View Full Version : Drilling Eyes

05-13-2005, 07:11 PM
How difficult do you think it would be to drill/mill a ule body for bb eyes? I could prolly get a drill press, and some other shop things(prolly no cnc though). I was thinking this becasue I cant justify spending 450 for logic to drill eyes and slap a predator in a hyperframe. It seems easy, but things are never as easy as they seem. I am not prepared right now to do this, as I dont have a board yet, but I would like to know how much effort would be involved.

rifleman wi
05-14-2005, 05:41 AM
up.. i too would be intrested in this info.. i have access to a mill and drillpress.. thanks..

05-14-2005, 08:52 AM
Truthfully, the best money you can spend is to have s professional do it. It is very easy to screw up. (I know). Drill bits 'wander'. I wouldnt even consider doing it without a mill.

Also, the hole size depends obviously on the size of the eye elements. There are 3mm and 5mm eyes out there that I know of.

Placement of the holes is also important. If you put them too high up it will adversly affect the operation of the eyes and you will get chops. (You would have to comentsate via the software by setting the hold off to a higher length)

Then of course, you have to consider the eye covers, and how you are going to mount them.

Scared yet?

05-14-2005, 09:08 AM
talk to Trains Are Bad, he has done it. I plan on doing it myself, don't honestly think that it's that hard. Just make sure that the holes are lined up, and that they have 1mm or so clearance from the bottom.