View Full Version : Trigger to trigger rod clearance

11-26-2001, 02:13 PM
I compared my trigger pull to two other mags yesterday and mine is different.. and not in a good way. I think that the previous owner has played with the trigger rod to make it a "hair" trigger. I think that as a result the clearance between the trigger rod and the trigger is too wide.

Does anyone know the required clearance in thousandths of an inch that there should be between the trigger rod and the trigger when the marker is gassed up?



11-26-2001, 02:44 PM
Looks pretty good. Are you having trouble with it? Just out of curiosity, why did you keep the stock frame? Why not a Benchmark, Dye, or Intelliframe? Not dissing, just asking.

11-26-2001, 02:55 PM
Actually this photo is with no air. The gap I think is about 1/8th of an inch right now when gassed up. Does that sound right? I'm thinking that it is too big, and sometimes when I pull the trigger as far as it can go I'm not completely closing the on / off valve.

As far as the frame goes it is perhaps next on my list. I'm trying to choose between and Inteliframe and a chronograph. I've been doing my best to resist buying all the fun stuff first and instead getting things like good barrels and a comforable setup.. things that will make the most difference to my game.

I'm now working to get my shot consistency down to +/- 1 or 2fps max, and a chronograph would make life easier doing this at home ;-)

I am finding that the trigger is also a big issue. I think that I'm "pulling" the gun a little when I shoot but I want to make sure that my stock trigger frame is set up properly before getting an Intelliframe.

The intelliframe is the only thing I am considering as I trust AGD to create such things to perfect tolerances.


11-26-2001, 03:44 PM
Maybe you do have too much gap. What's important is that you have some gap. About as much as the thickness of a matchbook cover.
Make it so and loctite it in place.

11-26-2001, 03:47 PM
I just spoke to John ( Jon? ) in tech support, and the way I have to do it is measure the length of the rod rather than the clearance at the trigger - makes sense.

It should be 1.990 inches +/- .005

I'll check that out tonight.


11-27-2001, 08:34 AM
It can also vary tremendously.

When I worked on my trigger rod, I was told to adjust it to three different lengths by three different AGD sources :) (By the way, in the end, Rob is always right. :) )

Its part science and part "by eye". Adjust it to thier reccomended length first, and then make sure that actually works in your gun. The first "reccomended length" I tried was too short to work the on/off properly.

The important thing to remember if you ever feel the urge to work on your trigger rod is make sure it is long enough to work the on/off while still being short enough to allow the on/off to close. Remember, the sear is a see-saw, and you are trying to find the best way to balance it.

As a side note, to other people reading who don't yet know, it's not generally a good idea to mess with the trigger rod. Unless you have a specific problem and/or need to adjust it, leave it alone.

11-28-2001, 11:48 AM
You should have a slight air gap between the trigger and the rod when the gun is gassed up. You do not want the rod pressing against the back of the trigger. Just a small air gap.