View Full Version : Breaking paint in my tubes !!

11-25-2001, 06:29 PM
Has anyone ever had problems with paint breaking in their tubes ? I wear a Redz pack and I loaded it with 2 DYE 140rd tubes. The tubes were filled to the top so the paint wasn't banging around inside the tube. After a game I notice some broken balls inside the tubes, which means all the paint is crap ! This has happened 3 times in the past 2 times I've played. Why is this happening so much ? Today we played rec ball in the woods and it was probably 40-45 degrees outside, but last time I played, it was 65 degrees outside so I don't think temperature had anything to do with it.
My old pack I used with the 100rd tubes NEVER broke paint inside the tube. Why does the 140rd tubes make any difference ? I did take 1 hit on the side of the pack today so I don't know if the impact was enough to break some balls in the tube or not.
Any input would be appreciated as this totally sucks that I can't carry extra paint on the field !! I shoot an Emag so it's imperative I carry extra paint. Also, I wasn't doing anything acrobatic either. Just jogging from tree to tree. Some running but not much.

11-25-2001, 06:48 PM
Is there a rock or anything in the tubes that can puncture paint?

11-25-2001, 07:11 PM
Might sound stupid, under fill each tube, and throw a rag of somesort in each one to stop rattling, yet not over fill. Are the tubes getting banged around pretty good while playing? I have seen plenty of guys hit their packs into bunkers, trees etc. and dive with them on.

11-25-2001, 07:48 PM
I have had paint broken in a tube by the impact of a paintball. Yes, it was a mag that shot me.

11-25-2001, 08:43 PM
fill it up as much as possible then shake it then refill it

11-25-2001, 10:20 PM
make sure you fill them all the way so the paint isn't bouncing around. if you can't fill it all, stick a rag in them. make sure your pack is on tight so it doesn't bounce around that much

11-25-2001, 10:27 PM
I didn't roll around or anything with the pack on. The tubes were filled to the max. And no there wasn't any rocks etc in the tube. I'll try the rag next time. This sucks !!

11-26-2001, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by DYE-BaLLeR
fill it up as much as possible then shake it then refill it

It's been said already by Dye-Baller but I think maybe needs reiterating.

When you fill a tube to the top and just shut it, you think it's full to the max but really isn't. As soon as you start moving the balls settle and a little room is made in the pod. This is enough room that will allow the paint to jump around and break when you start running.

Next time fill a pot to the level you would normally and then tap it on the table gently for 10-20 seconds the level will normally drop by about 5-10 paintballs or so. Repack it and then close it down. If when you have your pack on your can hear balls joggling about then your tubes aren't full enough.

Glueing a small piece of soft foam inside the lid CAN help but sometimes bits of it break off on the paint or worse into your hopper when you pot up! (one thing to be careful with rags). You don't want any foreign objects in your hopper!

I use Redz packs and just make sure I settle the paint into the pods and then top them up. I very, very rarely have any problems with paint breaking in a tube.

It could also have been crappy paint...

Good luck


11-26-2001, 10:39 AM
I'll tap the tube and really make sure it's topped off next time I play. I didn't tap it so maybe that's why I broke paint.

11-26-2001, 10:49 AM
I do the "foam on the lid" thing Manike mentioned. I just cut some of that gray foam packing they ship computer parts in and stuck it to the lids with double stick tape. Keeps the paint from bouncing around or making noise. Never had a problem with it coming apart and falling into the gun or hopper. Its cheap and can't hurt.

11-26-2001, 10:52 AM
I make sure that the tops at least one or two balls are sticking out before I close the top. Just a little over filling makes sure that when the lid is closed the balls are packed tight. You can't leave them like this (the balls would deform) but for the amount of time they'll be in the tube before use it's fine. You can go too far with this and brake a ball trying to close the lid so be careful. This really helps and I can run as much as I want without any paint breaking in the tube problems.

11-26-2001, 11:08 AM
Why not try TK's paint test?

Major Ho
11-26-2001, 08:12 PM
Sometimes I sit/lay down. The weight from me lying down as the pack is on my back, that might break em? I dunno, pods ARE pretty durable though...Maybe it flexes just the slightest bit and having the pods to there max capacity might pinch something? (Just thinking out loud of another possible explanation) Im pretty that shake it up a bit and then refill solution should solve it.