View Full Version : paintball world cup?

05-18-2005, 12:41 PM
ok, being relatively new to the "tourny" scene, i'm not too familiar with all this so bear with me.

what does it take to participate in the world cup? are there some kinda preliminary matches or sumthing? or is it anybody can enter as long as you pay the registration fee? and how do they decide what league ppl go in? (pro, novice, rookie etc)

oyea, and does it happen like, every year or sumthin?

05-18-2005, 12:54 PM
haha whoa, haven't seen one of these for a while.

There are actually two "World Cups". The PSP World Cup and the NPPL Super 7 World Cup. Both are held every year, usually in October or around that time frame.

To play in it, all you need is a team, and to register/pay. As far as winning, that takes a little bit more.

Up until recently, players could decide which level they were in. However, a team couldn't be Pro one tournament, then switch down to Novice the next because they got annihilated in pro. However, things have changed and for the top levels (namely Amatuer and pro), you have to qualify from points the previous year to get into those division. I may be wrong, but who knows?

Eitherway, I wouldn't recommend playing World Cup unless you have more tourney experience under your belt. Even Rookie teams are damn good.

05-18-2005, 05:18 PM
haha whoa, haven't seen one of these for a while.

There are actually two "World Cups". The PSP World Cup and the NPPL Super 7 World Cup. Both are held every year, usually in October or around that time frame.

To play in it, all you need is a team, and to register/pay. As far as winning, that takes a little bit more.

Up until recently, players could decide which level they were in. However, a team couldn't be Pro one tournament, then switch down to Novice the next because they got annihilated in pro. However, things have changed and for the top levels (namely Amatuer and pro), you have to qualify from points the previous year to get into those division. I may be wrong, but who knows?

Eitherway, I wouldn't recommend playing World Cup unless you have more tourney experience under your belt. Even Rookie teams are damn good.

Close...there are three World Cups, two in America and one in France. The rest of the advice is sound though.

05-18-2005, 08:15 PM
Oh yeah, forgot the Millenium series. my bad.

05-18-2005, 08:18 PM
Close...there are three World Cups, two in America and one in France. The rest of the advice is sound though.
:p youd think "world cup" would imply that its international...

05-19-2005, 10:47 AM
:p youd think "world cup" would imply that its international...

Just like the world series....

05-19-2005, 11:15 AM
Just like the world series....

Oooh feel the burn !!

GA Devil
05-19-2005, 11:49 AM
psp-world cup
nppl-commanders cup
millenium-forget the name

as for class you play its determined on experience.

anyone can play world cup as long as you sign up and pay in time before the max number of teams is filled.

You play prelim and if you make it you play semis and finals.

World cup is every october in orlando at the wide world of sports complex. You can get any other info you need form www.pspevents.com in the rules section.

05-19-2005, 04:55 PM
Just like the world series....
exactly. i thought of that before i even started playing paintball, ive never understood it. all sports always seem to want to have "world" tournaments that are open only to one country :rolleyes:

05-19-2005, 08:46 PM
anybody from any country can play. It was more noticable when they had out behind "Old Town"

05-19-2005, 10:42 PM
I would have to say PSP 5 man World cup is the best choice if it is your first national tournament. A lot of teams show up only to world cup, and the competition is a little easier than some of the other events due to this.

Head knight of Ni
05-19-2005, 11:15 PM
:p youd think "world cup" would imply that its international...

They are. The PSP World Cup had teams from France, Brazil, England, Portugal, the U.S., and others.

05-20-2005, 11:55 PM
heh ok so i guess i better go practice some more :D

hey, check it out


me an my friends have been planning a trip to europe anyways, it looks like we mite as well get in a few games of paintball while we're there :p

btw, i talked to some of my friends abt this.. and it turns out that this "joke" is now serious and we really are planning to go... even if we don't do well, we'll go just for the experience. so yea, hopefully i'll be rocking div3 with my xmag and promoting mags in general :headbang:

can i expect any other AOers there?