View Full Version : Want to be an Auto-Mag newbie

05-16-2005, 10:19 AM
Hey all!! This is my first post but I want to clarify that I did run a few searches...but did not come up with any answers...(not the ones I needed anyway)

So...I played in a scenario this weekend with my A5 (flatlined...stock...bla bla...) and came to a conclusion. My style of play makes having a flatty, and a colapsable stock a waste of $$ and space. I need to get smaller...more compact...more accurate...and need to throw just a little more paint.

I saw a tac one about a year ago and fell in love with it. But the a5 is my first marker and did not want to make the jump untill I was comfortable with the ins and outs of a neumatic marker.

I feel quite comfy with it now...but want a change...and I want to go to either a cocker...or a tac one. (the tac one is in first place now.)

I need some info...

-When the marker is purchased..what does it come with?
-Compared t the tippy that I have...how hard is it to work on?
-I have seen the words "tune it up"...and that scares me...how much of that do I need to do?

That is all that I have for now...but what other insights can you all give? Tips..hints....little lings that would make this worth the extra $$$.

To let you know...I do have HPA...and I also know that I will need to get a revy or some type of motorized hopper...

Ok..I think that is it for now...I do apologize for thei VERY newbie post....but I have heard that if you have an automag question....GO HERE!!!! :headbang:


05-16-2005, 11:59 AM
If you go with a cocker and it is working do not mess with the timing of it.
That will cause you more headaches than you really want to deal with.
I have both a cocker and a mag and a micromag.
The mag is so simple to work with. I'm still a little hesitant on doing things to the cocker just because of screwing up the timing. But it is working like a charm.
Just my opinions on the subject.

05-16-2005, 12:09 PM
I also had an a-5 w/a flatline, stock and other larg unnessesary add-ons. I was also thinking about a cocker or a mag, I ended up buying both. Overall the mag is a better choice. The mag was faster, as accurate as the cocker, lighter,more compact, and an extremly well designed marker. The autococker is an old design, it was one of the 1st smi-automatic guns. The cocker is a pump-gun(sniper 2) converted into a semi-auto, therefore it's not a very "clean" or practical conversion. The is why autocockers are known for being very unreliable. Get the automag(Rt.w/ule trigger,X-valve and y-frame) you will have a more enjoyable marker that can shoot as fast(more accurate)than most high-end electros. I have owned 4 autocockers and all of them have been a horrible mess of pneumatic pain. But if you do enjoy spending more time fixing your gun than playing, get a cocker(chipleymachine.com---series 5----best autococker out there). Automags are almost as reliable as your tippmann, so I think it would be a good gun for you to get used to quickly.

Good luck :shooting: light 'em up

05-17-2005, 01:02 PM
I was in the same boat as you. I still have my A5, but I sold the flatline. I ended up getting a Tac One (this is just a RT ULE with the Tac body).

When you purchase the Tac One (I can't speak for other models) you will need to purchase the following:
air lines and hardware (I went with macroline and 4 90deg. fittings - grip to valve, and grip to tank)
HPA tank (I bought a used adjustable tank)
tank mount (I bought a cage used to hold my adjustable)
motorized hopper (I bought a Richochet)


The Tac One comes stock with a decent barrel, but I went and bought a Lapco Bigshot (w/ autococker threads). The ULE bodies accept autococker barrels.

You do need HPA, but you don't need an adjustable tank. As long as the tank outputs 800 psi or more, you'll be okay. The higher the input pressure, the more reactivity you get from the trigger (which is why many automag users get the adjustable output tank).

05-17-2005, 06:06 PM
There really is no tuning aside of the lvlX, and ult. Basically you set it up and leave it alone. Get an adjustalbe tank if you want rapid fire(ie 1000+ psi output)

05-18-2005, 10:56 PM
If you don't want a gun that requires alot of maintanence and your choices are Autococker and a Tach-one then go with the Tach all the way.

Tach-one, "Tune it" refers to the lvl X anti chop bolt and the ULT trigger, basicly you have to get these set right but once. Basicly they work on very tight tolerances and every milling process is slightly different, regaurdless of how wellthey are made, so you're just getting them in sinc with your specific marker. Once you've done it it's done and forget about it.
Autococker, Tune-it, time it, play a game,.....tune it, time it, play a game,.....rinse repeat.

I won't lie Autocockers are great guns "When they work" but you will forever be tinkering with it, While mags are great guns always

05-19-2005, 09:27 AM
Thanks for all of the info guys!!

JRod....I believe that I want about the same set up as you....I want to put an ASA on the grip so I can run my remote from there much like I have with my A5...so...that means 2 hoses..and 3 90 degree fittings....I think...

Now...I wonder if I buy it from airgun.com if they will do all of that for me?? hmmmmmm....

THanks again boys....just ened to seel my A5......

anyone interrested??? lol ;)


05-19-2005, 03:11 PM
Thanks for all of the info guys!!

JRod....I believe that I want about the same set up as you....I want to put an ASA on the grip so I can run my remote from there much like I have with my A5...so...that means 2 hoses..and 3 90 degree fittings....I think...

Now...I wonder if I buy it from airgun.com if they will do all of that for me?? hmmmmmm....

THanks again boys....just ened to seel my A5......

anyone interrested??? lol ;)

Don't forget the fitting for the ASA. I don't think airgun.com will do the setup. However, you may want to check with Rogue here on the forum. I think he can set you up. For what it's worth, I bought my marker from the local pb shop. And they did the setup for me.

05-19-2005, 04:01 PM
-When the marker is purchased..what does it come with?
-Compared t the tippy that I have...how hard is it to work on?
-I have seen the words "tune it up"...and that scares me...how much of that do I need to do?

Alright, when you buy it FROM AGD, you'll need and asa (duckbill$5- unimount$40 doesn't matter) And however many macroline fittings your want, but you will need at least 2, one for the asa and one for the side of the valve. And some loctite I guess. And 2 feet of macroline. Not that you'll need it, but it's always good to have.

It is easier than your tippmann. If an a5 is anything like a c98 that is. A mag has 2 screws, one of them is handscrewed. The other is on(in) the trigger guard. Once you get those off, your marker is dissasembled basically.

Tune it up- Lies, all lies. You get your level 10, a case (or like, 500 balls if that is what your with) of paint, and some air. You shove the level 10 with the basic setup (see this sites homepage for that) and see where it leaks, or IF it leaks. Then ajust accordignly, then shoot 300 shots or so to break it in. Then if there arises a new leak, just ajjust accordingly. After you break it in a little, you will never touch it again (unless you want something better or worse). If you have done anything with paintball guns in the past, setting up a level 10 will take like, 30 minutes. The Ult is even simpler. Don't worry about that being a problem.

Yeah, a tacone will make you much more happy than the a5. Tippmanns are good guns don't get me wrong; but any mag with a RT valve kicks its "butt". ALTHOUGH, instead of AGD or Rogue (also, very great dealers/manufcturers,) I'd suggest tunaman. He's a mod on this site. The reason I recommend him is because if you want the macroline, the fittings, and the tac one pre installed and on your gun loctited and all; as well as pre tuned he'll do it for you.

Welcoem to AO :clap:

05-21-2005, 07:26 AM
Welcome to AO!!
Tis is where I went to find out about Mags. I am now a proud ouner of a RTULE with all the bells a whistles. As for HPA tanks, go as high as you can with the pressure. From my experience, go with either a Centerflag (adjustable) or a Crossfire (fixed) tank. Stay away from ACI Bulldogs and DYE Throttles. They do not have the air flow to meet the demands of a high pressure input marker, though they work great for low pressure markers. Hope this helps you avoid the same mistakes I made.

05-21-2005, 09:21 AM

I have an ACI bulldog tank!!! :tard:

Great....welp...got another expense.....ugh....

welpp....back to the drawing board....

05-22-2005, 12:10 PM

I have an ACI bulldog tank!!! :tard:

Great....welp...got another expense.....ugh....

welpp....back to the drawing board....

You can send your tank to Crossfire and have your preset reg swapped out for approx 65.00 bucks. It'll be more than worth it. ;)

05-22-2005, 09:50 PM

I have an ACI bulldog tank!!! :tard:

Great....welp...got another expense.....ugh....

welpp....back to the drawing board....
I would try out the tank first. It might work just fine. What does your tank output?

05-24-2005, 01:45 AM
The Mag will never be as easy to take care of as the Tippy, but it's the easiest to take care of out of all the high-end markers. Cockers are probably one of the toughest. Go with the Mag if that's your main concern.