View Full Version : just thought i would share....yes Ion related

05-14-2005, 02:38 AM
and see what you guys think of the soon to be new Ion body. This guy named Sithos over at PBN, not sure if he posts here or not is going for a new body new frame combo for the Ion. He says hes about a month out, but I dont see that happening. but so far, its looking pretty good. he said hes shooting for around 200-225 for the set (body and frame)

and heres the link




i wish i had more pics but all i could find as of now. im so torn now between Nicad's Foehn, the Strange body, and now this.

05-14-2005, 03:18 AM
As big of a fan of Nicad's work as I am, I think he's been beat... For this round!

But I'm still rootin' for him!

05-14-2005, 07:20 AM
i may just buy one of those, even if i dnt have an ion. :D they look GREAT!

05-14-2005, 07:55 AM
its nice looking, but I dont see the need to spend that much for an Ion.

I like this better, but at least wait until new boards or noids come out for the Ion making the ROF capable of much more than 17bps.

I dunno. I think I would just buy a better high end gun for putting that much into my Ion.

It is pimp though.

05-14-2005, 07:58 AM
its nice looking, but I dont see the need to spend that much for an Ion.

I like this better, but at least wait until new boards or noids come out for the Ion making the ROF capable of much more than 17bps.

I dunno. I think I would just buy a better high end gun for putting that much into my Ion.

It is pimp though.

Some of us admit that the likelihood of ever hitting 17BPS on a true semi-only setting is slim to none, leaning heavily towards none. I have been incredibly surprised by the Ion in its performance and seeming durability.
I don't like that body, what is with the need to show the "main" body.

05-14-2005, 09:07 AM
I personally wouldn't spend that much upgrading an ION, instead sell yours and just buy one with that body used or get a cheap shocker or something and you just saved yourself alot of money.

05-14-2005, 12:05 PM
why anyone would put this much money into an ion? I have no clue.

05-14-2005, 12:21 PM
i kinda like it but it looks like you would have to unscrew the feedneck everytime you wanted to remove the shell.
And as far as spending money on an ION why not....this sport is expensive...so everything costs money even for those who spend money on making there 98customs look like a real firearm.
To me it is all relative....some people like being unique...and i think that is what this offers.

05-14-2005, 03:25 PM
Even though i've had some bad experiences with the Ion-i don't hate sp- i don't understand why so many of you are saying that you don't understand why you would put so much money. Well here are some reasons:

1) This body looks hot.
2) I believe in an email from the tagsportz mailing list, they said they were working on a board for the ion, and there's no doubt that it will be uncapped, and it will make the Ion a competitor, if it isn't already is.
3) The Ion, even if some of you choose not to believe it, is the next big thing. It will become one of the biggest guns in the industry, and it is for sure one of the most common electro/speedball orientated gun already.
4) Think about this, the gun has been out for 2-3 months? and already we have plans for new bodies, frames, boards, triggers, etc. IMO it can only get better from here.
5) For those of you who don't buy smarts parts things because you have become accustomed to putting sp down, i pity you, because eventually you'll be left behind and sp will have taken over the world.

05-14-2005, 06:21 PM
very nice

05-14-2005, 10:10 PM
why anyone would put this much money into an ion? I have no clue.

Same reason people pour money into any marker. I for one enjoy upgrading my guns. Be it my timmy or Ion I am always looking for a little different look or a bit more performance. If you havent shot an Ion youre missing out. I have been really impressed with mine. Back to the original topic, I think the body is nice, would like to see the finished product.

05-14-2005, 10:17 PM
Definately an improvement from the stock.

05-14-2005, 10:25 PM
5) For those of you who don't buy smarts parts things because you have become accustomed to putting sp down, i pity you, because eventually you'll be left behind and sp will have taken over the world.

All we can do is try and stop it.

Have to say that look alot better than stock.

05-14-2005, 10:51 PM
Very sexy.

05-14-2005, 11:25 PM
Some of us admit that the likelihood of ever hitting 17BPS on a true semi-only setting is slim to none, leaning heavily towards none. I have been incredibly surprised by the Ion in its performance and seeming durability.
I don't like that body, what is with the need to show the "main" body.

The "main body" is actually a fire chamber and a breech. I am not sure if this one does it, but the teamStrange ION body has a removable end cap that is supposed to enable you to disassemble and take out the bolt without having to completely take the gun apart.

I hadn't seen the pictures of the storm trooper body style. That does look very good!!! The prototype I could take or leave...

05-15-2005, 02:39 PM
i kinda like it but it looks like you would have to unscrew the feedneck everytime you wanted to remove the shell.

no i believe he is making a romovable portion on the top so the feedneck stays screwed in.

and well, i dont mind the upgrading. sure its going to be an expensive Ion when Im done, but I didnt pay for it all at once. a little here and a little there......