View Full Version : X-Fire

05-21-2005, 02:22 PM
Well i was watching PB2X and it went off and a show called X-Fire came on i wasnt really paying attention and i looked over and what did i see? People playing paintball.It was kinda like scenario style they had missions they had to complete. Most of them where shooting some pretty cool space age looking paintball guns and there were a few that appeared to be shooting mags. They didnt really show a good shot of the mags (what i think they are) just a few quick ones. Anyone else see this?Maybe they can verify.

Anyway its still on so im going to finish watching it.

Ive come to the conclusion that they are not mags but that other gun...ehh ive seen em before but dun rmeebr what they are.

yea im bored so thats the reason for this somwhat pointless post.

05-21-2005, 02:38 PM
Yea it was on OLN for awhile. It's cool they're playing paintball, but they over dramatize it. They have big crazy suits and they fall when they get hit and stuff. It's weird, but it's paintball none the less :clap:

05-21-2005, 03:58 PM
I would not call that woodsball though. It is scenario play, but not really woodsball. And in my opinion it is so staged that it doesn’t classify as a “game” anyways. It is more like watching a scripted series that tries to use paintball to get people to watch it.

I was not impressed the first time I saw it, nor when I pass it while channel surfing.