View Full Version : The Official 'Bring the Z-Grip Back!' Thread

11-26-2001, 07:39 AM
Ok guys, this is the thread to beg Tom to bring the z-grip back.

Everybody who would purchase one, post here! Let's see if we can win over Tom.

11-26-2001, 07:51 AM
Chants :
" Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! "
woo a lot of typing.
My point is, I discovered the joy of mags to late so I missed out on Z-Grips. Please bring them back.
Thank You, Jordan Coffey

11-26-2001, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
Chants :
" Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back! "
woo a lot of typing.
My point is, I discovered the joy of mags to late so I missed out on Z-Grips. Please bring them back.
Thank You, Jordan Coffey

what a great way to start it off!:D

11-26-2001, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
woo a lot of typing.

You mean a lot of cut and pasting... ;)

I'd love to see a grip which you could rotate in play from normal 45 to a z-grip style... that would be soo cool and give you the best of both worlds and playing styles when needed!


Daniel Morse
11-26-2001, 09:25 AM
I have been preaching for the Z-Grip to be brought back forever. It is the best grip frame ever made. Please, bring it back!

11-26-2001, 09:26 AM
I don't have a pb marker to put the z-grip on but BRING IT BACK! I'll buy it regardless! Maybe that will convince my parents...

Temo Vryce
11-26-2001, 11:11 AM
Bring it back or else we'll all buy cockers and sell our mags.

No, really we'll do it. Ok, I'm bluffing but please bring it back.

11-26-2001, 11:57 AM
I would buy a ZGrip for my 68 if I could find one :D I prefer not using the RT version.

11-26-2001, 12:01 PM
Seeing as there still seems to be quite a few floating around at local proshops. I don't see the reason to bring it back until they are all gone. Tom also had a good point. He told where to get quite a few Zgrips (From Diablo) and if I am not mistaken they still have at least one left. :) Now, I think that is they where made available online people would snatch them up quicker than if you have to call someone. For some odd reason people are afraid to use the phone these days:)

11-26-2001, 12:14 PM
I recall Tom posting something about killing the Zgrip because of the simple fact that they have only just recently sold the last of the initial and only production run. (If you count the ones they found.) I believe he said that that initial run took a few years to completely sell, whereas the first run of intelliframes took a matter of weeks. I think it's a simple case of people putting their money where their mouth is. Perhaps many people who are very interested in purchasing a Zgrip do not purchase it when they have the chance? Maybe these same people merely think that the idea is novel, but aren't interested enough it purchasing the grip.

On a personal note: I have an RTPro that I recently installed an Intelliframe on. I have held a mag with a Zgrip before and I personally did not find it very comfortable for my tastes. I do however find the Intelliframe to feel superior than the stock frames on Automags and the RTPros. I do however have one complaint about the Intelliframe. On my stock RTPro frame there was a small recessed area for the field strip screw, however there is not on the Intelliframe. This causes the field strip screw to dig into my hand and makes long periods of play rather uncomfortable. Does anyone know if this was done for a specific reason? Perhaps tolerances were involved. If it was not done for any major issue, does AGD have any plans on changing the design of the frame?

11-26-2001, 12:25 PM
A Zentelligrip! intelliframe+zgrip Awesome !!!!! ya lol ok bring it back i never used one but they look weird so bring em back! why did they stop making them?

11-26-2001, 12:33 PM
oh brother.... why do we have to go through this again?..why oh why can't they let it go?...oh the humanity of it all.... :rolleyes:

11-26-2001, 12:52 PM
i pray everynight for Z-Grip i'm in South-East Asia i have no where to get it ,except from AGD so please think about people who just use Automag and missed Z-Grip when it first-released or people whos out of US!!!!


11-26-2001, 12:58 PM
Is this a "Bring Back The Z-Grip" crusade? Whoohoo! I'll jump on that slow boat to nowhere ;)

Seriously though, this has been tried many times in the past by some deranged AO member who shall go unnamed - with minimal success. For example, after the last round of badgering, AGD released a number of Z-Grips they found "in the attic." Most likely, these grips were shipped out to keep AO members from pestering Mr. Kaye. But hey, if it means more exposure for the Z-Grip then I'm all for it. For now, I guess I'll just treasure a rare part of paintball's history.



P.S. LOL cphillip!

11-26-2001, 01:11 PM
I betcha if you get 100 people to send $125 each to Tom Kaye and as soon as he gets all 100 members money there might just be a run of Z's happening! I would almost bet on that...:D

11-26-2001, 01:27 PM
I found an RT Z-grip in a store. I didn't know it was for an RT after I left, and I went back a week later to get it, but then realized it was for the RT. If it hadn't been for the RT, just a regular Z-grip, I would have bought it right there. The Z-Grip is a truly innovative and radical design. The mainstream usually doesn't accept things that are extreme like that, they just want to fit in. That probably why sales were low. I'll tell you I would mind getting wierd stares every now and then. People could come up and say, "What is THAT thing?" Then I would procede to tell them about the wonderful world of AGD!:)


11-26-2001, 01:38 PM
You blew it Dave. An RT Z grip will work on a regular mag. All you need is a bushing which AGD will give you.

11-26-2001, 01:45 PM
im a big supporter of the zgrip but it wont come back. the demand is so low that it is not in AGD best intrest to make anymore. look at the amount of them being sold at times and when some are found how long they take to sell. as tom said he found 6 z grips and it took weeks to sell them all at $100.

11-26-2001, 01:59 PM
RT Z-grip working on a regular mag? Fancy that, I don't think it got sold. I might have to just call or go down there and buy it then if thats true!


11-26-2001, 02:04 PM
It's true! Get on the way boy! Then call Jon at AGD and he will get you a bushing for it. I had one adn I know for sure it will fit. Good luck to you on it. Trust me! It will work fine.

11-26-2001, 02:35 PM
Well, long live MY Z-Grip *coddles and hugs his Z-Grip* As long as my Z-Grip is happy and in working order, im happy, for the most part at least, its kinda neat playing with a grip and having people say "what the heck is that" hehe *coddles his Z-Grip some more* :D

11-26-2001, 02:39 PM
Muzikman thinks that Xzion needs some help...is there a shrink in the house???:)

11-26-2001, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Muzikman thinks that Xzion needs some help...is there a shrink in the house???:)

Pah, Im a dragon, we dont need shrinks... we just need our caffine, most dragons drink dragon coffee, but I stick with SoBe Adrenaline Rush, :D my only problem is there isnt anywhere to get it in my area yet :(

11-26-2001, 03:51 PM
Oh yeah baby, that's the stuff!
I have GOT to get some pics of the red gun...)

SiLeNt X
11-26-2001, 04:12 PM
i am hooking myself up with one once i get my mimimag after christmas:D i cant wait:) my pb buddy is trying to pull me toward a cocker or atleast not the zgrip ......he said he has tried it and it is "gay"but i like the feel and i know he is bs ing me

11-26-2001, 04:26 PM
ya know, we REALLY should get together and start a group buy of Z-grips? If we asked AGD if they'd do it, what do we have to loose. You might have to wait a couple months after sending in the money but at least you'd get a Z!!!

11-26-2001, 04:28 PM
Yipe am I that unnamed AO member? Me and you made a good team. Because of the last batch I think there is no longer a reason to produce more. I love the z-grip and all, but there not that hard to find! people sell them all the time plus I like having a classic. Call me greedy but I think AGD is already busy with the new stuff they will be releasing. I dont want those products slowed down any longer then they have to. Guy's I am sorry but I think the z-grip production is no more (sorry to disappoint you). Look forward to the future AGD well pull out something cool (like most of the new stuff).

11-26-2001, 05:16 PM
us here at AO have had many of these threads. we have had threads concering bringing back the z grip, altering its style and the "godlike" idea of a z grip emag!!!!:D after lots of what tom probably thought was harassment. :) we got 50 z grips from AGD and 3 of the AO memebers that pushed the z grip beyond any others were given the choice of a free warp feed or a free z grip for thier commitment and promoting of AGD products. these 50 went relitivly fast. these 50 z grips filled most of the demand out there for a z grip. thats y i belive that there is not enough intrest at this moment in time for another run of z grips. for it to be of any intrest AGD will need atleast 100 definate buyers.

11-26-2001, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
oh brother.... why do we have to go through this again?..why oh why can't they let it go?...oh the humanity of it all.... :rolleyes:

I somehow agree with cphilip... You have to understand that if AGD wants to make them again, they will, and only in a limited run(this is what i was told in another Z-post). Hardly anyone wanted one before, and now they are hard to get and everyone wants one.. This cycle could continue on for ever and AGD is working on newer even MORE innovative things..

BUT!!!!! yes there is a but to this.. maybe in like another year, they can bring it back from the dead and have more people set on it!

11-26-2001, 06:44 PM
da zgrip!!!!! i would buy one

11-26-2001, 07:05 PM

I was talking about myself - you're not deranged :)

11-26-2001, 07:49 PM
maybe if the z-grip wasn't so harsh on our wallets say $80~$90 then everyone would have one, that or an intelliframe. :) i had a z-grip, but sold it cause i needed the money. i regret that day...

11-26-2001, 09:08 PM
:D I already have a Z but it so sweeeet! Never underestimate the power of the Z.

11-26-2001, 09:12 PM
I just bought my Mag but I would love to get a Z-Grip, but I don't think it's gonna happen.:mad:

11-26-2001, 09:14 PM
thats poopy i didnt know AGD stopped making them I was planning on getting one for my micromag. Damnit my 14 y/o dreams are crushed stepped on and (Would you let your Mom hear you talk like that?) on all in one night.

But Mr. Kaye if you do ever make them again make some in nickel for me :( hehe

11-26-2001, 09:36 PM
Yeah, I just want Tom Kaye to know that I will do anything to get the Z-Grip back in production, and I do mean *anything*.;)

11-26-2001, 10:32 PM
all i want for christmas is an EZ grip... already got a z-grip :D


SiLeNt X
11-27-2001, 07:31 AM
whats an ez grip?
btw i would definetly buy one right now and i dont even own a mag......yet

11-27-2001, 03:18 PM
Try looking at 888paintball.com I havent looked at APG but I was pretty sure it was advertised in a advertisement(go figure :rolleyes: ) in this months APG. My browser isn't working and seems to only want to view page with white backgrounds and simple colors and texts.

11-27-2001, 03:49 PM
Well I just got my new catolog from 888 paintball today, and they have the Z-grip listed for 100 bucks. At first I thought it was a misprint so I called and asked, they said that they have a few DOZEN in stock. I just ordered mine, so for all those people want them better order them fast. I am so happy I got one.

11-27-2001, 04:14 PM
mmmm. I like it.

11-27-2001, 04:49 PM
i wanna z-grip, please bring them back tom!!

11-27-2001, 04:56 PM
Guys all of you that want them go buy them. They are still available at certain stores. Everytime available grips are posted it takes ages for them to sell. That's why AGD are not making anymore at the moment.

There's just been a load of z-grips found at 888 paintball as Bond points out. Now put your money where your mouth is and buy them!

If they don't get bought quickly then there is no reason for AGD to make anymore. If they do it will show AGD that there is a demand for them and they will make more.

I think unfortunately many of you are not as serious about buying z-grips as your posts often make out.

manike (who has two z-grips so far).

11-27-2001, 05:11 PM
I would buy a z-grip I have been looking for one for a while...........Bring it back..Please....

11-27-2001, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Mag89
I would buy a z-grip I have been looking for one for a while...........Bring it back..Please....

Have you tried 888 paintball?


11-27-2001, 05:34 PM
Well, if I had a mag I would be callin up 888paintball right now... But, if anybody decides to produce an Angel z-grip, I'll be one of the first buyers:)

11-27-2001, 07:05 PM
I called 888paintball they dont have any in stock... Or so they say. Conspiracy theory? No probably not.

11-27-2001, 07:44 PM
has tom seen this???? haha i cant wait to see what he has to say.. woooooo zgrip zgrip zgrip

11-27-2001, 10:03 PM

Don't give us the Z-grips right now, but start reproducing them when you've had time to advance the z-grip to a higher level of performance. Then we would want it even more...

11-28-2001, 12:50 AM
Alright, party is over, read the offical post.