View Full Version : Brothers In Arms: the road to hill 30

Eatem Alive
05-19-2005, 12:36 AM
has anybody else played this game? i have it for pc and it is one of the best first person shooters i have ever played. the whole squad control aspect is very cool and the graphics and overall game play are nice. the background they also give you on the battles it was based on it pretty nice too.

05-19-2005, 07:41 AM
I didn't like it, I felt too detached from the action. I understand and appreciate the difficulties in getting the "realism" across to the gamer but I just didn't have any fun, i wasn't able to shoot anything (even stuff directly infront of me) without putting a massive ammount of effort into aiming first.

Stuff I didn't like (I've only played on PC, these things may not be be there for xbox or ps2)

Your teammates would always run and shoot, even if the enemy was about 3 kilometers away.
For all the realism, you could get your teammates killed and they'd be fine by the next mission.
due to the above, i felt absolutely nothing for the characters, they wern't likeable and once i realized they were technically invincible, I didn't care at all if they died.
The player characters development was boring too, just him whining about how he isn't ready to lead a bunch of guys wasn't particularly new or interesting, and didn't really make me like him or empathise with his situation at all though, Republic Commando did a pretty good job, REPUBLIC COMMANDO SPOILER HERE (http://www.digitalbrain.com/Jonneh/republiccommandospoiler.txt).
Wooden fences are as sturdy and bulletproof as concrete.
Your character could take about 200 times more hits than everyone else
It ran like crap on my (pretty capable, Athlon2400, r9800pro, 1gig ram) machine and still managed to look like ***.
For all the effort they put into "recreating Normandy" the maps were pretty awful and felt extremely closed off and isolated.

Some things I did like though

The squad AI was well implemented most of the time, if you told them to go somewhere as set up a zone of fire they'd all find pretty good cover and move if they were moved upon. and when you told them to flank they'd do it properly too.
Telling your squad to do stuff was very neat and very simple, and the way they tied it all in with 3 buttons is quite nice.

It's not an awful game, but I think they put too much effort and hype into it being a ZOMG SO REALISTIC SPOOGE, kinda game that it just falls over due to so many inconsistensies with reality, and the slow realisation that real life just isn't all that much fun, especially real war. I think if you liked the shooting aspect then there is something wrong with you, but you should try out the Unreal Tournament 2004 mod called Red Orchestra (which I think have now been bought out and are making a retail game, but the mod is still available), and if you liked the command aspect, play full spectrum warrior, I think it's all round a nicer, more fun tactical actiony game.

Eatem Alive
05-19-2005, 10:25 AM
personally, i liked the fact that you couldn't hit everything with one shot aside from the sniper rifle. you actually had to compensate elevation for distance. every other fps game i have played, if the crosshairs are on target, it was as good as hit. as far as the fence thing, i hit germans through it and i got hit in turn. as far as the rest of your review...to each his own, i like the game.

05-19-2005, 04:22 PM
It was a good game but not even close to being long enough.

And as for the aiming it was horrid. Dont get me wrong I love a challenge and love it when they make stuff realistic but the aiming was just too hard. Im a great FPS player well above average actually but I continually found myself using half a clip to hit someone. All in all good game but im glad I bought mine used for 25 bucks.

05-19-2005, 07:23 PM
I like it, picked it up for 30 yesterday, ikinda mad though casue my laptop vid card dosent suppor the shaders that it uses so i cant play on my laptop but i have a decent gaming pc so Im good there.

But overall it hink it is very fun and worth the money, but the aiming thing pisses me off too.

05-19-2005, 08:56 PM
"Im a great FPS player well above average actually but I continually found myself using half a clip to hit someone."

Actually, I think this is what they intended. You seen cop videos were they unload clips at close range on guys and not hit anything? I think it might have been to simulate the effects of combat stress, your immenent death, and sky high adrenaline on your shooting abilities. In WW2 I believe there was an average of over 50,000 rounds fired per enemy killed, of course alot of that is from supressive fire and things like that but it certainly shows that your average kill in combat was'nt achieved with a couple of shots. I'd say expelling half a clip per kill might be more accurate.

I just did'nt like the fact that your teamates came back every mission like in Ghost Recon 2. In the first two Ghost Recon's, once a guy died in a mission he was DEAD, for good. You could build his skill and win medals as your campaign went on but if he took a random fatal shot he'd be gone forever. Just like it should be!

05-19-2005, 09:54 PM
if uve played the game youll know this part very, very, very well...


05-19-2005, 10:08 PM
lol yeah loading sucks

Head knight of Ni
05-19-2005, 10:25 PM
My one question is what was with the water drops on the screen? They looked like crap.

05-19-2005, 10:34 PM
are you talking the water drops and when you get shot at the mud sticks to the screen?
thats suppose to be like your looking though cruddy glasses. I thought it was pretty cool

Head knight of Ni
05-19-2005, 11:09 PM
are you talking the water drops and when you get shot at the mud sticks to the screen?
thats suppose to be like your looking though cruddy glasses. I thought it was pretty cool

Guess I'm spoiled by these water effects: conker- Beach of the dead (http://www.playerone.be/videos/conkergp8.php)

05-20-2005, 10:13 AM
man that game looks fun as hell

05-21-2005, 12:19 AM
I havent noticed loading times being that bad.

Bout the teammate dieing thing, u have like 4 or 5 guys if one dies and u are stuck without them through the rest of the game it becomes impossibly hard.

05-21-2005, 01:15 AM
"Bout the teammate dieing thing, u have like 4 or 5 guys if one dies and u are stuck without them through the rest of the game it becomes impossibly hard."

Thats true, wich is why armies, including the US in WW2, had this thing called "replacements" to fill in the ranks of those that died....this system is also used in several games.

05-21-2005, 04:00 AM
i've played demo, i think int one of the more intuitive squadbased shooter around. I love the iron sigts on the gun and how basically tunnel visions you.

pathfinding/waypointing can always be better.

i like the simplification of the tactical map view, so well relegated to that kinda fighting i guess.

but the experience as a whole is grater than anyone aspect of the game.