View Full Version : Marker comparison - Stupid noob question

05-12-2005, 04:59 PM
Okay I've been out of the Mag domain for quite a while (nearly 5 years) in the mean time I've jumped on the Smart Parts and WDP bandwagon. I'm currently running an Angel A4 and am looking at a swap for an X Mag with Warp feed. Do people think this is a fair swap, my only worry is that, as far as I'm aware, Airgun have gone a little quiet of late and I don't want to trade into a dead product pool.

Out of interest what sort of BPS can I expect out of a lvl 10 x mag, and can bodies and upgrades be easily bought. Also is there any point running a Reloader with a Warp feed, as I think the Reloader could out run it by a long way. Any help guys.

05-12-2005, 05:11 PM
AGD might be out of the pool, but we have alot of upgrades, and the xmag doesn't need them anyway. You can shoot up to 34 bps with a non regulated tank, and about 26 with a crossfire or something without shootdown. PLENTY fast.. The xmag is light, fast, has eyes and the level 10. IT will be up to par with todays guns. And the reloader wont run out the warp feed by a long way, run the 12 volt mod to the motor and get yourself over 20 bps. THe only point to running the two together, is because your are a warp freak, or you just want a realy low profile. Personally, I'd trade an 04 angel for an xmag. And besides, depending on the xmag, you can get $900-1100 out of it anyway.

05-12-2005, 05:16 PM
^yea there a rare marker so if you end up not liking it resale will be good

05-12-2005, 09:04 PM
To me the Angel is the better marker in the performance category (assuming it has eyes, if it doesn't mag on this one)

That beign said, even if the Angel is better in performance (which you are going to see lots of people telling me its not shortly), I would take the X

1) Its "different"
2) Its likely not going to take a dramatic loss in value when the G8 comes out in 8 months (random guess, no information, this is how rumors get started)
3) Its a mag... sometimes its just neat to have the only mag on a field
4) Its rare.
5) It will likely still work perfectly in ten years.

05-12-2005, 09:11 PM
G8 what????? If ya want something different that is the same as most everything out there id deff trade up teh X is a sweet gun and if taken care of and well maintained it will treat ya well. Another thing to note is your getting 2 guns in one if electro fails you still got mech which is a sweet thing in its own.

05-12-2005, 09:11 PM
^yea there a rare marker so if you end up not liking it resale will be good

The fact that the resale may be high, how fast do you think it'll take to sell?

Only on AO will someone snatch up an Xmag 'quickly'

05-12-2005, 09:20 PM
The fact that the resale may be high, how fast do you think it'll take to sell?

Only on AO will someone snatch up an Xmag 'quickly'Hell, I would snatch up an X-mag quickly if only I had the money....

*Goes to corner and :cry:*

05-12-2005, 09:31 PM
I recently traded an Angel Speed for an Emag.

The AGD product is definatly out of the loop in a certain way. But in a market where people think they need to have the newest toy, some people just realize what really works.

Add a Morlock board if you want all the neat ramping/auto features and break beam eye support(not that you need it with LX). And with a valve capable of well, an advertized what? 26BPS? Much faster than you can pull on your own....Nearly as customizable as a cocker with all the great stuff aftermarket dealers here on the forums are doing. I mean geez is there anything more beautiful than a Deadlywind/Tuna combo?

The only drawback to an Emag is weight. Even ULE'ed its a hefty piece. Have to admit that weight is great for fighting kick though....

05-12-2005, 09:59 PM
still whats the g8? heh

05-13-2005, 09:02 AM
I would take the XMag IN A SECOND

Why? Well, pretty similar performance overall. It's resale value holds at 1200 easily, while angels lose resale extremely quickly. If in a few months you don't like it, you shouldn't have any trouble selling it and not only recouping your losses, but actually gaining money.

05-13-2005, 09:06 AM
'still whats the g8? heh'

He is refering to the G7's possible brother. Like how companys put out new guns every so many months. It isn't actually a gun, its the concept. The next angel (he called it a G8, but it could be something totally different) will drop the value of current angels dramatically.

05-13-2005, 05:35 PM
I'd take the Xmag.

Its advertised to cycle to 26bps, but the Xvalve has been seen to shoot 34bps without dropoff, while most markers can barely make it to 30 without fully cycling and blowing up paint in the hopper. The Hybrid and mech modes are fun too.