View Full Version : BPS "Showdown" - PRIZES

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05-18-2005, 07:35 AM
Alright, we have heard the bragging about XX BPS - its time to step up and prove it. Lets see who really has the fastest fingers on AO.

A BPS "showdown" for members of AO - highest BPS AVERAGE wins

Prizes: (subject to change)
All support is at the pleasure of those offering it - it may be withdrawn at any time if they feel things are not legite.
Bragging rights
Ok, I'll throw in $25 or a prize of my choosing (if a prize of my choosing will be worth more than $20). to first place
Bound for Glory has generously offered to throw in $15 to first place
Beemer: $50 to first place, $25 to second
Totals so far: 1st place $90 2nd place $25 bragging rights for all places
Participation award (subject to 10+ entries): One entry who does not "earn" a prize will be randomly selected for a participation award, to be eligibile you must post a video. Post, even if you may not win
Anyone else care to sponsor this thing?

When does it end:
Lets pick a good date, all entries must be submitted by June 30th

Conditions: (subject to change)
Winner based on highest BPS AVERAGE over 8 seconds of video - contestants will use the highest 8 second average of there video if longer than 8 seconds
1) Marker must be fired with paint
2) Must have video that shows each individual trigger pull and be able to correlate each pull to a single ball firing - raking is allowed only if we can verify each trigger pull through movement.
3) Enhanced firing modes are not allowed - marker must be ASTM compliant (in regards to trigger), strict semi only and the marker must not fire when shaken with the safety off and marker on - video must start with you "shaking" the marker forward and back to indicate trigger is set to these standards. You then must "jolt" the back of the tank to show it will not fire
4) Must have 8 seconds of firing (why 8 and not 10? - well if you do manage 20 BPS this allows most standard hoppers to continue). If video is longer than 8 seconds can use whatever 8 seconds (continual) is of highest average
5) Soundgraph analysis will be done and your AVERAGE BPS will be your score.
6) Soundgraph analysis will be done to the best of the judges ability, not responsible for errors.
7) Soundgraph analysis will be done, to the best of the judges abilities, to 1 tenth of BPS.
8) If there is a tie the winner will be the person who posted there video first (I needed an incentive to get posts up) This will also go for place (1st / 2nd/ etc)
9) For members of AO - must have more than 50 posts before the time this was posted to participate. New members who have been part of discussion but do not meet this may be
allowed in at my discretion only
10) Rule 10. "On my AO Honor this is semi only[no bounce, modes, etc...] My Honor means something to me. Does yours?" I expect to see this statement when you post a link as part of participating
Please see the bottom of this post for additional rules and clarifications

What I still need for this to work, and contest is VOID if cannot get. Impartial judges capable of soundwave analysis of various submissions. If this turns into a fight between judges and contestants, or into petty bickering, at my discretion contest is VOID. Step up those of you who have skill and time, and help out. I will appreciate your help.

I reserve the right to modify this contest at my sole discretion as needs arise.

Edited for clarification

More ninja edit: I believe it would be beneficial if it was shot in a way to help eliminate echos and false signatures. If judges cannot differentiate between shots and echos that entry will be void.

With the help of AO the following rule clarifications and additions have been made
- video submitted must be of one hopper - this keeps us from having to look for the "fastest" string out of two hours
- Video must be a single shot. No edits and cuts
- Video must start with view of player and marker; then show the marker mode; then back to the player and marker.
- Video must show the person actually firing the trigger, with visual access to the trigger fingers.
- Video must be paintball only; no bragging, political statements; insults, or whatever.
- Please post what marker you are using, and any relevant information along with video (or link)
-Also along with the shake I want to see a sharp JOLT to the back of the tank. Safety off must not fire.
-Please do not shoot at a target (or if you do use one far away) - the sounds of the balls hitting the target echos and makes it harder to determine actual shots - if we have an issue determining shots from echoes your entry will be rejected.

With the great support of AO this is becoming more than I expected - Beemer has been very gracious in his support. All support is at the pleasure of those offering it - it may be withdrawn at any time if they feel things are not legite.

1) 68MagOwner - 15.8 balls per second
2) DRG 13.8 balls per second
3) DJ89 13 balls per second
4) MonsterMag 12.5 balls per second
5) Jeneral Jam - 12 balls per second
6) AGD Lover - 8.3 balls per second


Evil Bob
05-18-2005, 08:01 AM
One of you mods please sticky this until contest is over and the winner has been posted.

-Evil Bob

05-18-2005, 08:31 AM
I guess that excludes me :D. I would have to shoot another vid then? Crap that was a headache trying to get it posted though.

I think I will stay out of this contest, just to see what others can do, I already know what I did, so Im satisfied w/ my results.

This a a great idea lohman. :)

05-18-2005, 08:40 AM
ya know it would also be cool if the top 5 or so fastest were listed in order, so that they know where they stand compared to others online.

05-18-2005, 08:49 AM
I can list the top however many, or give a score sheet assuming I get a judge who is willing to do this work for nothing. I'm doing the easy part, promotion, its the judge(s) that will have the hard job.

What I would like to see is average speed, and highest speed sustained for one second (just to know) from each contestant... but thats asking a lot of judges I don't even have yet.

05-18-2005, 08:57 AM
k, Im thinking about it now. I may just have to whip out the dremmel and fix up my stock viking trigger. Ill think about it. Its gonna take some time though. Its a lot of trouble to uninstall and reinstall the triggers on my viking. it took me a long time to get it set to where it is now.

I want to see how others turn out first. If I feel that I can compete or actaully win, then I will go through the trouble, but if the first two vids someone is ripping way faster than I can, then I wont bother. :D

05-18-2005, 08:58 AM
I would be willing to judge.

We have a sound guy here at work that will do the analysis.

Hit me up on my gmail
[email protected]

Wc Keep
05-18-2005, 09:03 AM
cant you seperate this into two contests? one for mech guns since i think alot of people here have mags, and electros?

bound for glory
05-18-2005, 09:03 AM
lohman, i'll throw in 15 like you asked me to do in the other thread. i'll back this. :shooting: :headbang: :cheers:

05-18-2005, 09:03 AM
I would be willing to judge.

We have a sound guy here at work that will do the analysis.

Hit me up on my gmail
[email protected]

Sounds like a great offer Steel, and I hit your G-mail :D

05-18-2005, 09:05 AM
cant you seperate this into two contests? one for mech guns since i think alot of people here have mags, and electros?

Thats a good idea.. perhaps, depending on how this one goes, we'll do another later for mech guns only. I would prefer to do one at a time, to not overload anyone who has offered there support.

05-18-2005, 09:15 AM
oh exciting... I'm getting an NME in a week or 2.. let's keep this open a little longer. June 5th about?

05-18-2005, 09:21 AM
Bragging rights after the contest is over...

05-18-2005, 09:32 AM
heheheheheheheeeeee :ninja:

05-18-2005, 09:51 AM
hey, i've got a question. I am interested in partaking in this competition, have a camera that i could take the video with and post it relatively easiely, and have an emag that i can believe i can walk fast enough to compete(or possibly rake). The only problem is that I use a qloader, and that only gives 100 rounds before i run out. my question:
Would it be alright if i used my qlaoder for the first 100 shots, proving that the marker was using paint correctly, and then dry-fire the rest of the 8 seconds? my emag has stock software, 3.2 so half-cycling or whatever the paint is for should not have an impact on my rof.
If you won't let me enter the competition, can i still enter a vid and get it gold-waved?
Thanks guys

05-18-2005, 10:01 AM
hey, i've got a question. I am interested in partaking in this competition, have a camera that i could take the video with and post it relatively easiely, and have an emag that i can believe i can walk fast enough to compete(or possibly rake). The only problem is that I use a qloader, and that only gives 100 rounds before i run out. my question:
Would it be alright if i used my qlaoder for the first 100 shots, proving that the marker was using paint correctly, and then dry-fire the rest of the 8 seconds? my emag has stock software, 3.2 so half-cycling or whatever the paint is for should not have an impact on my rof.
If you won't let me enter the competition, can i still enter a vid and get it gold-waved?
Thanks guys

I would like to see where you placed on those terms, however I would asterik the results and note them as "unofficial" due to that and make you ineligible for prizes. I would like to see where you stack up though. Thats the fairest solution I can seem to come up with and I think its reasonable.

05-18-2005, 10:39 AM
2) Must have video that shows each individual trigger pull and be able to correlate each pull to a single ball firing - raking is allowed only if we can verify each trigger pull through movement.

Good Luck. :p

The only way you can judge a contest like this would be to have standard equipment and a standard recording method.

05-18-2005, 10:45 AM
Good Luck. :p

The only way you can judge a contest like this would be to have standard equipment and a standard recording method.

Do you beleive its undoable to get to an acceptable degree of accuracy as it has been proposed? I realize it won't be perfect but is it one of those things that has not possible positive ending?

05-18-2005, 10:52 AM
Do you beleive its undoable to get to an acceptable degree of accuracy as it has been proposed? I realize it won't be perfect but is it one of those things that has not possible positive ending?

It MIGHT work. And I wish you all the luck.

But considering the few videos that get made and the roaring debates over those that are made, well....

05-18-2005, 10:59 AM
Hey Slarty - good point. I agree that it needs to be standardized.

With that being said, I respectfully submit some tentative rules for consideration by Lohman:

- Video must be a single shot. No edits and cuts
- Video must start with view of player and marker; then show the marker mode; then back to the player and marker.
- Players must state the make and model of both the marker and the board.
- Player must state his board settings, and somehow prove them. (this could be tough)
- Video must show the person actually firing the trigger, with visual access to the trigger fingers.
- Video must be paintball only; no bragging, political statements; insults, or whatever.

These are not official rules, simply submissions for consideration by Lohman.

Tim Taylor
05-18-2005, 11:05 AM
There will always be a lot of variable with this. A sound analysis is just that, sound. If the sound and the image can't be sync'd it becomes difficult to tell if the gun is fired with each pull.

If the camera is only a few feet from a hard wall the sound reflection off the wall could be misinterpreted as a shot fired.

Best bet is the video camera looking over left shoulder (if they are right had shooters) fairly close up enough to view the trigger, fingers and see the shots from the barrel. Images should be taken during the day in good light. All of this will help to get a more accurate count.

Finding the fastest 8 seconds is also rather subjective and relies on the interpreter of the media.

It's all doable as long as there is some consistency.

05-18-2005, 11:28 AM
Ok Lohman heres what I will do if you can pull this off.

$50 1st place

$25 2nd place

$25 for a keg Party after for the judges and all that help :cheers: :cheers: [to add..must be of legal age]

If it works I pay you and you handle it.

I can host some vids also. 10 meg or smaller is good like Yaks was.

Hitech put up some good links in the other thread and Yak got it figured out and he was a beginner so that part shouldnt be a biggie.

Slarty has some points. If it dont work, at least ya tried :hail:

Also along with the shake I want to see a sharp JOLT to the back of the tank. Safety off must not fire.

If LP and RR jump in its over. :shooting:

Rule 10. On my AO Honor this is semi only[no bounce, modes, etc...] My Honor means something to me. Does yours.

I know it sounds lame but hey WTH

If the honor thing starts being an issue Im out. Except for the party part. :cheers:

Wheres ZMan at hes a fun guy. Maybe he will help to with the goldwave. Hes a pro with that.

Peace Out

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05-18-2005, 11:34 AM
tyrion2323 has some good points Lohman. Time to mod the rules

05-18-2005, 11:36 AM
I modded and added some clarifications to the bottom of the rules

05-18-2005, 11:41 AM
1st place now = $90

05-18-2005, 01:30 PM
u know, this is turnin out to be a very interesting idea. any chance in making this monthly? or even annual? (imagine a whole year's worth of bragging rights)

you can also do a whole series of competitions like this...

- fastest to fire 100 rounds ON TARGET (accuracy will also be measured)
- fastest to fire 100 rounds on target while in motion (measured on speed, accuracy and distance traveled)
- fastest to fire 500 rounds (this would entail reloading... without spilling.. or reloading 5 times with a qloader)

heh, mebe we should take this one step at a time...

05-18-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by jenarelJAM
hey, i've got a question. I am interested in partaking in this competition, have a camera that i could take the video with and post it relatively easiely, and have an emag that i can believe i can walk fast enough to compete(or possibly rake). The only problem is that I use a qloader, and that only gives 100 rounds before i run out. my question:
Would it be alright if i used my qlaoder for the first 100 shots, proving that the marker was using paint correctly, and then dry-fire the rest of the 8 seconds? my emag has stock software, 3.2 so half-cycling or whatever the paint is for should not have an impact on my rof.
If you won't let me enter the competition, can i still enter a vid and get it gold-waved?
Thanks guys
I would like to see where you placed on those terms, however I would asterik the results and note them as "unofficial" due to that and make you ineligible for prizes. I would like to see where you stack up though. Thats the fairest solution I can seem to come up with and I think its reasonable.

alright, i think i'll try to borrow my friend's halo if he'll let me... if not, ill still submit 1-2 qpods full for kudos. Who else is going to compete? i think it would be nice to get a list of the competitors and some misc. info on the first post, so that we know what we're up against. Thats just me though... :P

05-18-2005, 01:46 PM
This needs to be added

When they are shooting there marker they have to be shooting not at a target
I have been studying some vids and you can hear the paintballs hitting the tagret
So have them shoot at a target a long way away so I dont hear there inpacts.

05-18-2005, 01:51 PM
This needs to be added

When they are shooting there marker they have to be shooting not at a target
I have been studying some vids and you can hear the paintballs hitting the tagret
So have them shoot at a target a long way away so I dont hear there inpacts.

Added a line to address that concern :)

05-18-2005, 02:06 PM
i will hopefully be competing with a System X NME

05-18-2005, 02:19 PM
im entering with a phantom.

05-18-2005, 02:29 PM
Standard test/competition setup:

- Intelliframe with trigger and switch installed.
- IR transmitter strapped to the top.
- IR sensor of appropriate size.
- mercury switches installed in pitch and roll.
- Wire everything to a serial connector or a parallel connector.
- Software that records trigger pulls as detected throught the serial or parallel port.

Senor forces shooter to remain on target, mercury switches force shooter to maintain trigger vertical and flat.

Then you could do a full statistical analysis to determin "fastest" shooter.

Contest as follows:
To enter, pay for return shipping, deposit and entry fee through paypal.
Recieve test setup by courrier.
Perform test.
Return setup (and get refunded deposit if setup is returned in good condition and not tampered with).

Winner(s) receive determined percentages of the entry fee pool.

05-18-2005, 02:46 PM
you want to make sure you can see each pull or prove that they're firing in raking? you realize that the video frame rates you're looking at for something like tihs are often only 24/36 frames per second. and you're talking about a video thats 320px wide?

im skeptical that you'll be able to see the fingers moving at all. certainly not well, whatever you end up being able to see.

05-18-2005, 03:40 PM
Would it be possible for me to enter 2 videos, one for my friend and one for me? He doesnt post on here, but I will make sure his setup is legal and whatnot. I'll take that honor thing for him, if thats ok.

05-18-2005, 04:08 PM
I didn't see it in the rules, but I'm assuming you want us to hold the marker in a way as if you were playing? (ie no holding marker upsidedown pointing at the ground or something of the sort)

05-18-2005, 04:21 PM
http://www.jayloo.com/files/vids/1400/MVI1276.AVI (http://www.jayloo.com/files/vids/1400/MVI1276.AVI)

might as well see what the speed was

*note* the above link only works if you are registered with Jayloo all other users will get a not_logged_in file instead ;) MarkM

05-18-2005, 05:12 PM
Ok thread stuck. Now less of the text posts and more vid links. Any rule amendments send them via PM to Lohman446 (http://www.automags.org/forums/private.php?do=newpm&userid=12573)

05-18-2005, 05:37 PM
now if only i had a some way to record :(

05-18-2005, 05:39 PM
I may have to do this with my new SPYDERMAG!!!! :dance:

05-18-2005, 06:16 PM
im entering with a phantom.
I thought that as soon as I read the first post, that would be hilarious. Time to put my auto trigger skills to the test......

05-18-2005, 06:35 PM
only problem about bragging rights is we don't have a sig to put it in :(

05-19-2005, 12:14 AM
ok, i think i'm reffing this weekend, i'll pick up an air fill and do a "test" vid with a (less than perfect) camara and my qloader, then try to post it. If my shooting is acceptable and is a decent speed, i'll go to my friends house next wednesday(or sometime around then) and we'll use his halo, and his high quality camara for a better readout. Just posting what i plan to do so you know you have at least one other competitor on the way.

05-19-2005, 09:04 AM
a good place to up load videos is googles new service found here (https://upload.video.google.com/)

05-19-2005, 12:04 PM
Perhaps it might be advisable to have the entrant suggest specifically what period of the video footage they want analyzed. That way, if the analysis reveals that they are firing at a rate that is lower than they predicted, they cannot claim that a slower section of video was analyzed. The onus will fall on them.

As for recording, it has been iterated that one must take care to avoid echo and excessive reverb. Now, in the studio, we use thousands of dollars worth of room treatments, and close micing to get the driest sound. However, that won't be possible for the average person. So, I suggest that, if possible, you record in the following method

Keep the camera as close to the marker as possible, and then try to get the mic pointed toward the barrel. This will ensure that shots produce the highest energy peaks, and that reflections will be less likely to get picked up.

As suggested, make sure your target is very far away, or not there at all. Home video camera mics have a very low dynamic range, and compress signals such that the peaks created by the sound of the paint hitting the target can near the intensity of the peaks generated by the actual shot.

Try to film in a place without a lot of solid, flat surfaces. Ideally, a field would be best, as there are no walls to cause excessive early reflections. Even trees can cause echo, so the more wide-open the space, the better.

If you would like, Lohman, I could offer my analysis. I have been recording and engineering audio for several years now, and have tens of thousands of dollars in hardware and software at my disposal, so I certainly have the means, and experience. Shoot me a PM if you are interested.

05-19-2005, 01:26 PM
Here is the Frist Video


These are the steps I used

He posted a 16 sec clip

I did a avg for the 16 sec and then the fastest 8 sec clip

8.5 for 16 sec
8.3 for 8 sec

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/25000/MAGLover.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/25000/MAGLover.jpg" width="562" height="183"> </img></a>

05-19-2005, 02:10 PM
you want to make sure you can see each pull or prove that they're firing in raking? you realize that the video frame rates you're looking at for something like tihs are often only 24/36 frames per second. and you're talking about a video thats 320px wide?

im skeptical that you'll be able to see the fingers moving at all. certainly not well, whatever you end up being able to see.

The honor system has to come into play some here. Lets just be honest ppl, there is no bragging right that comes w/ cheating. So far, only one person has done 8.5 for 16 seconds. This is looking good for me. I may just have to enter if nobody posts a faster one than that.

And I hope there is enough ppl here to tell when someone is ramping or adding shots as long as you include the finger rythyms in the pic. Its not that hard to tell.

05-19-2005, 03:07 PM
Its easy to see once it is displayed on the sound software
you would have some normal pulls and then you can see the ramping

I will be looking

05-19-2005, 06:35 PM
The honor system has to come into play some here. Lets just be honest ppl, there is no bragging right that comes w/ cheating. So far, only one person has done 8.5 for 16 seconds. This is looking good for me. I may just have to enter if nobody posts a faster one than that.

And I hope there is enough ppl here to tell when someone is ramping or adding shots as long as you include the finger rythyms in the pic. Its not that hard to tell.

plz dont enter, if you do i wont have a chance :cry:

hehe, i saw the vid in your other thread. if you enetered, i think the best i could do would be second place...

05-19-2005, 07:03 PM
Here is the Frist Video


These are the steps I used

He posted a 16 sec clip

I did a avg for the 16 sec and then the fastest 8 sec clip

8.5 for 16 sec
8.3 for 8 sec

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/25000/MAGLover.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/25000/MAGLover.jpg" width="562" height="183"> </img></a>

lol thats it? i thought it was a lil faster

05-19-2005, 07:49 PM
You had 3 diffrent times you went over 10 bps but for the most part all 8's and 9's.
Heck you still shoot faster then me LOL

05-19-2005, 09:29 PM
i may have to get a vid up later on (when i have enough paint for anything but pumping), but, if yakatori is who i think he is (guy in vid i saw) then, yeah, i think were preety much all screwed, believe he averages 17bps or summin, i like to think im quick, but, the man is crazy.

05-19-2005, 10:19 PM
ok, i'm trying to upload a vid, but its not workin on jayloo or putfile. i uploaded it to googles upload thing, but they arent allowing vids to be viewed yet because their service is new. is there any way i could email it to someone and they could host it? its just a "rough draft" if you will. its just solenoid clicks, just to get the ball rolling with some vids. I have paint, but need air. i'll be getting some this weekend so can take my (qpods, inelligible, but fun to see) this saturday, and the other vid using my friends halo later next week. Also if there is another upload site i could try... Thanks

05-19-2005, 10:46 PM

Whats atm743 ROF?

05-19-2005, 11:10 PM
ok, i got the vid uploaded finally. some things to remember when you watch:
it is just using solenoid clicks with around 300 psi in the line, and the safety on.
when i shake it around and smack it at the end, it sounds like it fires. it doesnt actually, its the echo from inside my tank.
THIS IS NOT AN ENTRY FOR THE COMPETITION , rather a test of what is to come this weekend and next week when i videotape my real entry.
This is a vid to help get the show on the road. too many text posts, not enough vids(and i know i havent been helping with that too much until now)
I am hoping that some nice person would goldwave this so that i know around where I am shooting.
Thanks guys.

EDIT: heres this too http://www.pbvidsupload.com/uploads/852cfc3e55.wmv

05-20-2005, 09:37 AM

You only have 7.5 sec of usable video
I need more time you yall shooting

Here is a hint

Every person that starts shooting take a few sec's to get up to speed.
Best bet is to get at least 10-14 sec of video so I can get hit your peak rate of fire.

dj89 submit a new video with more time please.

bound for glory
05-20-2005, 01:04 PM
hey lohman, scince i'm putting in prize money, can i still enter? my devilmags pretty fast :shooting:

05-20-2005, 01:05 PM
hey lohman, scince i'm putting in prize money, can i still enter? my devilmags pretty fast :shooting:

Since you are not judging I see no reason to discredit your entry - kind of like Dynasty playing in PSP which SP is a sponsor of :D

05-20-2005, 01:54 PM

You only have 7.5 sec of usable video
I need more time you yall shooting

Here is a hint

Every person that starts shooting take a few sec's to get up to speed.
Best bet is to get at least 10-14 sec of video so I can get hit your peak rate of fire.

dj89 submit a new video with more time please.

Its not me just a buds,atm, just wanted to know what his rof was.

05-20-2005, 02:11 PM
Oh sorry

11.12 BPS

Here are his numbers

05-20-2005, 03:00 PM
speaking of what I just read in Steel souls post. It is going to be difficult for anyone w/ an emag w/o eyes because of the LVL 10 chuffing. You may have to go through a lot of paint to get 8 full seconds of high rof w/o a single chuff, and a chuff will def slow your bps down a bit.

Thats not bad though. 11 is not bad at all.

Evil Bob
05-20-2005, 04:45 PM
If you guys want to maximize your RoF without the chuffs, you need a real force feed loader that can maintain constant pressure on the ball stack which is something that the Eggo and gravity fed loaders cannot do by design.

Even when the Halo/Reloader is not actively spinning, the spring on the feed disk is loaded keeping tension on the entire ball stack going into the breech just like the Q-loader with its constant spring tension design. The only time you should realisticly chuff with the above loaders when when they're low on paint and the stack is no longer under constant pressure.

-Evil Bob

05-20-2005, 05:29 PM
Why not make this like Bingo? Every contestant that wants to enter pay like 5 bucks. Don't post the vids till the end. Other wise people will see a fast one and decide not to enter.

This would be better than a few select people pay 50 bucks.

05-20-2005, 05:42 PM
Why not make this like Bingo? Every contestant that wants to enter pay like 5 bucks. Don't post the vids till the end. Other wise people will see a fast one and decide not to enter.

This would be better than a few select people pay 50 bucks.

Thought of it... and decided against it for a few reasons
1) I expected to see a total of $50 for first prize - Beemer and others have been exceptionally generous
2) If there is money going both ways there may be an accounting issue, and it may be in violation of board rules
3) I wanted everyone to have a chance - I really want to see where AO stacks up - I expect the fastest complying video I will see will be in the 13-14BPS range.
4) Less arguing this way... if things get bad I can nix the contest with noone loosing money - this was the deciding factor BTW

05-20-2005, 06:19 PM
ok, sorry about this guys, but its looking like i'm not going to be reffing this weekend because my local field is closed, therefore no air fill, therefore no second/third vid... If i get everything done ASAP, i MIGHT get my vid in a day or so before the deadline.
It would be really helpful if someone could goldwave my previous post's movie. I dont need an extentive analysis, but if someone would just give a quick look over and post how fast i am shooting, that would be great. Thanks

barrel break
05-20-2005, 06:47 PM
Oh well, I thought I might have a chance at entering, but it would seem that i cant get into portland for an air fill in time (I think). :(

05-20-2005, 11:42 PM
hey lohman, scince i'm putting in prize money, can i still enter? my devilmags pretty fast

Ha Ha ya go for it. Im just sitting over here :sleeping: waiting to post mine to. I said I could do 10 to 12 :shooting: but I lied. :spit_take

Besides its not the Devil its your finger.

__________________________________________________ ______________


05-21-2005, 09:56 AM
It would be really helpful if someone could goldwave my previous post's movie. I dont need an extentive analysis, but if someone would just give a quick look over and post how fast i am shooting, that would be great. Thanks

I can look at this for you.
I have a question are you using Hybrd mode?
I dont know for sure cause I dont have a emag.

Let me know
Look for the results soon

05-21-2005, 02:45 PM
no i'm shooting in emode. the pin that rotates between E and M is on the E. let me look at the vid to see if thats apparent, if not, i'll take another one. Thanks SteelSoul

05-21-2005, 02:47 PM
It's in Emode, just it looks as if the sear rod is hitting it and bouncing the trigger. Is it?

05-21-2005, 04:25 PM
nope, the trigger isnt going all the way back, i am just barely tapping it so that it goes past the sensor point, then it returns.

EDIT: oh i see what you mean now, no the trigger rod isnt hitting it, the safety is on and i have the trigger rod adjusted really close to the hall sensor actuation point so that i can have fun in hybrid mode(not in-game, just for random fun) and get up to 18 or so bps rapid-firing. If you want, i can adjust the trigger so that it is more apparent that the pin isnt hitting the trigger, but it might mess me up cause i'm not used to it.

05-22-2005, 04:00 AM
I'm going to win.

I was shooting 17-18 all day today, legal.

None of that "raking" or "flicking" or anything.

My fingers are crazy, I don't know how or why.



05-22-2005, 05:35 PM
nope, the trigger isnt going all the way back, i am just barely tapping it so that it goes past the sensor point, then it returns.

EDIT: oh i see what you mean now, no the trigger rod isnt hitting it, the safety is on and i have the trigger rod adjusted really close to the hall sensor actuation point so that i can have fun in hybrid mode(not in-game, just for random fun) and get up to 18 or so bps rapid-firing. If you want, i can adjust the trigger so that it is more apparent that the pin isnt hitting the trigger, but it might mess me up cause i'm not used to it.
That's what I was getting at. I was talking about adjusting the sear rod though. Not the trigger stop. You should adjust the sear rod so it's right behind the trigger when it's held down in Emode. Makes hybrid a whole lot easier and fun to use.

05-22-2005, 05:37 PM
how will u varify that the person is not playing the video like 20% fast or anything? even if the clock on the camera shows the minutes.. it would still be less than a minute of video.

05-22-2005, 05:41 PM
I'm going to win.

I was shooting 17-18 all day today, legal.

None of that "raking" or "flicking" or anything.

My fingers are crazy, I don't know how or why.


lets see your vid. :D.

Im looking forward to seeing that 17-18bps for 8 seconds. :bounce:

05-22-2005, 07:33 PM
how will u varify that the person is not playing the video like 20% fast or anything? even if the clock on the camera shows the minutes.. it would still be less than a minute of video.
I'll put a clock behind my gun when i do it, or show 5 seconds clicking away on it or something before i start shooting.

That's what I was getting at. I was talking about adjusting the sear rod though. Not the trigger stop. You should adjust the sear rod so it's right behind the trigger when it's held down in Emode. Makes hybrid a whole lot easier and fun to use.
How do you adjust the sear? that would make things a great deal easier for me. do you just take needle nose's and twist it so it unscrews?(or something)

05-22-2005, 07:38 PM
Yup. Adjust it to where it's right behind the back of the emode pull. Then when it's in hybrid, you just have to pull the trigger a wee bit further for it to hit the sear.

05-22-2005, 09:39 PM
ok, i took needle nose's to my sear, and the thing wouldnt turn. i took the whole gun apart, tried to use needle noses, and they just slid off the sear pin. I put everything back together, and my sear was further into the trigger frame. does anybody know why it did this? now my gun isn't firing in e-mode, and i's pissed that i didnt jsut leave it how it was. it still fires in mech, but not e-mode. This should probably go under tech, but...

05-23-2005, 06:10 AM
Due to so many people having "time" issues we are going to extend the end date of the contest to June 15th - this gives everyone plenty of time

05-23-2005, 08:10 AM
ok, i took needle nose's to my sear, and the thing wouldnt turn. i took the whole gun apart, tried to use needle noses, and they just slid off the sear pin. I put everything back together, and my sear was further into the trigger frame. does anybody know why it did this? now my gun isn't firing in e-mode, and i's pissed that i didnt jsut leave it how it was. it still fires in mech, but not e-mode. This should probably go under tech, but...

Take your gun apart down to the trigger frame. Lift up on the back of the sear and remove the trigger rod pin. You just adjusted it out a bit too far. You need to make VERY small turns. Take it out and turn it back in a little. If it sticks out too far you may get some bounce even in Emode. Dont worry about hybrid, it is just sweetspotting basically. You adjust that trigger rod until it is just right w/ the trigger pull. It takes some practice on the trigger to. You have to pull it just right. I wouldnt worry about it, its not legal and would only be for fun. All you have to do is turn it back in. When you are testing it, you dont have to put the body and valve back in, just put the rail on and the sear pin in. Toggle your LED to TRG ON/OFF. Then check to see if its reaching the HES. when it detects a pull, it reads TRG ON.

hope that helps.

05-23-2005, 09:15 AM
Hey jenarelJAM

I am going to wait until you have paint and everything

with what I have seen so far you have dang . . . . :wow:

05-23-2005, 09:42 AM
Ok.. E and X mag owners listen up - I want to phyiscally see that the marker is not in hybrid mode ... unless you have found a way to make hybrid 100% legal semi mode.

05-23-2005, 04:00 PM
Ooh, wish I knew about this sooner. I've bounced my mag into the 17's, and can easily hit 15 with the velocity turned up and my ULT tuned right.

I can't shoot paint around my house (it is the suburbs of massachusetts after all), but if I can drag my *** to a field on a weekend, consider myself entered. :shooting: :shooting:

My gun is fast for a mech, but I dont know if I can keep up with those elctros, especially if I can't cheat (with bounce) :)

gg guys

05-23-2005, 04:04 PM
I've heard some awe inspiring numbers, as I normally do when anyone talks about BPS. I haven't seen any proof, as I normally don't, as is the case when most people talk about BPS. Let's see it guys.

05-23-2005, 04:07 PM
yay this means i get to do another vid!!!!!! :D

05-23-2005, 09:12 PM
JenarelJAM - since this is only a test vid, I just took a quick look at the vid. I took a few strings that seemed to be fastest, and I counted in one of them 22 bps (while you were raking).

Again, since that was just a dry run, so to speak, I didn't do extensive analysis. I should note that there is a LOT of echo in the video. However, there is a rather uniform, and identifiable signature that allowed me to differentiate, for the most part, between echo actual shots fired. The echo typically appeared as a latent peak of lower energy a few ms after the initial shot. If you can manage a cleaner video for the run with paint, it would be great.

As for the clock idea, the only way to satisfy everyone would be to have the clock in the video the whole time, and to have a clock that counted seconds. Even though I trust you, I know how easy it is to affect a video in such a way that the beginning and end are at normal speeds, whilst everything in between is sped up, with pitch correction to ensure that it didn't sound funny. You know how people can be when it comes to winning money, especially when only a fraction of a bps may make the difference.

05-23-2005, 09:35 PM
Heres a vid of my E after a tounery
Fingers were tired
How fast is it?

05-23-2005, 10:51 PM
A quick analysis reveals a couple of strings between 13 and 14 bps. By the way, the audio was very clean, which is great.

05-24-2005, 12:43 AM
JenarelJAM - since this is only a test vid, I just took a quick look at the vid. I took a few strings that seemed to be fastest, and I counted in one of them 22 bps (while you were raking).

Again, since that was just a dry run, so to speak, I didn't do extensive analysis. I should note that there is a LOT of echo in the video. However, there is a rather uniform, and identifiable signature that allowed me to differentiate, for the most part, between echo actual shots fired. The echo typically appeared as a latent peak of lower energy a few ms after the initial shot. If you can manage a cleaner video for the run with paint, it would be great.

As for the clock idea, the only way to satisfy everyone would be to have the clock in the video the whole time, and to have a clock that counted seconds. Even though I trust you, I know how easy it is to affect a video in such a way that the beginning and end are at normal speeds, whilst everything in between is sped up, with pitch correction to ensure that it didn't sound funny. You know how people can be when it comes to winning money, especially when only a fraction of a bps may make the difference.
Thanks for the feedback, i have a feeling that the 22 bps is somewhat incorrect though, because the software is limited at 20. when i take it with paint, i will be taking it outside and shooting into a couple of hanging beach towels(to dampen echo) and it will be louder because it will actually be firing.
As far as the clock thing, i'll have to figure out somehting more idiot-proof, but if my friend held a clock(w/ second hand) in the screen shot area while i was shooting, would that work? It's a pretty high quality digital camera.

Ok.. E and X mag owners listen up - I want to phyiscally see that the marker is not in hybrid mode ... unless you have found a way to make hybrid 100% legal semi mode.
Pin showing that it's on e-mode ok? or do we have to actually take apart the gun to show? let me know because i want to do this 100% correct the first time.

Take your gun apart down to the trigger frame. Lift up on the back of the sear and remove the trigger rod pin. You just adjusted it out a bit too far. You need to make VERY small turns. Take it out and turn it back in a little. If it sticks out too far you may get some bounce even in Emode. Dont worry about hybrid, it is just sweetspotting basically. You adjust that trigger rod until it is just right w/ the trigger pull. It takes some practice on the trigger to. You have to pull it just right. I wouldnt worry about it, its not legal and would only be for fun. All you have to do is turn it back in. When you are testing it, you dont have to put the body and valve back in, just put the rail on and the sear pin in. Toggle your LED to TRG ON/OFF. Then check to see if its reaching the HES. when it detects a pull, it reads TRG ON.

hope that helps.
TY! it was pissing me off that i was trying to adjust my gun, and now it doesnt shoot... I'll get it fixed though, you can count on it. If i have more questions can i just PM them to you? Thanks

Due to so many people having "time" issues we are going to extend the end date of the contest to June 15th - this gives everyone plenty of time
TY! You're my Savior!

05-24-2005, 02:21 AM
Hey good post Jam?

I know Mark had said use PMs but we wont ALL learn from that. Post it up I say.

Put your rod and on off in OEM spec, follow rules 1 thur 9, Pay attention to #10 and good luck.

05-24-2005, 06:25 AM
A quick analysis reveals a couple of strings between 13 and 14 bps. By the way, the audio was very clean, which is great.
Cool , Whats the highest so far?

05-24-2005, 06:57 AM
I will settle for the selector switch being in E-mode and the trigger rod not making contact with the trigger while in e-mode, or making minimal contact. I think that is fair.

05-24-2005, 07:36 AM
the fairest way is to make them remove the trigger rod altogether. It takes about 2 minutes to do. That way the gun can ONLY be used in E mode.

05-24-2005, 11:00 AM
jenarelJAM Thanks for the feedback, i have a feeling that the 22 bps is somewhat incorrect though, because the software is limited at 20. when i take it with paint, i will be taking it outside and shooting into a couple of hanging beach towels(to dampen echo) and it will be louder because it will actually be firing.

I got the same number as rx2 looked like 22 bps to me

Can't wait to see your vid with paint :shooting:

05-24-2005, 11:17 AM
lets see your vid. :D.

Im looking forward to seeing that 17-18bps for 8 seconds. :bounce:

Just waiting on my new empire-b this weekend... I should be able to get a video on saturday...


Watch at like 1:04 (I'm in the green) you can hear me shoot a quick burst at 16-17

05-24-2005, 02:46 PM
Just waiting on my new empire-b this weekend... I should be able to get a video on saturday...


Watch at like 1:04 (I'm in the green) you can hear me shoot a quick burst at 16-17

couldnt really hear you shoot much, but, nice vid, looks like it was a fun tourney.

05-24-2005, 06:37 PM
Here is a screen shot of the jenarelJAM waveform

<img src="http://members.core.com/~ctron/jenarelJAM.jpg">

There are actually more than 22 peaks present, but a few are of dubious quality. This is exactly one second of audio, and it was take from the streaming video (the downloadable one was blocked due to bandwidth restrictions).

There are a few possibilities as to why the number may be higher than the theoretical firmware limit of 20. One is that the video is actually streaming slightly faster than it should be. Another is that in the process of encoding, there was a rate conversion that led to the video playing back at a higher speed. A third possibility is that there is just SO much echo at such a high volume that it is creating phantom shots, so to speak. Finally, I suppose it is possible that the 20 shot per second limit may be inaccurate.

Anyhow, I will be interested in seeing what you do with paint, and with less echo. Provided that there wasn't an error with the video, you should do quite well.

05-24-2005, 07:14 PM
Looking at the peak of the wave forms I am guessing you are actually seeing 11 shots there. I think you're "seeing" spikes both from the burst of air and the bolt slamming against the front of the breech (that metal ring) - hence the "clank" noise of shooting a mag. I could be wrong, but I think we are seeing double counted shots because of the lack of paint

05-24-2005, 07:20 PM
Does my video count?
It was after a touney and I forgot about the shaking and seeing the emag in e. It was in e with no bounce at all. As I said it was after a tounery ;)

05-24-2005, 07:52 PM
Looking at the peak of the wave forms I am guessing you are actually seeing 11 shots there. I think you're "seeing" spikes both from the burst of air and the bolt slamming against the front of the breech (that metal ring) - hence the "clank" noise of shooting a mag. I could be wrong, but I think we are seeing double counted shots because of the lack of paint
There's no way that was only 11. I'd say it was 19+. That was incredibly fast...

05-24-2005, 07:56 PM
MonsterMag - if you want, I can throw a screen shot of yours as well. I wasn't sure you wanted that to be your official submission, though, since you were probably a little tired from shooting all day.

As for the peaks in that waveform, I am pretty sure that they aren't from the bolt. I ran a quick test with my mag, and the waveform produced had singular peaks. Also, since the peaks are roughly just over .045 seconds apart, it suggests something else, since the mag completes at least half of a cycle (from the end of the shot to the reset of the bolt) faster than that. Actually, does anyone have the actual data as to the cycle time of a mag?

I was also thinking that another problem with the echo theory is that, at that delay, the nearest wall would have to be around 7.5 meters away, and it would have to return enough energy to have the resultant echo be around the same intensity as the initial shot, which is rare in a bedroom. Since the waveform is so uniform, it really does seem like echo isn't what is causing the problem.

In any case, since this was just a test, I suppose we shouldn't put too much time into it. Let us see what he does with a better vid, and paint.

05-24-2005, 08:00 PM
I'm seeing why RX is a judge and I'm a promotor... I may through out ideas on "flaws" here but I trust them (him and Steel) to validate the videos and disprove my "flaws" as of course is the case here

05-24-2005, 08:11 PM
I think that will have to be my entery because I wont have access to a digital cam. It was a frineds. :(

05-24-2005, 09:28 PM
Well, over eight seconds of video, you hit 100 rounds, or 12.5 bps. I analyzed three seperate portions of vid at 5 seconds, and all three showed 63 balls fired, or 12.6 bps. So you average 12.6 bps over five seconds. You missed several shots, so it is possible that you could have gotten just under another bps had you hit every shot. Here is the waveform image:

<img src="http://members.core.com/~ctron/monstermag.jpg">

05-24-2005, 09:34 PM
Yeah , I shot about a case of paint that day so I wasnt to fast afterwards. I will try to get another vid.

05-25-2005, 09:06 AM
Dang rx2 you rock

We need more videos so we can get this contest rolling

Please submit videos


05-25-2005, 09:32 AM
One favor RX2 - label who they are when you do the graphs and numbers, that one of course was easy to figure but it will help when/if you guys get swamped

05-25-2005, 11:49 AM
I have a vid, but I got the same old BS as last time. I cant upload it anywhere. I tried Jayloo because Putfile is too small to host my large file.

Anyone care to help out. I can prolly only send it through AIM. I can compress it, but it will still be a 30 min transfer prolly. Warning. I have 56K connection speed.

Someone wanna help.


I know its prolly not going to be all that fast, but I might as well enter.

05-25-2005, 12:17 PM
One favor RX2 - label who they are when you do the graphs and numbers, that one of course was easy to figure but it will help when/if you guys get swamped

Will do, sir.

05-25-2005, 12:44 PM
Hey yak do you havea msn account
You can send it to me and then I can put it up somewhere for you

[email protected]


05-25-2005, 01:39 PM
hi guys. Ive tried emailing in the past and it didnt work. That was w/ the vid of my Ion. The only way I think this will work is through AIM.

i know it sucks. Trust me. I know.

I will try Jayloo again.

05-25-2005, 02:25 PM
MSN Message account

05-25-2005, 06:07 PM
wow, i've been busy for awhile and was neglecting this thread. GREAT job rx2. thanks for the sound analysis. I think the most likely reason for the thing coutning 22 bps is the streaming video. I dont think theres too much echo because i was holding the camera close to the gun(or vice versa) and it was only a light clicking sound. I still havn't had a chance to fix my gun, i'm helping my dad get ready for our rafting trip this weekend(water's gonna b real high). When I finally get paint/air/working gun I'll make sure to use my friend's higher quality camera, and find a better upload program. Thanks guys

EDIT: i got my gun working finally. there was nothing wrong with the sear, and i'm jsut goint to leave it how it came from the factory. The solenoid was sticking. I have never heard of this problem before, is it common? I put some oil on it and wiggled it around a bit and it started working again fine. I put it back together, and it works now just as it did before, so when i get paint/air, i'll make the vid. Thanks

EDIT AGAIN: Ok, i've wrapped up my spyder sale, worked for my dad, and am looking at a bit more cash flow in soon as well, probably this weekend. soon after, i'll be paying off the rest of the price of a scuba tank, buying a fill station for it, and i have 500 paintballs sitting on my shelf right now. I think my friend(who has the camera and halo) wants to enter as well. I can supply him paint/air probably, the only problem is that he isn't registered on AO. Could he enter anyways?(hes registered on pbn, but that probably doesnt hold much weight here) If not, he'll probably just enter a vid to see how he stacks up. Thanks again

05-26-2005, 09:32 AM
It takes all of two minutes and an email account to register...

05-26-2005, 01:44 PM
It takes all of two minutes and an email account to register...

Conditions: (subject to change)
Winner based on highest BPS AVERAGE over 8 seconds of video - contestants will use the highest 8 second average of there video if longer than 8 seconds
1) Marker must be fired with paint
2) Must have video that shows each individual trigger pull and be able to correlate each pull to a single ball firing - raking is allowed only if we can verify each trigger pull through movement.
3) Enhanced firing modes are not allowed - marker must be ASTM compliant (in regards to trigger), strict semi only and the marker must not fire when shaken with the safety off and marker on - video must start with you "shaking" the marker forward and back to indicate trigger is set to these standards. You then must "jolt" the back of the tank to show it will not fire
4) Must have 8 seconds of firing (why 8 and not 10? - well if you do manage 20 BPS this allows most standard hoppers to continue). If video is longer than 8 seconds can use whatever 8 seconds (continual) is of highest average
5) Soundgraph analysis will be done and your AVERAGE BPS will be your score.
6) Soundgraph analysis will be done to the best of the judges ability, not responsible for errors.
7) Soundgraph analysis will be done, to the best of the judges abilities, to 1 tenth of BPS.
8) If there is a tie the winner will be the person who posted there video first (I needed an incentive to get posts up) This will also go for place (1st / 2nd/ etc)
9) For members of AO - must have more than 50 posts before the time this was posted to participate. New members who have been part of discussion but do not meet this may be
allowed in at my discretion only
10) Rule 10. "On my AO Honor this is semi only[no bounce, modes, etc...] My Honor means something to me. Does yours?" I expect to see this statement when you post a link as part of participating
Thats why i was wondering. I don't think he'll be allowwed, but it doesnt hurt to ask.

05-26-2005, 01:45 PM
What i was trying to do was make this an AO contest. We all know friends at the field who "can shoot 8 billion balls per second" I also did not want a flood of PBNers. Could I have helped increase registration? Maybe, but it wasn't my goal. I honestly want people who are part of AO.

05-26-2005, 05:38 PM
Thats fine, actually, his fingers arent really that fast... i dont think he would win, but it would be more for the fun of it than for anything else.

05-27-2005, 09:24 PM
Question: I dont have a gun w/ an eye, and even using my eggo i always pinch balls when getting my speed up above 12 (think i hit around 12, prolly more like 5 lol) .

Since it is judged by sound, could i perhaps submit a video of dry-fire?

if anybody gets over 15 im beat automatically my grip is software capped at 15.

05-27-2005, 09:31 PM
SOrry, it must be with paint...

05-27-2005, 09:34 PM
SOrry, it must be with paint...

how about i take off my barrel, and aim the camera inside? ill still give view of my fingers...

or shoot it in front of a piece of paper so you can see the paper move every shot?


*sigh, i need a gun thats good for more than one-balling, but then again, i couldnt afford to use it... lol*

05-27-2005, 10:24 PM
The paint rule is because alot of markers can cycle without paint faster than with paint. ;)

05-27-2005, 11:00 PM
I'll try to get a vid of myself this weekend with my viking..... Magman007 can vouch for my fingers :)

05-27-2005, 11:41 PM
deffinitely, he will pwn joo all. ive never seen my dm5 go so fast legally

05-28-2005, 10:56 AM
heres mine. Not the fastest Im capable of, but its a vid no less. Sorry it takes a while to get it going. I adjusted the camera, and took me a sec to figure out my bolt was turned around backwards :D.

Setting is DB 2 w/ no bounce. And it is the trigger that I made that didnt really have much of a hump as I expected.


05-29-2005, 09:47 AM
Whats his ROF?

05-29-2005, 02:26 PM
I'll try to get on that later today. I am not quite in the right state to do it right now, as I fractured my foot last night, so I didn't sleep too well. Also, I spent all morning in the ER, and I am a little on the drowsy side. Hopefully I can get to it tonight after I get some rest.

05-29-2005, 02:46 PM
I'll try to get on that later today. I am not quite in the right state to do it right now, as I fractured my foot last night, so I didn't sleep too well. Also, I spent all morning in the ER, and I am a little on the drowsy side. Hopefully I can get to it tonight after I get some rest.
Ouch, hope you feel better. Yeah get some rest and take Motrin

05-29-2005, 05:17 PM

05-29-2005, 07:01 PM

read the rules please.

A.) no rebound or ramping modes. ( you are obviously in rebound mode)

B.) you need more than 50 posts (although you have 49, maybe that is okay)

And you have music in the background. how are ppl supposed to do sound analysis w/ music.

Other than that, ya, thats pretty fast for rebound mode. But anyone can do that. That is the purpose of semi Only. No bounce, no rebound, no ramp. And you must bump or shake the gun to show that the trigger is no set to bounce mechanically.

05-29-2005, 07:04 PM
Whats his ROF?

dont worry, I dont expect it to win. That is by far not my fastest. I am actually kinda embarrased to post it. :D.

05-29-2005, 09:37 PM
Yak, I hate to say this, but the sound from the paint actually hitting the target is creating peaks in the waveform that are of equal magnitude to the actual shot. In some cases, it is greater. Now, taken by themselves, one can distinguish the two by careful examination, as demonstrated by the attached image. However, when in a fast string, it is almost indecipherable. As such, I can't really provide an accurate count. In the attached image, you will see a portion of the waveform from the end of the video. The first peak was generated by the marker firing, and the second was from the paintball striking the target. As you can imagine, that makes things difficult when you are at full speed. If you could possibly make a video where you fire at something that will not report when struck, or even into some bushes, that would be great.

05-30-2005, 07:26 AM
Yak, I hate to say this, but the sound from the paint actually hitting the target is creating peaks in the waveform that are of equal magnitude to the actual shot. In some cases, it is greater. Now, taken by themselves, one can distinguish the two by careful examination, as demonstrated by the attached image. However, when in a fast string, it is almost indecipherable. As such, I can't really provide an accurate count. In the attached image, you will see a portion of the waveform from the end of the video. The first peak was generated by the marker firing, and the second was from the paintball striking the target. As you can imagine, that makes things difficult when you are at full speed. If you could possibly make a video where you fire at something that will not report when struck, or even into some bushes, that would be great.

ok. I was wondering about that when I made the vid. I was hoping that maybe it would create different peaks. I can try this again, I guess. I dont have my hump on my trigger anymore. I know Im slower walking. Ill try it anyway.

Sorry bout that. :tard:

05-30-2005, 07:28 AM
would it be possible to count them all and divide by 2 since each shot will have one impact. I know its not accurate, but at least it will give me an idea.

05-31-2005, 08:59 AM
Again this is the hole thing of not shooting at a hard back drop.
Just find some place to shoot where it is not hitting a hard target.


05-31-2005, 11:12 AM
The divide by two would only work if there were only one impact between two shots. That, unfortunately, wasn't the case. I counted in one string, for example, 16 shots. I know that you are going a lot faster than just 8, so it would be unfair to half it.

05-31-2005, 11:35 AM
ok, cool. I dont know if I can get another vid though, so I prolly wont enter again. I was mostly just curious how fast I got more than the thought of winning.

06-02-2005, 10:31 PM
Wait, are you watching the video for every trigger pull as stated in the rules? Apparently not if the impact sounds keeps you from measuring...plus that would be a HUGE video file.

I may enter this contest... :cool:

06-02-2005, 10:35 PM
Wait, are you watching the video for every trigger pull as stated in the rules? Apparently not if the impact sounds keeps you from measuring...plus that would be a HUGE video file.

I may enter this contest... :cool:

The judges are looking to sound analyize though, not trigger pull. As such they need to have a good audio file, as well as being able to correlate pulls to shots

06-02-2005, 11:15 PM
The judges are looking to sound analyize though, not trigger pull. As such they need to have a good audio file, as well as being able to correlate pulls to shots

I agree. Besides watching my finger is not a good way to judge whether an actual shot was fired. Sometimes I just might have brushed the trigger and not actually activated the microswitch. Thats why you have to take into account the shots fired.

The reason that we need to see the fingers is that you can obviously tell when someone is ramping or adding shots through bounce.

06-02-2005, 11:22 PM
I may enter this contest... :cool:

Well you should if ya can, 13 days left. what ya got to lose?

You are right though about the pulls and shots and file size. Did ya see the link I posted on some testing a guy did on pbn.

Just follow the rules[#10] gotta get in it to win it..



06-03-2005, 02:59 PM
going to play tomorrow, then tourney the next day, will try and get a vid one of the days

06-03-2005, 08:21 PM
Here's a quick entry... let's see some more! I know there's better out there.

Walking the turtle (http://www.halfcocker.com/turtlesmall.mpg)

As an aside -- that really is a Halo B and a reflective-eye Eblade shooting black paint just fine.

06-03-2005, 08:38 PM
Wow that is badd *** how you did slow mo on it :dance:

06-03-2005, 08:40 PM
Here's a quick entry... let's see some more! I know there's better out there.

Walking the turtle (http://www.halfcocker.com/turtlesmall.mpg)

As an aside -- that really is a Halo B and a reflective-eye Eblade shooting black paint just fine.
my guess, 15 +-1 bps. thats amazingly fast man. Congrats on having fingers faster than mine!(tho thats not too hard) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

06-03-2005, 09:01 PM
Here is the analysis for DRG. I selected the fastest 5 seconds, and counted 69 shots for an average of 13.8 bps. He starts off at a solid 15 bps, and then trails off. There was also a missed shot or two, represented by a disproportionately small peak. His 8 second average was 13.5 bps, having pulled 108 shots. Anyhow, here is the waveform image.

06-03-2005, 09:09 PM
Wow that is badd *** how you did slow mo on it :dance:

I was tempted to put the "Matrix sound" in there, but got lazy.

06-03-2005, 10:22 PM
alright fine, 15 +- 1.2 bps...
there wasn't 8 seconds of vid there?

06-04-2005, 07:47 AM
New PRIZE (subject to 10+ entries): One entry who does not "earn" a prize will be randomly selected for a participation award, to be eligibile you must post a video. Post, even if you may not win

06-04-2005, 10:15 AM
alright fine, 15 +- 1.2 bps...
there wasn't 8 seconds of vid there?

Yes, there was 8 seconds, but I forgot to include that. I now edited it into the original message.

06-07-2005, 05:08 PM
left and 3 entries. :( Go get em lohman :spit_take OH ya you said promo was the easy part. :nono: and the thread is a sticky :wow: Hey still good idea for some fun.

None of the big dogs showed up to take the cash or bragging rites. Dont want to mention any names or should I? Must have been #10 scared em away.

Nice vid drg. :eek: You came out smoking to :wow:


06-07-2005, 05:15 PM
left and 3 entries. :( Go get em lohman :spit_take OH ya you said promo was the easy part. :nono: and the thread is a sticky :wow: Hey still good idea for some fun.

None of the big dogs showed up to take the cash or bragging rites. Dont want to mention any names or should I? Must have been #10 scared em away.

Nice vid drg. :eek: You came out smoking to :wow:

Apparently its easier to make claims without any numerical proof that your BSing people... if you want my candid opinion :)


06-07-2005, 09:47 PM
Yak, I hate to say this, but the sound from the paint actually hitting the target is creating peaks in the waveform that are of equal magnitude to the actual shot. In some cases, it is greater. Now, taken by themselves, one can distinguish the two by careful examination, as demonstrated by the attached image. However, when in a fast string, it is almost indecipherable. As such, I can't really provide an accurate count. In the attached image, you will see a portion of the waveform from the end of the video. The first peak was generated by the marker firing, and the second was from the paintball striking the target. As you can imagine, that makes things difficult when you are at full speed. If you could possibly make a video where you fire at something that will not report when struck, or even into some bushes, that would be great.

RX2. Is there any way that you can show a graph of mine on the other program. Is it goldwave? I am just curious.

06-07-2005, 10:24 PM
RX2. Is there any way that you can show a graph of mine on the other program. Is it goldwave? I am just curious.

I don't have Goldwave on my computer. The programs I use are Wavelab, Pro Tools, and Nuendo. I can supply you with waveform images from any of these programs, and I should say that these are true professional programs (Wavelab is a professional digital mastering suite that sells for over 500 dollars, and Nuendo is a DAW that sells for just under 2000), so they are very accurate, although admittedly it doesn't take a professional program to correctly display a waveform. In any case, I will get on that tomorrow, if you would like.

06-08-2005, 01:10 AM
I'm wanting to do it but I lack three big things required for it 1)A hopper capable of keeping up with me 2)My own video camera and 3)The time with someone elses camera.

I may still come through though, I'm trying.

06-08-2005, 03:12 PM
left and 3 entries. :( Go get em lohman :spit_take OH ya you said promo was the easy part. :nono: and the thread is a sticky :wow: Hey still good idea for some fun.

None of the big dogs showed up to take the cash or bragging rites. Dont want to mention any names or should I? Must have been #10 scared em away.

Nice vid drg. :eek: You came out smoking to :wow:

I'm working on it. I got my scuba fills tation yesterday, got a bag of paint sitting on the shelf, and am going over to my friends house tomorrow probably to do it. The only small snag right now is that My gun is broken :cry: . if anyone wants to help fix it so i can make my vid sooner its here:
EDIT: got the problem solved, im buying a replacement o-ring, should be here tomorrow, i'll probably end up taking the vid on sunday after I play all day.

06-10-2005, 11:26 PM
When does the contest end?
Are you still giving out prizes even though there are only 3 enterys?
Please Let us know
Thanks :cheers:

06-10-2005, 11:46 PM
Lets pick a good date, all entries must be submitted by June 15th
found it on the first post...

I'm entering!!!, its 4 entries, but not quite yet... ill get my vid in before the deadline I know it!

06-11-2005, 09:21 AM
found it on the first post...

I'm entering!!!, its 4 entries, but not quite yet... ill get my vid in before the deadline I know it!
I saw that , its like in 4 days. I wasnt sure if it was gonna be extented with only 3 people. ;)

barrel break
06-11-2005, 02:55 PM
Um, question. I am not sure i have enough paint left over to shoot eight seconds. If i were to enter, would you just select eight seconds, and that empty time would count against me or what?

EDIT: http://rapidshare.de/files/2325348/goddamnegg.WMV.html
Not an entry, my egg was being really stupid and fed inconsistantly/stopped randomly, so i figure id share my frustration, and see if i got the format right.

06-12-2005, 04:19 PM
:( iwas going to do this but my halo is messed up. :cry: :cry:

06-13-2005, 08:36 PM
I'm probably going to do it in about an hour at my friends house, but hes not picking up his phone so... we'll see. If not today, possibly tomorrow. My scuba, and therefore my tank is pretty low, so I'm just going to hook my scuba up to my tank, and shoot it off of there, so I basicly have a larger tank. It turns out that what I previously did with solenoid clicks and the safety on, isn't possible with 800 psi running through the line. The solenoid holds the sear back for too long before it resets so I can't rake it how I was before. I will still take a video of me walking the trigger and enter it.

06-13-2005, 09:07 PM
I will be entering my friend and his timmy tomorrow hopefully. Don't worry I'll do my best to make sure the gun isn't bouncing, on my honour. :D

06-14-2005, 01:35 AM
got the vid, but its 13 megs. that means no putfile... also, i have alergies, so I'm not worrying about it tonight, probably tomorrow around noon.Lohman, can I send it to you via email? or to someone else who can then post it? Thanks

06-14-2005, 04:07 AM
You can email it to me. I can post it and possibly create a reduced size version for you, depending on the format and how much time I have.

06-14-2005, 07:44 AM
You can email it to me. I can post it and possibly create a reduced size version for you, depending on the format and how much time I have.

I'd like to get more entries.. more involved. Does anyone object to extending this out to the end of the month?

06-14-2005, 01:51 PM
Me , I want 2nd ;)

06-14-2005, 01:53 PM
Those who have already entered will undoubtedly want less competition, but it's your call since its your thread and your contest.

Thanks drg, i emailed it to beemer already, but I can email it to you as well.

06-14-2005, 01:54 PM
Me , I want 2nd ;)

Is that a serious honest objection?

06-14-2005, 01:57 PM
one thing that I think would be good, would be to get those who plan on making vids to put their name down now(or soon) so that we know who else is making a vid. If nobody else plans on it, it just kindof prolongs the decisions.

06-14-2005, 02:10 PM
Is that a serious honest objection?
Yes because I dont have acess to another digital Camcorder anymore. My marker is alot faster now , so I could prob pull around 13-14.

06-14-2005, 04:05 PM
On one hand, it would be nice to have more entries to make the competition more exciting. On the other it is a little unfair to those who have made the original deadline. I tend to lean toward ending it on time and letting people kick themselves for not entrying a possibly winning video. I suspect we'll just get one or two more entries and a whole lot of "I'm planning to enter"s that never pan out.

jenarelJam -- it's up to you whether you want to email to me or not. I was just going to do it so you could get it hosted somewhere.

06-14-2005, 08:04 PM
On one hand, it would be nice to have more entries to make the competition more exciting. On the other it is a little unfair to those who have made the original deadline. I tend to lean toward ending it on time and letting people kick themselves for not entrying a possibly winning video. I suspect we'll just get one or two more entries and a whole lot of "I'm planning to enter"s that never pan out.

jenarelJam -- it's up to you whether you want to email to me or not. I was just going to do it so you could get it hosted somewhere.
well, beemer said he didnt get my email, so i sent it to you just in case
it is available for a limited amount of views at http://s33.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=040SHOB6AHC6W2LJ0STO81ZEGT

06-14-2005, 09:19 PM
I am gonna say 12. somthing

Let us know guys :cheers:

06-14-2005, 11:54 PM
I vote for an extention. I need cash. :p

06-15-2005, 12:06 PM
I vote for an extention. I need cash. :p

I'm going to extend this to the end of June.. I really want to see more participation

06-15-2005, 09:03 PM
Do the winners of round 1 get prizes? :rofl:

06-16-2005, 05:22 PM
Were you analyzers able to get jenareljam's video?

06-16-2005, 06:39 PM
Were you analyzers able to get jenareljam's video?
Sorry about the delay. I was having trouble with a bus shorting in my computer, and it wouldn't work properly. I'll get that analysis up tonight, as soon as I get everything back in place.

06-16-2005, 10:17 PM
thats fine, i'm working for my dad these days from like 8 in the morning til 7 at night, so I'm kinda busy... :rolleyes: i didnt even get a chance to pop on here for 5 miinutes last night even. Whenever it's convenient is fine. Thanks again.

Lohman, i've got another question, even though I've already entered, can i submit another video if I can get my raking technique to work with my gun? I was kinda bummed when i found out that the sear doesnt reset fast enough or whatever the problem is... If I can get it to work, I believe I can drastically increase my bps, but in your first page, you say something about not wanting to sort through "two hours of video" so I'm asking... Thanks

06-16-2005, 10:17 PM
Here is the data for the official submission for jenarelJAM. Over five seconds, there were 60 balls fired, for an average of 12 BPS. Over eight seconds, the total was 96, and the average was, once again, 12 BPS. The video started out fast, but he quickly dropped a few shots, and ended up dropping several shots over the course of the clip. The pace was a VERY solid 12 BPS, and he showed no sign of slowing down toward the end, although the initial burst of 8 or so shots was the fastest, after which he dropped a couple of shots and settled in. The official number from me is 12 BPS. Here is the image of the waveform.

06-17-2005, 12:32 AM
wow, thats kinda funny, I'm happy with that, but I want to take another vid soon. i'll try to take it w/o the scuba tho... i had two takes that screwed up because of that. the first one, i shot about 100 balls, and then my tank ran out(i forgot to turn on the scuba... :tard: ) on the second one, my memory card ran full, so it cut out after 3 seconds or so, which wouldnt have happened if i hadn't screwed up on the first one. the third time I did everything right, except it wasn't fast enough lol.
oh well, $90 is a lot of money, but not an AMAZINGLY large amount, I made that much today(although I worked 10 hours to get it)
:dance: theres always next time :dance:

06-17-2005, 09:45 PM
Its the 17th , so is it over?

06-18-2005, 12:51 AM
nope, read the last 5 posts or so of the page before this, its extended til the end of the month so that lohman can get more entries. I don't think more than 1 or 2 people will join though, I think we've got our guys right here.

06-18-2005, 12:18 PM
I'm kicking myself for trading my Bushy before entering this... I might be able to get my E-Free up and running before the end of the month.... Gah, this would be mine..... :( lol

06-18-2005, 09:40 PM
gonna put jj in the standings?

06-18-2005, 09:55 PM
If its not to late. My bud has been up north and hes finnaly comin down hes got some fast fast fingers. He might be able to do this. I think he can do 15bps no problem avg.

06-18-2005, 10:33 PM
who do i send my video to?

06-19-2005, 12:16 AM
you can either post it here or send it directly to one or all of the people who are doing the waveform analysis.

06-19-2005, 12:19 AM
If its not to late. My bud has been up north and hes finnaly comin down hes got some fast fast fingers. He might be able to do this. I think he can do 15bps no problem avg.

ruling on this? I don't believe it would qualify if it's not you in the video. Unless he's an AO member that meets the criteria.

06-19-2005, 12:23 AM
dj89's Video (http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=100_019080)

06-19-2005, 11:22 AM
Sorry If this has been asked who hosts the videos. And am I allowed to film a friends/teammate for this. He of course would get the prize. He showed intrest in this a while ago when he was up there. But hes not actually a memeber of AO. Thanks leme know.

06-19-2005, 11:32 AM
monster mag, dj89's vid crashed my comp the first tiem I watched it, but i didnt know what it was... then I watched it again, and it crashed my comp again and the same point in the vid, like half a second in. Does anyone else have this problem?

TeamSlayer76, read the first two pages or so, I asked a very similar question there, you can also see how it was responded to.

06-19-2005, 11:54 AM
Works on mine.

06-19-2005, 12:03 PM
Im still waiting for a Soundwave that looks like everyone elses. I want to see if it is possible to tell the difference between the echo and the shots fired. The viking has a pretty unique and consistent sound signature, and I think I can tell the difference between echo and the shots. There werent any probs w/ my Ion and its even quieter than the viking by a little bit. It cant be done w/ that graph that was shown for my entry. Im just curious why mine doesnt look like all the others.

Is there anyone that can post a better soundwave of mine?

06-19-2005, 12:04 PM
Sorry If this has been asked who hosts the videos. And am I allowed to film a friends/teammate for this. He of course would get the prize. He showed intrest in this a while ago when he was up there. But hes not actually a memeber of AO. Thanks leme know.

9) For members of AO - must have more than 50 posts before the time this was posted to participate. New members who have been part of discussion but do not meet this may be
allowed in at my discretion only

06-20-2005, 01:52 PM
Ok thanks for getting me that. I think i'm just gona do this then.

06-20-2005, 07:33 PM
dj89, I will get your video looked at tonight.

06-20-2005, 08:41 PM
dj89, I will get your video looked at tonight.

06-20-2005, 09:11 PM
Here is the analysis for dj89. Over five seconds of video, I counted 65 actual balls fired, for an average of 13 bps. The total over 8 seconds was 104, again averaging at 13 bps, while the fastest individual second that I found was 15 bps. Do note that the selection begins at the very beginning of the first shot, and it may be hard to see depending on your monitor resolution; it is there. Also, I should also say that the waveform is a little sloppy, due to some impact noise from the paint hitting the target. However, the latency betwixt the shot and the impact was only a few centiseconds, so there is not a problem with hits actually overlapping subsequent shots, which were much more latent. However, I should stress again that for anyone who might make a future submission, please do not fire at a target, as it will, in many cases, cause enough overlap that it is indecipherable.

Here is the image:

06-20-2005, 09:28 PM
Not that I dont trust you but can someone else do it to? I think the balls hitting the target got mixed in with the shots fired. Thanks

06-20-2005, 11:00 PM
Not that I dont trust you but can someone else do it to? I think the balls hitting the target got mixed in with the shots fired. Thanks

Certainly it is best to have multiple persons analyze the data. However, in order to demonstrate that the waveform is good enough to be analyzed, here is another image that shows a portion of the waveform at a higher zoom ratio. You see, it is easier to read when magnified. However, I can't really post the whole 5 seconds at this size, as it would be much too large of an image. That is why it may not seem as clear to you as it is when I do the analysis in the program, at whatever zoom ratio I need.

Observe in this image of a segment of the waveform how there are two peaks per shot. The first peak, which is the actual shot, is apparent to be of greater intensity than the peak representing the sound of the impact, which occurs slightly after the initial shot-peak. This uniformity of peaks, and the fact that the second peak is of a significantly lower intensity, allows me to accurately analyze this particular waveform, even given the "pollution," or extraneous noise.

Again, I would like backup, if possible. But, if there is none, I hope that this will at least demonstrate that this particular waveform is salvageable.

06-21-2005, 12:32 AM
Certainly it is best to have multiple persons analyze the data.

Steelsoul was helping out for awhile there judgeing, but it was so slow hes taking a :sleeping:

rx2 if you want to post full res pics let me know and I will PM ya a password for an ftp site and you can just link it if ya want to bother with it. Other wise thanks for takeing your time to judge this, you rock :hail:

Anybody else need help posting a vid let me know and I can host it, 24meg max.

Also, I should also say that the waveform is a little sloppy, due to some impact noise from the paint hitting the target. However, I should stress again that for anyone who might make a future submission, please do not fire at a target, as it will, in many cases, cause enough overlap that it is indecipherable.

UMMMM pay attention Folks. This has been said many times. DONT SHOOT AT A TARGET

Hey what happened to "bound for glory" I thought he was gonna get in.[can I get in?] Im still sitting on my clean 15bps :sleeping: vid

Hey dj what input ya running on the x? and if you and rx2 dont mind just for fun flip it to hyper mode and see what ya do at same input :shooting: :bounce: just curious. :cheers:



06-21-2005, 12:39 AM
Runing 850 in to it, if I can find some more paint I'm going to do a mech one.

06-22-2005, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the offer. With less then a week left, though, I may not need to do a full-res image. I will let you know

Also, if he wants to do a hyper mode video, I wouldn't mind taking a look at it.

06-22-2005, 11:23 PM

hopefully that works

edit- just watched, sorry for the terrible quality, can try to get better if needed, also not shure if i have 8 seconds of up to speed shooting, oh well

06-23-2005, 08:01 AM
Here are all the entries so far. Does anything seem out of the ordinary to you guys? Ask and ye shall recieve....I guess that saying is not so true.

How come I cant get a graph like everyone elses? I think mine may produce similar results to monstermags w/ an impact blip that is distingishable from a shot fired.





06-23-2005, 11:46 AM
You shouldn't be so paranoid. No one is out to get you. The reason why I didn't do the same analysis is that yours was so bad that there was little point in even trying to decipher it. I clearly explained that, and I also cleary explained that there would be problems with people whose videos were taken while they shot at a target. Also, you were acting very nonchalant about it, as if you weren't interested in keeping it as an official entry.

The link for your video is not working. If you repost the video, I will provide a full-res image, utilizing the FTP space offered by Beemer.

06-23-2005, 01:07 PM
The link for your video is not working.

Ummm ya that would be my fault. Sorry about that

I PMd him if he wants to upload it again.



06-23-2005, 04:16 PM
I dont even think I have the vid anymore on my computer. Its all good. I wasnt really wanting to use it for my entry although if it was capable of being determined, I would use it. I was basically just curious for myself too.

No big deal guys. I didnt realize the vid wasnt available anymore. Thanks for everyones help. I appreciate it. Cheers to the winner. :cheers:

06-23-2005, 04:52 PM
can someone do me a favor and test mine/deem it legal so i know if i need to make another or not?

06-23-2005, 04:56 PM

hopefully that works

edit- just watched, sorry for the terrible quality, can try to get better if needed, also not shure if i have 8 seconds of up to speed shooting, oh well

Any rulings on this video? It looks to me to be of too poor quality to verify one shot/one pull. There just aren't enough frames there.

06-23-2005, 05:41 PM
Actually, I shouldn't have deleted the video from my hard drive. For some reason, I have a bad habit of deleting things that I don't need to. So, I think that that part is my fault.

Anyhow, if you do get the vid, I have the information so that I may put it up at full res. I do want to make sure that you know that I am not trying to be difficult. I just don't want to be responsible for miscalculating, and I honestly don't think that I could have made an accurate call. The number I would have gotten would either have been too high, or too low, and that isn't fair for anyone.

As for 68magowner, I will do an alaysis of the video tonight. I should be able to get the sound from it just fine, although I don't know if everyone finds the video acceptible.

06-24-2005, 10:02 AM
Yeah I have been taking a :sleeping: from this thread

I really thought people would be sending in tons of vid's but so far I have seen 3 or 4

I am ready to do some number crunching but as I said I only see 3 or 4 diffrent people that have submitted vids.

I am in contact with rx2 and we will get everything done.

This is yalls mission



06-25-2005, 11:12 AM
I will try to get some video this weekend.

06-25-2005, 05:45 PM
Here is the analysis for 68magOwner. Over five seconds of the fastest portion of the video, I counted 79 shots, for an average of 15.8 bps. Over eight seconds, the number was 124, or 15.5 bps. The highest total for one second was 16 shots fired. Now, some people have expressed concern over the quality of the video, and the fact that the framerate does not capture the trigger pulls properly, and you cannot thus correlate every shot to a pull. Perhaps lohman could make an official decision on the viability of this video. Whatever the decision, here is the waveform image.

06-25-2005, 06:43 PM
Judging by what I saw of the finger movements in the video provided, I would be surprised if this were a legitimately pulled entry.

68magowner -- although I am not the authority on this competition, I think you should provide a full-rate sample (29 fps) so there are at least a few freames per pull.

06-25-2005, 06:59 PM
If it makes any difference, I can vouch for the fact that he can shoot that fast, and his gun is 100% legal.

06-25-2005, 07:11 PM
If it makes any difference, I can vouch for the fact that he can shoot that fast, and his gun is 100% legal.

It doesn't. The whole point of this thread is not to rely on anyone's words.

06-25-2005, 07:11 PM
If it makes any difference, I can vouch for the fact that he can shoot that fast, and his gun is 100% legal.

Thanks Matt, anyway, i dont think my digicam can take any more than 13fps, so, if people dont want to trust me, i suppose im out of luck, at least i know (verified) how quick i can shoot, (not shabby), and, im happy with gaining that knowledge, so, even if not awarded a prize, i suppose i can look on the bright side and at least i gained something.

06-25-2005, 11:08 PM
figured I'd enter a vid....so I shot 3 pods trying to get a good one, well my dad deleted them :cool: thinking you have to delete vids on memory stick before you could record another one.


edit: Realized the vid was terrible, I used a digi cam and it looks like my fingers aren't moving...and it's slow. I will use a real camera and make new vid tommorow.

06-26-2005, 12:45 AM
figured I'd enter a vid....so I shot 3 pods trying to get a good one, well my dad deleted them :cool: thinking you have to delete vids on memory stick before you could record another one.


edit: Realized the vid was terrible, I used a digi cam and it looks like my fingers aren't moving...and it's slow. I will use a real camera and make new vid tommorow.

matt, did read the rules? need tank jarring and whatnot, anyway, your framerate is even worse than mine, so, i dont feel so ghetto anymore

06-26-2005, 11:05 AM
I had tank jarring, but..dad deleted those vids.
New one will be up today with all of that and good quality.

06-28-2005, 07:38 PM
I have a problem here. There are some vidoes of some exceptional speed posted here. Let me state first off that I do not question those who put them up here, and I beleive I have run into an issue with technology. The frame rates simply do not allow me to verify the legal modes of firing that the rules required. Do I dq someone who did very well over a technicality because the rules are clear or do I accept it and take the risk that something fishy went on (not that I beleive this happened). Opinions?

06-28-2005, 08:18 PM
I can say from personal experience that it's very easy to unintentionally have shots added to a string for various reasons. In the case of a whole lot, like 4 or 5 bps it would be obvious, but 1 or 2 extra bps can be almost invisible to a person who has not truly, knnowingly fired "legally" before (that person was me, before this contest).

Now I do not know the people who posted and I realize that since I am entered my comments have to be taken with a grain of salt. But what I see in the videos would indicate to me more that these are NOT legal pulls, due to what I see in the finger movements of the frames that ARE there. They just don't seem consistenty with a fast pull, too hesitant and uneven, and done with the innermost phalange (third segment of the finger, doesn't seem like the fastest segment). But this could very well be a product of the extremely low framerate and low resolution.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-28-2005, 11:21 PM
i didnt want to read all the pages to see if this was already adressed but... how many videos can we submit? i have a few markers i want to try out (including a pump).

06-28-2005, 11:24 PM
so what videos are qestionable?

06-29-2005, 01:21 AM
so what videos are qestionable?

mine is, has been posted about, anyway, yes, i need/want the money, yes, i think the vid should be counted, just because its AO, we are suppossed to be (or at least it used to be) like a trusting family, if this were on PBN, it would never work, every vid would be 20+ bps crazy ramping. BUT, i can shurley see why my vid, or other questionable vids should not be counted, because the legitimacy really cant be proven, and, if i had a vid that was verifiable, and, was beaten out by someone who for all i know could be ramping there little heart out because there vid isnt good enough. ON the same token, sucks for guys like me who can shoot fast and just have crappy cameras :(

whatever the judges decide, i hope no one is bitter

and with that said, comon, i need the money (dont even know if my vid is fastest, but, its faster than the 1st place currently up in the first post)


06-29-2005, 05:06 AM
It doesn't. The whole point of this thread is not to rely on anyone's words.

That would be rule number 10 in first post. I rely on Your word that your entry is legit. Which you are sure it is, right? Me to, cause you gave me your word[see what I mean?]

i suppose i can look on the bright side and at least i gained something.

Umm ya, guess that would make the glass half full then :spit_take

Thanks Matt, anyway, i dont think my digicam can take any more than 13fps, so, if people dont want to trust me, i suppose im out of luck, at least i know (verified) how quick i can shoot, (not shabby)

Not shabby at all. I trust ya. Its on your Honor, right? 13fps :rofl: jack up your input will ya :ninja:

sucks for guys like me who can shoot fast and just have crappy cameras

:rofl: Ya how can you shoot so fast and have such a SLooooooow camera. Sucks for us who can shoot fast but it dont matter anymore.

I have a problem here.

Houston he has a problem. Just make the call, no problem. :cheers:



06-29-2005, 06:04 AM
That would be rule number 10 in first post. I rely on Your word that your entry is legit. Which you are sure it is, right? Me to, cause you gave me your word[see what I mean?]

I knew someone might bring that up and I see what you mean, but surely you see what I mean.

06-29-2005, 06:14 AM
I have made a decision and am going to wait until the contest is over to announce it

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-29-2005, 10:54 AM
so back to my question, is there a limit to how many videos we can submit?

06-29-2005, 12:14 PM
- video submitted must be of one hopper - this keeps us from having to look for the "fastest" string out of two hours

Suicidal, i would assume that this means they only want 1 hopper per marker, regardless of # of vids, so, at least how i would interprit (sp) it would be that you can have as many vids as you want, as long as you dont have multiple vids of the same marker.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-29-2005, 01:01 PM
guess i'll be making some videos this sunday than :)

06-29-2005, 01:35 PM
I am going to try and get a video up of me shooting my pirahna-mag tomorrow or tonight, or am I to late becuse I didnt reserver a place earlier? I havnt been reading this thread much since it started sorry.

06-29-2005, 01:35 PM
I am going to try and get a video up of me shooting my pirahna-mag tomorrow or tonight, or am I to late becuse I didnt reserver a place earlier? I havnt been reading this thread much since it started sorry.

Everything received by the end of this month will be considered

06-30-2005, 11:04 PM
so, is the contest over now?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-30-2005, 11:06 PM
i guess i'm out than, i can only film this weekend

06-30-2005, 11:23 PM
i guess i'm out than, i can only film this weekend

:( ill still watch your vid and im shure someone will analyze it for you, just dont think it will be official

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-30-2005, 11:28 PM
:( ill still watch your vid and im shure someone will analyze it for you, just dont think it will be official

meh i'll save the paint and play

07-01-2005, 12:01 AM
I'm sure if you guarantee a video for us by this weekend, they'll accept it.

07-01-2005, 12:41 AM
A lot of people have guaranteed videos and a lot of them haven't come through. i'd be against another extension.

07-01-2005, 04:37 AM
Just waiting on my new empire-b this weekend... I should be able to get a video on saturday...

oops no cash for you

A lot of people have guaranteed videos and a lot of them haven't come through.

Ya Blaze never put up but he can do 16 17 so he says :rofl:

07-01-2005, 06:02 AM
The contest ran over a month, its now just tidying up the final standings (which will be easy and Ill finish this weekend). I don't think there is a need to extend it fruther

07-01-2005, 06:36 AM
well my field wasn't open so I couldn't get no air, but that's fine I didn't care about the moneyanyway, I just want to see how fast my gun is now. it was a great contest, I can't belive you didn't have more entries.

07-01-2005, 01:29 PM
I read the first page and skipped to the end, so if I missed something obvious, sorry :D

Is the contest still going? If so, I will hopefully have an entry by the end of the weekend. Just got my M'ed E-Mag back from tuna, so gonna see what it can do. Any ideas what format would save the most storage space, but not hinder quality enough to make the bps questionable? Thanks in advance.

(By the way I love you Tunaman)

07-01-2005, 03:02 PM
I read the first page and skipped to the end, so if I missed something obvious, sorry :D

Is the contest still going? If so, I will hopefully have an entry by the end of the weekend. Just got my M'ed E-Mag back from tuna, so gonna see what it can do. Any ideas what format would save the most storage space, but not hinder quality enough to make the bps questionable? Thanks in advance.

(By the way I love you Tunaman)

sorry, your late :(

07-02-2005, 09:33 PM
I have modified the first post and put up final standings

1) 68MagOwner - 15.8 balls per second
2) DRG 13.8 balls per second
3) DJ89 13 balls per second
4) MonsterMag 12.5 balls per second
5) Jeneral Jam - 12 balls per second
6) AGD Lover - 8.3 balls per second

There was some question over some videos, let it be known that I spent a lot of time considering them, watching them over and over, and talking to the judges and promotors about them. I made a decision based on what I could see in the videos, based on conversations with the entrants, and considerations of those. I am sure that I could not make a decision that would please everyone.

Overall, I'm a little dissapointed with the turn out, I had hoped for better. I am most impressed wti the results and I will tell you that I honestly did not expect anyone to exceed 12BPS when I started this... its an interesting consideration to my views. It should come as no surprise that we saw a lot of excuses as to why people could not back up there bragging... its funny how that works. If those of you that promoted this with me and have not already would contact me abotu the prize amount, or the winners. Beemer has shown full support as I expected, and I have the funds he has promised to help out, as well as my own. Would those of you who got first or second contact me via PMs about receiving your prizes. Thank you to all that participated, to those that promoted, and to those that watched this thread. I cannot thank the judges enough, without there expertise and time into this, it surely would not have been possible. If we ever run into each other at some event, see me, I owe you a beer, much more really.

07-02-2005, 11:55 PM
I think that the vid quality was way to poor, and he should resubmit.

07-08-2005, 07:39 PM
And thanks to everyone who put time and effort into running this event.

The result isn't exactly what I would have liked, since the winning entry didn't conform strictly to the rules, but then again a lot of entries did not follow one or two of the points. I will say that I did not expect to be in the running with "just" 13.8 bps.

I hope one day to see high-quality video of one of the winner's pulls. It could be educational for those of us trying to improve our technique.

07-10-2005, 11:06 AM
damn, over already!? I just got around to getting a video :(

07-10-2005, 12:25 PM
Post it anyways. ;)