View Full Version : Looking Into Buying Mag

05-22-2005, 06:42 PM
I'm looking into buying a Mag and so far the best deal seems to be a Paradigm. Anyone else know of a better deal? The TacOne for 425 is a close second but the Paradigm goodies has me leaning toward its side. I should be buying it within two weeks, but really would like to know everyone's suggestions.

Another question. My buddy is trying to sell a 03' Cocker, with Center Feed, Dye Titanium Barrel, Kapp Cradle w/ On/Off, Dye Grips, Flame Trigger w/ new Frame. A new bolt and a tuneup are needed. He used it for a year then retired from paintball and has been sitting in his room until now. How much will he be able to sell it for?

So my questions are:

*Does anyone know a deal superior to the RPG Paradigm?

*How much this cocker worth?


05-22-2005, 09:50 PM
*Does anyone know a deal superior to the RPG Paradigm?The Paradigm, soon to be replaced with the 'Pro' is one of two ways to go for new. Tunaman ( :hail: ) builds custom RT Pros, just PM him with the specs your looking for. There are others but, Those would be my choices. Or, if you don't have a problem with buying one used, there usual are some pretty good deals flooting around in the B/S/T forums.

*How much this cocker worth?I haven't kept up on cocker pricing... Last I heard don't go for much, especially being a WGP without a E Blade.

Maybe that helped......... :p

05-22-2005, 10:41 PM
The 'cocker would be worth $175ish, maybe more on eBay.

05-23-2005, 10:52 AM
The Paradigm 'Pro' needs to get released already. Once next paycheck comes in I should be placing my order, and joining the Mag community. :cheers:

Anyone else have any quotes on how much that cocker is worth?

One last thing how much is a ACI Bulldog 68/3000 HPA tank with a 03/03 Hydro (Needs ReHydro every 3 years) be worth?