View Full Version : AO Pen's Idea

05-11-2005, 05:20 PM
Well, got this idea since i run out of pens at school so often :rolleyes:

i had purchased 120 someodd pens for a my team, which worked out really nice.

Even if its not for profit, what about AO pens? youll get a bunch for cheaper, and theyll have whatever text (text would be free by me, picture logo would cost), since i plan on buying some from them, but i dont care what it says.

i think its just a cool idea for not only advertising, but so you just have pens, im sure im not the only one with this problem :D
heres some info:

-Minimum order is usually only like 50-100, so thats not a big deal
-All pens have to have same text, but get 3 lines

Just some ideas:
~45 Cents each

~25 Cents each

~45 Cents each

~30 Cents each

~50 Cents each

~50 Cents each

~$1.50 each

just a few examples, theres many more

Will Wood
05-11-2005, 06:14 PM
Oh I love pens, I'd definatly go for some of the first or last onese.

05-11-2005, 07:42 PM
I love pens...I have a pen fettish at work I have a cup that often overflows with colorful pens. I think this is a great Idea!!

05-11-2005, 07:48 PM
yeah, pens are fun. gotta have one that writes smoothly and doesnt have interuptions in the flow of ink.. hate that

05-11-2005, 07:55 PM
lol ya somethan bout pens are fun I would take a coupple of the last one

05-11-2005, 10:01 PM
yeah, pens are fun. gotta have one that writes smoothly and doesnt have interuptions in the flow of ink.. hate that

Ditto, but I lose so many that they kinda have to be cheaper too. What can I say, I'm forgetful :p

05-11-2005, 10:09 PM
You should get these ones, I use them for all my courses.

Pilot High Techpoint V7

If you lend them to people that press to hard theyll bend the tips.

05-11-2005, 10:11 PM
I like the .45 cent one the most out of those.

I've used those last ones before, theyre shaped odd and too big or something. They dont have the right feel.

05-11-2005, 10:14 PM
ill put together a little list, and make a poll :D

05-13-2005, 05:18 PM
design wise on the pen i would like to see the Hex logo then Automags.org on the bottom of it like not under but on the bottom of it

05-13-2005, 05:23 PM
Hey I might be able to help out on this one.

one of the guys on are fire department does a printing shop on the side.
he can do all these little small things. He can even print on a walnut.

anyway if you get me the quoted price and a design I can get a second quote from him.

just let me know.

He also does all clothing
so if you have a design for that let me know. I know he uses beefy-tee's and he sells them pretty damn cheap

05-13-2005, 05:27 PM
where in IL is this?

05-13-2005, 05:30 PM
would be about 25-30 minutes south of you.

He lives in Dwight

05-13-2005, 05:35 PM
ahhhhh not too far then

05-14-2005, 07:45 PM
Holy crap... This is so cool, i'm definitly going to get some little cheapy ones with the Streetlight Manifesto logo, and a big long quote from them

05-15-2005, 08:19 AM
talked with him today and all he needs is what you want on it, what pen, and how many. He would be more than happy to do them.

05-15-2005, 08:58 AM
ok, cool, ill just draft up a poll to see which everyone wants, price it out, and well compare how much

05-15-2005, 08:59 AM
very good I will keep an eye on this thread

05-15-2005, 09:02 AM
I think it is a cool idea…. But I suggest that asking the membership about it may not be the best first thing to do. You may want to ask the OWNER OF THE SITE AND FORUMS first. I am sure he will not have a problem with it, but you should really ask him first. It is the legal thing to do, and it is good form as well.

05-15-2005, 12:46 PM
well i didnt plan on using any content from automags.org, nor any of their copyrighted logo's/trademarks, so i didnt really plan on asking the webmaster. the reason being is that to get permission, you have to ask to use one thing specifically, and revising it would be troublesome, having to rely on playing email-tag.

but if we do it through gopromos, and not the other guys friend, ill run it by the webmaster anyway.

05-15-2005, 12:52 PM
You should get these ones, I use them for all my courses.

Pilot High Techpoint V7
*image removed*
If you lend them to people that press to hard theyll bend the tips.

Yeah those are some nice pens! :D Don't think they're very customizable though :(

05-15-2005, 02:11 PM
well i didnt plan on using any content from automags.org, nor any of their copyrighted logo's/trademarks, so i didnt really plan on asking the webmaster. the reason being is that to get permission, you have to ask to use one thing specifically, and revising it would be troublesome, having to rely on playing email-tag.

but if we do it through gopromos, and not the other guys friend, ill run it by the webmaster anyway.
You do realize that the webmaster is not the owner of the site, right? He can not give you permission to use anything unless he has permission from the owner to do so. Tom Kaye might be a good place to start. I believe he owns the site.

As for not using any copyrighted logos or trademarks… you don’t think the site URL would be covered by that? Or even the name? I bet it would be.

There are still legal issues involved with “production” of “personal use” items. And like I said, I am sure Tom would not have a problem with it, but wouldn’t it be best to run it by him first? And so what if you have to get permission for each change, is that really that hard? If you owned something, wouldn’t you like to be given the opportunity to approve or disapprove of it being used on products? I now I would.

It is about doing it right, and getting permission first. You either respect Tom enough to do that, or you don’t. AO is his after all, not the memberships.

05-15-2005, 02:29 PM
You do realize that the webmaster is not the owner of the site, right? He can not give you permission to use anything unless he has permission from the owner to do so. Tom Kaye might be a good place to start. I believe he owns the site.

As for not using any copyrighted logos or trademarks… you don’t think the site URL would be covered by that? Or even the name? I bet it would be.

There are still legal issues involved with “production” of “personal use” items. And like I said, I am sure Tom would not have a problem with it, but wouldn’t it be best to run it by him first? And so what if you have to get permission for each change, is that really that hard? If you owned something, wouldn’t you like to be given the opportunity to approve or disapprove of it being used on products? I now I would.

It is about doing it right, and getting permission first. You either respect Tom enough to do that, or you don’t. AO is his after all, not the memberships.

I dont think Tom owns it anymore didnt it get passed of to AGD when tom left the company, or is it still Toms?

05-15-2005, 02:47 PM
I dont think Tom owns it anymore didnt it get passed of to AGD when tom left the company, or is it still Toms?
From what I understand it was not passed on to AGD. I believe Tom kept control of it.

The WHOIS information still says AGD, but I don’t think that is correct.

This is what Tom posted about AO:

What will happen to AO?

I need to find a way to make AO pay for itself. If it can do that it can stay around forever. I will be selling banner space as a first try but if that doesnt work it might have to go to some kind of membership fee. Stuff like AO has to get paid for somehow and Dave didn't take over all the bills I have to pay.
Seems to me like Tom still owns AO.

05-15-2005, 03:39 PM
Dave is paying the bills now.

I talked to Tom this afternoon and told him I am willing to pay the bills to keep AO
here while I am operating AGD! :tard: Tom said OK. :cheers:

You all seem like a good :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Plus you all help AGD fans here so very much, and you mean a lot to everyone at AGD.

Hopefully the future will allow me to help grow AGD to be prosperous and provide many enthusiasts with quality American made products!

Again, I appreciate all of your kind warm welcomes,

Dave Zupan

05-15-2005, 03:57 PM
Dave is paying the bills now.
Okay, thanks. I missed that.

So AGD IS the owner of the site now after all. So I guess Dave would be the guy to get the stamp of approval from.

05-15-2005, 03:58 PM
I believe it was further along in the thread you got your quote from.. maybe.

05-15-2005, 04:04 PM
I believe it was further along in the thread you got your quote from.. maybe.
That could be. I only went as far as I remembered Tom saying what he did. And I didn’t actually read past that when the thread was in the main forum.

ADDED: Of course that is all academic at this point since it does not change much of what I said. The webmaster is still not the owner of the site. And before folks make these pens (or any other “production” items… not simply one of a kind for personal use) using the site URL or name, they should get permission from the owner first. I am pretty sure Tom would not have minded, and I am sure Dave will not either…. But he should still get the chance to “Okay” it.

05-15-2005, 04:13 PM
Hey that's a great idea! We can order them from http://www.penisland.net

05-15-2005, 04:22 PM
as quoted per bottom of site: " ©2001-2005 Automags.Org - All Rights Reserved. Content may NOT be distributed with out consent of the Webmaster."

05-15-2005, 04:34 PM
as quoted per bottom of site: " ©2001-2005 Automags.Org - All Rights Reserved. Content may NOT be distributed with out consent of the Webmaster."
That copyright notice does not say what it is obvious you think it does. It does not say the webmaster owns the rights to the name AO, Automags.org, or The Automag Owner’s Group. And that statement does not state that he has permission to grant others permission to use anything other than “content” of the site.

It would be so much easier to simply shoot Dave off an e-mail asking him for permission than it is to try to prove you don’t have to. But whatever, do what you want, after all I don’t know anything about copyright and owner’s rights….. :rolleyes:

This is stupid… like hitting your head against a post (Phil you should have reminded me!).

05-15-2005, 04:54 PM
That copyright notice does not say what it is obvious you think it does. It does not say the webmaster owns the rights to the name AO, Automags.org, or The Automag Owner’s Group. And that statement does not state that he has permission to grant others permission to use anything other than “content” of the site.

It would be so much easier to simply shoot Dave off an e-mail asking him for permission than it is to try to prove you don’t have to. But whatever, do what you want, after all I don’t know anything about copyright and owner’s rights….. :rolleyes:

This is stupid… like hitting your head against a post (Phil you should have reminded me!).

i never said such, nor did i imply it. as noted,i know the webmaster only has rights of distribution of content. The only content that mightve be used is the hex logo, but i would only bring that up if we use that, as its another $40 in charges.

i do plan on throwing an email his way. what i said before what i was concerned about playing email tag. id rather have everything in stone in what we want to do before we ask, so its only one thing, instead of:

can we use this?

actually, we want to use this now

hmm, sorry for this other email, but we want to use this. is it ok?


on another note, i posted the poll

heres another idea that might make it easier to meet the minimum requirements

there is three lines of text, i figured using 1-2 for automags.org or something, it can all be decided later, but maybe if a company buys a certain amount (like 50) then they could have their name on the last line?

just another idea up there