View Full Version : Star Wars Ep III Thread

05-19-2005, 01:44 AM
Just got back...Certainly Better than the last two. The lovescenes/dialog still was painful at times, but it was good.

05-19-2005, 01:50 AM
Yes. I concur, way better than the previous two. My only real issue is that the simultaneous battle scenes at the end were a bit drawn out, but I understand why.

Well, and that R2 became comic relief.. at least he wasn't annoying like Jar Jar

05-19-2005, 02:15 AM
it was definately worth seeing. I enjoyed the way vader's return from the dark side was set up..

lots of inner conflict with Annikan.

05-19-2005, 03:34 AM
I really liked it. Anakin is clearly got some conflicting feelings, and Ep1 and 2 make more sense now, since they contribute to what Anakin becomes.

Time to watch all 6 in a row.

05-19-2005, 04:04 AM
I work at a theater, for the Midnight show alone we had 5,285 people, the movie was playing on 29/30 theatres. We had multiple people in very very realistic starwars costumes, they traveled as a group and we had seats reserved for them, so it was pre worked out.

It was quite an insane night.

And I just got home at 4 am and I have to be up for school at 7

05-19-2005, 05:04 AM
I thought the acting sucked. Good movie though.

05-19-2005, 12:28 PM
this thread needs a spoiler warning

05-19-2005, 01:19 PM
Definetly better than the first two. I'll go see it again. I hear there is a bootleg out already. I think it came out yesterday.

Anyone else find it funny when vader yelled 'NOOOOO" at the end there? It didn't sound right.

05-19-2005, 02:12 PM
Non-spoiler review and initial ranking with other movies:

ROTS is a good movie, the acting is much better than the other prequels (or maybe there is less dialogue?). I think Hayden did a good job, and Ewan, Ian, and Yoda are all great. There are things you can pick apart about the movie if you want, but there is nothing that drags the movie down, despite what some of the negative reviewers will say (I think some want to hate this movie, so with that attitude, they will. I tried to go in neutral). I love the OT, but if you want, you can pick those apart too. None of these movies are Shakespeare.

The movie feels slightly rushed and not fleshed out at points, but Lucas is trying to get in a lot in a short time (maybe due to the failings of the first two movies). I think it could have been a little longer, and would have been alright...I was not ready for it to end. I felt very sad for Anakin and the surviving characters, and absolutely hated the Emperor and wanted someone to take him out, which should make the end of ROTJ more satisfying.

Okay, won't bore you with any more review. Here's how I rank them and why:

ANH/ESB: A+. While ESB may technically be the better movie, I can't separate them due to the fact that ANH made me love Star Wars. I was 6 when I saw it in 1977.
ROTJ: A-. Don't hate the Ewoks! They are a little goofy and make the Stormtroopers look stupid, but the Solo rescue, the end space battle, and the father/son conflict are great.
ROTS: B+. Good movie, worthy addition. It isn't the OT, but it connects well. A few nitpicky things knock it out of an A, but I will proudly watch it again (multiple times).
TPM: B-. Boy, some of it is clunky, and slow, but it has great set pieces and you've got to love Darth Maul.
AOTC: C. Dialogue and love scenes drag this movie down. It opens WAY too slow. Again, a few great set pieces, but it needs edited heavily to mostly action and the dialogue that isn't clunky (which isn't much).

I originally liked AOTC better than Menace, but after repeat viewings, that has changed...so my rankings could change in the future...who knows.

05-19-2005, 03:20 PM
Great movie
there is no way it could live up to all the hype but still a great movie.

And I must say R2D2 is one bad mother in this movie.

one thing im wondering though.
ok when all the jedi are killed there bodies stay there but when OB1 is killed he disappears. No does this have something to do with yoda telling him about the training he needs to do on tattooine(sp)? I understand why he sacrificed himself in episode4. Just wondering why the mofo disappeared when struck down.

05-19-2005, 03:35 PM
ok when all the jedi are killed there bodies stay there but when OB1 is killed he disappears. No does this have something to do with yoda telling him about the training he needs to do on tattooine(sp)? I understand why he sacrificed himself in episode4. Just wondering why the mofo disappeared when struck down.Yes, Yoda was apparently going to teach OB1 what Qui-Gon had taught him. There is supposedly a deleted scene with Qui-Gon and Yoda talking, or so I've read.

05-19-2005, 03:39 PM
Yes, Yoda was apparently going to teach OB1 what Qui-Gon had taught him. There is supposedly a deleted scene with Qui-Gon and Yoda talking, or so I've read.

Yeah I believe this is how Ob1 can communicate with Luke Skywalker after Ob's death.

05-19-2005, 04:19 PM
gottcha thats what I though

05-19-2005, 06:35 PM
Yes, Yoda was apparently going to teach OB1 what Qui-Gon had taught him. There is supposedly a deleted scene with Qui-Gon and Yoda talking, or so I've read.

YES?!?! Where was Qui-Gon?!?!? He was supposed to be there? And where was Tarkin? They supposedly found a great look-alike. They were saying that just a few days ago. Where was he? And what's the deal with Leias statement in ROTJ that she remembered her real mother? And if you've seen the deleted scenes from Ep2, you'll recognize Padme's family in the funeral scene. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Still a good movie though.

05-19-2005, 06:40 PM
I dressed up as a Jedi at work today. (Yes, I know. ;) )

When I was walking to lunch I passed a pair of elderly Asian ladies. They were both looking at me like "WTF".

They literally stop, and chatter for 10-15 secs in an unknown language. One ladys eyes light up, she points at me, and loudly says "Jedi!" with a poop eating grin on her face.

Classic. :)

05-19-2005, 07:12 PM
where was Tarkin?.
He had a very quick non speaking scene when Vader walks up to the bridge with the death star in the back ground. He was on the Emperors left hand side. No close ups, too bad cause from far he really looked like Tarkin!

And what's the deal with Leias statement in ROTJ that she remembered her real mother?
Yep, they didnt really cover this in the movie. The book goes on to explain that Padme and Leia had a brief force connection when she was born, kind of like the one she had with Anakin when they where in seperate buildings.

I gotta see it again to let some things sink in. Plus I gotta look for all the back ground stuff. Anyone else catch the Millenium Falcon or Lucas in the movie? It was in there!

05-19-2005, 07:14 PM
Anyone else catch the Millenium Falcon in the movie?

I didnt see it. Was is supposed to be in there?

05-19-2005, 07:18 PM
I didnt see it. Was is supposed to be in there?

It was there, landing into a hangar. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be the actual Falcon or a Corellian ship of the same make. It could have been one of those things that the digital guys like to throw in for fun.

05-19-2005, 07:25 PM
well that settles that
I have to see it again :)

05-19-2005, 07:38 PM
I thought the movie rocked.

Unlike all of the others, there is not one scene that I would fast-fwd through. Probably the fastest 2 & 1/2 hrs youll ever live through.

Im sure all of thsoe deleted scenes will make an appearance in the DVD.

05-19-2005, 07:46 PM
I was pissed that Tarkin didn't even have a line. That's Wayne Pygram, aka Scorpius to Farscape Fans.

I also found the Leia remembering Padme inconsistancy annoying. You can only explain things in the books so many times before it becomes a eally big distraction. In some ways it woudl ahve made more sense if Leia was delivered first, and Padme died before Luke was.

05-19-2005, 07:48 PM
I gotta see it again to let some things sink in. Plus I gotta look for all the back ground stuff. Anyone else catch the Millenium Falcon or Lucas in the movie? It was in there!

No, I looked for both but didn't see them. I liked Lucas's son as the young Jedi who dies in front of Bail Organa.

05-19-2005, 07:59 PM
I guess theres only so much Lucas can fit into the movie. I for one could have sat through a 4 hour movie :D Can't wait to see what scenes will be on the DVD.

I didnt see Mon Mothma? Anyone see her? I know they made a action figure of her.

05-19-2005, 08:37 PM
Anyone else catch the Millenium Falcon or Lucas in the movie? It was in there!

i thought i saw the falcon,.....looked darn close to it

05-19-2005, 08:55 PM
i think the book when qui-gon takes obi as his apprentice shouldve been made into a movie. it wouldve been 100x better then the first movie.

Mighty Mike
05-19-2005, 09:17 PM
I dressed up as a Jedi at work today. (Yes, I know. ;) )

Can we see a pic?? :D

05-19-2005, 09:25 PM
i think the book when qui-gon takes obi as his apprentice shouldve been made into a movie. it wouldve been 100x better then the first movie.

yeah, except it would not have told the tale of how Annikan became Darth Vader... which is essentially the point of the first 3 episodes....

05-19-2005, 09:42 PM
i thought i saw the falcon,.....looked darn close to it

That's just a Correllian YT1300 Freighter. The Falcon is a specific and heavily modified YT1300.

05-19-2005, 09:52 PM
yeah, except it would not have told the tale of how Annikan became Darth Vader... which is essentially the point of the first 3 episodes....

better story ;)

05-19-2005, 10:07 PM
All I can say is friggin' awsome, although it leaves me somewhat conflicted :( Now what do I have to look forward too, I've seen all 6 in the theaters (only way to truly see them) LOTR has drawn to a close. They are doing a pretty good job at butchering the Harry Potter series, and the new Chronicals of Narnia seems a little too kiddie to me. I'm at a loss.

As far as the Leia scene in jedi, my wife mentioned it too as we were leaving. The only conclusion I could draw (having not yet read the book and know nothing of extra scenes) is that where leia was raised as an Organa she may not have known anything about her real mother and was refering to Bails wife (whatever the hell her name was) before knowing the truth.

maybe a spoiler below
I did like the end where c3po and r2d2 were given to Capt. Antilles ("have the protocol droids memory wiped") kinda clears it up for me as to how these two who have been there from the first one didn't have a clue who ob1 was and that the name skywalker meant nothing to 3po, well it does also make r2s ranting in ANH a little more amusing

05-19-2005, 11:43 PM
better story ;)

maybe a "better" story.. but has much less to do with the original 3.

05-20-2005, 03:40 AM
That's just a Correllian YT1300 Freighter. The Falcon is a specific and heavily modified YT1300.
Yeah, duuuh! I mean come on! YZ1300 obviously!

i just saw it.

you know what these movies are missing? the only thing that made the first 3 ok.

harrison ford.

and thats that.

btw, indiana jones rocks ANY starwars episode.

05-20-2005, 05:21 AM
As far as the Leia scene in jedi, my wife mentioned it too as we were leaving. The only conclusion I could draw (having not yet read the book and know nothing of extra scenes) is that where leia was raised as an Organa she may not have known anything about her real mother and was refering to Bails wife (whatever the hell her name was) before knowing the truth.
This is what I was thinking as well. There is no way that Leia could have ever known what Padme looked like. All she had to go on is what Bail's wife, her "mother" looked like. But then again, was Bail married? They make no mention of a wife for him in any of the books. The Force could easily have "given" Leia a "memory" of her mother. It is the way and the will.

05-20-2005, 05:29 AM
Yes, Yoda was apparently going to teach OB1 what Qui-Gon had taught him. There is supposedly a deleted scene with Qui-Gon and Yoda talking, or so I've read.
Correct. There was supposed to be a scene where Qui-Gon speaks to Yoda and tells him what he has discovered about retaining one's identity within the Force after death.
Yoda then passes this knowledge on to Obi-Wan, who has many years to prepare for it by the time ANH rolls around.
It is quite possible that Qui-Gon was preparing for his own death in TPM while he was meditating during his duel with Darth Maul. He knew he couldn't beat Maul, therefore, he was left with only one choice--meditate and carry on in the Force after death. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to prepare and to retain his physical identity (spirit)--only his consciousness. :eek:

Anyway, there's my ranting thought.

05-20-2005, 07:18 AM
Correct. There was supposed to be a scene where Qui-Gon speaks to Yoda and tells him what he has discovered about retaining one's identity within the Force after death.
Yoda then passes this knowledge on to Obi-Wan, who has many years to prepare for it by the time ANH rolls around.
It is quite possible that Qui-Gon was preparing for his own death in TPM while he was meditating during his duel with Darth Maul. He knew he couldn't beat Maul, therefore, he was left with only one choice--meditate and carry on in the Force after death. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to prepare and to retain his physical identity (spirit)--only his consciousness. :eek:

Anyway, there's my ranting thought.

Sounds good to me :D

05-20-2005, 07:28 AM
The only scene in the movie that didnt sit well with me was the outlash that Anakin has when he is finally transformed to the "Darth Vader" we all knew from ANH+. It just didnt seem right having Vader showing emotion like that. He was so stoic through ANH,ESB,ROTJ that it really seemed out of character. I am guessing there is some explination behind this in the book that never made the transition to the screen.


05-20-2005, 07:30 AM
As far as the Leia scene in jedi, my wife mentioned it too as we were leaving. The only conclusion I could draw (having not yet read the book and know nothing of extra scenes) is that where leia was raised as an Organa she may not have known anything about her real mother and was refering to Bails wife (whatever the hell her name was) before knowing the truth.

I thought the same thing at first but in ROTJ Luke asks her "do you remember your mother, your real mother?" This would lead me to beleive that she understood that she was adopted and was talking about a memory of Padme.

05-20-2005, 07:32 AM
The only scene in the movie that didnt sit well with me was the outlash that Anakin has when he is finally transformed to the "Darth Vader" we all knew from ANH+. It just didnt seem right having Vader showing emotion like that. He was so stoic through ANH,ESB,ROTJ that it really seemed out of character. I am guessing there is some explination behind this in the book that never made the transition to the screen.


Nope. That was just the last bit of weakness coming out of his body. He's all Darth after that. :D

05-20-2005, 07:53 AM
Yeah I was kind of thinking that also ... just to me it didnt readily come across that way on the screen ... to me at least.


Nope. That was just the last bit of weakness coming out of his body. He's all Darth after that. :D

05-20-2005, 08:28 AM
That was when he finally gave himself over totally to the dark side. He had nothing left, and gave himself over to anger and hate. I think that scene was important to show that there was nothing of the old anakin left.

05-20-2005, 09:55 AM
Yep, I agree it was important. I thought it was great. The way he ripped out ,It looked like a tribute to Frankenstein.

05-20-2005, 11:23 AM
you know what these movies are missing? the only thing that made the first 3 ok.

harrison ford.

This hurts a touch.

Bingo! The prequels lacked a "rogue/scoundrel" type of character. One of the best things about the OT is the balance between young idealistic Luke, and the self-interested scoundrel who eventually loses his cynicysm (sic) and helps the good guys.

Which is why...

Han shoots first. He has his own self-interest in mind. Not "oh no, self-defense."

Reading Kevin Smith on the prequels, he thought Jar Jar *gasp* was whom Lucas wanted to be the scoundrel. But fan reaction was so negative he killed that arc.


05-20-2005, 11:38 AM
First, I thought it was a great movie! I really enjoyed it: the story, the CG, the action, the resolution of so many questions. I only had a few beefs with the movie.

1) My biggest problem was with all the contorted faces that Palpatine was making during his battle with Mace and while he was "down". It destroyed the image of an evil, powerful, malevolent villan and reduced him to a comical carricature -- he looked like he'd been eating prunes. The only way I can possible explain the reason those expressions were included would be if Lucas were trying to show that Palpatine were relying on is hatred, passion, rage, and emotion during the fight -- if this is it, I wish they hadn't ended up looking so goofy.

2) Anakin's transition to the dark side and murder of children happened a little too quick for me. Seems like it should have caused him a little more agony making that decision. Almost like, oh, well, what the heck -- I join the dark side and go murder a bunch of my friends and associates.

3) There was a lot to cover in the film. I think it was done pretty well, but there were several areas that just seemed kind of rushed. The only solution would be to have the movie run 3 or 3.5 hours, and that was probably unacceptible. So, I guess they did well covering everything they did in the period of time they had.

These were really my ONLY problems, and the quality of the movie overall dwarfed them. All in all, I think it was a great ride!


05-20-2005, 11:47 AM
I think what was different about the prequels was the lack of the Rebellion. There were no real underdog heroes to root for. The Jedi could be seen as the heroes but they held there own for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I like them all, but the fact that we knew how the story was going to end gives off a different feeling.

05-20-2005, 12:01 PM
I think Thordic is correct about the Vader transformation. Also, he just learns that his wife is dead and it is his fault. What's he supposed to do, a backflip? I think the Frankenstein reference was intentional as well.

1) My biggest problem was with all the contorted faces that Palpatine was making during his battle with Mace and while he was "down". It destroyed the image of an evil, powerful, malevolent villan and reduced him to a comical carricature -- he looked like he'd been eating prunes. The only way I can possible explain the reason those expressions were included would be if Lucas were trying to show that Palpatine were relying on is hatred, passion, rage, and emotion during the fight -- if this is it, I wish they hadn't ended up looking so goofy.
I took it that Palpatine was doing this for Anakin's benefit, trying to make Anakin feel "sorry" for him. He recovered much too quickly not to be faking. I agree with the rest of you comments for the most part.

So Thordic, what did you think of the movie?

05-20-2005, 12:09 PM
I liked it. I think that a lot of people are looking at the first series wrong. It isn't supposed to stand alone. It is supposed to set the stage for 4-5-6. You have to take all 6 movies in total. The second trilogy can stand on its own, but the first trilogy doesn't work without the second. Without the second trilogy, this first one would have been a letdown, which is why Lucas did the second one first.

What if the second trilogy hadn't been made yet, and at the end of this movie all the Jedi were dead, the good guys lost, and evil had just taken over the galaxy? Everyone would be *****ing and moaning. It wouldn't work. Everyone would hate Lucas.

But now the whole thing as a set makes so much more sense. When you re-watch 4-5-6 (and you will), the characters will come across differently. Characters like Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Vader will have more to them. It brings a whole new experience to the second trilogy.

I think THAT is the function of this trilogy. You don't look on them as a stand-alone, they are simply a very complex introduction to 4-5-6. And, in my opinion, Lucas pulled it off in a huge way. Sure, he can't write dialogue worth a damn, but he knows what kind of stories will appeal to the masses.

05-20-2005, 12:11 PM
That was another part of the prequels that I thought was really pretty well done. The Jedi were constantly interpreting the prophecy that Anakin would bring balance to the force as a "good thing" for them. Well, if you look at the galactic situation before ROTS, the force was unbalanced in the Jedi's favor. There were many Jedi and 2 sith. Well, after Vader finished his transformation, there were only a few Jedi and 2 sith. So he did exactly what he was prophecied to do. And he was the "chosen one" -- chosen by Palpatine.


05-20-2005, 01:14 PM
well......maybe the chosen one was luke........
Anakin and palpatine would take over the ailing Republic,
the Rebels would fight back later,
and then The Rebels win and bring about a "New Repubic"
w/o all the beaurcrats in the Old Republic. and the Sith are dead also.

05-20-2005, 01:15 PM
and when you think about it, he does fulfill the profecy of destroying the sith by killing the emperor and then dying himself in ROTJ.

05-20-2005, 01:21 PM
I liked it. I think that a lot of people are looking at the first series wrong. It isn't supposed to stand alone. It is supposed to set the stage for 4-5-6. You have to take all 6 movies in total. The second trilogy can stand on its own, but the first trilogy doesn't work without the second. Without the second trilogy, this first one would have been a letdown, which is why Lucas did the second one first.

FINALLY someone who agrees with me.

05-20-2005, 01:53 PM
and when you think about it, he does fulfill the profecy of destroying the sith by killing the emperor and then dying himself in ROTJ.

Yes, yes to Eagle you listen! :D That's when the prophecy is fulfilled!

bam wannabe
05-20-2005, 02:31 PM
oh, and for those of you wondering, George Lucas was seen right as Anakin is walking onto the balcony to talk to (at the time) Chacellar Palpatine, when he talks to him about Darth Plagious (sp?)... GL is outside talking to someone. some say its his daughter... i dunno, i didnt pay that much attention to that one little fact. i'll check this weekend when i see it again.

05-20-2005, 03:11 PM
That's an excellent point, Eagle. I hadn't thought it through to its logical conclusion. I guess I also assumed that the title, Return of the Jedi, referred to Luke. But in light of what you wrote, it occurs to me that it very likely could be talking about the return of Anakin, or his "goodness" or whatever. Veryyyy interestinggggg.

05-20-2005, 04:06 PM
I just thought of another thing that bothered me. It has to do with the beginning, when Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting together. Maybe it was done on purpose to make Anakin and Obi-Wan look like it was all easy for them or something. I don't know. There was no music!! I'll have to see it again to confirm this. Maybe it was just a few times where there wasn't any music, and I happened to notice, but it bothered me. The star wars music is excellent, it adds so much to the movie.

05-20-2005, 04:20 PM
I just thought of another thing that bothered me. It has to do with the beginning, when Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting together. Maybe it was done on purpose to make Anakin and Obi-Wan look like it was all easy for them or something. I don't know. There was no music!! I'll have to see it again to confirm this. Maybe it was just a few times where there wasn't any music, and I happened to notice, but it bothered me. The star wars music is excellent, it adds so much to the movie.

There's a whole score dedicated to that fight called "Battle of The Heroes". Maybe your theatre sound was lacking? I know the theatre I went to had such dull sound. I was pissed. :mad:

05-20-2005, 04:42 PM
Rawr. Who wants a copy.
http://img193.echo.cx/img193/4071/dieinafire6tr.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

05-20-2005, 04:45 PM
Copy? Pm me if you have it ;)

05-20-2005, 05:30 PM
"Anyone else find it funny when vader yelled 'NOOOOO" at the end there? It didn't sound right."

I found it pathetic. Episode 4 Vader blew up a planet and acted like it meant as much to him as passing gas.

"Your are Diet Evil, just one calorie, not evil enough."

05-20-2005, 07:14 PM
I loved it!!!

Longer movie then I thought though. Liked the fight scenes except for when Obi-Won went cuisenart on Annakin. The fight was well done, but the end was anti-climatic.

I did like the reconstruction scene.

Two thumbs up!!!

05-20-2005, 07:14 PM
"Your are Diet Evil, just one calorie, not evil enough."

lol. It did sound wierd in James Earl Jones voice, but you have to remember 20 years of hatred builds up between the 2 events.

05-20-2005, 09:06 PM
Liked the fight scenes except for when Obi-Won went cuisenart on Annakin. The fight was well done, but the end was anti-climatic.I've seen a few reviews where people have said the lightsaber fights were so evenly matched that they were "clean" and over too quickly. Well, if lightsabers were real, I'm sure you'd just get one mistake, then it's over. No actual force is needed to cut through something like with a real sword. They are shown to cut through steel like butter. Anakin made a mistake, and paid for it.

The only cool thing here would have been if Anakin would have jumped up on his stubs and gone all Black Knight on Obi-Wan:

OBI-WAN: Victory is mine! [kneels]
We thank thee Force, that in thy merc-
[ANAKIN hits OBI-WAN with robotic arm while he is praying]
ANAKIN: Come on then.
OBI-WAN: What?
ANAKIN: Have at you!
OBI-WAN: You are indeed brave, Anakin, but the fight is mine.
ANAKIN: Oh, had enough, eh?
OBI-WAN: Look, you stupid bantha, you've got no legs nor left arm.
ANAKIN: Yes I have.
OBI-WAN: Look!
ANAKIN: Just a flesh wound.
OBI-WAN: You're a loony.
ANAKIN: The Dark Side always triumphs! Have at you!
Come on then.
[Whop! OBI-WAN chops ANAKIN's robotic arm off]
ANAKIN: All right; we'll call it a draw.
OBI-WAN: Come, R2.
ANAKIN: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow
Gungan! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite
your legs off!


05-21-2005, 01:33 AM
I've seen a few reviews where people have said the lightsaber fights were so evenly matched that they were "clean" and over too quickly. Well, if lightsabers were real, I'm sure you'd just get one mistake, then it's over. No actual force is needed to cut through something like with a real sword. They are shown to cut through steel like butter. Anakin made a mistake, and paid for it.

The only cool thing here would have been if Anakin would have jumped up on his stubs and gone all Black Knight on Obi-Wan:

OBI-WAN: Victory is mine! [kneels]
We thank thee Force, that in thy merc-
[ANAKIN hits OBI-WAN with robotic arm while he is praying]
ANAKIN: Come on then.
OBI-WAN: What?
ANAKIN: Have at you!
OBI-WAN: You are indeed brave, Anakin, but the fight is mine.
ANAKIN: Oh, had enough, eh?
OBI-WAN: Look, you stupid bantha, you've got no legs nor left arm.
ANAKIN: Yes I have.
OBI-WAN: Look!
ANAKIN: Just a flesh wound.
OBI-WAN: You're a loony.
ANAKIN: The Dark Side always triumphs! Have at you!
Come on then.
[Whop! OBI-WAN chops ANAKIN's robotic arm off]
ANAKIN: All right; we'll call it a draw.
OBI-WAN: Come, R2.
ANAKIN: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow
Gungan! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite
your legs off!


that was exactly what i was thinking during that scene, i couldn't help but laugh at it. (people around me kinda looked at me funny)

05-21-2005, 08:30 AM
LOL!!! :clap: :rofl:

It's only a flesh wound!!! :rofl:

05-21-2005, 12:31 PM
I thought it was a reallly good movie and wanna check it out again in theaters.

05-21-2005, 01:27 PM
I must say it was impressive... very impressive.

A few parts lagged but overall it allowed you to feel the emotion.

When Anakin walked into the younglings room my stomach hit the floor, especially after the one asked "what are we to do?"

The OB1 vs Ani fight was great until the end, like most of the duels it ends with one abrubt swing.

I did like what Ani did to Count Dooku.

I was disappointed in General Grievious though. I would of thought he would have been cooler. Oh well.

bam wannabe
05-21-2005, 02:17 PM
I found it pathetic. Episode 4 Vader blew up a planet and acted like it meant as much to him as passing gas.


but yes, like someone else said, years of hatred have built up in him since episode 3

05-21-2005, 02:32 PM