View Full Version : AIM VIRUS and Offensive IM's I got

05-17-2005, 11:43 PM
Hello all.

My AIM was hit by a virus today that I got from another AO member. I got an IM from him and when I clicked on it (thinking it was a real IM from him dealing with my shop) it attacked my Contact list. It then sent itself to everyone on my list. I was able to remove it without any problem and I can send the link to anybody that wants it if they are infected. NOW to the more important point. I did not send this out to anybody intentionaly and if you know me and /or have dealt with me in the past you would know that this is not something I would do. HOWEVER I TAKE THE IM'S I GOT SINCE THIS HAPPENED TO BE VERY OFFENSIVE. I GOT HOME FROM A SCHOOL FUNCTION FOR MY KIDS AND THEY WERE THE FIRST TO SEE MY PUTER. THERE WERE IM'S FROM SOME AO MEMBERS WITH LANGUAGE ADDRESSED TO ME THAT MY KIDS SAW AND I HAD TO EXPLAIN TO THEM WHAT KIND OF PERSON WRITES THIS TO SOMEONE. Now I leave me system on 95% of the time so if I don't answer an IM it is most likely that I am just not here. I AM NOT IGNORING YOU as was a thought by one person. SO TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT WROTE TO ME IN THE MANNER I EXPRESSED ABOVE. Please do not contact me in anyway again. I mean on a personal level or my paintball business. Because I will not do business with that type of individual. I am going to check against my past records and anyone that was or would have been sponsored by myself or my shop has lost all sponsorship from me and my shop now or in the future.

As a footnote to this I know who it was that sent it to me and they know as well. I will not post his name or identity. I do however hope that he will read this and post himself that it was him and not me.


05-17-2005, 11:57 PM
sorry ron to hear about the person that was useing language your kids shouldnt have seen..

also i wanted to say thanks for takeing time out of your day to call me and say there was a problem with your aim..

you and a few others on here make ao worth going to every day ..

And to whom ever it was useing bad language towards ron ..
They must not know you to well .

for someone to throw away a contact like you by bashing you with a case of trucker mouth is there loss not yours man ..

thanks for makeing the deals we have made in the past a more personal level .then just a deal and go thing ..

you know i will deal with you in the future for many years to come ..

more freind then just someone to do buisness with .. :cheers: :cheers:

05-18-2005, 12:08 AM
Are you talking about the new IM going around that says look at my pics here or something and you have to click on it? Ive got a lot of those so I think its really spreading your not the only one.

05-18-2005, 12:16 AM
Hey buddy, haha I got that IM from you, I knew what was up, so I didn't click it. Don't worry too much about the people on your list, they will understand. So many of my friends got that, I know a random link when I see it. "Hey check out my cool new pics!" and "Check this out" links, booo to them.

05-18-2005, 12:28 PM
This happens all the time. this girl I know gets offers via AIM to be in adult films. Its actually a little funny

05-18-2005, 03:35 PM
I was the one who gave it to you. I'm sorry it affected your children in a negative manner and exposed them to things they shouldn't have been exposed to.
To anyone that is infected, click here (http://www.jayloden.com/aimfix.htm) to download AIMfix. It is a quick and easy download.

05-18-2005, 03:41 PM
here's an idea..

if you think there may be the possibility of questionable content that may appear on your computer, that you don't want your children to see, then lock your computer screen. Better yet, your kids shouldn't be near a computer unsupervised. I love parents who blame everyone else when their children see questionable content. Its not too hard to lock the computer so nobody else but your user can use it when logged in.

no offense.

05-18-2005, 03:52 PM
jdev: Well I agree to a point with you however we had just walked in the door and the IM's were on the screen and yes I do keep my system locked, however that does not excuse the people from sending materials that should not have been sent. As to supervission....lol My kids are never allowed to use the puter unless I or my wife are with them. I take DAMN good care of my kids and always try to protect them from idiots on the web. That is why they are not allowed to use the puter unless I am with them or their mother. Just to let you know. I am a 17 year veteran of the EMS/Firefighter field. I was a specialist in peds and also a crime scene responder. I teach computers and computer ethics to adults and children. I agree that parents should be aware of their childrens use of a computer, however what happended in my situation was very different and had nothing to do with my kids using the puter or a lack of SUPERVISION that you are implying.
