View Full Version : 40 bps halo mod

05-20-2005, 03:39 PM
Check out this link


05-20-2005, 04:25 PM
WTH?? It CANNOT be that simple. It tells you how to do it, but the article doesnt tell you what it does.

My interest is peaked. Maybe I'll try this one out.

05-20-2005, 04:29 PM
Oh... it does...


There's my halo w/ it ...

05-20-2005, 04:36 PM
Does it ruin or damage your board in the long run?

05-20-2005, 04:37 PM
It basically bypasses a part so unregulated voltage goes straight to the motor. Lot's of people on pbnation have been burning out their halo's with this.

05-20-2005, 04:39 PM
Oh... it does...


There's my halo w/ it ...

link is broken

05-20-2005, 04:47 PM
Holy crap thats crazy. Dangit, why did I have to buy a reloader b? Or... will this work on the reloader b?

05-20-2005, 04:50 PM
Holy crap thats crazy. Dangit, why did I have to buy a reloader b? Or... will this work on the reloader b?

why do you have a problem of outshooting your reloader b? I havent heard anyone complain about that yet

Evil Bob
05-20-2005, 04:54 PM
Blaze, you had a chance to put it on top of your marker and fire it yet? I'm curious about the paint getting crushed by the motor's now increased speeds.

-Evil Bob

05-20-2005, 04:57 PM
Blaze, you had a chance to put it on top of your marker and fire it yet? I'm curious about the paint getting crushed by the motor's now increased speeds.

-Evil Bob

i have this dont to my halo (even though my halo is STILL relatively slow :( ) i have had no problems with crushing paint, although i have broken a drive cone since doing the mod, which, could be acredited to the mod, or could have nothing to do with it, just be coincidence.

edit- discouraged by the speed of my halo, i went back and checked that i had wired it right, and, doh, wired the wrong ports together, fixing now :p :spit_take

05-20-2005, 04:58 PM
I have a predator morlock in my angel, and I havent been able to get it to fire faster than 23-24 bps on full auto with the eyes on. With the eyes off, I can get insane speeds, but there's a problem with chopping.

05-20-2005, 05:05 PM
Yeah there is a huge thread on pbn about this, I was reading it the other day.


05-20-2005, 05:24 PM
ok, did the mod, right, definately really fast, but, for those out there that have done this, does the red light stay on all the time on your halo now? does for mine :confused:

edit- realised that it is signaling low batt, but, i run rechargable 9.6v's and, these are fresh out of the charger, is this thing really gonna go dead in under a case, or does it just make the light light up?

05-20-2005, 05:25 PM
Instead of worrying about wires the people in that thread were just using staples. They said they worked perfectly.

68magowner, check that thread I just posted, I think that was mentioned...

05-20-2005, 05:44 PM
ok, read some of the pbn thread, low batt light on seems normal, and, some say it burns up the motor, others beg to differ, so, seems like your taking a risk with it, i think i will just install an on/off switch for it, see what difference it makes on the field if any, then decide to keep it or not

edit- feeds a pod in under 3 seconds now.....:dodgy:

-also sounds like a power saw while it does it :tard:

edit- already broke a fin off my drive cone just testing a few hoppers through it, gonna try and run it with one 9.6v rather than two and see how it does

also, the on/off switch works, and will be preety handy, if it runs of 1 battery, use that till it drains it, then switch to regular halo for the rest of the day

05-20-2005, 09:55 PM
ok, read some of the pbn thread, low batt light on seems normal, and, some say it burns up the motor, others beg to differ, so, seems like your taking a risk with it, i think i will just install an on/off switch for it, see what difference it makes on the field if any, then decide to keep it or not

edit- feeds a pod in under 3 seconds now.....:dodgy:

-also sounds like a power saw while it does it :tard:

edit- already broke a fin off my drive cone just testing a few hoppers through it, gonna try and run it with one 9.6v rather than two and see how it does

also, the on/off switch works, and will be preety handy, if it runs of 1 battery, use that till it drains it, then switch to regular halo for the rest of the day

I think that unregulated voltage is not good for the motor. The ppl that beg to differ probably just havent had a problem YET. Im sure they will come around. :D.

I ended up buying an angry board for mine. Works great. I also put a critical delrin drive cone in it w/ the stainless steel pin and delrin spring housing. Great product. They can be dyed too from what Ive heard, although I dont mind it being white. ;).

If you have to replace the drive cone on your halo, go ahead and do it w/ a delrin one. Zenitram is only 20 bucks. Critical is 35 and both I think have a lifetime warranty. Only the critical one comes w/ the delrin spring housing too. Eventually that will be the next thing to break if you dont replace the it.

05-20-2005, 10:48 PM
If you have to replace the drive cone on your halo, go ahead and do it w/ a delrin one. Zenitram is only 20 bucks. Critical is 35 and both I think have a lifetime warranty. Only the critical one comes w/ the delrin spring housing too. Eventually that will be the next thing to break if you dont replace the it.

yeah, was planning to pick up a derline cone at our next CFOA, some one has a booth with them. With the on/off switch on it now, i think i will turn it on just for some ooh's and aww'es at the field, but, probably never really use it much, still fun.

05-21-2005, 12:31 AM
VR1 = Voltage regulator

Let's bypass that.

And give the motor full current.

Just a matter of time, guys.

05-21-2005, 12:42 AM
Cool mod for however long it may last but seriously has anyone actually out shot there halo b's to even warent such a mod? Seems kinda pointless.

05-21-2005, 10:19 AM
Oh... it does...


There's my halo w/ it ...

WOW.. sounds alot like my blender. (Coincidence?)

05-21-2005, 10:42 AM
VR1 = Voltage regulator

Let's bypass that.

And give the motor full current.

Just a matter of time, guys.


Do you really need speeds that fast anyway? 40 bps? I would rather not ruin my hopper.

05-21-2005, 12:12 PM
Thing is, it's not even the board that will fry. It's more than likely the motor, which really puts the user in hot water.

05-21-2005, 07:23 PM
you know, if odyssey had wanted their board to go 40 bps, they would have just not included the voltage regulator. It would have been a great selling point... 40 bps loader! Instead, they DID include the voltage regulator, i wonder why... :rolleyes:

05-21-2005, 10:07 PM
i dont see why u people think that making ur halo feed faster will benefit u more.... u cant shoot more than 15 bps semi auto for more than a second... and u willl NEVER in ur life out shoot a halo unless the batteries are dead.

05-21-2005, 11:59 PM
The only use for this mod is so people can see how fast their gun can shoot paint on ramping or full auto. Just for bragging rights. Probably only 1% of people can out shoot a halo leagley. :shooting:

05-22-2005, 09:13 AM
^^More like 0.00000013578% to 0%.

05-22-2005, 06:04 PM
My teammate has this mod and it drained his batteries after only an hour. He took it out and just got a Vboard.

05-23-2005, 05:51 PM
I got 1 qestion
On the z code stock board theres a square thing with w a round circel that rotates , what does it do? What happens if I turn it?