View Full Version : does anybody know if the hair trigger is comming out?

05-20-2005, 12:20 PM
i got an automag classic with an x-valve, level 10, and intelliframe trigger and i was wondering if there ever going to come out with the hair trigger

05-20-2005, 12:22 PM
Nope. The PTP Pneumag trigger has taken its place though

05-20-2005, 01:37 PM
the search tool is your friend

05-20-2005, 01:57 PM
Nope. The PTP Pneumag trigger has taken its place though
hAir= dead
PTP PneuMag trigger= alive

05-20-2005, 02:43 PM
hAir= dead
PTP PneuMag trigger= alive

I wouldn't go so far as to call it alive just yet?

05-20-2005, 03:08 PM
Alive, but on life support?

05-20-2005, 03:13 PM
why isn't everyone upset at Pro-Team Products for blocking the hair trigger from comming out? Most of us has seen a vid of a working hair trigger, and its possible if not probable that we'd have the hair available by now. Instead its a bottom drawer project for PTP, seen a pic or two, no working vids, don't even know if they have a working prototype and who knows if it will ever come out?

05-20-2005, 03:15 PM
Instead its a bottom drawer project for PTP, seen a pic or two, no working vids, don't even know if they have a working prototype and who knows if it will ever come out?


05-20-2005, 03:27 PM
so whats the deal with this Pneumag trigger? :tard: never heard or seen anything about it......can some one fill me in with some facts about it.

05-20-2005, 03:32 PM
RR knows!

05-20-2005, 03:40 PM
so whats the deal with this Pneumag trigger? :tard: never heard or seen anything about it......can some one fill me in with some facts about it.

PTP had the patent on it and asked deadlywind to halt development on the hAIR.

PTP is releasing the PneuTrigger for BrassEagle to go on their Viewloader line of products first but I'm not sure when those will be available.

PTP will be developing (supposedly) the PneuMag version themselves. RRFireblade released a small video of a working proof of concept about 3 months ago but there has been no news since aside from the Brass Eagle version.

05-20-2005, 03:43 PM
why isn't everyone upset at Pro-Team Products for blocking the hair trigger from comming out? Most of us has seen a vid of a working hair trigger, and its possible if not probable that we'd have the hair available by now. Instead its a bottom drawer project for PTP, seen a pic or two, no working vids, don't even know if they have a working prototype and who knows if it will ever come out?

you sir, are pontificating out of your rectal orifice.

05-20-2005, 04:01 PM
you sir, are pontificating out of your rectal orifice.
I was just asking a question, hence I started my reply with the word "why".

I go on AO about every day, I saw the vid for the hair and read the post from Deadlywind about how they were talking to Tom, you know that awsome guy who used to be the President of AirGun Design, about putting the hair into production. Then as ApexAz quoted above, PTP pulled the patent thing and deadlywind had to stop development.

I'm just wondering because everyone jumped all over Smart Parts for about the same thing. :dance:

05-20-2005, 04:07 PM
you can also build one on your own for about 85 bucks. doesnt seem TOO hard.

05-20-2005, 06:00 PM
now how would you do that

id give you 100 if youd do it for me

05-20-2005, 06:26 PM
what are u talking about? i have seen vids of it working... in fact, if i recall, it won last month's "gun of the month" (april GOTM) contest....

here we go:


05-20-2005, 07:02 PM
How about this video? (http://www.logicpaintball.com/PneuMag1.wmv)

05-20-2005, 07:32 PM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)

05-20-2005, 07:38 PM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)

this thread is :tard:

ptp had a patent in the wroks for 4 years before DW

DW dropped their product after no itnerest by agd they probly didnt have enough finacnes or the want to pursue the product further, with the possibility of litigation occuring

ptp didnt go "sp" on anyone...

these projects have been postponed and set back time and time again, i wouldnt get my hopes up or depend on one coming out.

checkout the pbn/agd forum and theres a sticky at the top with all the info you could want/is avaialble.

btw this could have been searched out easily :cuss:

05-20-2005, 07:40 PM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)

All good things take time my friend.

05-20-2005, 07:41 PM
The "real" story, straight from the horses mouth:

Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but here is an update on our hAir trigger

As some of you have heard, our progress has been slowed by some legal
hurdles. The problem we ran into is that Pro-Team Products was recently
granted a patent on assisted trigger mechanisms for paintball markers.
Pro-Team insists that we are infringing this patent, and although we
disagree with them, we have tried to cooperate so we can get the product
released. We've been advised that our remaining options are expensive ones,
and since we have already overspent resources in the development of this
product, we have decided to shelve it for now and focus on our other

Again, we apologize for keeping everyone waiting on this. We do hope to revive this in the future, either when we can again justify allocating resources, or once we form partnerships that enable us to do so.

Colin Moritz

05-20-2005, 07:41 PM
:spit_take i know i diddnt start this thread. and iw as simply addressing some misconceptiosnr egarding the frame release

--edit or what nicad/hitech said :cool:

05-20-2005, 08:00 PM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)
Anger issues much? But in theory I agree.

05-20-2005, 08:15 PM
What can be said that hasn't already...

PTP's trying to make a Mag version but much like the fact that Deadly Wind needed the resources of AGD (who's backing out was contributing factor in DW's inability to finance it themselves) we had to pool outside resources.

Well, as many of you already know, we have. At this point in time we are at the mercy of certain outside vendors to supply critical parts needed for mass production in order for us to continue. Unfortunately there are certain parts used in the design that simply don't exist, that is the primary reason why we've never seen a product perform like this in the past and is also why the home projects will never function like the version I've developed.

Once that is settled, and I'm told we are very close, the time frame to market should be quite swift. Other than that there is no other news. I'm waiting around just like the rest of you...hoping and impatient. ;)


05-20-2005, 08:35 PM
I always wondered how the triggers worked.. Does it involve springs or magnets or is it just so out of there i would never even think of it?

05-21-2005, 12:56 AM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)

/swats with broom

"back, back into your lair of anger!" :p

05-21-2005, 11:05 AM
this Pneumag is a joke at the moment. It's an amazing design.. but there's no friggin info on it besides some test videos with prototype guns and nothing solid. PTP doesn't even give us a friggin hint.

i think PTP should have just manned up rather than go smart parts on DW. DW would have had a product out by now. PTP is too lazy to update their site much less release something more than average.

there's a reason I gave up waiting and just went and bought a sweet gun after selling my mag (which was worthless just sitting there waiting for this damn frame)

Agreed. I can't wait that long with no real estimates on time. In my mind, if it isn't out already, it doesn't exist, so just forget about ever seeing it.

05-21-2005, 11:10 AM
Agreed. I can't wait that long with no real estimates on time. In my mind, if it isn't out already, it doesn't exist, so just forget about ever seeing it.
Also, think about it from PTP's point of view. Just about the only people who still use mags are guys here. So, that's only 24,976 possible sales, and you know not everyones going to buy one(E/X Mag owners won't). It simply is not a sound economic business move. They'd be as dumb as AGD's been with thier business descisions.