View Full Version : Actual BPS Question

05-19-2005, 09:15 PM
If somebody asked you "How fast can that gun shoot"? What is the actual answer?

Just wondering if anyone can guess the same answer I think is the correct answer. My answer will be different from your but I dont care. Dont go falmeing me just cause im different.

05-19-2005, 09:20 PM
What gun?

Or is it one of those, "Zero, cause the gun can't shoot at all, some one has to shoot it"...kinda things.


05-19-2005, 09:21 PM
Any gun, its not a trick question just think about it.

05-19-2005, 09:21 PM
as fast as you can pull is my answer

ive hit 14 legally on my x-valve and 17 w/bounce and 17 on my classic rt and 22 w/bounce

the theoretical maximum for the valve is around 35 bps

assuming your talking about a mag here..

05-19-2005, 09:25 PM
I'd say 25bps possibly more due to it's 35cps capability

05-19-2005, 09:36 PM

"as fast as you can pull is my answer"

Correct, I didnt think anyne would get it so fast but dang good job. No prize included just wanted to see if anyone thought like me.

05-19-2005, 09:42 PM
Mag+ Scuba tank=35cps
Godd , I love Mags :dance:

05-20-2005, 02:14 AM
yes, i have done the mag+ scuba thing as well. its quite fun and good for freaking the heck out of my cat...

05-20-2005, 03:34 AM
If somebody asked you "How fast can that gun shoot"? What is the actual answer?

Just wondering if anyone can guess the same answer I think is the correct answer. My answer will be different from your but I dont care. Dont go falmeing me just cause im different.

Has anyone read this post?

You won't get flamed because you're different, you'll get flamed because you start posts like this...

What's the heck is the point of this thread?

05-20-2005, 05:58 AM
I think when folks get preoccupied with BPS and how fast you can shoot, the sport loses a lot. I can shoot different speeds depending on the marker I am using. And I also shoot different speeds depending on the situation I am in.

So wouldn’t the better questions be….

Can you shoot within the limitations of your marker?

Can you shoot accurately?

Do you know when to shoot fast and when you don’t need to?

Is the only game you have with your finger? Can you move on a field and have the other skills needed to become a well rounded player?

My point is that folks seem to always get interested in one small part of what makes someone a good player, and they virtually ignore the rest. It is like bragging about your ¼ mile times at the track but not being able to parallel park or even drive down a twisty road and stay between the lines. Yeah, but you were sure fast…. ;)

05-20-2005, 07:06 AM
Has anyone read this post?

You won't get flamed because you're different, you'll get flamed because you start posts like this...

What's the heck is the point of this thread?

What the heck was the point of your post?
It was just a question.

shartley- I see what you were saying.

05-20-2005, 07:35 AM
Unless we are talking non-ASTM compliant "enhanced" firing modes I think the vast majority of markers are overkill. In theory we have markers capable of shooting 32+ without shoot down, I think that the realistic "pull" speed of anyone is in the 18BPS area at near absolute outside. I doubt that I can get more than 12BPS at the quickest speed I pull, which to me is still plenty fast.

What the marker can shoot, and what the player can shoot, are often different. It seems the markers are winning the battle and we are enhancing our abilities to pull with electronics - I mean enhancing trigger pulls away from true semi.

05-20-2005, 08:50 AM
I doubt that I can get more than 12BPS at the quickest speed I pull, which to me is still plenty fast.

I agree. That's about what I get with my E-Mag and Tribal. A little faster with my Timmy (it says 14-15 but you know how the counters are). The only reason I know this is that I consistantly outshoot my Revy which feeds in the 11-12bps range. I've never outshot my Halo as some claim to be able to. :rolleyes:

05-20-2005, 08:56 AM
Shooting a mech as fast as my fingers will go, I would say 11 to 12 consistantly, hit 13 every once in a while if were being honest, otherwise I shoot 35. :D

05-20-2005, 03:11 PM
Also it depends on if you are talking about maximum speed (time taken between two shots) , which is what most ball counters on LCDs give you. You can shoot that fast, but only for a few balls. Now can you really keep your rof at 11-13 w/ a mech mag legally? No way. For a few balls can you, sure. Most ppl also give an answer that they got when they shoot over a red chrono, which is inaccurate by far. Ive shot 16-17 over the chrono, but I dont take that as my rof for any more than a couple balls passing over the chrono at 16-17bps. Same as w/ the LCD screen. If sound analysis is done, I think it is a better way to accurately determine what you are shooting. The reason is because it brings in the dimension of time, that LCDs and chronos dont really keep in memory.

For me, I can honestly say that I can almost max out my Ion in semi mode. Not walking though. Id say that walking, Id be lucky to get around 14-16 bps peak, and 11-13 consistently. Or at least until my finger/forearm gets tired.

Bounce is nothing to really brag about, cause the marker is doing all the work. I can set my viking to db 1, and pull over 30, but what does that prove? All it proves is that my Angry halo board is workin great, and that my gun is adding a lot of shots. The most limiting factor in reaching the ABSOLUTE top ROF in todays markers *which are an overkill* is a loader that can keep up w/ it.

05-20-2005, 03:24 PM
yakitori, your right. Did I read the post wrong, sorry if I did. I retract what I said. I was talking in bursts of a couple seconds, by no means as a backman or anything. But a couple seconds and then let up for 1 and a couple seconds again. Does that make since? That is just my style of play, but as a backman, I would suck with a mech. If your talking a rate of fire over 5 seconds, nah :cheers:

05-20-2005, 03:31 PM
no not at all. I wasnt disputing what you are saying. Ive seen sound clips of a couple emags in the BPS contest thread that got 12-13 bps for several seconds in a row.

My argument is that nobody really needs to hammer on a trigger for that long anyway.

I believe you when you say it. I used to own an emag, I know they are fast. :shooting: