View Full Version : More choices

05-21-2005, 04:18 PM
Well, the longer I wait, the more guns I'm thinking about getting. I have a little under 800$.( some of the choices I will need a little more money for)
The choices are:
Flied speed
05 speed

I play back and i NEED a fast gun. I pretty much know a lot about the markers, but Im looking for personal opinions/experiances.

05-21-2005, 05:13 PM
Well, I can understand the "predicament" (sp) you are in. They are all great gunsl made by good companies. I'd say draw out of a hat :p

05-21-2005, 05:31 PM
2k4 Viking $775 at dbnpaintball.com

05-21-2005, 05:52 PM
05 speed w/ a barrel upgrade. or a dm4. the guy at the local shop here gets SP stuff for free since he is sponsored, but he bought a dm4 w/ his own money, said it was perfect out of the box. oh yeah, I own an 05 speed thats why i was recommending it. now that it is broken in I am really happy with it. my speed meets all my criteria in a marker: fast, accurate (with an aftermarket barrel) and no broken paint.

05-21-2005, 07:15 PM
viking or proto

05-21-2005, 07:51 PM
i was in exactly your shoes around xmas time last year. I decided to go with an emag for personal reasons. I am about 99% glad i bought it(%1 is because now i want a viking for my next gun :P) I am planning on working saving up money this summer and buying one of the used vikings or possibly excals off of dbnpaintball.com. I have done my research as well, and the #1 thing i want in a gun(other than being able to kick arse) is low maintenance and downtime. I believe that mags and vikings are the two lowest maintenance guns around, and if electronic(mag), can keep up with almost all other aspects of other guns as well.

For me, i was looking at dm's, emags, xmags, karnivores, and angels. I decided against an angel because some were having chopping problems. I decided against dm's because they are overmilled to the point where you are paying as much for the milling as for the gun's functionality. I decided agains the xmag, because used, they go for around $1200, and I decided against the Karnivor, because it doesnt come with a barrel, and its a cocker and that gives it timing issues. then there was always the fact that AGD was having an emag sale for $200 off, so i jumped on it and a week later, had my new gun. then i couldnt use it for a couple months because i didnt have an hpa tank yet... but life's a tradeoff :rofl:

My friend has a dm3, and he let me shoot it a bit last year. It was an awesome gun, from the trigger pull to the speed to the efficiency. The only problem was that at one point during the day, he got a leak. it wasnt a bad leak, but it was noticable. he pulled out the entire assembly and WOW. That thing had about 80,000 moving metal parts with o-rings in between all of them. He ended sitting out like 2 games before he decided to just play with the leak. I don't know how it performed on other days, but that left me with a bad feeling for dm's.

Hope this helped.

05-21-2005, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the help guys.keep it coming. Mucho Love.

Hows the kick on an e-mag?

05-21-2005, 09:14 PM
My friend has a dm3, and he let me shoot it a bit last year. It was an awesome gun, from the trigger pull to the speed to the efficiency. The only problem was that at one point during the day, he got a leak. it wasnt a bad leak, but it was noticable. he pulled out the entire assembly and WOW. That thing had about 80,000 moving metal parts with o-rings in between all of them. He ended sitting out like 2 games before he decided to just play with the leak. I don't know how it performed on other days, but that left me with a bad feeling for dm's.
efficiency? matrix efficency is preety bad, then again, you shoot an emag ;) but, yeah, as far as all the moving parts....there is only 1 moving part, the bolt, there are alot of orings in there though, ill give ya that, but, not hard to care for by any means, just lube it up, good to go.

05-21-2005, 11:06 PM
2k4 Viking $775 at dbnpaintball.com

Amen to that.

My viking is more reliable then my automag was.

You might need to buy a different trigger, but that is literally the only upgrade you would have to do (and are capable of doing) on a viking.

05-21-2005, 11:14 PM
efficiency? matrix efficency is preety bad, then again, you shoot an emag ;) but, yeah, as far as all the moving parts....there is only 1 moving part, the bolt, there are alot of orings in there though, ill give ya that, but, not hard to care for by any means, just lube it up, good to go.

well, i thought it was fine, i was still using my spyder back then, and it was getting about as much per 68/30 fill as i was per 20 oz hpa tank. i think...
as far as the moving parts, i'm just going by what he pulled out of the gun, and sat taking all these metal washers(for lack of a better term) off of a metal rod. i figured they moved when the gun was shot so that the air could get through, but i didnt take a good look so... sorry if i offended anyone.

05-22-2005, 11:56 AM
And, thanks for the help.
I have ruled out teh DM4, and the dm3. And added the viking.
New list is this.
flied speed
05 speed

05-22-2005, 12:46 PM
Viking is definatly my pick out of the list.

05-22-2005, 01:44 PM
I'm using a Viking right now and it is great. I think http://dbnpaintball.com/ ran out of new 2k4 Vikings, but they have a 2k3 for sale. I believe that thr 2k3 version had less problems too. If I had to pic from the ones listed I'd go with a DM4 or 05 Speed w/ .45 frame.

05-22-2005, 01:51 PM
I'd go with the 05 speed out of those, then the proto.

Why no intimidators on your list? I bought a timmy for my first electro gun and i'd have to say they're easy to maintain, fast, and so far reliable.

05-22-2005, 02:22 PM
I dont like the feel of the timmys trigger. It felt very odd to me.

05-22-2005, 08:55 PM
Ill go either with viking or 05 speed.

Ever thought about the cyborg? It is as good as a viking.

05-23-2005, 02:06 AM
I'd say go for the 05 Speed. The new mini reg and trigger frame are soo nice to hold, not to mention its insanely fast trigger.

However a number of the new Speeds have been chopping paint out of the box, and can be finkiy to set up correctly. I had a slight chopping issue with mine, but i fixed it up by adjusting the ram. Kinda lame that a thousand dollar gun needs to be tuned of the box though; in my mind the performance out weighs the potential issues.

05-23-2005, 02:39 AM
Devil Mag.

05-23-2005, 03:32 AM
save for a little and get an NME. 899 for a timmy? you win

05-23-2005, 09:37 AM
Get an Xmag for about $800, the last 3 Ive got were 800-850

05-23-2005, 09:43 AM

they are all good choices.

05-23-2005, 02:07 PM

they are all good choices.
I would take it, If it didn't have the 45* frame.