View Full Version : Official AO NE 7 Thanks and Picture Thread

05-21-2005, 10:10 PM
Since nobody started this thread, I figured It wouldnt hurt if I did.

First, AGD. Thank you for donating the 2 classics and the hats. Though they did not reach me in time, tuna covered for the markers. I will be sending out hats to the other 5 winners.

Kila, Thank you for donating the detents, stickers, and advertising cards. I handed most of them out, I still have some stickers too. looks like some are going on the hopper.

Tuna. Again, thank you for driving all the way up, and bringing tobe2be with you. It was good to see you both and hang out with you guys again. sorry you got whipped by tobes tank. you should have taken it out on him.

Kevmaster. Taking time out of his busy schedule for coming out.

Thor, driving all the way in from NJ also. And lets not forget, driving to NY to pickup kev.

I think the most important thanks goes to Jeremy for showing up all the way from canada. Also from my 2 teammates that hid it from me. It was a great suprise to see you there man, thank you for coming out!

A large thanks to the guys from extreme measures for coming up. Thank you guys for also donating the prize you donated.

To everyone else that showed up, we did so in droves. this has to be the largest showing for an event I organized thus far. Thank you all for coming out and making these events as fun as they are. As soon as I get my pictures off my camera, and find a host, I will put my pictures up.

Again. Thank you all, and I hope you all enjoyed yourself!


05-21-2005, 10:15 PM
Sounded like it was fun, can't wait till AONJ.

05-21-2005, 10:18 PM
This was one of the most enjoyable events I have ever been to. You guys are the greatest and thank you all for your support. I must mention the staff at Fox 4 paintball. You guys are a class act and some of the most professional field owners have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I sincerely wish to thank you all for your generosity and allowing us to do our thing. Not one single complaint was leveled by anyone . We WILL be back to your place again real soon.

Joey D...you did good Man.

Also, I also wish to thank Tom again for all he has done and taught me. With out you Tom, none of us would have any of this. Your Mag is alive and well Tom, and ALOT of heads were turned today because of it. The "lowly" Mag was mistaken for electros all day long. The man named Tom Kaye was talked about the entire day, and was well deserved.
I felt as proud as a man could feel to have represented AGD again today. ;)

Dave Z...your support was appreciated in ways that you may never know. Thank you too.

To all the new guys that I met today and got to put faces on... thanks for showing up.

To All the guys at Extreme Measures and Destructive Customs...well you guys are the greatest and these events wouldnt be possible without you all.

Thordic, Oldsoldier, Kevmaster, MagMan007, Alpha, Creative Mayhem, Soopa villian, Adam, ToBe2be...Big thanks to you guys also. Again...this event would be nothing without you guys. You should all be proud of the fine way in which you conduct yourself at these events. AGD should feel proud to have a great group of guys like you all representing the Mag the way you all do.
To anyone I may have missed, I thank you all for coming and will see you all next year again for a bigger and better time I am sure. Thank you all again.
To the guys that took me for coffee at Dunkin Doughnuts...you rock!.
Long Live the Automag!!!!!

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-21-2005, 10:58 PM
Here are the pics of us camping and having a blast, see what you missed, look at the fried Twinkie's, Fried Ice Cream, and Fried Frosted Flakes...

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-21-2005, 10:59 PM
And More

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-21-2005, 11:02 PM

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-21-2005, 11:06 PM

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-21-2005, 11:09 PM
soopavillan17 and his tent?

05-21-2005, 11:36 PM
looks like you have some healthy and sanitrary eating habits. that propane tank looks like a large bird pooped on it then molded.

did soopavillain17 actually sleep in that thing? did it stay on the water-spigot spot and stay dry?

i'm a redheaded whitey too. except i have a funny nose, and your creepy looking. lol

05-22-2005, 12:55 PM
Big Thanks go out to jdev for organizing a stellar event. It was great fun and no mess.

Big ups to Tuna for all the tech help and for getting my flatline running. Don't ever forget people Tuna is da man.

It was great to put faces to names (tobe, CM, magman007 and others) Also good to see those I met last year.

Thanks again to Fox 4 for some real northern style hospitality (instead of the hostility we northerners are used to)

I can't wait to do this again

05-22-2005, 01:30 PM
Great time, lots of fun. Thanks to everyone that showed up. This was by FAR the largest one I've been to yet. JEremy has some pics of Boston from saturday night, that, hopefully, he'll get up in the next few days. It was a LONG night saturday night, with an early arrival at the airport-lets just say, it may be a couple of days before his pics :)

05-22-2005, 02:09 PM
yeah thanks for joey for organizing this, tuna from coming from NJ to be here, and everyone else who came from far away... especially that mexican guy who came here illegally. (whats his AO name, anyway?)

and yeah, this is a pic thread, so anyone got any of us playing, or the group pic? or any videos? :D

05-22-2005, 02:23 PM
I posted on Fox 4's site as well, just to thank them. I have a link to this site from there, so I'm gonna do the same for you guys. Feel free to thank the field and staff. http://cybermessageboard.ehost.com/fox4pain/viewtopic.php?t=8760

Soopa Villain17
05-22-2005, 02:33 PM
yes i slept in it , it was very uncomfrotable , but the fried twinkies were good. it was awsome , thanks to all the guys who showed up and for those of u that said u were going to but didnt u suck, thanks guys for the great fun

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-22-2005, 02:48 PM
Hey I did offer Soopa A place in the camper and in the truck and he refused, so that was his choice to be in the torture egg! he looked like Mork comming back to Earth!

Hey Tuna Thanks for all the help and It is a very good thing you dont live closer to me, I would drive you crazy.. Did you Ship it yet? I love you Man!

Joey and the rest of you guys Rock, It was a Blast and cant wait till the fall when we do this again. We are doing this again right? Start planning Now Joey!

Where ever it is we will be there in Droves!

Will Enjoy the Mic and dont forget to write an Email to Fire Fox Tech. about the mic.

Fox 4 is AWESOME and Dave Painter is the MAN.... when we needed a game put together, he through a mask on and reffed it for us, he is great, Thanks dude.. see you in July!

Too Bad more of you didnt come camping with us, it was fun, and we can wait to do in the fall.
Thanks Guys:
Had a blast and sorry i slept through saying good bye this morning...
Take care and see you soon.

Great Twinkies!!!!

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-22-2005, 02:52 PM
No Problem Soopa, you Rock and you were fun to hang out with, cant wait to see you again...

Any Time any Place, ill throw paint with you!!!!


Ps. We will get you a tent next time!!!!

05-22-2005, 03:28 PM
Well here's one from Fox4's gallery


05-22-2005, 04:06 PM
Man those twinkies were awsome though, despite what they did to me the next morning :( , anyway here are what few pics I took with my digicam (because it sucks!) as soon as I getthe rest develpoed/scanned I'll have 'em up.

05-22-2005, 04:08 PM

05-22-2005, 04:09 PM
Last ones for now

05-22-2005, 04:18 PM
All I want to know is, when's the next one?! We should do it at a different field adn try to get them to give us dicounted entry too! :cheers:

And who knows, next time maybe my mag will be legal? :)

Slade, how's the sandbox- I mean freestyle? See if it was the mag.....

05-22-2005, 04:20 PM
Here is my thanks to everyone I posted in the other thread as well

Just got home a little while ago, had a blast, didn't play as much as I would have wanted to but the staging area BS session was worth it. Thanks to Eric, Marco and Don for putting up with us for the weekend, sorry we missed you before we left Eric. Thanks to Tuna for all that he did and does for all of us, not just at the events but everyday. Taking us all in stride when he hears TUNA! from another table when someone messed something up. You're the only one I know the can almost blow his hand off with a smile , to Alpha and Destuctive customs for a little insight on some insane trigger speeds and LudavicoSoldier (dan) for throwing some shims my way to make it happen To all those that traveled far and wide to attend, you guys rock. It was great seeing all of you again and can't wait for the next one. Anyone I didn't mention sorry, too tired to think to much right now.

And Joey for throwing it all together.

Now my only gripe, next time can we get a separate group from the walkons and wannabe's on the field?

I'll have a few pics up as soon as I unpack.

and lastly to the Possum R.I.P.

05-22-2005, 04:21 PM
I'll have a few pics up as soon as I unpack.

I think I just created a time paradox :wow: :confused: :eek:

05-22-2005, 05:20 PM
Slade, how's the sandbox- I mean freestyle? See if it was the mag.....

its not going all that well. it shoots but still has the leak. i found out that if i GLOB DOW 33 on a certain o-ring it wont leak for a few shots, and then will start leaking. when i cleaned everything i saw that the delrin surface the o-ring rests against was scratched to hell by the sand, so im guessing thats why its leaking. i glued cotton to a toothpick and put some polishing compound on it, then put it in a drill to polish the inside. it did, but it wont take out the scratches, and its still leaking. :cuss: i ordered an o-ring kit and ill try to see if the o-ring is part of the problem. it comes with some x-rings too, which are supposed to seal better.

$100 to anyone who can figure out just how the HELL i got half a ton of sand in my breech without touching my marker, hopper, or pods to the ground.

Will Wood
05-22-2005, 05:20 PM
What the heck is up with that picture of me?
:rofl: :rofl:

05-22-2005, 05:40 PM
What the heck is up with that picture of me?
:rofl: :rofl:
id tell you if i knew who you were, lol

damn i suck at this, even after the event i cant match half the people with their AO names.

let me guess though... youre in the second on wheelman's pics?

and whats the AO name of the guy with the excal and e-cocker with internal pneumatics?

Will Wood
05-22-2005, 06:13 PM
Slade, yup that's me. Photos and me don't mix.

05-22-2005, 06:24 PM
Slade, yup that's me. Photos and me don't mix.

If I remember right I have a hell of a pic of you on my other cam..

Soopa Villain17
05-22-2005, 06:45 PM
pick me pick me

05-22-2005, 09:23 PM
and whats the AO name of the guy with the excal and e-cocker with internal pneumatics?

im pretty sure that was tobe2be whe had the redish excal

im the one with the green longsleeve shirt on if anyones trying to figure that out.

sand was everywhere in my pumpmag. athough planting it into the sand a few time playing the pump games would be the main reason. the pumpgames where awsome. gotta do that again next time. ill bring my phantom next time.

it was different mixing in with the rest of the people there instead of doing our own thing. think i like it when we do our own thing seperate from the other groups.

05-22-2005, 09:30 PM
it was different mixing in with the rest of the people there instead of doing our own thing. think i like it when we do our own thing seperate from the other groups.

qft, at least when we are our own group we aren't thrown in with a bunch of cheating, wiping, overshooting wannabe's, most of you may know the group I'm refering too.

05-22-2005, 09:50 PM
qft, at least when we are our own group we aren't thrown in with a bunch of cheating, wiping, overshooting wannabe's, most of you may know the group I'm refering too.
...you mean the group we tended to win against?

05-22-2005, 10:14 PM
usually fox4 is fairly good in that department. that one group of kids in the red dye gear were definitely wiping. i know jeremy and i lit up one kid a few times and wiped...

05-22-2005, 10:50 PM
Yeah, there were the team guys, and there were the wannabe kids in red dye gear. I saw them all getting picked up by someones volvo driving mom... :rolleyes:

On the flip side, those pump games on the airball field were a blast! I wish there were enough pumps on a normal day to do that!

05-22-2005, 11:11 PM
yea so i just got home, conn. people suck at driving, sorry but its the truth!

Big thanks to joey for organizing the whole thing, and an even bigger thanks to rk for putting me up, and providing transportation and everything else, thanks man you are a good friend. Thanks to thor for giving me some one to follow on the way up, and for being a good friend through out the years. Kev, thanks for driving man, i was so burnt out from driving it wasnt even funny, hope the bo sox game was good. Bill and jeremy, thanks for another good night out on the time, even if you did blow up my spot in the bar :) hell, il never see em again!

everyone else, thanks for showing up.

Special mention TUNA, once again you proved to be the man, the dm5 shot great all weekend, and i just wanted to say thanks again for the help in getting it.

guys, im gunna try and organize an ao Philly in the middle of june, i know short notice, but hey, i just wanna see yall again.

anyways im beat, thanks again everyone!

Soopa Villain17
05-23-2005, 07:05 AM
the pump games rocked , i cant belive i gogged some1 with my geto setup talon lol

05-23-2005, 08:31 AM
I was too tired to post last night.

Thanks to Joey for setting everything up, and thanks for Fox4 for having us.

Thanks to Rob for giving me a place to crash and showing us a good time in Boston.

Thanks to Alan from DC for lending me his viking AND his Nelspot (which I promptly bunkered him with, while he was using his viking.)

It was great seeing everyone, like magman, kev, mayhem, os, tuna, etc etc.

I had an awesome time and I am pretty sure everyone had one too. I hope to make the next one.

05-23-2005, 08:59 AM
guys, I had a blast.... no one ever get to wield the power of the nelspot against me again

we should do this again soon,

and anybody interested in starting to play pump more often let me know, we will do a special for AO people who want phantoms


Soopa Villain17
05-23-2005, 09:05 AM
i would like to start playing pump , i want a stock class phantom , that talon of mine isnt going to cut it lol

05-23-2005, 09:27 AM
Paintball Marshals are big in Massachusetts I believe. Get in touch with them, they are pump maniacs. Maybe the next AONE could be in conjunction with PB Marshals and have a huge pump contingent...


05-23-2005, 09:52 AM
i cant wait to see the pics jeremy has on his camera.

05-23-2005, 10:10 AM
Yeah, that pump game looked like fun, I wish I had brought a pump gun along. Last night I went through my guns, I have *5* pump guns here I never really played with, 4 of them are stock class legal. Well, next time ya'll get together I'll bring them (c:

Creative Mayhem
05-23-2005, 10:46 AM
Okay, after a long flight after a night of drinking and getting back to OS's place just 2 hours before I needed to be at the airport, I have made it home, and had a full days rest (damn alcoholism.... or just being a Canuck... whatever)

I would like to thank eveyone for the NE hospitality...

Bill, thanks for taking care of a this Canuck. Thor for the Skittles (TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!) Joey for being a ***** and not returning IM's and refusing to come to AO Canada because I told you that I wasn't going to come. ;) Never count the Canuck out! HA! Thanks again Joe, FANTASTIC EVENT. Tuna, Tobe, RK, Magman, Kevmaster, Alan(DC), Alan, and the rest of the Extreme Measure guys, not to mention all the other guys that came out to make this event a great success. It's events like this that make AO what it is.

For those of you who "couldn't make it" you guys suck, and missed a great time. ;)

Now onto pics!!!!

Disreguard the order, I didnt feel like fixing them for you guys, tough beans. :D

AONE7 Gallery (http://www.creativemayhem.com/AONE%20Gallery/index.htm)

Creative Mayhem
05-23-2005, 10:50 AM
Except for those who were there, who can tell me whats special about this pic? ;)


05-23-2005, 10:58 AM
Dude, you got pics of the passed out drunk guy (shouldve stole his beer), the horrible step dancing chick, but NONE of the "chicken dance lady"? WTF happened with THAT?

05-23-2005, 10:58 AM
Dude, you got pics of the passed out drunk guy (shouldve stole his beer), the horrible step dancing chick, but NONE of the "chicken dance lady"? WTF happened with THAT?

Yeah, we really needed a picture of that 60 year old lady slapping her ***.

05-23-2005, 11:00 AM
No, but it was funny.

05-23-2005, 11:08 AM
picture of the night..


05-23-2005, 11:09 AM
haha that was damn funny... os you care to tell everyone what you thought of boston?

05-23-2005, 11:12 AM
Throw up that shocker! Whut whut!

05-23-2005, 11:12 AM
I think I'd be permabanned for that one...lol.

Creative Mayhem
05-23-2005, 11:20 AM
haha that was damn funny... os you care to tell everyone what you thought of boston?

I'll answer that, at least what I think you wanted to hear...

When JFK got in town there was SEAMEN everywhere! :rofl:

I had a great time in BAHH-STIN... Heck I even got to see Cheers, and Harvard, even though we were speeding past them and dodging traffic, retah-ded cabbies, and drunken peeps trying to cross the street anywhere they could. BTW, thanks for the ride Rob. :D

05-23-2005, 11:29 AM
Sounds like you guys had a blast, but I bet you couldn't get deep fried twinkies on thier menu.

05-23-2005, 11:31 AM
definitely not, but man those steak tips sure were good.

05-23-2005, 11:32 AM
Lol..yeah, and the reference to the whorehouse :eek:

EDIT: I lent someone my barrel condom, with the flight tag on it. I dont recall who, but, if you read this could I get it back? Its got some history behind it...and I'd like to get it returned. Thanks.

05-23-2005, 11:45 AM
Sounds like fun. Looks like a solid group got together. Glad that the Canuck made it out.

Retards :p

/need more bar pics...

05-23-2005, 11:54 AM
Wow. Great weekend. Glad I was there for what I was there for. Wish I coulda been there for all of it. Trust me...your saturday night was a lot more fun than mine. :/ Anyways, I had a rocking good time with all of you though. This is why I love AO.

Joey: You da man. Keep hostin AONEs and I'll keep missing things to attend them. Really bro, good job workin this AONE and for getting it organized. I know what its like trying to get people to come to an event, so when you have a rockin turnout like this, it really means something.

Rob: Bro, even though your Sox beat me Sunday, I suppose I still need to thank you for putting me up at your casa. That was really cool of you man. Thanks a bunch for putting all of us up...and for sharing that SKYY with us too. Dr. Pepper and Vodka really do well together...I'll keep that in mind

Bill (007): Always love seein ya bro. Keep doing what you do and doin it well. Even if you can't score a hot girl at the bar, its ok...you're a pilot. ;)

Bill (os): You rock. Thanks for the mask for my buddy. He had a great time and that mask was a part of it dude. Great friend to have....if only you topped out over 5'.

Thor: Thanks for waiting for me and not forcing me to take the China-Bus back to NYC. Door to door service aint half bad now that I think about it. Want to come get me and take me to LGA this weekend? Great seein ya bro. Hopefully I'll get some stuff taken care of down in hte Villiage and we'll go out one day before I get outta the city. Drag Pug along too...

tobe2be: Thanks for the mag buddy. Wouldn't have been able to play with out it, no thnaks to Tunaman ;) It rocked too by the way. You shoot a really nice Mag.

Tuna: I'm sure if my damn warp worked my X woulda kicked ***....it sure felt like it shoulda. We'll see what we can get going with this puppy.

jeremy: aw....you're a lousy cannuck. but a fun one eh? You made the event that much better homie. it was great to see ya and can't wait to see you again at iao

To all yall pump hoe's: I think you made a pump player outta me. Time to go get me a classic BE pump ;)

Everyone else who was there: AONE VII rocks! I can't wait to come back to see you. **Begin Shameless Plug** I hope to see everyone from AONE VII at the IAO (And Owners Group Division) (http://www.theiao.com) this July. Its going to be a kick-*** event. Anyone who I saw there and doesn't make the IAO will have hell to pay next AONE I Make....understand? IAO's OGD is 10x the fun of AONE...and AONE was pretty damn fun, imo. Ya'll should ALL come up to OGD

05-23-2005, 12:00 PM

to anyone who took pics at AONE (Thor, Bill, Mayhem I know yall fall into this category)

please send me a PM and I will send you an FTP login. I'd love to get the hi-res versions of everyone's pics.

05-23-2005, 12:15 PM
Kevmaster's Pictures:

HERE (http://www.beog.org/kevin/aone7/aone7.html)

05-23-2005, 12:51 PM
I also want to thank everyone who shot my skittles. I brought like 40+ lbs of paint in a huge jug, some of which was from Shatnerball 1, and possibly some older, and at least 2/3rds of it was used up. The jug was much lighter on the way home.

Taste the rainbow :)

05-23-2005, 12:56 PM
that paint got worse and worse as the jug slowly got to the bottom. If it wasnt super brittle, it was rock hard and dried up ;)

05-23-2005, 12:59 PM
that paint got worse and worse as the jug slowly got to the bottom. If it wasnt super brittle, it was rock hard and dried up ;)

But at least it wasn't swollen! There were some really nasty dimples in the bottom though :)

BUT it was all free, so STFU :)

05-23-2005, 01:00 PM
that stuff was fun to shoot, you had no idea what it was going to do, but man did it suck playing against, i mean really, what paint bounces off of some ones colar bone? i can understand every where else on my supple body, but my colar bone? hehe all in all, it was a great time!

05-23-2005, 02:07 PM
That was a great drunken call, even though I was also drinking and cant remember all the people I talked to...besides the cathy chick that said you all were weird

05-23-2005, 02:42 PM
Except for those who were there, who can tell me whats special about this pic? ;)

they have guinness holders built into the mic stands, now that's dedication, bravo
bums didn't even call me

05-23-2005, 04:07 PM
you should have come wyn, wouldnt have had to worry about us not calling you then :)

05-23-2005, 04:18 PM
bums didn't even call me

thats cuz they don't like you

05-23-2005, 04:36 PM
I'll answer that, at least what I think you wanted to hear...

When JFK got in town there was SEAMEN everywhere! :rofl:

I had a great time in BAHH-STIN... Heck I even got to see Cheers, and Harvard, even though we were speeding past them and dodging traffic, retah-ded cabbies, and drunken peeps trying to cross the street anywhere they could. BTW, thanks for the ride Rob. :D

Damnit I saw you there! Did you have a backpack with a anadian maple leaf on it? Or a bag or jacket or soemthing? I could've sworn I saw that same backpack at the aone game but never made the connection.

Anyways I had fun playing with the 24th MEU.

05-23-2005, 04:58 PM
Nope, that wasnt him. We were at govt center, then went straight to the Black Rose. Where we drank the bar dry. Well, us and like 400 other people. Mostly us though.

05-23-2005, 07:16 PM
I only took pics of two games, and this was the first time I ever took pictures with my SLR through a paintball mask. Its rather difficult when you can only see half the viewfinder, hence the many off-center pictures and such :) But I'll share them all anyway.


05-23-2005, 07:22 PM
I only took pics of two games, and this was the first time I ever took pictures with my SLR through a paintball mask. Its rather difficult when you can only see half the viewfinder, hence the many off-center pictures and such :) But I'll share them all anyway.


My neck hurts now. Good to see some pics, thanks. And what about this 'possum? And Tuna's war wound?

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-23-2005, 08:38 PM
Oh that poor possum, im still hurt about that poor possum, thanks to Wheelman, it was fast and painless, but what we saw when we came up on it will be etched in our minds for ever and ever, trust me. the sight was like no other.

Wheelman you are a true humanitarian.

Nothing should have to go through what that possum was going through.... :cry:

But now the Duck, the duck is a lucky duck, good luck to the duck, congrats to the duck, lots of love for the Duck and her new family!!!! :clap:


05-23-2005, 08:42 PM
My neck hurts now. Good to see some pics, thanks. And what about this 'possum? And Tuna's war wound?

considering a lot of the pictures were off-center or blurry anyway, I didn't do anything other than run them through photoshop in a batch re-size / web gallery. I barely looked at them.

05-23-2005, 08:59 PM
Oh that poor possum, im still hurt about that poor possum, thanks to Wheelman, it was fast and painless, but what we saw when we came up on it will be etched in our minds for ever and ever, trust me. the sight was like no other.

Wheelman you are a true humanitarian.

Nothing should have to go through what that possum was going through.... :cry:

But now the Duck, the duck is a lucky duck, good luck to the duck, congrats to the duck, lots of love for the Duck and her new family!!!! :clap:


someone needs to post the possum story. I hear bits and pieces, but, have no idea what is going on.

05-23-2005, 09:51 PM
Well we were coming back from dinner after the game and there was this possum in the road that didn't look right, so we looped around and it was sitting there in puddle of blood, it had been hit....bad. Basically it was dead and just didn't know it yet. Rather than have it sit there and puke it's insides out and suffer I opted to give it a 255 double tap and took care of it. Had to be by far the most unpleasant thing I've ever done, but seemed like the right thing to do.

As far as the duck goes, this campsite we were at had ducks all over the place and one of them saturday night decide to biuld a nest out behind Erics site and started pumping out eggs, that was kinda cool.

The circle of life and stuff

05-23-2005, 10:08 PM
I was at a party once, and my friends dog tore up a possum real bad. Broke its back, it was a mess.

One of the girls at the party was a vet student, so we asked her to take care of it. She got a shovel out of the garage and beat the thing to death. If there had been any young children around, they surely would have been traumatized.

05-23-2005, 10:13 PM
Well we were coming back from dinner after the game and there was this possum in the road that didn't look right, so we looped around and it was sitting there in puddle of blood, it had been hit....bad. Basically it was dead and just didn't know it yet. Rather than have it sit there and puke it's insides out and suffer I opted to give it a 255 double tap and took care of it. Had to be by far the most unpleasant thing I've ever done, but seemed like the right thing to do.

As far as the duck goes, this campsite we were at had ducks all over the place and one of them saturday night decide to biuld a nest out behind Erics site and started pumping out eggs, that was kinda cool.

The circle of life and stuff

was it the camp site with the little pond near it, near the big fields towards the back?

i used to camp there all the time when i was a kid

05-23-2005, 10:30 PM
I remember a pond, but I didn't see a big field in back, but their map shows one.

Eric Of Extreme Measures
05-23-2005, 10:40 PM
Now Wheel, I would have let them hang for a while longer. But is was a sick sight...

The duck, that was neat, it was cool...


Creative Mayhem
05-23-2005, 10:50 PM
they have guinness holders built into the mic stands, now that's dedication, bravo
bums didn't even call me

If I had my phone with me, I had yours and countless other AOer's numbers, but i didn't and of course, no one else had your number... BUMS, all of them! :D

05-24-2005, 12:13 AM
Looks like you all had a good time, I'll try and make it to the next meet that happens after september 1st, when I get back for school.

05-24-2005, 07:51 AM
I have wyns number but I was too busy drinking, you guys had my phone, you didn't even check.

05-24-2005, 08:15 AM
Now Wheel, I would have let them hang for a while longer. But is was a sick sight...

The duck, that was neat, it was cool...


Can't hang to long or it loses it's suspense and people get bored, kinda how the bigfoot story crumbled on Chris. Now taht was wrong.

Creative Mayhem
05-24-2005, 10:36 AM
Looks like you all had a good time, I'll try and make it to the next meet that happens after september 1st, when I get back for school.

AO Canada Sept 24-25 ;)

I have wyns number but I was too busy drinking, you guys had my phone, you didn't even check.

We were drunk, hence why you had to dial.... i couldn't check if i wanted...:p

05-24-2005, 10:58 AM
Ok, a little OT, but I need to know who is going to IAO. I just found out that I am able to take the time off of work to go, and would like to link up with you AO guys who are going. I need to arrange flight/hotel/etc., so if anyone is planning such things, I'd like in on it. PM me!

Creative Mayhem
05-24-2005, 11:26 AM
Ok, a little OT, but I need to know who is going to IAO. I just found out that I am able to take the time off of work to go, and would like to link up with you AO guys who are going. I need to arrange flight/hotel/etc., so if anyone is planning such things, I'd like in on it. PM me!

I tried PM'ing yah but you box was full. Empty that thing before you ask for a PM ;) Damn noobs ;)

Hey, AFTICA will be there and all of us are drunks/AO members. Myself, OS, Edwierd, Thordic, Manike, RKjunior, Miscue, Alley will be playing on the thursday/friday. Kevmaster is running it, so he will be there. As far as i know Muzikman, nitehawk, lee, cameo are on POG's team. And there will be other AO stragglers there as well, i know MAgman007, NTN4502 will be there as well as Jdev prolly a bunch of other too.

So there will be many AOers there to join up with. I cant remember for sure, but i think AFTICA has 2 rooms at the Comfort Inn in Cranberry. So you are more than welcome to book there, which iirc is where most of the ownersgroup teams are booking, and join the festivities/drunkeness :D

05-24-2005, 11:29 AM
Ha you beat me too it.. PMs are full..


Oldsoldier and I are driving out with JoeyD.

Bill and I are on AFTICA, the AGD team, with Manike, Creative, Miscue, Alley, and Edweird.

JoeyD is playing on AKA. He is looking for players, for the owners group. If you are interested, I could be convinced to loan out the Viking.

I know we are looking for poeple to help share room costs and rental car costs.. Aftica has 2 rooms booked already..

it's a HELLUVA good time... Don't miss it.

Hit me up on aim to chat about it. liquid2uns

there's my PM.

05-24-2005, 11:34 AM
Sweet! I am kind of up in the air about flying (pun intended) as I cannot rent a car without a HUGE hassle, due to my being under 25 (23). Who would be the person to contact about the Comfort Inn in Cranberry?

EDIT - I cleaned out my PMs.

05-24-2005, 12:07 PM
Sweet! I am kind of up in the air about flying (pun intended) as I cannot rent a car without a HUGE hassle, due to my being under 25 (23). Who would be the person to contact about the Comfort Inn in Cranberry?

EDIT - I cleaned out my PMs.

Just the inn in general. I'd talk to Bill (OS) to see if there is room with us, you may be able to hitch a ride with us.

05-24-2005, 01:20 PM
yeah...just call and ask for a rate

05-24-2005, 02:07 PM
I'll call the Inn tomorrow while I am at work. Thanks for the info! Now back to the topic!

05-24-2005, 02:59 PM
Thanks for forgetting me, Rob.

I think we may have room, Ed has two rooms and I don't think we are full. I'll ask him when I see him in chat.

05-24-2005, 03:15 PM
Thanks for forgetting me, Rob.

I think we may have room, Ed has two rooms and I don't think we are full. I'll ask him when I see him in chat.

bah, who remembers you rec players..

(i have a feeling i'll be paying for this, at the bar)

05-24-2005, 03:18 PM
I am personally a tourny drinker. :D

05-24-2005, 04:23 PM
Cmayhem- We'll see about AOCanada, I think that is the weekend of the San Diego Nppl which is looks like I might be playing in. If not, maybe I can figure out a way to make it up there.

05-25-2005, 09:21 AM
Cmayhem- We'll see about AOCanada, I think that is the weekend of the San Diego Nppl which is looks like I might be playing in. If not, maybe I can figure out a way to make it up there.

NPPL is overrated. Canada is overrated. AO Canada...however...is not

Soopa Villain17
05-25-2005, 09:29 AM
common guys this thread is for pics and stuff , not to talk about canada and getting drunk :cheers: , id liek to see more pics of this stuff , espeicaly the fun pump game

05-25-2005, 09:51 AM
ask jdev where his pics might be

Creative Mayhem
05-25-2005, 12:31 PM
common guys this thread is for pics and stuff , not to talk about canada and getting drunk :cheers: , id liek to see more pics of this stuff , espeicaly the fun pump game

The link to my pics is up, and all my pics are there.... so go look AGAIN *****! ;) :D

05-25-2005, 04:32 PM
common guys this thread is for pics and stuff , not to talk about canada and getting drunk :cheers: , id liek to see more pics of this stuff , espeicaly the fun pump game

Dude, where are you priorities? Drinkning is obviously much more important than paintball! People these days...

05-26-2005, 12:37 PM
Any progress on a video? :D

05-26-2005, 01:56 PM
Would there be any interest in having an AO Pump day. I've talked a little bit about this with Soopa Villain, just wanted to see if any one else wanted to do this.

I just ordered my First Pump!

05-26-2005, 01:57 PM
I'm not sure if there was anyoneone there videotaping it this time, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure nobody did.

05-26-2005, 01:58 PM
Any progress on a video? :D

where was your candy arse, jon? i got the vike back!

Creative Mayhem
05-26-2005, 02:34 PM
I'm not sure if there was anyoneone there videotaping it this time, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure nobody did.

Joey took some vid IIRC, you need to harrass him. :D

05-26-2005, 06:01 PM
Well we were coming back from dinner after the game and there was this possum in the road that didn't look right, so we looped around and it was sitting there in puddle of blood, it had been hit....bad. Basically it was dead and just didn't know it yet. Rather than have it sit there and puke it's insides out and suffer I opted to give it a 255 double tap and took care of it. Had to be by far the most unpleasant thing I've ever done, but seemed like the right thing to do.

As far as the duck goes, this campsite we were at had ducks all over the place and one of them saturday night decide to biuld a nest out behind Erics site and started pumping out eggs, that was kinda cool.

The circle of life and stuff

what is a 225 double tap :confused:

05-26-2005, 06:19 PM
what is a 225 double tap :confused:
I'll guess 255 is the gun, and he fired twice?

05-26-2005, 06:35 PM
255 is my tire size, take it from there.

05-26-2005, 06:39 PM
Ah so close...

So pump day anyone?

05-26-2005, 06:45 PM
Ah so close...

So pump day anyone?
im in... if someone will lend me a pump :p

*edit* talons do not qualify as "pumps"

05-26-2005, 06:46 PM
where was your candy arse, jon? i got the vike back!

I know, I know . . . we're renovating the house and I needed to help so I couldn't go. First AO NE Day I've missed! Anyway. I saw the Vike in the pictures, it's incredible! I can't wait to see it on Sunday (that's if the rain holds off for one weekend)!

05-26-2005, 09:00 PM
Ah so close...

So pump day anyone?
I'd love to try it, just depends on where it would be held. I have a feeling Fox 4 would be open to it. That looked like so much fun when youse guys were playing on the speedball field. It tripped me out to hear thousands of balls being shot on the speedball field in my left ear, and pop ... pop, pop ... pop .... .... .... pop in my right ear (c:

I have 5 pump guns total for people to use, 4 of them meet stock class rules. Hell, I'd even convert one of my Autocockers to pump. I'd like to play with all of mine so we could swap guns all day. That would make it a little fairer too.

05-26-2005, 09:16 PM
I'll have my phantom by then. I would love to shoot a pump cocker. I hope if it is at fox4 I can go, cause I couldn't go to AONE 7 cause its 3 hours away.

05-26-2005, 11:50 PM
I tried PM'ing yah but you box was full. Empty that thing before you ask for a PM ;) Damn noobs ;)

Hey, AFTICA will be there and all of us are drunks/AO members. Myself, OS, Edwierd, Thordic, Manike, RKjunior, Miscue, Alley will be playing on the thursday/friday. Kevmaster is running it, so he will be there. As far as i know Muzikman, nitehawk, lee, cameo are on POG's team. And there will be other AO stragglers there as well, i know MAgman007, NTN4502 will be there as well as Jdev prolly a bunch of other too.

So there will be many AOers there to join up with. I cant remember for sure, but i think AFTICA has 2 rooms at the Comfort Inn in Cranberry. So you are more than welcome to book there, which iirc is where most of the ownersgroup teams are booking, and join the festivities/drunkeness :D

Be there with bells on ready and willing to harass anyone who comes withing 10 feet of me... :clap:

Looks like y'all had a heck of a time.. I was in Philly that weekend, I should have hopped a flight and joined you, but to be truthful, Y'all are to hardcore partiers for me (i am a non- drinking stick in the mud who laughs at the drunks making fools of themsleves). :cheers:

05-27-2005, 06:23 AM
talons do not qualify as "pumps"

I dunno SoopaVillian was doing pretty well with his busted ghetto talon, and he was using a quarter to cock the damn thing and feeding a ball at a time from his pocket, now IMHO thats pretty f'n hardcore.

I couldn't go to AONE 7 cause its 3 hours away.

:cry: Waaaaaa, I came from 2 1/2 hours north of you to get there, pretty lame excuse :rolleyes:

Soopa Villain17
05-27-2005, 06:36 AM
lol im gunna get a phnatom sumime to but i gutta up my mag a lil more, yup

05-27-2005, 06:51 AM
Just to clarify, as I got extremely confused: The OGD hotel is the Comfort Inn Cranberry in Mars, PA. its not in Cranberry. I am going to be playing for the AIR (cocker) OGD team with my new Westwood. :D

BTW, I am SO in the poop house with my GF over going to IAO, which is the same weekend of her family reunion.

I'll be at Fox4 on Sunday as well. See yall there!

05-27-2005, 06:51 AM
lol im gunna get a phnatom sumime to but i gutta up my mag a lil more, yup
how about starting with a trigger gaurd?

05-27-2005, 06:58 AM
Cranberry and Mars are right next to one another. Its all the same street. :)

Soopa Villain17
05-27-2005, 07:00 AM
im getting a logic vert frame in like aweek , noworrys there :D

Soopa Villain17
05-27-2005, 07:04 AM
and a shadow rail :ninja:

05-27-2005, 07:08 AM
Cranberry Marz Barz

w0000000t! All paid up for lodging/entry/jersey! mwahahahaa

05-27-2005, 07:20 AM
I dunno SoopaVillian was doing pretty well with his busted ghetto talon, and he was using a quarter to cock the damn thing and feeding a ball at a time from his pocket, now IMHO thats pretty f'n hardcore.


:cry: Waaaaaa, I came from 2 1/2 hours north of you to get there, pretty lame excuse :rolleyes:

Pretty lame excuse? Your'e talking to the wrong person bub.

yeah Soopa Villain should have a nice frame and rail pretty soon.

Creative Mayhem
05-27-2005, 08:56 AM
Man, If i could, I'd be there for a pump day for sure, but alas... it prolly won't happen.

For those of you coming, or planning on coming to AO Canada (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=161643) bring your pumps! We will skool the locals with them! :D

05-27-2005, 09:09 AM
Im down, eh?

I'll bring my VSCSD (silenced) phantom.


05-27-2005, 09:15 AM
I couldn't go to AONE 7 cause its 3 hours away.

Wahh wahh, I drove 4-5 hours each way to be there, and magman007 did almost 7.

05-27-2005, 09:48 AM
Please read post #123 Thordic. I'm 14 years old I couldn't drive. I was depending on my father to give me a ride, he kept saying I could go and he would drive me on the friday before he told me I couldn't go because it was too long of a ride.

Soopa Villain17
05-27-2005, 09:54 AM
yea that sucks , if i have my license by next ao ill pick ya up

05-27-2005, 11:46 AM
im up for more pump games. almost done with my phantom. my pumpmag just seemed allite overkill in those games with the revy and 68/3000 on it. for the phantom i just gotta get the pump return spring that i didnt know i was missing until aone7. i stopped at the shop i deal with on the way home the day of aone7 and they had been able to get the purple/black acidwash cci stock and parts for me. id mostlikly bring both the phantom and pumpmag.

im also pretty sure i got shot out by soopa's ghetto talon. so talons do work......... barely.

05-28-2005, 03:52 AM
Cranberry and Mars are right next to one another. Its all the same street. :)

kinda but not really.. 228 goes through Mars which goes into Cranberry. The hotel you are looking for is just off of rt. 19. It is just the whole Mars is older then Cranberry and sometimes the older buisnesses keep the mars addy....But anywho.. ask Alley, she lives there and can get your the number and proper addy. I am much to lazy to look it up.

05-28-2005, 03:56 AM
Man, If i could, I'd be there for a pump day for sure, but alas... it prolly won't happen.

For those of you coming, or planning on coming to AO Canada (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=161643) bring your pumps! We will skool the locals with them! :D

Remind me at Iao... and in email. and call to remind me, maybe send a letter or two, singing telegram helps also... Is september a good time for Niagra?

Creative Mayhem
05-28-2005, 01:39 PM
Remind me at Iao... and in email. and call to remind me, maybe send a letter or two, singing telegram helps also... Is september a good time for Niagra?

Yup. Usually still quite warm that time of the year.