View Full Version : Level 10 and ULT set up guide...

05-12-2005, 10:00 PM
Okay, I kno if you were like me when I first got my mag you got pretty sic and tired of spending hours trying to find someone elses post that has your Lvl X/ULT problem or posted your own and only got very vauge details as to how to fix it. The setup manuals are not entirely very help full, the problem is most people attribute a mechanical error to one system or the other, and dont seem too recognize that the two systems need to function together and there for need to be tuned together. That being said, lets get on to the learning.

To start with put the shortest spring on your bolt, put 3 shims in the power tube and the #1 o-ring carrier (1 grove no dots). Set up your ULT with 2 shims.

Gas it up, it probably wont work. Most likely the gun will gas and the sear axel will contact the trigger but as hard as you try to pull it the gun will not cylce, dont worry about it. The fact that it isint firing isint important yet. Switch out your O-ring carrier for the next bigger O-ring carrier, gas and see if it leaks at all. Continue until you find the biggest o-ring carrier that doesnt leak.

Now, open up your ULT assembly and add a shim to it. Put it back together and gas it. At this point you should have 3 shims in the assembly and it probably will still cock the gun but refuse to fire. All you have to do is continue the process of adding shims one at a time gasing the marker up and trying to fire it. Once you get it firing consitently and rapidly your set. If you have too many shims in the assembly when the marker gasses the sear and axel will remain slack and will not contact the back of the trigger.

If for some reason you are still haveing problems with it chuffing or short stroking add/remove Lvl X shimms until it works, or attempt to switch the springs. In my opinion tho the springs have little or nothing to do with short stroke in this instance.

Tuning this mother is just a slow and painfull process of elimination, keep dicking around with it and youll get it to work trust me. Dont give up, and soon enough you will be out on the field ripping on your opponents :shooting: .


05-16-2005, 08:50 AM
Hey, thanks for pointing me in this direction! What if I dont have/want to use the ULT, just an xvalve with Level 10 and Emag lowers? Guess I only have to play with the level 10? Also, can I use the shims that came with the ult in my level 10? My level 10 was bought used, and the guy only sent me 2 shims in the xvalve. I have placed an order for more shims, but i think it may take a week to get them.....

05-16-2005, 11:41 AM
I dont think that youi can do much adjusting to the stock on/off pin in the X-valve, im a ULT fan myself. Attempt adjusting the lvl 10 by its self then if its still giving you fits see if you can change o-rings in the on/off or see if you can get a diffrent lenght pin. Also yes you can use ULT shims in the level 10, but kno this: the ULT shims are 1/2 as thick as the lvl 10 shims. So if you want to adjust the lvl 10 by one shim you have to add 2 ult shims, good luck.


05-18-2005, 12:16 AM
If you find this thread usefull, please post something just to keep it up high enough so that others can read and learn from it. Also if some one from moderater land sees this thread as usefull enough perhaps it may be stickied... idk, let the public decide.


05-18-2005, 10:19 AM
This exactly what I needed. I broke my little CD thingy with the lvl 10 and have been confused since. Maybe I can get my mag to work now.

05-19-2005, 09:53 AM
I knew I shoudl have asked here for that link. I posted on PbNation thinking someone might have it. I looked on airgun.com but coudln't find it, didn't think to look here. Thanks a lot.