View Full Version : RT pics with Z and Warp

Daniel Morse
11-25-2001, 09:06 PM
:p I finally got pictures to post :p
Mine and my brothers RT (you are not seeing double)

11-25-2001, 10:32 PM
Sweet!! Those are very cool looking guns! I don't think ive ever seen the silver trigger Z-Grip!


11-25-2001, 10:50 PM
that is a pretty nice setup. my only comment is that you get some sort of drop forward. that tank sticks way out back.

11-25-2001, 10:51 PM
Why did AGD stop making the Z grip again?

11-26-2001, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
Why did AGD stop making the Z grip again?
Not everyone wanted one... Tom didn't like how slow the sales were going, if we want the z-grip to have a comeback we'll all need to send letter to agd asking for the z-grip back; but that might not even work... and after they start making them again... WE HAVE TO BUY THEM!!!

11-26-2001, 07:39 AM
i think someone should start the official 'bring the z-grip back' thread

Mild 7
11-26-2001, 09:41 AM
Can anyone tell me where can I get a gun stand like that?