View Full Version : Is this a good deal? Warpfeed info also

05-21-2005, 10:06 PM
how heavy is warp feed? is it worth the money? advantages/disadvantages? personal experiences?

Can someone help me with the issue of hardline/gas through grip?
Where can I get a hardline kit for a mag that will run from the valve to the forgrip? also, to go with this, where can I get a gas through grip for the mag? (bicycle grip?) With that setup, would i just run another line from the bottom of the foregrip to a drop/asa?

05-21-2005, 10:18 PM
no not really. Sk8ermog i think his name his has a mag for sale for much cheaper.

Edit- I never like my warp just because it was too heavy. Advantages-Low profile, scenario coolness Disadvantages-Extra noise, need to pack extra batteries, heavy. Just buy a qloader.

05-21-2005, 11:10 PM
Warp sucks. Keep your hopper on top. Don't buy into the Warp-hype [yes, the Warp is hyped.. but oh noes, it's an AGD product, it can't be hyped..]

trains are bad
05-21-2005, 11:58 PM
I totally love the warp feed. I can't see how the warp can be overhyped, wherever I go it seems like nobody has ever heard of it. I have had a qloader, I didn't like it at all. Buy rechargeable batteries.

how heavy is warp feed? it's somewhat heavy, like a pound. Qloader is heavy too.

is it worth the money? Depends, it's the only thing that can do what it does.

advantages/ Profile, you can actually see, marker feels balanced (imo) lower profile reloads, fast as hell, can be shot at weird angles and upside down

disadvantages? heavyish, adds complexity, get used to cleaning your goggles

personal experiences? Won't play without one.

05-22-2005, 09:02 AM
well, the speed of the loader wont be an issue because i wont be getting an emag anyways. how fast do xboarded rev's shoot at? like 14 bps right? how fast can a non electro mag shoot? (im new) about 14 bps? i already have a z boarded egg for my other gun but i dont think id need that kind of speed/weight with a mag. i think i'll just keep the hopper on top.

Can someone help me with the issue of hardline/gas through grip?
Where can I get a hardline kit for a mag that will run from the valve to the forgrip? also, to go with this, where can I get a gas through grip for the mag? (bicycle grip?) With that setup, would i just run another line from the bottom of the foregrip to a drop/asa?

trains are bad
05-22-2005, 09:06 AM
Mags can shoot 20+ bps, but without special techniques or sweet spotting, the mechanical automag is an 8 possibly 10 bps affair.

In bursts.

05-22-2005, 05:04 PM
Mags can shoot 20+ bps, but without special techniques or sweet spotting, the mechanical automag is an 8 possibly 10 bps affair.

In bursts.

so the revy will be enough then. perfect.

does anyone know what the stock feedneck on a ULE body is like? is it lowrise? clamping? should i replace it with a lapco or something like that?

trains are bad
05-22-2005, 05:07 PM
It's fairly low, but not clamping. I would never run a hopper without a clamping feedneck. Check out the dealer's forum.

05-22-2005, 06:55 PM
i think if you are planning on getting a revy i think it will fit fine it is also a perfect macth for an egg

05-23-2005, 09:23 AM
disadvantages...get use to cleaning your goggles...
That is the biggest disadvantage. ;)

05-23-2005, 09:45 AM
man, i cant decide if i want warp or not! agh!
anymore suggestions?

05-23-2005, 10:47 AM
Buy a warp used, use it for at least 3 days play, if you like it keep it, if you hate it, sell it. you wont lose money, at leats not more than 10 dollars.

05-23-2005, 10:47 AM
how heavy is warp feed? it's somewhat heavy, like a pound. Qloader is heavy too.

But with a warp you have to add a hopper too. With a qloader the qpods are the hopper.

05-23-2005, 11:20 AM
but qloaders dont hold enough and are way more expensive.

trains are bad
05-23-2005, 01:08 PM
and they suck.

With a qloader you have to carry 4 'hoppers' that you don't need with the warp.

Run a light hopper. I run an apache. Actually, a set of apache shells, motor, 1 powerex 9volt and a relay. Weighs like nothing.

05-23-2005, 01:30 PM
along with the warp u mean?

trains are bad
05-23-2005, 01:54 PM
yeah my 'apache' contraption is on my warp. I think it, and my warp, weighs less than a halo.

05-23-2005, 01:57 PM
Id recomend putting anything from an apache and up on the warp iv just recently started to play around with one and im farly new to them but im already loving it alot. It dose take some getting used to. I did however notice that the Revy wouldnt keep a good enough ball stack when used witht he warp so i put my halo on. The warp out of the box feeds about 16bps and the revy with x board only feeds about 12 maybe 13bps. So witht he warp you want something that can keep up and hold a good ball stack otherwise your gonna get gaps and thats a no no.

05-23-2005, 03:28 PM
i think my decision now is dependant on how much the warp is gonna cost. if i can get agood deal on one i will buy it.

05-23-2005, 06:43 PM
and they suck.

With a qloader you have to carry 4 'hoppers' that you don't need with the warp.

Run a light hopper. I run an apache. Actually, a set of apache shells, motor, 1 powerex 9volt and a relay. Weighs like nothing.

wanna back up why they suck?

trains are bad
05-23-2005, 07:03 PM
Why Qloaders suck? Sure.

They hold 100 rounds. That's half a hopper. In case you didn't know, more is not worse when it comes to ammo.

So you will have to reload twice as often, not only that, but you can't reload at your convenience without either leaving yourself vulnerable or wasting paint. The reloading dynamics the qloader requires are not practical for speedball.

The pods are 20% bigger and hold 40% less paint. So you will have to carry more of them then regular pods to tote the same amount of paint, and what's more they are bigger. In case you didn't know, more is not better when it comes to profile.

The pods are expensive.

The pods are heavy.

The pods are not fun or fast to clean

The pods are not fun or fast to reload.

You cannot borrow paint from teammates.

I had and played with one. They DO work. They just suck for tournament paintball. I can see one on a scenario gun or pump, or rec play. My setup (loader under the tank) was hands down the most comfortable, lowest profile and handiest gun setup I have ever handled. It just sucked in all other ways. I don't like carrying 10 pounds worth of springs and corkscrews on my back. I still have a custom made 4-3 M-pack made to fit them, It's for sale if anyone wants it.