you'll never see most of the poeple you hate again

05-11-2005, 09:13 AM
I didn't win ever fight and I certainly didn't always pick the best times to snap. But people sure stopped talking smack after I'd laid into a couple prep smart mouths right in the middle of classes.

People like that always pick on the low guy. If there is a chance the low guys going to loose it and swing on them right in the middle of class, in front of friends and teachers. They'll choose the next guy who's a litte safer to pick on. Doesn't really matter if you can win a fight like that, they never last long enough to count before someone gets into the middle of it.

I'm always amazed when I here from somebody who managed to navigate middle school with out at least one fight.

05-11-2005, 09:20 AM
and no, I am not kidding. I've turned down sex for video games before.

out of my car....right ****ing now...OUT!

05-11-2005, 11:12 AM
Alright Alright.....let me preface it.

It was Tuesday November 9th. Halo 2 had just come out. And she wasn't exactly "a tiger in the sack".

But don't worry....much sex was had instead of video games. :p

05-11-2005, 01:06 PM
You must champion the jerks by becoming one when necessary. Start remembering the most deriding and emotionally painful insults you can find. Remember, most of it's in the delivery.

p u r e e v i l
05-11-2005, 01:08 PM
I'll be the first to tell you that fighting is not the way, no one does it in High School. Not here anyways...

As for the immature kids or the ones who think they're cool? Yeah. Not happening in High School, and they'll find that out once they get there. There will be bigger kids there to show them their place. (...or so I'm assuming, being in Texas and all. Not to be steriotypical.)

When they say stuff like. "Go play video games" don't miss a beat. Be like, "Why would I do that when I have better things to do? Like your mom/sister/girlfriend/etc." If they shut up, be like. "Jealous?!" Then just stand there. Keep it coming until you see them getting way mad or until they walk away... that means you won.

05-11-2005, 01:31 PM
Forget about talking back and fighting. Most kids in middleschool/highschool are like animals and that stuff will likely not solve anything. If things get really bad just go talk to someone whose brain is fully developed (ie. your teacher).

05-11-2005, 02:25 PM
do lots of pushups, crunches and running this summer

get beastly, then when you go to high school you beat the crap out of the toughest guy there the first day. You now are the Kingpin. Everyone will want to take you out but you have the will to stay on top. :ninja:

05-11-2005, 02:29 PM
Wait until next year, it will get better. In 8th grade everyone thinks they're tough and can beat anyone up. Once you are at the bottom of the social food chain (9th grade), this problem will most likely not exsist.

I had to deal with a similar problem. People always made fun of me for being half jewish. All I did was ignore them and two weeks later it stopped. Also, when you respond to an insult, respond with a smart comment. They will not know how to respond, thus showing their stupidity.

What ever you do, do not respond with violence. That only makes you as bad as them.

05-11-2005, 04:05 PM
Yeah, I am in ninth grade. In grade eight everyone tried to pick on me, because I was supposed to be in grade seven and I was pretty small. So, I tried not to fight, being at such a disadvantage.. So I just stayed out of peoples way, and made friends (or acquantances) with everyone who I could. Because if some "preppy boy" or some "6 inch taller than you black guy" picks on you, you have some back up. Facing the truth, no one really wants to fight(except those albino freaks who sit with themselves in the corner..) they just try and show off, so everyone is scared to fight them. So, being with the fact no one wants to fight, only like, 3 out of 20 people who see the fight will help you (assuming they are the friends of acquaintances you know). But that is alot better than yourself being beaten to the ground. AS well, if everyone finds out that some "6 inch taller than you black guy" beat the crap out of a little guy they will not respect him at all. Or at least that is how it worked in my middleschool.

When you get to highschool, everyone in grade nine is afraid because they are not the big kids anymore. And then they try and look big by picking on the smaller grade nines. That will pass about mid year. They will get cocky with a grade 12, and the grade twelve will quickly show them that they aren't so big and strong. But for the first half of the year, just try and not fight whatever you do. Sure fighting solves the problem of the guy you just fought with, but if you lose then everyone will try and pick fights with you, and even better; you'll get a reputation you don't want. From personal experience with the big guys picking on me earlier this year, not fighting was the best solution. - Oh, and start working out. If you do HAVE TO fight, it always is a good edge to have on people.. But don't overdue it, because well tendons don't like snapping...

Everything works itself out.

05-11-2005, 05:03 PM
put soap in a sock and beat him down... soap doesnt leave marks :dance:

land hurricane
05-11-2005, 05:46 PM
Get through it dude, just ignore it. Those are going to be the kids most picked on in high school. To quote harold and kumar go to white castle, "the world just has a way of evening things out."

wrong. Don't ignore it, it won't go away. As said before, stick up for yourself.. Those kids are not going to be the ones picked on in highschool unless you do something about it.

05-11-2005, 05:47 PM
1. AOers are mammals

2. AOers flip out and kill people

Therefore, you should launch into a destructive force; crushing all who oppose you. And, like, cut off heads and stuff.

05-11-2005, 08:05 PM
I didnt know we had so many non-fightback types on AO. Whats so hard about sticking up for yourself and hitting him in the mouth?

05-11-2005, 08:08 PM
Be yourself, and stick up for yourself. Do not change who you are for them, but only for you. That being said... stick up for yourself, few people will escalate to violence. And if you don't back down, even loosing a fight will gain you respect. The guy that is bigger than you, can gain nothing to his "rep" by beating you down. If he wins, its because he was bigger and is pickign on the little guy, if he looses... well.

05-11-2005, 08:22 PM
I didnt know we had so many non-fightback types on AO.
Well, the Jersey boys kinda make up for it.

05-11-2005, 09:50 PM
Just come back with a smart comment. If you confuse them, they won't know what to say next. I used to be picked on by some preps at my school like 2 years ago, and right before one of them was about to punch me I confused him with a smart comment. He didn't know what I meant, and left. Since then, I've become one of the best treated kids in the school. I don't care what people say to me, just laugh about it and move on. I know that I'm smarter and better at sports then they are anyway.

05-11-2005, 10:37 PM
Powdered bleach in the eyes.
Then you go for the knees.

05-11-2005, 10:38 PM
Don't worry about Brawny man, he gets in your face again about stupid stuff just shove the fact that you will get out that school before he will, most guys i know like that either end up getting their own heinies kicked or dropping out in 9th grade.

05-12-2005, 12:45 AM
I love when people try to give fighting advice like "hey man all you gotta do is put one finger here and then wrap your foot around behind...." If it comes down to fighting, he wont be able to just pull off random moves he read about online. lol. You can plan all you want before a street fight. When the first punch is thrown everything goes to hell and then you just scrap around and try to land 2 knuckles on his head. Throw the right punch, and hes out cold. All it takes is one.

05-12-2005, 06:04 AM
anny recomendations on what to do?

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

05-12-2005, 06:07 AM
Post starter: tries to do some move requiring precision, patience, and training he read about online
Other guy: makes a fist and puts it upside his head
Post starter: notes that was much more effective than what he was doing...

05-12-2005, 04:26 PM
"I'm from the hood" that's funny. Unless there's really a hood around there, then you shouldn't be intimidated, most people don't know what the term ghetto means.

Since you are going to High School, one thing you really need to know is not to mess with the black people. Do not listen to any of the guys here that tell you to fight him. Where I live, you NEVER mess with black people, no matter how strong you are, no matter the fact that you WILL win, you simply don't. Not to be racist or anything, but it's like an unspoken rule, there would be fights at my school, but they usually don't involve black people. It is kind of implied that EVERY black guy has every other black guy in the world to back him up, and even if they don't they will resort to something irrational, ever watch American History X? Just don't do it. DON'T DO IT! :shooting:

05-12-2005, 05:39 PM
"I'm from the hood" that's funny. Unless there's really a hood around there, then you shouldn't be intimidated, most people don't know what the term ghetto means.

Since you are going to High School, one thing you really need to know is not to mess with the black people. Do not listen to any of the guys here that tell you to fight him. Where I live, you NEVER mess with black people, no matter how strong you are, no matter the fact that you WILL win, you simply don't. Not to be racist or anything, but it's like an unspoken rule, there would be fights at my school, but they usually don't involve black people. It is kind of implied that EVERY black guy has every other black guy in the world to back him up, and even if they don't they will resort to something irrational, ever watch American History X? Just don't do it. DON'T DO IT! :shooting:

You've got to be kidding me........theres so much wrong with that I dont even know where to start......Its actually Mexicans who have each others backs no matter what. Black people fight black people everyday where I live. The only time they will get together more than normal is if your dumb enough to drop an N-bomb to one. Ever been in jail? Probably not. In jail its the mexicans who ban together no matter of where they came from, the blacks fight with each other as much as anyone else all because of what set they are from, and the white guys are the minority. Ever heard of Crips and Bloods? Both primarily black gangs, both are killing each other off as we speak. Even Crips are killing other Crips. Its the mexicans that ban together man im telling you brown kids have serious backup. Even at that though they are still the "minority" (not in Cali though). But he shouldnt not fight someone or even fight someone for that matter because of their race. Nobody is telling him to start a gang fight, just to stand up for himself.

05-12-2005, 05:39 PM
Start listing to death metal and wear black shirts and grow your hair real long so you look real scary and no one will screw w/ you. Or start to be a punk rocker and kick those preps bum's. like me.

05-12-2005, 06:51 PM
Don't mess with El Salvadorians.....they will mess you up.

05-12-2005, 07:12 PM
You've got to be kidding me........theres so much wrong with that I dont even know where to start......Its actually Mexicans who have each others backs no matter what. Black people fight black people everyday where I live. The only time they will get together more than normal is if your dumb enough to drop an N-bomb to one. Ever been in jail? Probably not. In jail its the mexicans who ban together no matter of where they came from, the blacks fight with each other as much as anyone else all because of what set they are from, and the white guys are the minority. Ever heard of Crips and Bloods? Both primarily black gangs, both are killing each other off as we speak. Even Crips are killing other Crips. Its the mexicans that ban together man im telling you brown kids have serious backup. Even at that though they are still the "minority" (not in Cali though). But he shouldnt not fight someone or even fight someone for that matter because of their race. Nobody is telling him to start a gang fight, just to stand up for himself.
haha I saw this coming, I know every place has it's own thing going. Here, I am friends with a lot of Mexicans, they and the asians are the ones who actually fight themselves the most. It seems as if the black people here are the ones who are the family here.

05-12-2005, 07:31 PM
You wanna see fighting within the family? Go tell a Bosnian another Bosnian was talking bad about him.....that's about the quickest way I know to start a bloodyass fight.

05-12-2005, 08:07 PM
1. AOers are mammals

2. AOers flip out and kill people

Therefore, you should launch into a destructive force; crushing all who oppose you. And, like, cut off heads and stuff.

3. You are changing Ninja with AO, poser. :D