View Full Version : anyone a police officer here?

05-23-2005, 05:20 PM
i have to do a interview with a police officer i was just wondering if there was a police officer on here and if they would answer some questions about becoming a police officer if i private messaged them


05-23-2005, 05:50 PM
paintball, let me know how the interview goes, i'm also interested in becoming an officer.

05-23-2005, 05:53 PM
yes you get to talk chicks you pulled over into flashing you
no you don't get to steal the weed you confiscate
yes you do get a nifty baton
no you don't get to shoot people at a whim
did i cover the basics?

05-23-2005, 05:58 PM
wad. ill paste the interview
lord= haha

05-23-2005, 06:04 PM

05-23-2005, 06:34 PM

05-23-2005, 06:50 PM
thanks man i posted there i hope they get back to me

05-23-2005, 06:56 PM
What did you want to know?

05-23-2005, 07:00 PM
Mango used to be an officer. But he is no longer one due to internal conflicts with his force.

05-23-2005, 07:10 PM
Yeah, I just took the local test a little over a week ago. Waiting to hear back for an interview.

05-23-2005, 07:50 PM
Yeah, I just took the local test a little over a week ago. Waiting to hear back for an interview.
Don't they use most of those lists for about four years? It could be awhile before you get your interview.

05-23-2005, 08:03 PM
yes you get to talk chicks you pulled over into flashing you
no you don't get to steal the weed you confiscate
yes you do get a nifty baton
no you don't get to shoot people at a whim
did i cover the basics?

no, infact, we are all dumber now for having read this.

05-23-2005, 08:22 PM
I am a police officer.



I am just kidding, I'm not a real police officer.

05-23-2005, 09:08 PM
I am a police officer.



I am just kidding, I'm not a real police officer.o i c what u did there

Ole Unka Phil
05-23-2005, 09:51 PM
What did you want to know?

Here is your man.... speak to him. He is your best resource here.

Also I strongly recomend you go down to your local PD and ask about the Explorers program. Great program and good place to develope networks and see what its all about. And remember.... you got to do something till your 21 (unless you already are) and those things include taking Law Enforcement classes at your technical college and doing Explorers.

05-24-2005, 12:27 AM
while we have a thread going and any cops might be looking, im just gunna put this out there, cuz its not worth its own thread. Is an off duty cop aloud to write me a ticket? I was screwin around today with my boys, nothing horrible just highschool stuff, and this guy came over and freaked out on us. Im always respectful to people who are respectful to me, but he wasnt, so I made a couple threats that I shouldnt have and I pushed him (not hard at all, he was too close to my face for comfort) . Anyway, he walked up the street and got his neighbor/friend who is a cop but he was off duty. They came back together and pretty much tag teamed me. I got it from both ends and he took my liscense plate and said I would be getting a fine in the mail. I thought they were bluffing so I called them on it and gave them my real name and everything(I didnt believe he was a cop) and dared them to write me a ticket. Well, now I found out he really is a cop, but wasnt on duty. Can he do that? Cite me while not on duty that is..... I hate fines. :cry:

05-24-2005, 01:17 AM
while we have a thread going and any cops might be looking, im just gunna put this out there, cuz its not worth its own thread. Is an off duty cop aloud to write me a ticket? I was screwin around today with my boys, nothing horrible just highschool stuff, and this guy came over and freaked out on us. Im always respectful to people who are respectful to me, but he wasnt, so I made a couple threats that I shouldnt have and I pushed him (not hard at all, he was too close to my face for comfort) . Anyway, he walked up the street and got his neighbor/friend who is a cop but he was off duty. They came back together and pretty much tag teamed me. I got it from both ends and he took my liscense plate and said I would be getting a fine in the mail. I thought they were bluffing so I called them on it and gave them my real name and everything(I didnt believe he was a cop) and dared them to write me a ticket. Well, now I found out he really is a cop, but wasnt on duty. Can he do that? Cite me while not on duty that is..... I hate fines. :cry:
I don't think you'll have to worry about it. You had friends there, right? Witnesses, man.

Good luck with that. My best friend is a Deputy with L.A. County. Let me know if you have problems, maybe he knows someone with O.C. who can lay the smack down on your neighbor's friend. :D

05-24-2005, 07:31 AM
while we have a thread going and any cops might be looking, im just gunna put this out there, cuz its not worth its own thread. Is an off duty cop aloud to write me a ticket? I was screwin around today with my boys, nothing horrible just highschool stuff, and this guy came over and freaked out on us. Im always respectful to people who are respectful to me, but he wasnt, so I made a couple threats that I shouldnt have and I pushed him (not hard at all, he was too close to my face for comfort) . Anyway, he walked up the street and got his neighbor/friend who is a cop but he was off duty. They came back together and pretty much tag teamed me. I got it from both ends and he took my liscense plate and said I would be getting a fine in the mail. I thought they were bluffing so I called them on it and gave them my real name and everything(I didnt believe he was a cop) and dared them to write me a ticket. Well, now I found out he really is a cop, but wasnt on duty. Can he do that? Cite me while not on duty that is..... I hate fines. :cry:

You threatened and assaulted/battered someone? And now you want to get out of a ticket? :rolleyes:

Most police officers have full police powers on and off duty. If thats the case, looks like you earned yourself a ticket. And "highschool stuff" isnt justification to act stupid. Laws are there to protect people.

05-24-2005, 04:22 PM
I simply don't understand why so many people hate cops. especially teenagers, granted i am a teen i still respect police officers.

bam wannabe
05-24-2005, 05:23 PM
i dont have a problem with cops, i have one living next door to me. its actually cool.

he doesnt care what i do, at all. and when i have neighbors come up to my house and ***** for some stupid thing i did (ie... hitting golf balls from my front lawn across a field towards houses facing me) i just point at his house, and say "hey, he said i could" :dance:

05-24-2005, 06:16 PM
I simply don't understand why so many people hate cops. especially teenagers, granted i am a teen i still respect police officers.
Because they are constantly harassing us. The other night I was in dunkin donuts parking lot (that's where us idiots hang out) and I had a maglite and a jackhandle out to demonstrate to someone how to properly blind and beat some body so they never see it comming. Can you believe an off duty cop yelled at me and made me put that stuff away?
*end sarcasm mode.
Then he tried to kick us out of the parking lot but between the 40 or so of us who show up there (only ten or so are there at a time) we make up most if not all of that guys buisness after 9pm so we got the owner to come out and tell the cop he wanted us there. I think the next time he sees me on the street I'm in for a whole pile of tickets :(

05-24-2005, 06:20 PM
i think any cop would have yelled at you for being a dumbass. and why were you demonstrating how to properly "blind and beat" someone? I think that gives a legitiment reason for a police officer to yell at you. its his flipping job.

05-24-2005, 06:27 PM
i think any cop would have yelled at you for being a dumbass. and why were you demonstrating how to properly "blind and beat" someone? I think that gives a legitiment reason for a police officer to yell at you. its his flipping job.
I know he had a good reason to yell. Post now edited for people who can't detect sarcasm.
It was just a random thing, someone joked about my sister when I pulled up so I grabbed a maglite then he walked to his car and grabbed a bat, so I got a jackhandle out of my car. Then all three thigns were sitting there an hour or so. For some reason we got on the subject of the cops always shineing flashlights in your eyes which eventually turned into a demonstration of why they do it. Someone also said "that's how you go cop style on someone", I think that comment pissed him off more than anything.

05-24-2005, 06:30 PM
so wait, you're mad because a cop yelled at you for grabbing a bat and a jackhandle out of your car to "properly demonstrate" how to attack someone? what are you thinking?

05-24-2005, 06:54 PM
no you don't get to steal the weed you confiscate

And why not? I mean all you gotta do is find some kids are smoking and then say give me ur stuff and ill let you go and then they'll give u they're stuff and u can let them go and everyones happy lol. How you gonna get caught?

05-24-2005, 09:19 PM
so wait, you're mad because a cop yelled at you for grabbing a bat and a jackhandle out of your car to "properly demonstrate" how to attack someone? what are you thinking?
I never said I was mad, go read the post again.

05-24-2005, 09:21 PM
And why not? I mean all you gotta do is find some kids are smoking and then say give me ur stuff and ill let you go and then they'll give u they're stuff and u can let them go and everyones happy lol. How you gonna get caught?
Because you're going to loose your job. Then your're going to go to jail for a long time. Then being an ex-cop you're going to have a lot of fun in jail.

05-24-2005, 10:14 PM
but you're saying you hate cops? you replied to my post about why teenagers hate cops, and you replied "because they....." i'm not taking you word for word and i'm assuming you don't actually hate cops. But if you weren't mad or upset that the cop yelled at you, what were you thinking then?

05-24-2005, 10:56 PM
You threatened and assaulted/battered someone? And now you want to get out of a ticket? :rolleyes:

Most police officers have full police powers on and off duty. If thats the case, looks like you earned yourself a ticket. And "highschool stuff" isnt justification to act stupid. Laws are there to protect people.

well yea...but it just didnt happen like that. The guy freaked out. I was all look buddy we arent looking for any problems, and you dont have to be a complete *** about it. And hes like you think im giving you problems now? You want problems son ill give you a problem! And the dude got right in my face. So there he threatened me first. So I told him to get the ** out of my face or Ide knock him out. So we threatened each other. And I didnt push him hard, really I didnt. But I wanted him at a good distance so I could land a quick knock out punch before I had to go to the pavement and grapple with a 45 year old dude. Although it would have felt good to have him in a nice tight armbar... :) Listen Ill admit when I pick a fight, but I didnt start this one.

05-25-2005, 08:48 AM
so you didn't start a fight by pushing him first? hm ok, whatever lets just drop the topic no one is going to win here.

05-25-2005, 09:27 AM
I'm an inspiration for birth control

05-25-2005, 01:10 PM
haah tool