View Full Version : Omen Help...

05-17-2005, 06:53 PM
My friend has an Omen...Its a pretty nice gun but he wants to turn down the pressure on it. I went over to his place to check it out...it took me like 20 mins to actually figure out that the velocity adjustment is also the pressure adjustment...(Im a little slow I guess)..I should have relized it once I saw that it was on the reg, but I guess I needed it spelled out for me. Anyway...I didnt know what to say, other than "Get a new sprink kit"...I think that would work but I really dont know. Are there any low pressure upgrades for omens?...thankx for the help

05-17-2005, 10:06 PM
The Omen actually isn't that bad of a gun. But you can't beat a mag. When you adjust the pressure through the reg, you must also adjust the recock pressure which is located on the left sid of the gun. If it needs a major pressure adjustment, Unscrew the cocking rod and you will find a allen bolt. Adjust from there.

05-18-2005, 04:49 AM
A few questions for you and your friend:

First of all, how well versed in the Omen is he? If you need to come over and help him with it, it probably means that he hasn't read the instructions. What exactly is the problem? What makes him want to lower the pressure on it? Is he chopping balls? What psi is the gun currently running at?

There are a lot of questions you need to answer before you can expect help, since we don't know the problem! :p

My guess is that neither of you have figured out the recocking pressure adjustment. It takes a bit of time to learn, but you can get the hang of it. Because of the recock-adjustment, you should be able to tune the Omen to work at a nice low operating pressure while still having an effective CAM system.


Screw the recock screw gently in all the way until it stops. Don't force it. Then close the reg completely. Open up the reg until you're getting air into the gun, and unscrew the recock 1/4 of a turn. chrono the gun. Repeat once more. Then just adjust the HPR reg until it's shooting at the proper speed. Then slowly unscrew the recock until it recocks consistently.

Chances are you don't need any low pressure upgrades.

Let me know if you need help.

And don't listen to people who tell you to get a mag...chances are none of them have the Omen experience that I do.


05-18-2005, 07:32 AM
Actually I do own one. :cool: It's cool but still think you can't beat a Mag! :D Good luck and you also can ask me any questions if you would like. Hey does you your friend have the upgraded board and cam system? Worth it!

05-18-2005, 10:11 AM
Don't forget there is a major air pressure adjustment behind the cocking rod. :D And I will state again, the Omen isn't bad as some think, that's why I own one. All I said was you can't beat a mag. Sorry if that had offended you. :cheers:

05-18-2005, 10:52 AM
Recocking pressure is adjusted from the small allen screw on the driver's side of the body. It adjusts how much air from the valve will be used to spring the bolt back, which is what causes the CAM arms to load the balls, as well as cocking the marker. Too much pressure and you'll slam the balls into the breech so hard that they'll break; too little pressure and the omen won't recock.

The stock Omen should be quite efficient, as well as quiet with a relatively low amount of kick. The reason that many people want "Low pressure" is for reduced kick and less ball breaks; but the Omen is different from a Spyder or Pirahna - it's closed bolt and CAM fed, meaning that only one ball will be loaded at a time. The CAM arms, when tuned, make it impossible to chop a ball, since they load each ball individually. An Omen is physically incapable of chopping a ball with the bolt. Again, adjusting the recock is going to give you the perfect balance, eliminating ALL chops. Remember, barrel breaks are not due to the gun, but due to the barrel and paint.

I suppose he could try a new spring, but honestly, there's really no need. The stock Omen is, in my opinion, almost perfect.

Regarding the "Mags or Die" and "You can't top a Mag," attitudes....Well, it's all subjective. I would argue that not only can you top a mag, but it's done frequently. Does this stop me from liking mags? Nope; however, making statements like that open you up to some serious reality-checking from some of the guys on this board. I think you'll find that in terms of almost any aspect of the mag (quality, size, speed, technology, performance) there will be several markers which equal it, and/or beat it. That being said, I still love mags, just as I love timmies, Omens, Freestyles and many other guns!

A-Tach-One...I don't think you offended anyone. Your opinion is always welcome...but when you make a statement, ya gotta back it up with evidence :p I think UltimatePaintballer's comment is infinitely more retarded and useless than yours. What's the point? What problem does it solve? Nothing. It's useless.

05-18-2005, 12:03 PM
Ill be the first to notice this..

Are your trying to adjust the " Running pressure " Or the velocity....

Running pressure wise theres not much you can do with the omen just keep in mind under all the glitz its more or less an acid tripped E-spyder. So you going to need a good wack of air to move the hammer.. also there are no spring kits from what Ive looked for spyder ones are a little to wide to work.

Velocity wise.. best bet is in the reg. The team mate of mine that ended up with my omen that I had due to difficulties adjusting the FPS just leaves the gun chronoed at like 270 FPS with a perfect paint to barrel match and then just adjusts the barrel bore size to get faster or slower.. Yeah not the best way but it works for him..

05-18-2005, 01:06 PM
the 1.5 omen is actualyl really fast. still....it takes tuning to keep it shooting well.it is heavy though

05-18-2005, 01:14 PM
the 1.5 omen is actualyl really fast. still....it takes tuning to keep it shooting well.it is heavy though


An Omen.. Heavy? C'mon now..

05-18-2005, 02:10 PM
heavier than my Ion. my good friend got one the same time i got my Ion. and yea, its quite a bit heavier

oh, and yea he later picked up an Ion becasue, well......ok we wont get into that

05-18-2005, 04:00 PM
heavier than my Ion. my good friend got one the same time i got my Ion. and yea, its quite a bit heavier

oh, and yea he later picked up an Ion becasue, well......ok we wont get into that

My Omen was one of the best marker's I've ever owned. Shot it for over a year and a half with no problems. Evil's customer service BLOWS SP's away.

05-18-2005, 11:47 PM
Don't forget there is a major air pressure adjustment behind the cocking rod. :D And I will state again, the Omen isn't bad as some think, that's why I own one. All I said was you can't beat a mag. Sorry if that had offended you. :cheers:

No, no A-Tach-one...I wasnt offended by your remark...but UltimatePaintballer's remark did open me up to the fact that many of us are a little mag pushy (really myself included)...
tyrion2323...I realize that all opinions...well are opinions...I love my automag and wouldnt get rid of it for the world...But the fact that many people here state that mags are the best...simply isnt true...mags are great...(the best gun I've owned) but there ARE many other types of guns that compete and blow away mags...it took me 2 yrs to get my mag how I want it ... but it could take me 2 mins to go buy a DMC/5 and I would probably end up with a better product...(its just MY opinion...)...My friend loves his omen...and with our budgets...he wont be getting any other guns for about a year or so...
Just my 2 cents...Mags = Good...others...can = better....

05-19-2005, 01:23 AM
My Omen was one of the best marker's I've ever owned. Shot it for over a year and a half with no problems. Evil's customer service BLOWS SP's away.

maybe, but my SP gun blows your Evil away. and >20k others in the past 2 1/2 months months its been out would agree with me

05-19-2005, 02:15 AM
maybe, but my SP gun blows your Evil away. and >20k others in the past 2 1/2 months months its been out would agree with me

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh lord, get a life. The Ion is okay, but it's nothing to gush over.

By your logic, Tippmanns and Spyders are the best markers in the world. Do you have proof that your gun blows his away? Any evidence? Didn't think so. Evil's customer service is documented and respected as one of the best customer service teams in paintball. Smart Parts does not even come close to enjoying that reputation.

05-19-2005, 03:01 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh lord, get a life. The Ion is okay, but it's nothing to gush over.

By your logic, Tippmanns and Spyders are the best markers in the world. Do you have proof that your gun blows his away? Any evidence? Didn't think so. Evil's customer service is documented and respected as one of the best customer service teams in paintball. Smart Parts does not even come close to enjoying that reputation.

proof? ive played with both. thats all i need. and dont bring spyders and tippmans into this becasue yes, years ago they were the greatest thing to paintball, besides mags of course.

05-19-2005, 08:31 AM
maybe, but my SP gun blows your Evil away. and >20k others in the past 2 1/2 months months its been out would agree with me

It's just all about hype, buddy. I bet if you put the two guns next to each other on LEGAL settings, the Omen would perform better. The Omen is MUCH faster with the 1.5/PDP Boards.. I would regularly outshoot my z-boarded egg. I never tried a halo on it, since I sold it before I bought one with the Viking.

05-19-2005, 08:41 AM
proof? ive played with both. thats all i need. and dont bring spyders and tippmans into this becasue yes, years ago they were the greatest thing to paintball, besides mags of course.

You make the claim that your gun "blows his gun away".
Where's your proof? Playing with both guns isn't proof. It's the basis of your OPINION. I've used both as well. Here's my reasoning for choosing the Omen: Higher quality materials used; higher quality customer service; free upgrades; similar price; lifetime guarantee; universal threading (cocker); high quality anodizing job; etc.

You infer that because 20,000 people have Ions, they must be better.
There are more spyders and tippmanns than ions, shockers, nerves and impulses combined. In no way are Spyders and Tippmanns "the best out there." Numbers are abitrary when it comes to performance. More people have Civics than Ferraris, but I wouldn't take a Civic's performance first.

In fact, you don't refute any of my statements at all...

Spartan X
05-21-2005, 10:21 AM
It's come to a Pissing match has it?

Just you remember that the Omen comes with a WAY better Regulator, Has prolly 50% better efficiancy. Has a better Anti-chop mechanism (eyes are great and all, but the CAM has proven it's self perfect for reliability in anti-chop) The Omen comes with a LIFETIME WARRENTY. If you ever need parts, just call evil and ask for the parts you need and they send them to you free of any charges. Can't fix the gun your self? Send tyhe gun to evil and only pay shipping to them and have the rgun sent back to you with any thing replaced that needed to be plus totally ripping. Oh and upgrades are starting to come out for the Omen now to. Since it's been out for just over 2 years now things have started to pick up. The Ion started out fast because of all the hype it got from the shocker and there advertising compain. Evil was still relivily new and was only well known for there awsome paint.

Oh and do not touch that maximun velocity screw near the cocking rod unless a evil tech support agent tells you to, it's a VERY sensitive adjustment and can make alot of things go wrong with the ballence of the set up if done wrong.

05-21-2005, 10:38 AM
Get the ion, yes what everything Tyrion said was true but just because a company uses higher quality materials and higher tolerences doesn't really effect how it shoots. Anyways if you treat your omen or ion well it's not gonna break on you. If you plan on getting a higher end gun later on, definately get the Ion, if you get the Omen it's gonna be really hard to trade up.

05-21-2005, 11:58 AM
It's come to a Pissing match has it?

Just you remember that the Omen comes with a WAY better Regulator,

No.. I don't consider anything that takes "a few cases" to break in to be WAY better. Though I will give you that the SP regs on the Ions have been hit and miss, some of them have been VERY good, others have been... not so good.

Has prolly 50% better efficiancy.
What does SP claim out of a 68/45 - like 1200 to 1400 shots, I doubt the Omen is getting spectacularly better, doubt 1800. And remember, a $15 QEV and you get about 1600 out of the Ion

Has a better Anti-chop mechanism (eyes are great and all, but the CAM has proven it's self perfect for reliability in anti-chop)
Proven? If anything I would say the cam feed system is unproven when compared to break beam eyes. As to effectiveness, can't comment, never tried it.

The Omen comes with a LIFETIME WARRENTY. If you ever need parts, just call evil and ask for the parts you need and they send them to you free of any charges. Can't fix the gun your self? Send tyhe gun to evil and only pay shipping to them and have the rgun sent back to you with any thing replaced that needed to be plus totally ripping.

No doubt Evils CS spanks SPs. And chances are your Omen has less quality control issues than anything SP makes.

Oh and upgrades are starting to come out for the Omen now to. Since it's been out for just over 2 years now things have started to pick up. The Ion started out fast because of all the hype it got from the shocker and there advertising compain. Evil was still relivily new and was only well known for there awsome paint.

I think that SP already has in roads with aftermarket companies, and that you will see far more upgrades for the Ion, though it may just be because there are far moer Ions out there

That being said, the Omen likely does use more durable materials, if this will have any effect on performance is hard to tell. I myself am wary of the adjustment methods on an Omen, but only having read them cannot tell you if they are as complicated as they sound. There both decent guns, in my opinion worth far more perfromance wise than there prices would indicate. That being said, what was this thread about again? :D

Spartan X
05-22-2005, 12:18 AM
No.. I don't consider anything that takes "a few cases" to break in to be WAY better. Though I will give you that the SP regs on the Ions have been hit and miss, some of them have been VERY good, others have been... not so good.

-The Det reg takes 5-6,000 shots to fully break in. Using your logic the Sidewinder and 2-liter SUCK because they take 10,000+ to brake in and those are the best regs on the market (actually Det reg beat the Sidewinder in Have Blues test's)

What does SP claim out of a 68/45 - like 1200 to 1400 shots, I doubt the Omen is getting spectacularly better, doubt 1800. And remember, a $15 QEV and you get about 1600 out of the Ion

-Umm I was not aware that it was able to get that much...Yah the Omen gets 1800 from a 68/4500

Proven? If anything I would say the cam feed system is unproven when compared to break beam eyes. As to effectiveness, can't comment, never tried it.

I had a long description on this a while back, the basic Idea of it was the break beam eyes work awsomne, they just mess up and have 1 or 2 TINY flaws, other then thats there awsome. I liked evils out of the bopx thinking, and it worked oput to be a perfect anti-chop mech.

No doubt Evils CS spanks SPs. And chances are your Omen has less quality control issues than anything SP makes.


I think that SP already has in roads with aftermarket companies, and that you will see far more upgrades for the Ion, though it may just be because there are far moer Ions out there

agreed, I just commented that Evil at the MOMENT has more ups for there gun since it's been out longer...but that will change....not that the Omen needs many performace ups any way.

That being said, the Omen likely does use more durable materials, if this will have any effect on performance is hard to tell. I myself am wary of the adjustment methods on an Omen, but only having read them cannot tell you if they are as complicated as they sound. There both decent guns, in my opinion worth far more perfromance wise than there prices would indicate. That being said, what was this thread about again?



05-22-2005, 04:02 AM
It's come to a Pissing match has it?

Just you remember that the Omen comes with a WAY better Regulator, Has prolly 50% better efficiancy. Has a better Anti-chop mechanism (eyes are great and all, but the CAM has proven it's self perfect for reliability in anti-chop) The Omen comes with a LIFETIME WARRENTY. If you ever need parts, just call evil and ask for the parts you need and they send them to you free of any charges. Can't fix the gun your self? S

actually i took the reg off the omen and put it on my Ion, so yea you're are right. Better Effeciancy? no it doesnt. Do the beak beam eyes work? well.....17 cases, no chops.

yea the warrant from Evil is nice...but Ions are about 1/4 the hassle to keep up. and if you own a marker and havent learned how to fix it yourself.....well i dont know what to tell you. I have both...right here in front of me. does the Omen get used......ever? no. my SP marker hasnt failed me.....yet.

and sure it might, and im not saying its the final marker you will ever have to buy. but it serves its purpose, and it serves it well. and for a base price of 284??? i mean come on, why the heck not?