View Full Version : Backplayer Stuff

05-19-2005, 03:29 PM
well guys and gals.. ive always done front player and i never even tried being a back. now its time for me to play back hence this team is looking for one and they asked to play with them SO any experienced backplayers wanna tell me the lingo and hook me up with some knowledge?! especailly with drill ideas and such thanx a lot! :cheers:

05-19-2005, 03:41 PM
Make sure you have tea & honey after every game. You will need it as you shouldn't have a voice leftover after a day of play.

Play alot of 2 on 1, 3 on 2 , 1 on 1 drills. Snap shooting is also VERY important.

Being that you played another position, it means you aren't afraid to move, also a good thing to remember- don't get yourself too far from your front/mid guys.

Also remember that a backplayer isn't always at a stand up bunker. Learn to work different bunkers.

05-19-2005, 03:48 PM
Keep Halls throat Lozenges with you and use them after every game. This helps the throat issues.

TALK YOUR LIPS off!!! Back is the Eyes and ears of the team...Air Traffic controller . Lets your fronts and mids know who is where and such.

Carry slightly more paint with you than normal...I dont know what you use now so I would say carry 2-3 more pods...as you will be SHOOTING alot ...at least with 10 man.
Your job is to create openings and oportunities for the mids and fronts...as well as protect the Fronts on the breaks.
Sweet spot off the break , to get their fronts out.

I see playing back as the "MOTHER HEN With a gun " You watch over the other players and make sure they get the coverage ond openings they need to do their jobs.

..and at the end of the game ...you are the closer...You are the one who needs to do the final run throughs to get the flag.

In theory


05-19-2005, 03:52 PM
have a big tank , alot of paint on you
and lay cover fire for your teammates
shoot the lanes

05-19-2005, 04:01 PM
What kind of events are you playing? What size team do you play for? What kind of gun are you shooting?

I have some experience playing back in 7man events, I personally carried anywhere from 9-13 pods, depending on the tournament. Do not be afraid to shoot a lot of paint, your goal is not nessecarily to shoot out the other team, but to shut down lanes and let your front players advance. Once your front players are able to get into key posistions, they should be able to get the angles and shoot out the other team. Never stop talking, never stop shooting, work out codes with your teammates to keep track of position and player eliminations. Shutting down lanes should be one of your top priorities, especially on the break, gun the key running lanes to shoot out the other teams front players on the break. Do not be afraid to gun in one spot on the break, and then get to your primary bunker once the other team has hit theirs. Learn to reload without looking down and also to reload while shooting, these will skills will help a lot.

05-19-2005, 04:05 PM
Even if this isn't your "position" that you like, the good thing about it is when you play each position, when you try a new one you get all the skills from each one working for you. Making you a sort of powerhouse...
Yell alot.
Shoot alot.

05-19-2005, 05:57 PM
What kind of events are you playing? What size team do you play for? What kind of gun are you shooting?

its currently a 3 man team and we are playing a local tourny were first is 1k and entrance to all the 5amn tournies coming up. and im shooting a logic/Ule'd/classic valve,lvl x, mag... but im about to buy a xvalve and ult this friday. is that a good idea lmk thanx.

And thanx to all so far who has helped out this is really doing good. pl;ease put more drills and such ty!

05-19-2005, 06:16 PM
have a big tank , alot of paint on you
and lay cover fire for your teammates
shoot the lanes

stated well.
1. talk all the time
2. shoot lanes
3.dont stop shooting
4.reload fast
5.when playing a stand up allways stand up
6.be accurate( i find that if you can get a guy accuratly more than spraying paint it is faster)

05-19-2005, 06:25 PM
Get a paint sponsor, and learn how to carry a case on your back :clap:

05-19-2005, 06:32 PM
A BIG pod pack helps.
Know how to communicate with fronts and mids.
Try to find a pattern in other teams fronts snap-shooting. Figure out with side he likes to come out on, and shoot before he pops outs. Also, find out how long he waits inbetween snap-shots.
Cover the lanes with paint.

And again, talk to your fronts, make SURE they know everything you know. You are thier eyes and thier ears.

05-19-2005, 07:13 PM
ty guys once again. but what do you think about my mag playing as back?!?!? should i spend the money and get the ULT/x valve?!?! or should i just use it to get a better gun lmk thanx!

05-19-2005, 07:31 PM
well i knew this guy with a Ult trigger and it bounced like crazy, well since most tournies dont allow bounce i suggest you not get one. Also see if you can borrow a very efficient gun since you ll be shooting atleast 8 hoppers worth.

05-19-2005, 08:23 PM
i used my mag when i played back.
Laying a butt load of cover fire helps, but if you cant shoot fast enough, good timing is all you need to cover people.
(and, after 10 BPS, its pretty hard to run though lanes. )

One more thing, if someone is running though a lane, aim in front of him, so he ,like, runs into the paint.

05-19-2005, 08:47 PM
That may not be the greatest gun setup for playing back, but try and work with it for now. The ULT will definately help you fire faster and eliminate bounce. I'd rather have an electro if I was playing back though, mechs are great for snap shooting, but you really can't mow lanes effectively with them.

05-19-2005, 09:18 PM
An emag is a great back gun. I shot an Euro Xmag w/ a freak and can destroy most guys using Angels DM's... A good idea would be a freak due to accuracy.

05-19-2005, 09:23 PM
Ewww...freaks are silly.

I vote, 2K3 VIKING W/ EYES :clap:

05-20-2005, 01:44 AM
First off I will say a set of E-mag lowers would be a very good upgrade for you and you might as well save up for that, but... I shot back with an RT and it worked out alright because it taught me to place what little speed I could at the most important areas. Now this worked alright in practice, but as soon as I went to a tourny I saw that speed would be very important because it would allow me to put some pressure on the opposing team long enough to stick my head out and actually find out where they are which is CRITICAL to the position. It is a little different situation though because you are playing 3 man. My first tourny with the RT I was playing 5-man, bigger field, longer games. Recently my 5-man team went to a 3-man tourny and wow, I have to say speed is VERY important because you only have about 30 seconds to a minute before the game is over and the more solid a lane you can shoot in those games helps all the more. I shot my E-mag at this tourny and it did pretty well, but in the last couple games I shot our captain's cyborg and I have to say I felt a lot more confident with even a slightly lighter trigger. In the end this may be preferance to a certain extent but the more you can lay down the better you will do. As for advice while playing [some of which alredy stated, but worth being said again], Talk a ton (think of the front guys as blind except for what you tell them] and make sure you know what you are talking about when you say it, descriptive as possible with least complexity. Getting to know your team mates and what they will act like before they make a move is also very important, everyone usually shows a sign of their move before they make it and as a back guy you need to be ready for this and know what they are going to do. Also, when you are the last guy left on the field take it slow, even if you think the field is clear, check it until you have made sure, and dont get tunnel vision if you have multiple guys bearing down on you in the end of it. Haha ok, now that I wrote a novel I hope it helps a bit. Good luck in your backman adventures!

05-20-2005, 11:12 AM
ty fromtheback i like that kinda info helps a lot! well i decided to buy an xvalve with the ULT and emag ule rail, and im triyng to find emag lowers. um how will the emag lowers help exactly?!?!?!

05-20-2005, 01:02 PM
Because it makes the gun an Emag.

05-20-2005, 01:14 PM
yes, it will convert the gun into an E-Mag which will make the trigger electronic. The way it works (roughly) is that there is a HAL sensor in the grip frame, this is set off by a magnet in the trigger, so whenever you pull the trigger and get it as close to the grip as you have set your magnets it is set off. There is always a magnet at the top of the grip frame above the trigger that pulls it back up after the shot and gets rid of slack in the trigger. This makes it possible to walk to trigger with 2 fingers and for average people allowing you to shoot 10 or 12 balls per second, which is a very noticable difference from a mech grip. A properly tuned RT can be walked, but I never was able to get mine to do it and there is always a chance it will be too reactice which is illegal in tournies. Hope this helps you understand it a bit better. Take your time on the lowers though, get used to the ULT first and then move up.

05-20-2005, 04:45 PM
k ty i found some emag lowers lol 375$ i will have to take my time lol. well i shoot roughly 6-8 bps with a classic valve on a logic frame. will i be able to reach significantly higher rof with the xvalve and ult?

05-20-2005, 04:49 PM
All you got to do is fire nonstop from opening whistle to endgame, always cover your front guys. Make sure you're always shooting over or in front of your front guys.

05-20-2005, 05:58 PM
Team codes...anyone mention that? Just screaming your head off is only half of it. Clear communication is essential. Number codes, color codes, little sayings that everyone (on your team) should understand. "Up two! Down three! Three girls! Two boys! (teammates or opponents in dead box) 22! 27! Red five! 23-60! (opponents positions) Smoke five! Beat three! (everybody friggin shoot there).....you get the picture

05-20-2005, 06:33 PM
Don't shoot your team mates in the back of the head :tard:

05-20-2005, 06:54 PM
lol apex and thanx to all! you were such great help! :bounce:

05-21-2005, 04:24 AM
just my $.02 i think everyone should play back for a good amount of time. just part of being a well rounded player really

05-21-2005, 09:07 AM
lol every back man shoots one of their team mates in the back of the head at one point...well at least it happened to me a couple times because of barrel breaks haha.

05-22-2005, 02:53 PM
well boys and girls.... another question....
2k3 Gloss Black Impulse
-full freak w/ 12 inch teardrop tip
-smart parts delrin bolt
-new hammer and valve assembly
-chrome milled vert asa
-vert max flow
-smart parts 0-300 psi input gauge
-new designs 3 way adjustable blade trigger
-smart parts sticky grips
-chrome cp lightning drop w/ chrome on/off asa
-no eyes

or a Xvalved/ult ule,logic'd lvl x mag??!?!?! what would you choose... please help me out thanx!

05-22-2005, 02:59 PM
The mag.
A impy doesn't have eyes, so your going to chop like mad. It will be a blind brick. And, it wont work right every time unless you give it 24/7 care.