View Full Version : 05 Speed Automag

05-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Well i've been thinking about this for a long time, and i'm not sure which section this belongs in so feel free to move it if it doesn't belong, but i was thinking if we could move the trigger from the 05 speed and make the same type of system in the Mag. I would probably buy a logic or chimera frame and try and make it operate like an 05 Space frame. I was wondering if this was possible? For some of you who don't know how the trigger on the 05 speed works, it uses a trigger with a built-in bearing and 2 magnets for a crisp trigger pull. it is a zero friction trigger and when you shoot it no part of the trigger touches the gun. Instead a little part breaks a beam-similar to breakbeam eyes- and that fires the gun. Has anybody tried this yet? Do you guys think that it will work or do angels and mags fire differently? i don't know much about the internal working of mags so don't get mad.

By the way this was inspired by the dude who made the z-grip a magnet return trigger. I thought that was pretty cool too btw.

05-16-2005, 04:30 PM
I hope you are talking about emags not mech mags.

05-16-2005, 04:55 PM
emags already have magnetic return triggers... also, i think the 05 speed uses a microswitch trigger (i havent seen inside, but i could feel the click when i played with it). i like the idea of using the external dials to adjust the trigger tho...

EDIT: opps, i guess i was wrong, 05 speed's use opto triggers apparently...

as for implementing that in an emag, well... i suppose the a dial could be installed to adjust the return magnet strength... its gonna be quite a design challenge to install the dial for the trigger travel tho...

if u wanna do it the hard way, i suppose you could rip out the trigger frame of speed 05 and somehow cram the emag electronics (or a pred II board.. hmmm) along with the sear and the solenoid in there... the key point is that you need the mag style sear and solenoid in there

05-16-2005, 05:10 PM
If there is some way to try to make a real crisp pull, id prolly be willing to try for one of my bushies. I could probably pick up a frame for 10 bucks for my bko or whatever and try some stuff.

Im not too big on the trigger pull on my bushies. It kind of sucks lol. Its real clicky but i can get used to it for now.

05-16-2005, 06:27 PM
Well my dad's friend can pretty much do anything, and i bet i could get a lot of info from my local pro-shop. I don't know, it just kind of came up and i personally think that the 05 speed has one of the best triggers. But i'm inferring the fact that you can't use a mech mag and just use magnets? i know there's no noid, but i guess you could just have a battery stuck inside a frame, and attach it to magnets that will just replace the springs. Mags use springs don't they? I would have no idea since i haven't taken mine apart. Well i just think this because me and my friends like to tinker with things, and we took a pen and we replace the spring with a magnet, and it would work fine, so i was wondering if we could incorporate something like that into a mag frame. Technically it would be a mech mag, but instead of springs moving the trigger, use magnets, and therefore i don't believe you would need a noid would you?

05-16-2005, 06:33 PM
Mech mags don't use springs. No mags use springs to return the trigger. Putting magnets in a mech mag wouldn't do anything.

I'm doing the Joni mod though. That's just modding my Logic 90* frame to accept electronics (noid, switch, board, etc.) it may be a little like what you're thinking about, making a vert electro frame for the mag. As long as you have access to a drill press and a dremel, it's pretty easy.

Course I could just buy a Dmag but oh wait, I'm a 17yo working at a supermarket... nm, I don't have $550. :cry:

05-16-2005, 06:43 PM
i get it. Can anyone explain to me how mags fire? I think somebody refered to it as a sear-tripper but i have no idea what the heck that is.

05-16-2005, 07:54 PM
I'm doing the Joni mod though. That's just modding my Logic 90* frame to accept electronics (noid, switch, board, etc.) it may be a little like what you're thinking about, making a vert electro frame for the mag. As long as you have access to a drill press and a dremel, it's pretty easy.
what noid are you using for this mod? i hate the battery pack needed for an e-mag, does the noid run off of a nine volt?

05-16-2005, 10:05 PM
emags already have magnetic return triggers... also, i think the 05 speed uses a microswitch trigger (i havent seen inside, but i could feel the click when i played with it). i like the idea of using the external dials to adjust the trigger tho...

Angels have three points to adjust the trigger, the two Veneir wheels (which set the fore and aft of a trigger's pull) and the toe screw (which id used the set where in a pull the shot will occur).

And Angels dont use micro switches like spyders (that one hurt my feelings :cry: ). They use an opto sensor (kind of like a break-beam in the board), and a leaf spring combonation to give a trigger almost no resistance at all. In the 05 speeds has the leaf spring on the trigger frame as compared to the A4s or older models that have the leaf spring on the boards.

05-16-2005, 11:52 PM
Angels have three points to adjust the trigger, the two Veneir wheels (which set the fore and aft of a trigger's pull) and the toe screw (which id used the set where in a pull the shot will occur).

And Angels dont use micro switches like spyders (that one hurt my feelings :cry: ). They use an opto sensor (kind of like a break-beam in the board), and a leaf spring combonation to give a trigger almost no resistance at all. In the 05 speeds has the leaf spring on the trigger frame as compared to the A4s or older models that have the leaf spring on the boards.

If you want the breakbeam eye trigger, get an Eblade. Its sort of crappy though, microswitches are better since you end up adding more spring or magnet tension to return the trigger anyways. The biggest problem I have with them is that if it doesn't return far enough (a larger distance than with a microswitch), it won't fire since the beam remains broken.

Anyways, I don't see any way how you could get it onto a mag and still retain the special features it has. The design of the angel trigger itself leaves no room for the emag's mechanism inside the frame, and it wouldn't trip the sear unless you butchered the thing. In that case, a breakbeam roller trigger wouldn't help much since it'd be on a mech mag. I have, however, seen a mag with a eblade on it in the MQ-valve thread. I believe you need the MQ-valve to get it to work, though :rolleyes:

05-17-2005, 01:30 AM
what noid are you using for this mod? i hate the battery pack needed for an e-mag, does the noid run off of a nine volt?

I used a hyperframe noid, and I beleive that warbeak uses a spyder noid. Both operates on 9V batteries.

05-17-2005, 01:41 AM
Mags use springs don't they? I would have no idea since i haven't taken mine apart.

to answer your question, mags use the force of the on/off to return the trigger

05-17-2005, 04:03 PM
Thanks Jotsi.

And Kurama, couldn't you just put a noid in the gun, so it operates like an emag, and instead of using the regular emag trigger, switch it out with a variation of the 05 speed trigger?

05-17-2005, 04:56 PM
I used a hyperframe noid, and I beleive that warbeak uses a spyder noid. Both operates on 9V batteries.
oh. any noid you can buy seperate? im looking to not have to buy a frame to tear apart. also spyder noids are pretty big. ive been thinking for a while about doing a pneumatic mod, with a sm-6 cylinder and 3-way solenoid like trains did, but that would require a reg on the front of my gun and external hoses. if i can make it fully electronic, i think that would be better.

05-18-2005, 09:52 AM
If you want the breakbeam eye trigger, get an Eblade. Its sort of crappy though, microswitches are better since you end up adding more spring or magnet tension to return the trigger anyways. The biggest problem I have with them is that if it doesn't return far enough (a larger distance than with a microswitch), it won't fire since the beam remains broken.

Not to hijack, but
How can you say a microswitch is better than an opto system? An opto system (at least the 05 Speed one) has a reset swing that is at least as short as the shortest microswitch's... Plus, there is nothing in the opto to wear out... and who ends up adding magnets for more tension? the ones in the trigger are adjustable and should keep almost everyone happy. The difference in feel between the 05 Speed trigger and an Eblade is huge- in favor of the speed.

That all said, i think an angel and a mag are so different that it wouldn't work... but someone could make an opto board/trigger for an Emag- that would be cool.

05-18-2005, 10:57 AM
The spyder noid is too big. I just need to shave it down. I'm using a kingman 9.6v battery. I'm definately going to have to wait till school's out before I start the project back up. I have zero time right now lol.